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April 3rd Andoh v Ishikawa - Opening Day

Discussion in the Tiger Tails forum
April 3rd Andoh v Ishikawa - Opening Day
So to Kyocera Dome while Koshien is prepared after the Spring High School baseball tournament. Mayumi`s first game ended with a comfortable victory and some promising signs from Tigers batters. However, this is just the first game but a win is very welcome. Box scores

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
Swallows 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 8 0
Tigers 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 7 1

Starting lineups
1. Fukuchi (Left)
2. Kawashima (Short)
3. Aoki (Centre)
4. Guiel (Right)
5. D`Antona (First)
6. Miyamoto (Third)
7. Tanaka (Second)
8. Aikawa (Catcher)
9. Ishikawa (Pitcher)

1. Akahoshi (Centre)
2. Sekimoto (First)
3. Toritani (Short)
4. Kanemoto (Left)
5. Arai (Third)
6. Mench (Right)
7. Kanoh (Catcher)
8. Hirano (Second)
9. Andoh (Pitcher)

Andoh wasn`t convincing but still showed some good stuff. Mostly he threw too many ground balls and Kanoh had to be alert to stop these getting out of control. He worked hard though and restricted the Swallows batters when he needed to. Ishikawa though was terrible. He had trouble with his location and the Tigers batters found him very easy to hit. The Swallows first was a bit easy for Andoh and he had no troubles. Incidently Kanoh had an excellent game behind the plate showing intelligence and imagination in his calling. Ishikawa didn`t start so well, he got Akahoshi to fly out but then issued walks to both Sekimoto and Toritani. This season Toritani is wearing high socks which look rather fetching. Ishikawa now had runners on first and second with one out and Kanemoto next up. This was his 41st birthday and as if to get into the swing of things Ishikawa offered him a nice fat pitch which Kanemoto duly despatched into right field for a two base hit 1-0 Tigers. You would have thought that Toritani would have also tried for home a la Mayumi`s desire for players to run but this didn't happen and Tigers had runners on second and third. Next up was Arai who grounded out weakly to short allowing Kawashima to lock Toritani on third before throwing to first for the out. Mench was next and he flew out. He swung well but was a trifle early with the shot and this would be the pattern for three of his outs. He seems to be still nervous. Andoh's troubles started in the second. With two outs he dead balled Miyamoto (his control seemed to go) and then threw a pass ball which defeated Kanoh allowing the Swallows third to advance to second. Tanaka though hit a weak grounder to Arai who was quickly on it and made a good throw to first to end the innings. Tigers second saw a one out hit by Hirano who dropped the ball just nicely in front of Fukuchi at left. Andoh laid down a lovely bunt to take Hirano to second and then Akahoshi hit to right. Hirano though stopped at third and Mayumi didn't look pleased. Sekimoto was up next and received a very nice pitch first ball which he slammed into the stands for a three run home run 4-0 Tigers. Toritani flew out but Tigers had a nice lead. Aikawa led off the Swallows third with a hit but Ishikawa messed up the bunt giving up a pop catch to Andoh. Aikawa was then extinguished in a neat double play. Ishikawa faced Kanemoto as lead off in the bottom and seemed to be still in birthday mode as he left one over the plate. Kanemoto accepted the gift and hit a solo home run 5-0 Tigers and Kanemoto became the first 41 year old in Japanese baseball to hit a home run on opening day. With two out Kanoh hit but Hirano grounded out and that innings was over. Andoh had no problems in the fourth and the Swallows batters fell in order including Aoki who seemed out of sorts this match. Tigers fourth was likewise quiet.

Guiel led off the top of the fifth for the Swallows and Kanoh called for a high pitch as a second strike. Andoh didn't position it well and Guiel crushed the resulting ball into the stands for a solo home run 5-1 Tigers. Andoh started to struggle after this. He gave up a two base hit to Tanaka (who had a good game). Aikawa the next batter flew out in foul ground and Tanaka made third. You couldn't help feeling that this was a waste but Andoh walked Takeuchi (pinch hitting for Ishikawa) to set up runners on first and third. Fukuchi though grounded out and that was that. Satoh was the replacement pitcher for Swallows and he dead balled Toritani who was then thrown out trying to steal second. This pitch also accounted for Kanemoto who struck out looking. In Swallows sixth Andoh served up a two base hit to D'Antona but nothing came of this. The Tigers sixth was quiet. Mayumi then decided that Andoh could pitch the seventh. This proved to be a risky call and as the Swallows seventh unfolded Mayumi looked more and more worried. It started well enough with a Miyamoto ground out but then Tanaka had his second two base hit of the night. Andoh was clearly struggling and served up a centre hit to Aikawa. Tanaka was fast and easily home 5-2 Tigers. Then Hatakeyama (pinch hitter) hit and Swallows had runners on first and second. Fukuchi's ground out took Aikawa to third but Andoh had saved his best for last and struck out Kawashima swinging with a brilliant pitch which swung away from the Swallows short at the last minute. Mayumi's gamble had paid off. Tigers seventh was moribund - nothing happened. Williams pitched the Swallows eighth and got his three batters to ground out - a good start. Arai hit in the bottom but nothing came of this. The ninth brought Fujikawa who gave up a one two base to Tanaka again. Aikawa reached first on an error and the runners advanced to second and third on a ground out. Fukuchi though grounded out and Tigers had won.

A nice first victory for Mayumi. Fujikawa had collected his first save and Andoh his first win. He had had to fight hard at times but had shown very good application. Mench had done nothing and Arai had also been quiet but other key players had had good games. Kanemoto of course and Sekimoto both shone with the bat. Kanoh had had a great start as catcher and had done very well. Swallows had had their chances but had failed to take them whereas Tigers had taken what was offered by a poor Ishikawa
Re: April 3rd Andoh v Ishikawa - Opening Day
[ Author: Guest: gotigersredsox | Posted: Apr 4, 2009 4:49 PM ]

Definitely a good start. Especially nice to see a great start from the birthday boy Kanemoto. You have to wonder when he's going to start to lose his power, but he's off to another good start!
I also like Sekimoto batting second. If he can hit like he did last year, it gives them a lot of versatility. He's a good bunter, but has also shown he has some power.
Having him there knocks Hirano to the bottom of the line-up where he belongs. Not sure how he will do as a first baseman, but hopefully he can make the adjustment.
Anyone think Mench can make it as a regular starter through Golden Week?
Re: April 3rd Andoh v Ishikawa - Opening Day
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Apr 4, 2009 7:33 PM | HAN Fan ]

It's too soon to say but his start hasn't been inspiring.
Re: April 3rd Andoh v Ishikawa - Opening Day
[ Author: Guest: Blue Hen | Posted: Apr 9, 2009 9:12 AM ]

Mench will be fine. He is a proven power hitter. Enough ABs and he will find a groove. Saw it first hand playing with him at U of Delaware. Go Buffalo Head!!!

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Michael Westbay
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