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Pawapuro 13 on 7/13

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Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
It's official. Pawapuro 13 is releasing on 7/13/06 for PS2 and Gamecube. Here is some of the more interesting new info on the game...

-Konami is making the main concept of the game ease of use for beginners. They're trying to make it more of a pick up and play game. As long as the die hard fans are satisfied, they can do whatever they want. They know who buys their games, and they're not pick up and play guys.

-Guys who batted without the mit cursor on will have more of a challenge this time. They state that batting will be more intense with the catcher window off this time.

-There's a new button for "fine plays" on defense. I don't know how it's going to be any different from before.

-Stealing bases will be more like Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 with the flying base steal system.

-Borrowing another trait from Spirits, you can also see pitch history when you press pause.

-Success Mode will focus on high school baseball and the Koshien tournament. Thank God. No more Powerful Town or Powerful Academy crap.

-Looks like My Life mode is getting some big upgrades. I think Konami should keep doing what they're doing and turn My Life into a big selling point for this game.

-There are new scenarios to My Life to make things more interesting in short term. You can be a "suketto" with the goal of guiding your team to a pennant in a year. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing they mean this specifically to refer to foreign players. Another scenario is the playing-manager scenario in which you can do what Furuta is doing this year for a single year at the end of your career. How cool is that? I guess Konami is also predicting that Furuta will retire after this year.

-There is a new mood system in My Life in which your performance effects the condition of the entire team.

-Also a dojo system is in the game in which you have the ability to go to different "dojos" of retired players. I don't know how they're going to do this realistically, but anything is better than that horrible auction system they used before. That wasn't effective at all for getting OB instruction.

-There will be "events" during games in My Life. I have no idea what they mean by this. Should be interesting.

-Pennant Mode goes from 10 years to now 20 years.

-Pennant also has something called coach navigation system. I believe it'll be used to analyze things in a more comprehensive manner.

Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: kidace | Posted: May 5, 2006 3:24 PM ]

hey big tks for the info as usual you are on the ball, have some more questions regarding 12 katt will post them here for ya. i will probably order the game guide for major league one when it comes out and may be 13 or wait till 13 katt one comes out.
1. on 12 all these questions are in pennent that is all i play at moment what button is for fine plays that you spoke of in this post and what is fine plays is that the diving and roll plays etc .
2. on stealing is there a way to lead off i usually look at players and some take longer lead in window is that due to their running stat ie if a longer lead if g no lead etc what i do is i will press the triangle reapeately or up and the square button and i think i am taking more of a lead but it may just be me feeling like i am doing something hahahah because it seems like he will take off when the pitcher starts his pitch it does not seem like i can take off any earlier and when i am pressing the steal button in the base window you never see the runner move foward or backward.
3. i play with the giants and they suck this year startig out do i have anyone with the double play break up skill also do the pitchers get hurt for lots of time like the batters i saw the picher get hurt once he was red but when i went to his stats to see what was x out i saw nothing either on pitching or batting stats.
4. is it still l1 button r1 button together to get some extra speed out of player when he is running bases.
tks take care
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: May 8, 2006 4:17 PM | CLM Fan ]

Someone posted a screenshot of Matsui's stats from a game kiosk. Things don't look very good. He has over 180 power, the speed of a decent Japanese speedster, and his arm strength is too strong. These stats also confirm that the other stats posted on 2ch are for real. To give you guys an example of how bad this is, Matsui has more power than Sheffield.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: May 8, 2006 11:07 PM ]

This aint good...if those stats posted on 2ch are correct...

I think even So Taguchi had like 120ish power, and tons of special attribute...>_>

Hopefully these are the testing stats, and when it comes out, they will adjust it and make them real...or else I might have to play A LOT of success mode...
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: May 9, 2006 8:21 AM | CLM Fan ]

Oops. I meant to post this on the PawaMajor thread.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 1:30 PM | CLM Fan ]

Got some new info from the Konami Newsletter.

-Looks like Kanemoto has a new batting stance.

