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Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
This is where I'm going to post translations of options, the menu, etc. It's pretty detailed, so I feel I should do this for all the guys who don't know Japanese.

I'll also post strategies and how you can get realistic stats. I'm just now figuring out how to pitch realistically and with a real sense of drama.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: local boy | Posted: Apr 8, 2006 4:27 PM ]

mahalo, means thank you in hawaiian
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 4:47 AM | CLM Fan ]

Almost done with getting everything down. After that, I have to type it up. Should be up early tonight.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: Dave | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 1:22 PM ]

Thanks for all your time and effort!
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: Kevin | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 2:13 AM ]

Thank you very much!
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 2:17 AM ]

Yes, thank you BigManZam.

I played the game for the first time last night and was very impressed with it...even though I had almost no idea what was going on. I can just tell this is good stuff.

I've got Pawapuro down, but Pro Spirits looks more elaborate to me. So I'll be eternally grateful for any help you provide in this thread.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 3:30 AM | CLM Fan ]

1. Beginning Menu

Quick Play Strike Pitch
Full Menu

Trial HR Contest

2. Full Menu

Maji Pennant Exhibition Spirits

MVP Pennant Trial Training

Management Pennant Strike Pitch VP Shop

Free Pennant HR Contest Utility

3. Settings Before Game/Season

1P Condition - Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low, Hide, Random
CPU Condition - Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low, Hide, Random
Errors - On, Off
Inuries - On, Off
Replays - On, Off
Cut Scenes - Normal, Limited
Innings - 1, 3, 5, 9
Extra Innings - None, 12, 15
Called - None, 1-10 Runs
Ball Type - Normal, Home Team's Decision, Light, Very Light, Heavy
Color Commentary - Random, Pattern 1, Pattern 2, Pattern 3, Pattern 4

Notes: Light, very light, and heavy ball types can only be unlocked when you buy them in VP Shop.

Pattern 1 - Batting analysis by Tao(Chunichi, Seibu, and Hanshin games)
Pitching analysis by Nishizaki(Nippon Ham and Seibu Lions games)

Pattern 2 - Batting analysis by Tao(Chunichi, Seibu, and Hanshin games)
Pitching analysis by Miyamoto(Giants games)

Pattern 3 - Batting analysis by Tatsukawa(Hiroshima games)
Pitching analysis by Nishizaki(Nippon Ham and Seibu games)

Pattern 4 - Batting analysis by Tatsukawa(Hiroshima games)
Pitching analysis by Miyamoto(Giants games)

4. Difficulty Presets

My Settings
Pawapuro Style

5. Difficulty Options


1. Pitch Speed - Slow, Slow+, Basic, Basic+, Middle, Middle+, Real
2. Difficulty - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits, Custom
3. Control Type - Analog, Digital
4. Meet Cursor - Normal, Area, Lock-On, Zone
5. Runner Style - Manual, Assist, Auto
6. Defense Style - Manual, Assist, Auto
7. Throw Type - Standard, X + Direction

Notes: + style pitch speeds need to be bought in VP Shop, and the same goes for Spirits level difficulty.


1. Pitch Speed - Slow, Slow+, Basic, Basic+, Middle, Middle+, Real
2. CPU Level - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits, Custom
3. CPU Pitching - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits
4. CPU Batting - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits
5. CPU Running - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits
6. CPU Defense - Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Perfect, Spirits


1. Pitching - TV Default, TV Alternate, Batting Default, Batting Alternate
2. Defense - Normal, Normal Wide, Reverse
3. Batting - Batting Default, Batting Alternate, TV Default, TV Alternate
4. Running - Normal, Normal Wide, Reverse
5. Camera Control Up/Down - Normal, Reverse
6. Camera Control Left/Right - Normal, Reverse

Notes: Camera control is used for when playing with a single player on defense in MVP Pennant or Field Play. Use the right analog stick to look around you.


