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KBO News Forum

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Forum for KBO News

News and information about the Korean Baseball Organization.

2840 messages in 2481 topics. Last post: Oct 22, 2016 4:55 PM.

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166 pages in this forum [ Previous1 ... 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111Next ]
  Subject Replies Author Last Post
Korea turns to a veteran for WBC 0   westbaystars   Jan 3, 2009 10:53 AM
Ask a Korean Sportswriter: Guns, Gambling, Baseball, and Guys Who Fall Down and Pretend to be Hurt 0   westbaystars   Jan 1, 2009 9:18 PM
Top 10 sports stories of 2008 0   westbaystars   Dec 31, 2008 12:53 PM
[Viewpoint] Ministry's odd statement on baseball 0   westbaystars   Dec 31, 2008 12:16 PM
Korea's World Baseball Classic Roster Released 0   westbaystars   Dec 27, 2008 11:38 PM
2nd Roster for WBC Announced 0   westbaystars   Dec 26, 2008 11:09 PM
Matsui's job may be in jeopardy 0   westbaystars   Dec 26, 2008 11:06 PM
Kim Transfer at Crossroads 0   westbaystars   Dec 26, 2008 11:05 PM
What would Choo do? 0   westbaystars   Dec 26, 2008 11:03 PM
Baseball's New Captain 0   westbaystars   Dec 26, 2008 10:58 PM
KBO chairman steps down 6 days after his appointment 0   westbaystars   Dec 24, 2008 8:39 PM
KBO to take its time in picking leader 0   westbaystars   Dec 24, 2008 8:31 PM
Skulduggery suspected as KBO hunts new head 0   westbaystars   Dec 23, 2008 11:07 PM
No KBO Boss Until Next Year 0   westbaystars   Dec 23, 2008 11:05 PM
Keep This LG Team Together, but Break Up Doosan at All Costs! 0   westbaystars   Dec 23, 2008 11:04 PM
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