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A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant

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A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
I have a few more questions about Pawapuro 12...little things I've been wondering about.

In Pennant mode, there's a team management screen that's divided into three boxes. The top box takes you into what appears to be a general team management/strategy menu. The middle box takes you into the pitching rotation adjustment menu. The bottom box takes you into the batting order adjustment menu.

2 questions:

1) In the bottom box, what do those little RED boxes next to some players' names in the batting order adjustment menu mean? You can toggle them on and off for everyone I think, but only a few guys have them on by default.

2) In the top box, the general team management/strategy menu, could someone translate this menu? Its not very long, it would probably only take a minute or two to translate. There's just too much hiragana and kanji for me to do it myself.

Again, I believe this menu has something to do with general team management/strategy. And its probably useful when simulating Pennant games. For example, you could tell your team to run the bases aggresively during your simulated games. I'm just guessing though.

And finally, when a CPU baserunner tags up on one or your outfielders - are there any special buttons you can press to make your outfielder throw harder? Or do you just use the analogue stick to back up from the ball's landing spot and get a running start?

And now an update on my Pennant...

I erased my first Pennant because the difficulty settings had become too easy for me. I'm playing as the Hawks and I'm only 10 games into it.

I'm 4-5-1. Matsunaka has 5 HRs. Zuleta and Jojima each have 4 HRs. Matsunaka and Zuleta have both hit 2 HRs in one game.

2 of my starting fielders went down with injuries in the first 2 or 3 games. Both injuries were of the RED-X variety. I put both players on my TEAM 2 for Rehab. Once you put someone on TEAM 2, they're stuck there for 10 days I think. I'm hoping to get these 2 guys back for my big series against the Lions, who are curently in 1st.

Matsunaka also has a RED-X injury, but it only affects his fielding and running. So I've made him the DH and moved Zuleta to 1st base. I don't want to lose Matsunaka's power for 10 days so early in the season. Once my 2 other injured fielders return, and hopefully once I've built up a bit of a lead - then I'll send Matsunaka to Rehab.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 23, 2005 6:42 AM ]

Woo hoo!

I got my 2 starting fielders back in time for the opener against the Lions. And I think it made a huge difference.

The Lions are in 1st place, and were 9 and 2 before I played them. I spanked them 9 to 1. Matsunaka had his 2nd 2-HR game of the season, and one was a grand slam.

I considered playing another game after this win, but I decided to ride this high for a while.

Also, I'd like to confess something. I've only done this twice so far... But on 2 occasions, I've started a Pennant game and I've just played FLAT. I believe that my FLATNESS has been caused by one or more of the following: distraction, tiredness, lack of motivation, nervousness, or drunkeness.

On these 2 occasions, I became so frustrated with my poor performances that I reset the game to avoid a loss. Again, I've only done this twice and on my second-try I lost one and I won one.

There...probably nobody cares, but I feel better admitting that.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 6:54 AM ]

After I stomped the Lions 9-1, I lost the next two 4-3 and 7-6. But I didn't feel cheated in either loss.

The 7-6 loss came down to my not knowing when to hit to dive and when to hit to lunge.

I also had a game where I walked 5 CPU batters! And it made sense!

My recent experiences with Pawapuro 12 mirror what I've been reading about Pro Evolution Soccer 5 lately. The more you play, the more brilliance you realize.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 6:58 AM ]

The word "hit" appears twice in my post above.

"Circle/X" should appear after the 1st "hit." "Square" should appear after the 2nd "hit."

I'm not sure what went wrong.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 11:26 AM ]

Well , I'm back on Pawapuro 12 ...
with a new team...after reading about all of the teams history, and the rosters ...I finally chose the Yakult Swallows.
I won my first game against the Tigers , Dicky Gonzlez pitched 8 innings, allowing 7 hits, and Alez Ramirez got a 2 run homeruns in the 6th.
After that, I lost the next 2 games against the Tigers, and got swept by the Dragons.
I am now beginning a 3 game series against the Carp in Hiroshima.
I've been getting more realstic games with the Swallows then I did with the Carp.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 4:45 AM ]

The Swallows are solid.