1. Type - Analog, Digital
2. Rumble - Off, On


1. Meet Cursor - Normal, Area, Lock-On, Zone
2. Batting Point - Normal, Real Support, Easy, Real
3. Strike Zone - Show All, Only Weak/Strong Points, Off
4. CPU Pitch Cursor - On, Only Release, Off

Notes: Real batting/pitching point is a new system for Pro Yakyu Spirits in which the ball moves just like in real baseball. This means that submarine fastballs will rise up, sliders will move down, etc.


1. Pitch Style - Direct, Auto
2. Pitch Button - X, Triangle
3. Pitch Cursor - On, Release Timing Only, Off
4. Pitch Display - Pitch Type And Info, None, Pitch Type
5. Pitch Point - Normal, Real Support, Easy, Real, Off
6. Pitch Form - Real, Quick
7. Catcher Throw Back - On, Off

Notes: Direct pitching is the distinct Pro Yakyu Spirits kind of pitching in which you have to time your release to get good pitches. Auto style doesn't involve the release timing, and so it's more like Pawapuro.

Quick pitching forms are all out of the set position, and it's included for impatient people who just want to play a game as fast as possible.


1. Runner Control - Manual, Assist, Auto
2. Start - Assist, Basic, Manual

Notes: A big problem in past baseball games is lining out quickly to an infielder, only to have yourself caught in a double play. Most human minds can't react fast enough to get back to base, and most of the time, the jump a runner gets makes it impossible to get back in time. PYS3 introduces a new assist running system in which the computer will judge whether or not you should take off or not. This greatly decreases the number of times you'll be caught off base. Of course, this also means the runners will be cautious, so you'll still have to sometimes decide whether or not a defender can get to a ball or not.


1. Defense Type - Manual, Assist, Auto
2. Throw Type - Normal, X + Direction
3. Formation - Standard, Basic, Pro
4. Flyball Cursor - On, Off
5. Fielder Cursor - Under Feet, Over Head, Name Only, None
6. Cursor Change - Manual, Semi-Auto, Auto

Notes: Formations here means the strategy the defense will use when backing up a play. I don't know the distinct differences, but I know what happens in Pro level. On Pro, the catcher will run behind first base on a routine throw, just in case something happens. You'll also see players back each other up in case of errors on fly balls.


1. Managing - Manual, Auto
2. Defensive Shift - Auto, Assist, Manual
3. Block Sign - Guide, Sign Only, Off


1. In-Game Display - Normal, Minimal
2. Display Attributes - On, Off
3. Button Guide - On, Off

Notes: Setting In-Game Display to minimal will eliminate almost everything but the score and batter's name/stats.

6. VP Shop

Japan Ballpark #1
USA Stadium(Yankee Stadium)
Japan Ballpark #2
Japan Ballpark #3
Spirits Level Difficulty
+ Level Pitch Speeds
Always Climax
Light Ball
Very Light Ball
Heavy Ball
Sprits Mode Partner From Other Teams
Original Spirits Mode Partner
Original Spirits Mode Partner Challenge
Maji Pennant Charisma Boost
Original Player Opening Movie

Other unlockable categories include uniforms, managers, coaches, and background images for the start screen.

Notes: From what I've seen, Always Climax makes it so games are close. This is a pointless mode for me, though, because it dramatically increases hits and double plays for both teams. It's not very realistic at all, so I'd refrain from unlocking it. It also seems to mess with CPU pitching, because the minute I took it off, the opponent was giving up walks and a couple wild pitches.

7. Batting Order Screen

Order Bench
---- ------
| | | |
| | | |
| | ------
| |
| |
---- Off
| |

Top Buttons - Confirm, Farm Position Players, Farm Pitchers, Reset


1. Green Cross - Light Injury
2. Red Cross - Bad Injury
3. Resting
4. Hidden

Notes: Players with light injuries can still play, but their skills will be greatly diminished. Players with bad injuries can't play at all, and depending on how long he'll be out, it'd probably be best to send him down to the farm. Hidden status is only there when you choose to not see player conditions in options.