-The catcher camera angle is gone and has been replaced with a Pro Yakyu Spirits style pitch display with arrows pointing to which breaking pitches you can throw. I've been playing with mit cursor off while batting for a while, so I have no problem with this. Konami justifies this new approach by saying it'll make batting more intense and more about reflexes. Hopefully, we'll see more foul balls.

-There's a new defensive ball cursor that is a lot bigger. It's supposed to be for people who find defense difficult.

-In Pennant, you can now set specific pitching relays like JFK or YFK.

-In addition to Suketto and Playing Manager modes in My Life, you can now play as any real player you want. I'm very interested to see how they do this.

-Coach Navi System in Pennant Mode looks like it's for people who don't know much about the NPB teams. It'll give you advice on how to create a winning team. For example, Rakuten's Coach Navi says that the #4 batter needs to be someone with Power Hitter, they need better starters, they need a couple good lefties in the bullpen, and there isn't a single solid catcher on the team.

Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 1:59 PM | CLM Fan ]

Guys on 2ch are speculating whether or not the batting cursors have gone down in size or not. Judge for yourself.

The first is a pic of Pawapuro 13 and the second shows Pawapuro 12. This is what you must keep in mind, though. Akahoshi and Kanemoto both have C or B meet. Akahoshi is one level up on Kanemoto in condition. Kanemoto's screenshot is a bigger than Akahoshi's. Lastly, Kanemoto has a runner in scoring position, so his screenshot could be with Chance 4 ability.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 2:12 PM ]

hmm, I dunno, with a .327 avg, kanemoto should get a C in meet. And with the RBIs he got, should get a chance 4 like pawapuro 12. It does kinda look a little smaller, but then not really much. Guess we will know in a month

but then i wouldn't mind a smaller cursor, coz it really was WAAAYYYY to big back then. I hate pitching to players with A meet (which I see a lot when I am playing the powertown united team in the end of the acadamy scenario, and half the team consists of players I made which were all either A meet A power, A meet average hitter, high A power + PH, or insane dudes with both...>__>)
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 11, 2006 8:58 AM | CLM Fan ]

A few new pics are up on Konami's online shop.

I really don't like what I'm seeing with Akahoshi there. I'm pretty sure that's his old batting form, and he uses black bats and red wristbands in real life.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 11, 2006 1:15 PM ]

hmm...what's up with this?

I dun see darwin's name on the hanshin roster...O_o
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 11, 2006 8:19 PM | CLM Fan ]

He's listed as Cubillan, which is another dumb move.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 14, 2006 1:15 AM ]

Hey BigManZam.

I'm sure this is probably an incredible long shot but I was wondering if there will be a multiplayer My Life mode in this version.

I've been hoping for this for quite some time but doubt that it will ever happen.

I'm only asking since you said that the My Life mode is going to receive the most attention to this game.

Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 14, 2006 2:45 PM | CLM Fan ]

My Life is a pretty big thing, and the fact that they're making multiple scenarios is huge. Gotta remember that Konami also has to work on Success, Pennant, not to mention actual gameplay and stats.

Anyway, if what you're talking about are multiple save files, then I have no idea. It'd be a smart idea. It's easy to get sick of batting constantly or pitching constantly, but you don't want to erase 10 years or so of play. I've never retired a single player, but I've played god knows how many years combined with multiple players. All of this is because I got bored and ended up deleting a player.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 24, 2006 5:48 AM | CLM Fan ]

New info on Pawapro 13. Don't know if it's good or not.

-New options include ability to display and hide the strike zone, pitching cursor while on offense(think PYS), as well as the pitch selection arrows(PYS again).

-Power batting cursor is said to become bigger with good batters. I don't know how I feel about this. They haven't done this for the entire 10+ years Pawapuro has been around and they're messing with it in a big way. If I want to play Pro Yakyu Spirits, I'll play it. I don't need it invading my Pawapuro. I expect homerun numbers to skyrocket because of this BS. Konami is playing to the dumb kids out there who need an easy to understand homerun machine game. What they don't realize is that the majority of their fanbase are hardcore fans who are beginning to hate them, like myself. If they tweaked things enough to make things statistically decent, then I'm all for it, but PawaMajor was a piece of crap, in my opinion. They have to win my trust back.

