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Tuffy Rhodes

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Tuffy Rhodes
It's seems more apparent now that Tuffy Rhodes won't be back with the Yomiuri Giants now, he didn't take part of a customary hero interview.

When asked about it, he said in Japanese: "I'm going to be fired, I won't be here next year. That's why."

Also, it seems Rhodes earlier comments about coach Sumio Hirota he kind of chased himself of out of Yomiuri.

Overall, Rhodes has batted .240 with 25 HR and 63 RBI this year. Overall, Rhodes has had his share of problems this year.

Though, where does everyone think Rhodes will play next year? If he plays in the NPB next year.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 8:00 AM | HAN Fan ]

Once he opened his mouth to critisize his days at the Giants were numbered. I can't see any other NPB team wanting to pick up his huge salary unless his numbers improve. He looks to be in a similar situation to Petagine so I see him heading to the US.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 10:06 AM ]

He`d still have to be an upgrade for a team like Rakuten but who knows if he`s willing to play for what will probably be a struggling team for the next few years.

Maybe if they splashed some cash?
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Something Lions | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 10:33 AM | SL Fan ]

His numbers look fine (but not spectacular). In fact the low average might allow a team to pick him up for a lower salary, as most people are still more concerned with conventional stats. His OBP is .342 and SLG is .488 which gives him a not so great (but not bad) OPS of .830. He still has high HR an RBI numbers, so that might be expensive..
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 2:01 PM | CD Fan ]

I could actually see him signing with the Buffaloes. If they make the playoffs with the 3rd spot, they might decide to do some upgrades and Tuffy was fairly popular in the region so it wouldn't be a bad fit.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 2:14 PM ]

I think both Orix and Rakuten look like good destinations for Rhodes if he stays in the NPB.

Rhodes was a popular player with the Buffaloes, so it could fit out well, also he could give Rakuten a star player they need too. Though, I think he would have to accept a big paycut. Is, Rhodes ready to do this? I don't know. If he is, he might stay in my opinion and would be a bargain for a team like Rakuten or Orix.

Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 21, 2005 2:48 PM | CLM Fan ]

Tuffy is an older guy and I don't know if his love for the game is gone or not. I haven't watched too many Kyojin games on the net this year. It seems like he's really frustrated right now.

I'd like to see him play for Orix or Rakuten, but like a few guys said, he may have to take a cut in salary. Is his love for the game still strong enough to play for less money and for a team that failed to give him his multiyear deal? Granted that was Kintetsu at the time, but still. In my opinion, Iida and Sekikawa won't be able to play a strong full season next year, so Rakuten will really need a player like Rhodes.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: zman | Posted: Jul 22, 2005 10:14 PM ]

tuffy has still got game but he is clearly not happy playing for the midgets. He will be the fall guy for another failure of a season for that pathetic team. But of course mr stikeout king kiyohara will play next year for sure.

I love Tuffy's batting stance. One of the best ever.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Jul 22, 2005 11:19 PM ]

"He will be the fall guy for another failure of a season for that pathetic team."

While he isn't the only fall guy, he kind of has himself to blame for chasing himself out of Yomiuri. His criticism of conditioning coach Sumio Hirota and the Yomiuri team has chased him out of Yomiuri.

When Rhodes makes comments like "Everybody is lousy, I hate this." These type of comments along with criticism of the coaching staff have all but chased Rhodes out of Yomiuri.

Will, Rhodes return to the NPB next year, I don't know? If he does he will have to accept a massive pay cut. Is, Rhodes love of the game still there to accept a massive pay cut to keep playing, I don't know? His actions also this year also raise a question to me, will any team sign him this offseason given his attitude towards his teammates and coaching staff this year? I don't know. Though, in my opinion his attitude has been unacceptable.

If, Rhodes does accept a pay cut I think he be a great signing for a team like Orix or Rakuten.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: khendo | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 12:27 AM | YG Fan ]

Tuffy often mentioned to me that he wanted to finish his career in Japan, however, that was prior to signing with the Giants. I will also add that he loves Osaka and was hurt deeply when Kintetsu refused to offer him a multi-year deal.