8. Pitcher Screen

See those little arrows on the pitchers attribute/stat screens? Here is what they mean. The first letter is the grade of that particular pitch's skill level. For instance, Kudoh of the Giants has a legendary curveball, so that'll be a very high level. If a player is just experimenting with a pitch, like a screwball that the pitcher rarely uses in real life, it'll be very low grade. The higher the skill level of that pitch, the less likely it is to be hit. The second letter to the right of that is that pitch's control level. The better the control, the more that pitch goes where you want it to go, even if you miss timing the release by a little. An example of a pitcher with great control, but not really great stuff is Komiyama of the Marines. His control is some of the best in Japan, but he still gets lit up from time to time. Moving on, to the right of the control grade is the break of the pitch. Uehara of the Giants has a great fork, so that pitch will really drop down for him. He likes to vary that fork sometimes, since it's his main weapon. That's why he actually has 3 different kinds of forks in his arsenal. Each one has a different kind of breaking action.

Continuing on with the pitching screen, take a look at the blue bars on the next page. This is the stamina gauge. The dark blue represents how much stamina your pitcher has as a reliever. The light blue indicates how much stamina he has as a starter. Some pitchers have way better stamina than others when they start.

9. Batter Screen

Let's take a look at the first screen when you highlight a batter in the batting order or bench.

Vs. Righties Vs. Lefties
Power Batting Speed

Those are the basic skills the game gives you when you see that screen with all the positions the player can field. On the next screen is...

Vs. Righties
Vs. Lefties
Throwing Accuracy
Arm Strength

Then on the next screen...

Energy Used
Games Played
Batting Average
Stolen Bases

Notes: Power Batting on the first screen is actually a combination of the arch you put on the ball and the raw power you have. Also, having good speed is critical to getting good jumps off the ball on defense. A guy who can cover a ton of ground, like Fukudome, is very important to keeping balls from hitting the gaps.

10. Pause Menu(Batting)

1. Play
2. Pinch Hit
3. Pinch Run
4. Data
5. User Settings
6. Match Settings
7. Sound
8. Quit

Pinch Hit

Vs. Righties, Vs. Lefties, Power, Pinch Hit Ability

Notes: Guys who have pinch hitting ability are rare, but their mental strength in a pinch hit situation is reflected in how successful they are in getting hits. Their meet cursors will be substantially bigger than the average hitter.

Pinch Run

Speed, Base Stealing Ability, Base Running Ability

Notes: Base stealing level 2 is better than nothing, but it's still not amazing. You should not try to get 40 stolen bases with a guy like that. You'll kill potential rallies. The higher the base stealing level, the less likely that player will be thrown out. Base running ability helps a runner go around the bases at a smoother pace than normal.

11. Pause Menu(Pitching)

1. Play
2. Relief
3. Defensive Substitution
4. Data
5. User Settings
6. Match Settings
7. Sound
8. Quit


Confirm, Defensive Sub, Pitcher Data, Cancel

Defensive Substitution

Confirm, Relief, Pitcher Data, Cancel

Pitcher Data

Innings Pitched
Batters Faced
Pitches Thrown
Hits Given Up
Strike Outs
Runs Allowed
Earned Runs
Wild Pitches

Batter Data

Stolen Bases

12. Sound Settings

Normal, Custom, Stadium, Dynamic, Field

1. Commentary
2. BGM, Stadium Announcers
3. Fan Chants
4. Random Crowd Voices
5. Sound Type - Stereo, Mono, Dolby Pro Logic II

13. In Game Controls(Offense)

Left analog stick - Move batting cursor
R3 - Change camera angle
Select - Look at past at bats
Start - Pause
L2 - Block Sign Menu
R1 - Power batting
R2 - Bunt
X - Pull batting
O - Slap hitting

Notes: Use X when the pitch is inside and O when it's outside. Also, it's important to utilize Block Sign to create runs. The best approach to batting is to keep power batting on until 2 strikes, then switch to contact. If you have 2 outs, and nobody is in scoring position, go ahead and hit for power the whole time.

