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Playoff Confusion

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Playoff Confusion
It seems that the playoff rules are changing every year, so now I'm confused again. I see that in Stage 2 for the PL, 6 games are scheduled. It says that the winner is the first to 4 wins. Does this mean that Seibu gets a bonus for winning the league and starts the series up 1-0? Is the CL using the same system?
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: number9 | Posted: Oct 16, 2008 2:02 AM ]

Yes, they should stop changing the playoff rules every year. And yes, both the Giants and Lions start off the series 1-0, hence the series will only be 6 games long, max.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest: guest | Posted: Oct 16, 2008 3:22 PM ]

I'm really trying to support NPB, but what they keep doing with the playoffs is a joke. I like the idea of a playoff system, but they just need to decide on a format and stick with it.

By the way, any connection between the new advantage the #1 team gets and all the whining Oh-kantoku did when his team kept getting knocked out? I had heard he made a fuss, and he seems to usually get what he wants. Though the new rule won't help him this year!
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 24, 2008 8:05 PM ]

Why didn't Orix even make the playoffs? They were in second place. I really don't understand the NPB playoffs.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 24, 2008 8:18 PM | YBS Fan ]

They did. They were eliminated in the first round.

Please browse the posts in the NPB News and Pro Yakyu News forums for details.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest: guest | Posted: Oct 24, 2008 9:53 PM ]

If you blinked, you would have missed Orix in the playoffs. Despite being the home team, they quickly lost two and were knocked out by the Fighters. In NPB, the first round is just a best-of-three. But since both second place teams lost this year, maybe next year they'll get an advantage, too?
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: number9 | Posted: Oct 29, 2008 4:23 AM ]

I think the best of 3 for the 1st round is good, no need for an advantage. Ideally the dates between the 1st and 2nd rounds are pushed together like the CL this season so that the 1st round winners can't set up their ideal rotation for the 2nd round. I doubt that there'll be more fiddling with the playoffs, for now. After all, finishing 2nd isn't even close to being the pennant winner.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest: N26 | Posted: Oct 29, 2008 8:24 PM ]

Here are my 2 cents.

I think tie games are OK in playoffs as long as they do not count. Just like in the Japan Series. I do think the 1 game advantage is a good idea because it gives more meaning to winning the pennant.

Furthermore, the Central and Pacific Leagues need to coordinate more so that they end the season at the same time.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest: guest | Posted: Oct 29, 2008 11:45 PM ]

Why is it exactly that the PL starts play so far before the CL? I remember hearing that it was a way to get early publicity for the PL, but I don't remember the exact reason. It makes no logical sense to me. Considering that the PL also has the northernmost non-dome team (Eagles), it makes even less sense to start earlier.
Re: Playoff Confusion
[ Author: Guest: N26 | Posted: Oct 30, 2008 6:08 PM ]

I think the reason why the PL starts a week earlier than CL is to attract more fans. It all has to do with marketing. Much like how the PL once played games on Monday whereas CL didn't. As you say, Rakuten play all of their home games during day time in the beginning of the season, even on week days, because of the cold weather, so it would actually make sense if they started a week later than CL. It would make the most sense if they started the season at the same time, though.

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