-Pitches outside of the strike zone can be hit now. Once again, I don't know how I feel about this. It can be good or it could be awful.

-The new larger fielding cursor will shrink as the ball gets closer to the ground on fly balls. I think I'll begin to play with the fielding cursor off starting with this game. It's way more fun to play defense via instinct and reading the ball's shadow.

-Uploaded a pic on my PhotoBucket of what looks like My Life Mode during the Playing Manager scenario. Pitching coach Mori of the Chunichi Dragons asks you who you want to close the game. The choices are Iwase and Suzuki, of which he advises the use of Iwase. Lefty reliever Takahashi is being taken out.¤t=pmvg-1-07ec.jpg

Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jun 24, 2006 10:44 AM ]

I'm not preordering Pawapuro 13 in advance. I'm adopting a "wait and see" attitude. Especially given 12 and 12 Ketteiban's gameplay flaws. I played 11 Chou Ketteiban last night - that game is brilliant!

Recently, Konami seems to have been working on about half a dozen baseball games simultaneously. It's hard to believe that they're not spreading themselves a little thin.

Finally not to sound like a broken record or belabor the point: in my opinion PawaMajor is a fun/solid game. But hey, to each his own. One thing I remember people complaining about were the unrealistic simulated season stats. Well I've simulated large chunks of a season, and the numbers I'm getting appear quite reasonable. Are these simulated numbers affected by the Human/CPU batting cursor and cursor movement settings, or by other difficulty settings?
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 24, 2006 12:19 PM | CLM Fan ]

Here is what I hate about PawaMajor.

1. The worst Success Mode ever.
2. No My Life mode.
3. Bad AI during seasons with guys like So Taguchi and Johnny Damon batting #4.
4. Pitching is way too easy.
5. Detailed stadiums cause slowdown during certain flyballs.
6. Rosters weren't done well with guys like Ozeki in the game. Let's not forget made up players like Giant Reed, Giant Jones, Giant Whatever.
7. Huge Japanese bias.
8. Really bad attributes with Jim Thome only getting C power.
9. Arrange Mode is pointless, because you can't use edited teams during a season.
10. No Barry Bonds.
11. Fake advertising in stadiums.
12. Degeneration of defensive animations.
13. The worst opening movie ever. Second worst was for Pawapuro 12.

As for the positives...

1. Lots of new batting/pitching forms
2. Nice stadium gimmicks.
3. New sound of bat hitting the ball.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 1:35 AM ]

hmm, totally agree with BMZ's post

on top of that...the baseball card is completely worthless...

there's one more thing i like about this one...that u see more foul balls, and balls hit straight back actually flies fast and far enuff to be a foul ball.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 4:20 AM | CLM Fan ]

While looking for videos of Pawapuro 13 on Yahoo Japan, I came across the promo video for Pawapuro 11 and decided to watch for nostalgia. During the promo, it says that animations during gameplay were increased over 70% since Pawapuro 10 Ketteiban.

The jump from Pawapuro 10 to Pawapuro 11 was amazing. I remember being so psyched for that game. I haven't played Pawapuro 9, but I know Pawapuro 8's graphics were complete crap compared to 10 and 11. The gameplay in 8 is very similar to PawaMajor, to be honest. That's not really a good thing, since it shows the series went back half a decade in advancement.

I remember when I got Pawapuro 12 and there was very little change to the game. It's on the board somewhere. It's amazing to see how far down the toilet Diamondhead have gone in a couple years.

Nobody doubts that Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 was a huge leap from Pro Yakyu Spirits 2. They made a ton of great changes, but the game also has a ton of flaws. Pawapuro has been tweaked for so long that it's the only possible flawless yakyu game(except to graphics whores). The problem with team Diamondhead is that they forgot who the true star is. It's not Pro Yakyu Spirits, as much as they want it to be. It's not PawaMajor. The true star is the Pawapuro franchise, and they need to get their act together and improve it each year like they used to do in the past.