14. In Game Controls(Pitching/Defense)

Left analog stick - Move pitching cursor
R3 - Change camera angle
Select - Look at past at bats
Start - Pause
L1 - Defensive Shift Menu
L2 - Block Sign Menu
R1 - Alternate Pitch Selection
X - Pitch
Hold X - Full Power Pitching
Square, Triangle, and O - Check Runners

Notes: On higher difficulty levels, it's important to mix balls with strikes in an efficient and random manner. Sometimes you need to be careful and sometimes you need to go right at batters. A mix of both is usually the best way to go. When pitching outside of the strike zone or right on the corners, use regular pitches. If you feel like you really need to throw a strike, hold X until the cursor becomes red. This is the new full power pitching, and it makes your pitches just a bit tougher to hit. If you don't do this, you WILL give up many hits on anything higher than Hard level. Don't get sloppy, though, because you can still give up hits if you go too far into the strike zone. You can also miss your timings and give up walks.

15. Block Sign System


Triangle - Hit and Run
R2 - Bunt
R2 + Triangle - Squeeze
Down + Square - Go On Grounder

Notes: If you're going to get any runs, you'll need this system. Moving runners over is crucial if you're going to take advantage of opposing pitchers. Be true to Japanese baseball and score those runners as often as possible, even if you don't get a hit.


Up + Up - Intentional Walk
Up - Pitch Out
R2 - Bunt Press

16. Defensive Shifts

Fast Runner
Slap Hitter
Bloop Hitter
Pull Hitter
Power Hitter

Infield shifts only occur when a runner gets on.

Double Play
Bunt - Standard and Power Hitter Outfield
Press - Standard and Power Hitter Outfield

With two runners on, you can bring the outfield in.

With bases loaded, these are your options.

Standard, Double Play, Up The Middle, Everyone In, Outfield In

17. Free Pennant

Schedule - Full or Limited

CPU Trade - Free, Only Trades With You, None
CPU Gaijin - Yes, No
Rain Cancellation - Yes, No
Control - Team, Single Player

Preseason Roster Moves

Free Agents
Try Outs


Opening Day Condition Increase
Convert To Starter
Convert To Reliever

Camp(Position Player)
Opening Day Condition Increase
Convert To 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, LF, CF, RF

Pitcher Rotation

Day Off, Starter(Red), Reliever(Green)

Main Menu

1. To Match
2. Schedule
3. Manage - Roster, Player Numbers, Names, Original Gaijin, Trade, Release
4. Roster Change
5. Player Evaluation
6. Statistics
7. Settings - Pennant, Match, User
8. Save and Quit
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 3:51 AM | CLM Fan ]

Looks like a couple things were messed up when going from Notepad to the board. All is pretty much self-explanatory, though. Hope you guys can figure out difficulty setting that work right for you. I'm doing great with my own right now.

Started Kuwata last night in his first game of the season. He had good condition, and was giving up only ground balls for the first couple innings. Then he gave up a few hits, but we scored enough to give him a 5-3 lead going into the 5th. I wanted to give him the decision, so I stayed with him, despite his stamina going low. He ended up giving 3 more runs, and the bullpen had to be used.

Bottom line is that Kuwata is an old man and going 5 innings of solid baseball after an 0-7 season last year will have to be almost perfect with more than normal condition. I think Konami did a good job reflecting how much of a struggle it is for him to get a decision at his age.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 7:18 AM ]

great job bigman. should receive my copy soon. Im sure to have other questions.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 7:50 AM ]

OT: I just saw my first Pro Yakyu game via the live internet feed from Fukuoka. It was like a dream come true. Hawks and Buffaloes tied at 2-2 after 12. Though I dont like the rule of ties in baseball, being on the east coast of the United States, I didnt mind last night. The game still ended at 5:00am (NY time). I like the Chiba Lotte Marines, not front running because they are the Champs but because they have important parts of the last time the NY Mets went to the World Series (2000- Valentine, Agbayani, Franco)
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 2:28 PM ]

Amazing job, BigMan. Thank you!

