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Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
The AP is reporting that Tom Davey, currently in the Red Sox organization, has signed with Hiroshima.

Any word on which gaikokujin the Carp would be dropping, or did someone get injured?

Davey has been around a bit in MLB [Link -].
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Jim Davey | Posted: Jun 29, 2003 9:49 PM ]

How can I get more information on Tom Davey signing and status since going to Japan in English? Have three sites presently, no listings on Tom as yet - just this message.


Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 29, 2003 10:16 PM | YBS Fan ]

Well, so far, Davey has only been playing on the farm team, probably for adjustments to his new environment. Pro Yakyu Jinji-bu [in Japanese] confirms that as of June 24, he was not registered with the top team. I'm afraid that there really isn't much information on what's going on on the farm.

When he has played at ichi-gun level, Davey's results will be located on the Hiroshima Carp stats page on this site.

Until he plays at the top level, I'm afraid that there won't be much information available in any language.

Wish I could give you better news.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: jim davey | Posted: Jul 1, 2003 4:34 AM ]

Thanks very much for the information, just trying to get an understanding on how things are done and how to get the information. Tom is now posted on the roster, so I will be following the site as you have suggested.

Thanks again.

Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Teri Carlson | Posted: Jul 3, 2003 1:16 PM ]

Yes, I want to find out info regarding Tom. I saw him pitch when he was in San Diego and became friends with him. How is he doing?
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Joe Young | Posted: Aug 1, 2003 10:03 AM ]

Unfortunately for Tom, when players are sent to Japan to play ball, it usually means that they are unable to cut it in the bigs here in the U.S. Teams don't want to waste a valuable spot on the 25 or 40 man roster so they send them over seas.

MLB has plenty of pitchers that can throw hard like Davey sometimes does, but you've got to have command and control with all pitches at least 50% of the time. Davey definitely has control issues and I think he realizes that just because he occasionally throws in the mid 90's, that will not be enough to be effective in the bigs.

Joe Y
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Will R | Posted: Aug 6, 2003 7:43 AM ]

First of all, players are not "sent" to Japan -- they choose to go because of the guaranteed salary, etc. Also, from what I've heard, Tom Davey has been starting over in Japan and doing a great job!
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Joe | Posted: Aug 15, 2003 10:33 AM ]

Oh. Did I hit a nerve? First of all, I played professional Baseball for 8 years, so I think I have an understanding of how it works. In fact, I know Davey personally because I played with him at Toronto. Davey got a small taste of MLB, and the cash, and was unhappy making the Triple A salary, which is a far cry from the ML minimum. He decided to fill a hole in the roster for Hiroshima and make a few extra bucks.

At this point he is not a dependable set up man in MLB and probably never will be, so why not go to Japan where he can put up some decent numbers where the competition is mediocre? Of course he is doing a good job for Hiroshima. He is facing hitters that are the equivalent to rookie or short season A talent.

[Admin: Let's not get into a flame war about the quality of baseball in Japan. Joe-san is entitled to his opinion, and I have a feeling that no amount of evidence will change his mind. Please don't feed the trolls.]
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Aug 16, 2003 11:31 AM ]

No sweat. Sorry to raise a stink.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Semper Fi | Posted: Aug 16, 2003 1:18 PM ]

Good afternoon,

Last night Tom Davey piched an awesome complete game. 3-1 victory. At least he is still playing and never gave up.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: washed up | Posted: Aug 28, 2003 6:49 PM ]

First of all, who are you? Sounds like sour grapes, Joe. You must be jealous of Tom. I guess you never made it to the big leagues. It's too bad that you have to be bashing him in this forum.

What exactly is your real name? I also played with Tom and he was a very good major league setup man until his surgery. They say it takes a couple seasons to recover from complex shoulder surgery. He seems to have recovered. He now seems to be back on track, and look for him to be back in the major leagues next year.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: chris | Posted: Aug 31, 2003 12:19 PM ]

I am a huge Tom Davey fan. I know that he got a raw deal in San Diego. I can't wait to see he return to the majors. Show them what you have got, Tom.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Name | Posted: Oct 24, 2003 6:12 AM ]

Jealous? Not here. Been there, done that. I spent 6 seasons on the 40 man and played for 4 years in the bigs. I know Tom very well and I am not bashing him. His head swelled quite a bit when he was drafted and even more when he made the 40 man. He used to say he was going to be the next Randy Johnson (righty) and bragged about it to a lot of his peers. I just think he needs to set more realistic goals. Lets face it, anyone who makes it to the bigs is extremely lucky, even luckier to get there with TD's ability.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: princess | Posted: Nov 8, 2003 1:35 PM ]

Wow this topic has gone on a long time. Tom is back home now in Michigan. He doesn't know whether or not he will be going back to Japan next year or will try finding a organization he'd like to play for. And for the guy who knew Tom or still knows him: his head has gone down a bit. Being in the bigs and being sent down to the minors will do that for you. He's a great guy and I hope he stays here in the States, but Japan was good for him.
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Joe | Posted: Mar 5, 2004 6:37 AM ]

Has anyone heard if anyone will take a chance on Davey this year?
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Vet! | Posted: Mar 5, 2004 3:42 PM ]

Tom Davey is one of the coolest down to earth guys I have ever been on a team with. Check out the updates on, that's where you'll be able to keep up with TD.

Later bro!

[Edited by moderator on Mar 5, 2004 3:48 PM, JST]
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest: Joe | Posted: Apr 25, 2004 11:51 PM ]

So, where is Tom?
Re: Tom Davey signs with Hiroshima
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 26, 2004 9:21 AM ]

The last I'd heard he's in Japan.
Davey Update
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Apr 27, 2004 9:19 PM | YBS Fan ]

A great resource is TBS Radio's Carp page. Look for デイビー on the bottom table (pitching). He's currently got a 2 and 1 record with a 6.43 ERA. He currently leads the league with 13 bases on balls (yellow background leads the league, green leads the team).

Since Borisov-san only covers the leaders, I'm thinking that I need to do the more complete team stats, translating TBS again this year. I'll see what I can put together during Golden Week next week.
Re: Davey Update
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 18, 2004 12:15 AM ]

Tom Davey is expected to miss the remainer of the season. [Link - The Japan Times]
Re: Davey Update
[ Author: Guest: fannie | Posted: Jun 23, 2004 2:14 AM ]

He's back in the States and just had surgery on his shoulder. He's doing well though.

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Michael Westbay
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