If they have to get rid of Pro Yakyu Spirits and PawaMajor in order to do that, go ahead and do it. You have my blessing.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 4:26 AM | CLM Fan ]

I'd also like to say that Konami's PR department is a joke, because the game launches in a couple weeks and there is no real site or videos. The only video I found was on Famitsu Wave and you have to pay 500 yen for it and be a resident of Japan.

The last time we had bad online promotion from Konami was for PawaMajor, and we know how that turned out. If this game turns out anything like PawaMajor, I will personally make it my mission to combine Japanese and American fans together to boycott the series and run out old man Tanibuchi from the role of producer.

Konami has been crap ever since they changed their logo from the red and orange classic logo into the boring red and white one of today. This includes Winning Eleven, Metal Gear, Bemani, etc. We need them to change the logo back and get their priorities straight.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 5:09 AM | CLM Fan ]

My apologies. Made a mistake. Producers for Pawapuro are as follows...

All the Pawapuros up until Pawapuro 8 were produced by Isao Akada. He also produced Pro Yakyu Japan 2001 and The Baseball 2002, which was the game that got me into yakyu and would eventually be made into Pro Yakyu Spirits. The Baseball had huge flaws in defense and pitching, but I always felt it was a game that had way more character than any Pro Yakyu Spirits game. The presentation, helped by the NTV tie-up, was amazing at the time. Tomoharu Okutani would then take over for Akada with Pro Yakyu Spirits, basically making an arcade version. On Pro Yakyu Spirits 3, Kazuhiro Nanami was brought on to co-produce(thank god). Starting in 2007, Pro Yakyu Spirits will have a changed name, and hopefully be reinvented and better than ever. I wouldn't lose any sleep if Okutani were canned, either.

Hiroshi Tanibuchi replaced Akada from Pawapuro 9 until 11. I gotta say that he didn't do too bad of a job, though you have to wonder what Akada could've done. Pawapuro 9 is considered one of the best Pawapuros, and the leaps between 9, 10, and 11 are pretty big. Unfortunately, Tanibuchi was also the producer for PawaMajor and an executive producer on the Pro Yakyu Spirits monstrosities of the past.

That brings us to our current guy, who also seems like the laziest. His name is Akira Toyama. He took over for Tanibuchi on Pawapuro 12, perhaps because Tanibuchi was too busy making his own pile of crap. Toyama basically took Pawapuro 11, messed with AI way too much, changed My Life just a little, made one of the most annoying Success Modes ever, and added about three new batting/pitching forms. What a jerk.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 8:16 PM ]

I also cant figure out what's going on with the PR dudes...

the games' coming out in like 2-3 weeks, and there's no updates on the official site...
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 8:14 PM | CLM Fan ]

I uploaded the promo video for Pawapuro 13 onto YouTube.

Here is the info I got from it...

-Akahoshi has his red wristbands back.

-Ueda is starting in RF for the Dragons.

-Okihara is playing RF for the Eagles for some reason, and Fukudome is playing 2B for the Dragons. Hopefully this is just foolish play by whoever made the demo and not an example of the AI.

-Aoki looks to have the ability to play 2B, just like in Pro Yakyu Spirits. Not good.

-Batting looks to be the same as previous Pawapuros and nothing like Pawamajor, which seemed to flow smoother.

-Softbank has their big screen celebration from the looks of the top right corner around the 20 second mark.

-Defense now includes fading throws.from second.

-The way the ball ocmes off the bat doesn't look too great, but it could just be the encoding.

-Beverlin has a really awkward wind up. Doesn't look good.

-Why is Fukuura's meet cursor so small? It's about as big as Kiyohara's. He's been batting mostly in the .370s this year.

-Pennant Mode's presentation goes back to Akada style, as it resembles the old PS1 presentation and especially Pawapuro 8, which was released in 2001 for PS2.

-Coach Navi looks really promising.

-Konami Asia Cup is now in Pennant. I assume all teams will be fake, though I'd like to see similar stats. I want to see team Korea with great defense, pitching, and little power. Hopefully we'll also see guys like both Lins(Hanshin/Rakuten), Chang(Seibu), and Lee(Yomiuri).