This helps me tremendously.

And for anyone still considering this game, the language barrier is no longer an issue...or much less of one at least.

I love this site.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2006 4:11 PM | CLM Fan ]

Well, as fun as the game was with the settings I used, the computer decided to just punk me out. I gave up 26 hits in one game and I'm currently in the 7th and giving up 13 runs to Hanshin. I have no idea why this is happening, because I didn't change any strategies or options. I know big losses are a part of baseball, but it just ticks me off when I give hit after hit to the computer. It's especially annoying when you're hitting all the corners.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 11, 2006 4:23 AM | CLM Fan ]

I think I figured things out on my own. This is gonna be mind blowing for you guys, since this is the first time I've seen this much thought put into gameplay.

The problem I was having was instinctually pitching to the blue parts of the strike zone. What I didn't realize was that I was probably pitching to the outside corner almost everytime. Now, get this...THE COMPUTER FIGURES YOU OUT! If you pitch outside all the time, they'll hit you all the time. Doesn't matter if you throw balls. If you go outside for strikes all the time, they will get you. Not only that, but the sequence and types of pitches are also important. Let me explain...

For example, I used Kisanuki in relief. First batter, I'd approach like this...

1st pitch - Inside low fork for ball
2nd pitch - Inside high fastball for strike
3rd pitch - Outside low fastball for strike
4th pitch - Outside high slider for ball
5th pitch - Inside low fork for strike

Most of the time, that should get you an out, but if you miss pitches, just improvise. Do what you think would feel good if you were a pitcher. This isn't a video game anymore. That is a real batter, and you need to make the smart pitches to get him out.

So you got an out with that sequence. Next you'd have a chance to open with a strike, since you opened with a ball before. Don't be too predictable, though. Don't do the exact opposite all the time. The computer will sense this. You don't have to throw balls all the time. If the computer gets too comfortable, you can try for a three pitch strike out.

1st pitch - Outside low fastball for strike
2nd pitch - Inside low fork for strike
3rd pitch - Inside high fastball for ball
4th pitch - Outside low slider for strike

Starting to get it? You work the batters just like you would in real life. It's a brilliant thing they've added. Be careful of control, though. Make sure you take your practice pitches and work on your release timing. You can also brush up on it when you throw balls outside the strike zone.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 11, 2006 4:27 AM | CLM Fan ]

Also, some pitchers have the ability to start their pitching motion and transition right into the pick off move to fake out runners! For the Giants, Yukinaga Maeda has this ability.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 11, 2006 4:50 AM | CLM Fan ]

There is a zen art to playing this game on the harder levels. It's been confirmed that my pitch sequence method works, because Powell gave up 7 runs in 3 innings. Maeda then gave up 3 hits before I put in Kisanuki and Toyoda. That combo gave up 1 hit in 4 2/3 innings. They're the bullpen aces, so that's expected. Also, I've noticed that Ks go up to a realistic level when using my method.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 11, 2006 11:17 AM | CLM Fan ]

Ok, here is some more pitching advice. I've analyzed my play and opponent stats to come to these conclusions.

Don't follow the FAQ where it says to use zenryoku pitching for every strike. If you do this, your stamina will go down and most of your starters will be worthless. It's possible to go 6 innings like this with players of Uehara's caliber, but you still have to post a 6 inning shutout and give up no more than 3 hits or so.

If you wear out your starters like this, the bullpen will be overworked. I've worked my bullpen like crazy and this is some info I've figured out from playing.