My games are fun/competitive/realistic. But to reach this point, I've had to play a lot.

Pawapuro 12 has a steeper learning curve than most games, I think. It used to frustrate me every time I played it. But I kept at it. And I still see room for improvement.

I'm working on getting comfortable with the fielding controls. I still dive ("X" or "CIRCLE" on PS2) sometimes when I should lunge ("SQUARE"). And at times when I should quick-jump ("X" + "SQUARE" in the direction you're moving) I still full jump ("TRIANGLE").

Here's my lineup for the Hawks if anyone cares:

Kawasaki SS
Shibahara OF
Cabrera 2B
Matsunaka DH (because of an injury)
Jojima C
Zuleta 1B (because of Matsunaka's injury)
Batista 3B
Miagi OF
Omura OF

I made a leaping catch at the wall a few games back. I ran back to the fence, slowed down and then stopped so that I didn't ram the wall and injure myself. And while I was standing still, I timed my jump perfectly ("TRIANGLE" on PS2).

Also, I hit a homerun with a guy who had an "F" in Power and an "E" in Meet. It was off a mistake pitch. I didn't have to move my batting cursor. I just had to time my swing.
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 10:33 PM ]

Hey Jom, why do you have Cabrera as you RBI man? I think you should've left Batista on 3rd in the lineup. Zuleta strikeout a lot so Batista isn't gonna get the RBI numbers he should be getting.

I'm still figuring out Pro Yakyuu spirits 2. The CPU is really ruthless now that I put it on the hardest level SPIRITS. I was the Marines and was close to a Perfect game with Watanabe against the Dragons. I was leading 3-0 in the 9th. Going to the 9th I faced Fukudome and he grounded to first (1 out), Second batter got a bloop single to right, third batter flew out to center (2 outs), fourth batter got a high chopper to reach first.
2 on and 2 outs and my last chance to get a perfect game. Fifth batter came to bat and BANG! hit a 3-run HR to tie the game and I ended up losing 5-3. That was the biggest lost I ever had in a baseball game. I felt so bad afterwards like I lost the world series
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 26, 2005 3:12 AM ]

Batista has an "F" in Meet. I don't feel comfortable batting a guy 3rd who has an "F" Meet. And according to my hitting coach, his Meet has already maxed out. Only his Power can improve now.

In my last season, I left Batista in the 3rd slot and it just didn't work out.

Cabrera has a "D" in Meet but also has room to improve his Meet rating. I've assigned my hitting coach to work with him on improving his Meet, and so far it seems to be working. Through 16 games, Cabrera is hitting over .300 with 8 or 9 RBIs.

Zuleta does strike out a lot, but it seems like whenever he doesn't strike out he does something exciting.

Batista has also been injured and has returned to my lineup only recently. If he starts to find his groove then I might consider moving him up in the lineup.

But for now, I'm happy with my lineup. It might not be entirely realistic, but it sure is FUN.

Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 30, 2005 5:19 AM ]

Well after losing 10 in a row, I decided to re-start my season..with the Nippon Ham Fighters...(hoping to finally find my team).
I am now 1-3-1 ...
but just played the best game ever...
After allowing 5 runs in the first inning I got 6 in the second.The Lion came back with a run (homerun by Cabrera) to make it 6-6 in the 3rd.
the score stayed that way until the top of the 12th when Cabrear hit a bomb to left field with a runner on to make it 8-6.
Bottom of the 12th...Shinjo gets on base with a lucky hit to third.
And then Seguignol gets to the plate....and hit a high fly ball to left ..over the wall make it 8-8.
Final score 8-8 ...but what a game...
my bullpen was strong for 9 innings.
Hopefully this season will be the one...
Re: A Few New Questions on Pawapuro 12 and an Update on My Pennant
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 31, 2005 3:16 AM ]

I'm having similar experiences.

Just when I think I've figured this game out, it seems like I can't win.

I'll get really frustrated, but then I'll have an incredible game that restores my faith.

So despite the frustration, I just keep playing.

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Michael Westbay
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