-My Life looks to be the key selling point. It's the one thing I'm really looking forward to. The new scenarios are huge additions.

-The Orix roster looks fairly solid. Hirano is in the rotation and Naniwa Godzilla Okada is on the farm.

-Stats I saw look decent. Kiyohara is EBGEF with a 4 arch.

-Unfortunately, My Life with an existing player doesn't have the true player history. For example, it says Kiyohara's teams as being Orix only. In reality, it's Seibu, Yomiuri, then Orix.

Overall it looks decent. I'm looking forward to My Life, but the gameplay needs to be solid for it to be enjoyable.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 25, 2006 8:32 PM ]

great stuffs BMZ

hmm, the bat-ball contact does seem very weird...hope it's not what it will be in the game when it comes out

the graphics for success mode looks like it went back to pawapuro 9 or something >__>

i really wish they can take out that annoying fan signing in mylife. I dun always wanna waste a spot with the sunglasses. and let's hope the playing manager mode and other stuffs are good, instead of just being thrown in to make it seem larger.

cant wait for it to come out...hope this time they dun disappoint me. at least so far there's no signs of the insanely annoying powerful town. that thing basically forced me to pull my memory card out everytime i play pawapuro >__>
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jun 26, 2006 5:57 PM ]

Does anyone know who's producing Pawapuro 13? Because if it's Toyama again, I'm really nervous. Out of the four Pawapuros I've played, 12 and 12 Ketteiban are the weakest in my opinion.

I've noticed that all of the Tanibuchi Pawapuros (9 through 11, and PawaMajor) have one style of box cover art - only one or two large-sized players. But Pawapuro 12 and 12 Ketteiban changed to a different style - one larger player in the center and many smaller players (one from each team) along the box's sides. Pawapuro 13's box cover art looks a lot like Pawapuro 12's. Does this mean that it's Toyama again?

Though my initial impression of the YouTube video was similar to Shinigami's. The menus' layouts and fonts look more like a Tanibuchi Pawapuro.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 26, 2006 7:37 PM | CLM Fan ]

It's all Toyama until an announcement is made. Tanibuchi is busy with the Pawamajor series and I think Akada is working on golf games now.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 28, 2006 7:00 PM | CLM Fan ]

Official site is now up.

New pitcher camera angle looks great. This'll definitely make pitching more fun, realistic, and challenging.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 28, 2006 11:17 PM ]

Hmm...see something I think could ruin success again...

there's no control practice it could turn out like pawapuro 12, where there's almost always not enuff 'skill points' to increase control...>__>

also...from the online stats also have 15 points instead of 7, will it also be in the game as well??
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Bodrik | Posted: Jun 29, 2006 12:42 AM ]

Wow finally a new view for pitching, looks great!

Agree about the control thing... its alittle annoying having to combine types of practice to get it leveled when it could just be one.

Not sure what Konami means by the changes to Network play... Make up teams with other folk, kinda Mylife/Success-ish? BTW does PawaproOnline work outside of Japan? Never bought a network adapter so never got to try.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Stevie b | Posted: Jul 11, 2006 10:17 PM ]

Hi there, just checked out the konami site on pawa13, and it looks like there is new info

i havent ordered this game but will get it depending on peoples reviews
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jul 12, 2006 2:31 AM ]

There's new photos but there is no new info that Bigman hasn't already pointed out. I'm still shocked that there's no official trailer like they used to have nor any real marketing being done to one of their sports franchises.

So far, I see that their doing gimmick marketing with baseball cards, but that's not going to cut it with older players.
Re: Pawapuro 13 on 7/13
[ Author: NiGHTS | Posted: Jul 12, 2006 3:29 AM | TYS Fan ]

Hey all,

Kinda a newb here but i've been lurking reading about the games you were all talking about. So last night I finally put down the money and ordered Pawapuro 13. I am looking forward to giving it a try, mostly to see what the game play is like. Hopefully it will be as good as you all say!

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Michael Westbay
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