-Keep using pitch sequences in a random and confusing manner to keep the opponent guessing. However, only use zenryoku pitching if you're going for the punch out pitch. It's very hard to get Ks without it.

-When you do these pitch sequences, try not to make a habit of going for a punch out in certain counts all the time. The computer will pick up on this. If you like going for the K on 2-1 all the time, the comp will get it and make you pay.

-Rationing your zenryoku pitches should give you enough stamina to eat up a few innings. Of course your stamina will go down if you give up too many hits, walks, or runs. Also, your condition level will effect how long you can potentially stay effective in a game.

-The moment you're deep in the game with your starter, and you notice the opponents hitting hard off of you, it's time to go to the bullpen. For example, I was Gary Glover and gave up 1 run in 5 innings. Not that bad, and we had a 3-1 lead. Well, he gave up a single and a double back to back. That was my sign that the batting order has him figured out and the life on his pitches are dying. I decided to take him out and bring in Fukuda with no outs and runners at the corners. Fukuda then got the next batter to ground into a double play, then got a pop up for the innning ending out.

-The bullpen will get tired, whether your stamina gauge acknowledges it or not. 95% of your bullpen won't be able to pitch effectively after an inning. This is why it's crucial that you get as many innings out of your starters as possible. I've noticed that I can have a reliever rolling after an inning, then he can turn into a total wreck in the next inning. It's probably a fatigue issue.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 3:06 AM ]

How do you organize rosters with recent transactions and create players before pennant mode? Can you also create players in pennant mode?
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 8:27 AM | CLM Fan ]

Go to Spirits Mode to create guys. Arrange Mode is where you make roster changes, but you can't use them in most pennants. I don't know why, either. It's a quirky Pro Yakyu Spirits thing. You can use them in Free Pennant, though.

No, you can't create players in pennant, but you can transfer them in.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 8:34 AM ]

would you be able to post an faq on how to do this?
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 8:54 AM | CLM Fan ]

Nope. My FAQ days are done for now. I'm drained. Plus, Spirits Mode is just way too random to even try to translate.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 9:02 AM ]

Sure I understand, I just think Seibu's catcher Sumitani needs to be in this game, since he might turn out to be ROTY. He was a 1st round pick so I think its an oversight that hes not on the default roster.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 12:35 PM | CLM Fan ]

You and everyone in Japan thinks so. Konami dropped the ball with that one. Sumitani is in Namco's game.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: local boy | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 4:19 PM ]

anyone know if the 360 is region free.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: metroalex | Posted: Apr 14, 2006 6:21 AM | CD Fan ]

Thanks for the faq!
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 14, 2006 10:31 AM | CLM Fan ]

No problem. If any of you guys are having problems with the computer hitting too much on harder difficulties, try holding the L1 button while locating your pitches. I have no idea why, but it makes pitching way better. I'm going to redo Pennant Mode using this method.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 15, 2006 1:52 AM ]

Bigman, I use the same settings that I used for Spirits 2, settings taht would get me some homeruns, I used those same settings for Spirits 3 and in 6 test games I produced ONE HR with Hanshin's Toritani, a sayonara HR, and thats it. Do you experience a kind of dead ball like in Spirits 1?
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 15, 2006 2:04 AM ]

Also do they still have the home run celeb.? and what does CPU Gaijin refer to in the pennant menu or Original Gaijin in the manage menu. also what exactly does the block signs do?
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: metroalex | Posted: Apr 19, 2006 5:35 AM | CD Fan ]

I'm playing a Maji Pennant with the Swallows and after one game, Ramirez is listed on the inactive player list with a green face icon and a number next to him (10). He wasn't injured in the first game we played.

Why is this?
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 FAQ
[ Author: RandyBass | Posted: May 13, 2006 6:53 PM | HT Fan ]

Just wanted to say thanks for making this FAQ. I don't think I would've gotten this game without it. I ordered my copy today and am looking forward to it! Thanks again.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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