He's been mum this season about his options. I'd like to see him leave Japan, finish up his career as a DH in the Majors, then write a book about his experiences in Japan.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 3:17 AM | CLM Fan ]

Thst may happen, because Japan works like this. If you shame one, you shame them all. There was a Japanese pop singer named Ami Suzuki who tried to sue her label for giving her a crooked deal. This girl was a guaranteed top 5 act. After the legal war was finished, she found herself dropped from her label and completely blacklisted from the major label music business. She somehow got signed back recently, but I don't know how that transpired.

Anyway, the point of this is that Tuffy badmouthed the Giants. The Giants are a huge part of NPB in terms of revenue and power. I wouldn't be surprised if Rhodes gets blacklisted just like Petagine. Despite all his years in Japan and all his efforts to adapt to the culture, those outbursts just killed him.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 8:18 AM | HT Fan ]

Thst may happen, because Japan works like this. If you shame one, you shame them all. There was a Japanese pop singer named Ami Suzuki who tried to sue her label for giving her a crooked deal. This girl was a guaranteed top 5 act. After the legal war was finished, she found herself dropped from her label and completely blacklisted from the major label music business. She somehow got signed back recently, but I don't know how that transpired.

Ami Suzuki was ostracized by the Jpop music industry because she sued her management company to be released from her contract and won. The rest of the Japanese music industry figured that she was too much trouble than she was worth, especially since there are a million Ami Suzukis roaming the malls of Japan. Her most recent album was released on her own indie label, and it isn't any better than the crap she released with Sony.

I don't think Tuffy's actions are comparable to Suzuki's, but you might be right.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 9:43 AM | CLM Fan ]

Let's just say there is one common body that runs most of the Japanese music business, and this common body probably runs a lot of NPB, too.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 11:44 AM | HAN Fan ]

There are several factors that we need to take into account with Tuffy Rhodes. Firstly he has had trouble with the management of two baseball teams, Kintetsu and Kyojin. Admittedly the trouble with Kintetsu was a dispute over contract length but coupled with the troubles he has had with Kyojin coaching staff will make other teams wary. Rhodes I am sorry to say (and I have a lot of sympathy for him) has become too much of a prima donna. His refusal to do the latest hero interview was churlish and rude and didn't do his reputation any good. It will have been noted by the other teams.
Secondly there is the question of his salary - it is very high and he will need to take a massive pay cut to stay in Japan. Rakuten have been mentioned as a potential destination for Rhodes and I would hope it happened but I cannot see Mikitani letting go of the purse strings to the extent that they can afford Rhodes.
Thirdly his performance or rather lack of it will also be a factor. He has not performed badly but he has not been great (due to his unhappiness at Kyojin I would suspect). As a centre fielder he is average and whilst his batting is good he actually leads the Central League in strikeouts. For other teams to consider him with his attitude he needs to be doing better though.
I hope he can stay in Japan but to be honest I do not think he will.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Kenny | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 12:36 PM ]

I agree with you Christopher-Rhodes has become a bit of a prima donna. You say that you have sympathy for him, but as much as I like Rhodes and the way he plays, I just can't have any sympathy for him.

Let's face it-Rhodes knew exactly what he was getting into when he signed with the Giants. That goes for all these other guys who sign as free agents with the Giants and don't pan out (Eto, Petagine, etc). They all want to go play for the Giants because they want the fame and fortune that come with playing for the Evil Empire.

The grass is always greener on the other side. If Rhodes had truly wanted to stay with the Buffaloes, he would've signed that 1-year deal. It wasn't like he was going to be making peanuts and given his history of production, it was a foregone conclusion that he would've be re-signed the year after that. Granted, most people would choose a multi-year deal than a 1-year deal, but if he truly loved Osaka and wanted to stay with the Buffs he could have and would have.

He used to be a happy-go-lucky person who looked like he was enjoying himself out on the field. Now he just looks cranky and looks like he's just going through the motions.

He should write a book, just like someone suggested. Suggested title: "What's eating Tuffy Rhodes?!?"
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 12:56 PM ]

Like I said above, I don't know if Rhodes' love of the game is still there to accept a pay cut? I agree, Mikitani shouldn't sign Rhodes to a big deal given his actions this year toward the Yomiuri coaching staff and team.

Second, is Rhodes' peformance still all that valuable that to a NPB team these days? Yes granted his he's hit 25 HR's, his attitude has been disturbing and completely unacceptable. I don't know, if I completely would say Rhodes would be a perfect player to sign.

If he stays next year, he needs to improve his attitude. He can't make low jabs at his teammates and coaching staff, all in all I don't see Rhodes playing in the NPB next year.

Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 4:11 PM | CD Fan ]

I think he had a point in his criticism of the coach......I know it's not done but they were singling him out and the whole team has been bad. I don't his love of the game has diminished so much as his frustration over losing, performing less than he is capable of and being caught in the Kyojin machine.......If you read interviews with him around last years strike, he was less than enthusiastic about playing for the Giants. Pre-strike, I would have agreed with you 100% that he was done in baseball, but now I think the Pacific league is a little more independent than in the past. I doubt that he would show up on a Central league roster but if the Rakuten owner or Valentine in Chiba thinks that they can use Rhodes, I see him getting signed. It's all gonna come down to salary in the end but Tuffy will have a team.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: tenma thug life | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 10:12 PM ]

I don't imagine another team will sign Tuffy, which is sort of sad. He went and messed up by criticizing Kyoujin but he's still capable of contributing to a team, albeit at a salary-cut. Don't fault the man for not signing the one year contract Kintetsu offered him. Tuffy's an older gaijin player, even though he's played close to ten years in NPB, getting cut is always a possibility. Kintetsu was my favorite Pa-league team but they were cheaper than Scrooge. Let's hope he puts up some big numbers in the second half and doesn't have to end up in the Mexican League.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 10:29 PM ]

The previous poster hit the nail on the head! I dont think Tuffy has a choice between MLB and NPB! Either he takes a paycut to stay in Japan or go back to the States where he will no doubt be offered a minor league contract and unless he performs in Spring camp, its extremely likely he will be knocking around in the minors.

Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 23, 2005 11:01 PM ]

Do, I want to see Rhodes play in Japan next year absoultely. Rhodes is one of my favorite NPB players.

Though, I can't say I feel for Rhodes all that much. His decision not to do the hero interview, like said above was rude, as the popular player Rhodes is. Couple that with the criticism Rhodes has done of his teammates and coaching staff, and the salary problems he had with Kintestu a few years ago, I just don't know if it's 100% certain he'll be back.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Jul 24, 2005 9:04 AM ]

If he still counted as a gaijin, I'd say it was sure he'd go the route of Petagine unless he really stepped it up in the second half. The fact he doesn't, especially if he can raise his average a bit, might well save his NPB career.

Jim Albright
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: matteo | Posted: Jul 24, 2005 11:31 PM ]

i think it may be his time to hang up the cleets. granted, he has been of great value to the NPB but at his age, what more can he achieve? Many times the saying, "love of the game" has been thrown up. However does such a love allow you to be satisfied playing in a losing team such as orix or rakuten? He has given alot to the game in the last 10 years, flair, talent and ego but i cant see what future he has in a lower placed team.

in regards to the book. i dont know who would publish it and also who would buy it?
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Soto | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 5:11 AM ]

How old is Tuffy Rhodes?

After all these years in Japan, a move to MLB with his current numbers would probably bring him at best a $1-$1.5M one year deal. Maybe the Yankees will pick him up?

I would have thought that after nearly 10 years, he would have learned the cultural game by now. Maybe he is just done and is giving everyone the big kiss-off.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 5:19 AM ]

Rhodes is 37 years old. He will be 38 years old next year.

"Maybe the Yankees will pick him up?"

I doubt the Yankees would take a chance with Rhodes, he might see a chance, with a smaller market team, though who needs a corner backup outfield spot. Though he probably end up in Mexico or a independent league next year if he keeps play next year. I don't see many major league teams willing to waste a spot on a AAA roster on Rhodes. Though, I can't be too certain, there is much worse people on AAA rosters these days.

Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 9:55 AM ]

"Though he probably end up in Mexico or a independent league next year if he keeps play next year"

Tuffy would never entertain the option of going to Mexico or IL. Most guys play in those leagues with aspirations of getting picked up by a MLB team (in other words, Tuffy neither need or is looking for that "big break"). At this point in his career, I believe Tuffy wouldn't be too terribly disappointed if this is his final season in Japan. His experience with the Giants hasn't negatively changed is attitude towards the game, fans or Japan, but the Giants. I'm sure he'll finish this season with good numbers and we'll see what happens afterward.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Mischa | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 10:33 AM | TYS Fan ]

> "Though he probably end up in Mexico or a independent
> league next year if he keeps play next year"
> Tuffy would never entertain the option of going to
> Mexico or IL. Most guys play in those leagues with
> aspirations of getting picked up by a MLB team

