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Strike is Off

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Strike is Off
The first reports are coming in from Osaka that the strike scheduled for this weekend is off and that talks between the owners and players will continue into next week. [Link1 - Mainichi Sports@Yahoo] [Link2 - SportsNavi@Yahoo] [Link3 - Yomiuri@Yahoo] [All in Japanese.]

There are still no details about what's been said and/or agreed to, but from these early reports, it doesn't look like the strike is off for good, it's only been postponed a week. I'll fill you all in on the details tomorrow, unless some volunteer has the full scoop tonight.
Re: Strike is Off
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 10, 2004 9:16 PM | YBS Fan ]

I saw on the news Furuta and, I think, Miyauchi-owner (Orix) together announcing that the strike is off for the time being. They said that they had an agreement that there will not be any reduction in teams next season, so it will be 6 teams in each league. They apparently haven't worked out how that will be (i.e. adding Seadax?), but the person I think is Miyauchi-owner said that they have an understanding and trust that this is what will be. Furuta didn't look too convinced, and the news commentator said so.

My wife said that, before I got there, the news on a different channel showed Furuta and the owner representative next to him stand up to conclude the meeting. The owner rep stuck out his hand for a final shake, but Furuta didn't take it. Is there anyone who can confirm this? (Not that I don't trust my wife.) If true, I wonder how far that trust really goes.
Re: Strike is Off
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Sep 11, 2004 11:19 AM ]

Yeah I just saw the press conference, and at the end they both stood up for the photo shoot. The owners' rep extended his hand, Furuta looked at it, grimaced, and turned his back. Funny stuff indeed!
Re: Strike is Off
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 11, 2004 5:01 PM | YBS Fan ]

The representative for the owners was Setoyama-san, a club representative for Lotte.

The above account of what happened appears to be accurate. The only thing that still isn't clear in meaning is if there will be six teams in the Pacific League next year. Some of what I've read appears to say that the owners have promised not to reduce the number of teams next year (from six teams), while some of what I've read appears to say that they aren't going to reduce the teams any farther, meaning that Daiei would be sold rather than merged if anything happens there. The owners are going to run some simulations with a five-team league before committing to six teams.

There are some reports that one or three teams may be added (post merger), and that the Pacific League may have either six or eight teams as early as next season. Nomura-kantoku (Shidax) was on the morning talk circuit this morning (Saturday, September 11, 2004), so Shidax is most definately one of the top contenders to join the professional ranks.

Recent polls in newspapers and Shukan Baseball show that fans are pretty much split between having 12 or 16 teams overall in two leagues, approximately 70% answering one or the other.

While I'm still a little wary of what exactly it was that the owners promised (not to reduce from five or six?), optimism is in the air.
Re: Strike is Off
[ Author: sanshintigers | Posted: Sep 13, 2004 9:48 PM ]

Haha! I just saw the footage of Furuta snubbing the rep. Fantastic! Bless this man and all that he stands or crouches down for! Wooo hooo! Go Furuta! My hero. Now, if only Hanshin players would snub Okada.

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