While I agree that it's unlikely for Rhodes to go to one of those leagues, most of those guys know they'll never play in the majors. Guys in Mexico tend to be in their late 20s or 30s, players who never panned out in the majors or who weren't good enough to play in Japan or did play in one of those leagues but were too old to hold down a job there (players like Scott Bullett, Hector Villanueva, Ty Gainey, Lloyd Moseby, R.J. Reynolds, Eric Knott, etc.); once in a blue moon you get a guy who is MLB-bound, but those are usually Mexican natives. Very rarely do you find someone like John Cangelosi, an American who played in Mexico before the majors.

Independent leagues are pretty similar - looking at the '97 Northern League (the top indy) you find washed-up players like Dwight Smith, Terry Lee, Jerald Clark, Lee Guetterman and non-prospects who never made the majors like Harry Berrios and Mike Meggers. That was an unusual year because you had two guys who would make the majors who were young - Jeff Zimmerman and J.D. Drew, but players like that are the exceptions in the independent leagues.

So, I agree on that it's unlikely Rhodes would play in Mexico or an indy but disagree on that old-timers don't go there to play when their MLB/NPB/AAA careers are done.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 11:18 AM ]

"Tuffy would never entertain the option of going to Mexico or IL."

Though, actually many times there are many times you see great players in Mexico. The last few years we have seen a great numbers of major leaguers come out of the Atlantic League(a Independent League in the East). One of these notable players are Jose Lima who came out of the Newark Bears.

Jeff Zimmerman and J.D. Drew came out of independent leagues. Drew played in a independent league before getting drafted by the Cardinals, after not signing with the Phillies.

Am I certain, Rhodes will play in Mexico or a independent league, but am I sure Rhodes will play for a AAA team next year. Will, Rhodes even play next year who knows? Does, Rhodes even have any love anymore for the game. He seems to be frustated these days.

"Actually, George Steinbrenner loves to take chances on old obscure sluggers like Rhodes. He could sign him to a split major/minors contract. If he hits in ST, then he'll be a good DH."

I not so sure George is so interested in take a chance on Rhodes as a DH, they have Giambi. He's been on a roll, all July.

"As far as the US minors, I don't see that long term. maybe to prove his worth."

What makes you think he's going to start in the majors? Petagine had great numbers in Japan, and continues to have great numbers in AAA Pawtucket. If Boston gave him a chance, he could definetly outhit Olerud or Millar.

"That's where Petagaine is now...and Kapler."

Kapler failed in Japan, he batted .153 with 3HR and 6RBI. Kapler isn't in the same class as Petagine, he flopped in Japan, I hope he can succeed with Boston and contribute with the Red Sox.

Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Tuffy Rhodes | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 12:41 PM ]

"Am I certain, Rhodes will play in Mexico or a independent league, but am I sure Rhodes will play for a AAA team next year. "

You're making alot of sense now, sport. I am certain that you are a fool.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 1:31 PM ]

"You're making alot of sense now, sport. I am certain that you are a fool."

The amount of un-senseable people here is starting to rise, you here claim you're Tuffy Rhodes. Please. I can't wait for Westbay-san to return. It has got a little out of hand lately here.

Second, I had a typo in my statement:

"Am I certain that Rhodes will play in Mexico or a independent league, no. But am I sure he will play in AAA either, I'm not either.
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Guest | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 3:00 PM ]

Poor Westbay-san. he has alot to clean up!
Re: Tuffy Rhodes
[ Author: Guest: Guest | Posted: Jul 25, 2005 10:43 AM ]

How soon the gaijin star turns to crap.......

Actually, George Steinbrenner loves to take chances on old obscure sluggers like Rhodes. He could sign him to a split major/minors contract. If he hits in ST, then he'll be a good DH.

If no one in NPB picks up Tuffy Rhodes, he certainly isn't playing Mexican League ball. As far as the US minors, I don't see that long term. maybe to prove his worth. The AAA teams have lots of old guys, believe it or not, to round out the roster, mentor the kids and to be available for the senior club if a steady hand is needed.. That's where Petagaine is now...and Kapler. Both had nice games tonight, BTW.

An icon like Rhodes getting turned upside down sure is disturbing, but he did open his mouth and he did not follow the rules.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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