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Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games!

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games!
After reading Ding_Bat comments, I've realized that there seems to be a trend where newcomers just don't even bother with looking past the first page and creating new topics that have already been answered. I agree with BigManZam, Shinigami, and Jomcclane assessment on this matter, but in order for this board to not feel crowded with useless topics, I've decided to but every single thing here to help newcomers.

(hey Bigman, can you sticky this on this board format or not?)

Anyway, here goes:


This year, we were given 4 baseball games with a 5th one coming out next week.

On April 6, Pro Yakyuu Spirits 3 and Pro Yakyu Netsu Stadium 2006 were released.

for reviews on both these games go here:

Pro Yakyuu Netsu Stadium 2006

Pro Yakyuu Spirits 3

To make a comparison to these games to MLB games would be wrong, but since many have no other choice here's my opinion.

Pro Yakyuu Spirits 3 = a combination of MVP 2005, MLB 2k5, and MLB 06:the show that actually works.

Pro Yakyuu Netsu Stadium = a Japanese version of All Star baseball franchise that is not filled with a huge amount of bugs. (no vaccum gloves found here)

On june (I think), Pawapuro portable was released. From what I could see, most of us here have not played this game but its pretty much plays like all Pawapuro games. Here's a review:

On May, Pawamajor was released. This game have the gameplay of a pawapuro game but with MLB players and stadiums.

for a review on this game go here:

In July 12, Pawapuro 13 will be released. For information on this game go here:


1. Where can I find what the abilities in Pawapuro or Pro yakyuu spirits mean?

A) HITTING abilities

PITCHING abilities

2. Which is better, Pawapuro or Pro Yakyuu Spirits?


3. How do you hit in Pro Yakyuu spirits 3?

A) Pro Yakyuu spirits series is a cursor based baseball game. While there is a mode to bat zone, the game mechanics is primarily focused on batting with the cursor. You really don't need to hit both X and O to pull or slap the ball, Just pressing X will do enough for you. Hitting the ball late with X will slap the ball while hitting X early will pull the ball.

4. My player is injured, what do I do?

A) Replace the player with a player in your farm team. There is do 15-60 DL system in pro yakyuu games. Put him in the farm team and call up a rookie to take his spot on the roster.

5. Are these games import friendly, I don't know Japanese?

A) Pro Yakyuu Spirits series is the most import friendly game out of the rest, menus and options are written in english. The rest are written in Katakana and could easily be deciphered with a Katakana table near you. Sound it out and it will be clear what the word means.

Pawapuro is in between friendly and non-friendly. Exhibition and pennant modes are relatively easy to understand, but other modes like success and my life are heavily in japanese.

Pro Yakyuu Netsu Stadiusm 2006 is the least import friendly. There are more things in this game that are heavily in Japanese ie: Stadium editor, expansion team, etc.

6. Where do you warm up your pitchers in Pro Yakyuu spirits?

A) There is no warm-up system in pro yakyuu spirits. There is however a stamina system where each pitcher and player is given a percentage. The more the percentage grows the more tired the player gets. For example, you pitched your closer the night before and he threw 38 pitches. The following game you bring you closer up again, but this time his percentage is 58% and he gets lit up because you didn't rest him and go to another pitcher with a decent percentage.

7. Is there a FAQ for Pro Yakyuu or Netsu Stadium?

A) Pro Yakyuu spirits 3 Faq

Currently, there is no FAQ for Netsu Stadium because of how deep it is.

8. Is there a Pawamajor FAQ?


9. Will Konami create a Pro Yakyuu Spirits MLB game? They did it with Pawapuro.

A) No, Take2 have the MLB license for the U.S. so there is no chance in hell that's is going to happen. Also, creating a pro yakyuu spirits engine with MLB players will no doubt drop the graphical department with so many players, stadiums, and teams.

10. I can't find the curveball in Pro Yakyuu Spirits

on the direction pad with Right handed pitchers (reverse it for left handed pitchers)

Up = Fastballs, 2-seam fastballs
Left= Sliders, Hard sliders, Cutters
right = Shooto, hard shooto
Left/down = Curve, drop curve, slow curve,
DOWN = Forkball, SFF, Knuckleball, V slider, Palmball, Circle change, Change up
right/down = Sinkers, Hard sinkers, Screwballs, hard screwballs

There are more pitches in Pro Yakyuu spirits 3 like knucklecurve, shake, etc but these are the basics.

11. What does the letters mean when selecting a pitch?

A) The first Letter is how good the pticher is with that pitch while the small letter is the control. So a pitcher that have big B and a small F on his fastball means he's good throwing fastballs but have no control over it.

Hopefully I've stopped those questions from being posted again.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games!
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 2:39 AM ]

Good stuff, Skinz. Newcomers should find this extremely helpful.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games!
[ Author: Ding_Bat | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 10:56 AM ]

(Very inappropriate message)

[Edited by: BigManZam on Jul 6, 2006 7:31 PM]
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 11:45 AM | CLM Fan ]

1. I don't allow swearing, especially name calling on this board.

2. You seem to misinterpret a person helping as being insulting.

3. I will not allow you to misbehave again and think this is like any other game board in which you can insult people and curse. I won't hesitate for a second to moderate all messages that come in, if that's what needs to be done to maintain peace here.

The reason why this board is not moderated and all the others are is because we've been getting along just fine until recently. You think it's Japanese people being bad to Australians? We haven't had a SINGLE case of name-calling or cursing on this board until you blessed us with your presence.

I'm a very nice person and usually very care-free with this board, but when my people get attacked, I won't play around. Especially one of my regulars who has been with me since this board started over a year ago.

Let this be a warning to any other newcomers who don't quite understand the pecking order here. If you're new, you have to earn respect by contributing to conversations. You don't just automatically get respect, then earn the right to cuss out anyone who doesn't give you that respect.

You go back in the archives, look for any answers you need, and don't complain when nobody replies to a bad topic. We don't reply for a reason. This is a give and take thing. You don't DEMAND answers from us like we're information centers. We're normal young guys and usually like to goof around while talking about this stuff. It's not our job to give you information about this game. We do that as a service, because we enjoy spreading the love. We're not by any means obligated to do this, though. Konami isn't giving me any checks.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 12:03 PM | CLM Fan ]

Skinz, I don't have the ability to sticky that on these forums. I'll ask Michael about it, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'll also clean up your post a little bit and put clean links on those URLs.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 1:37 PM ]

great job skinz, hope people will really read it first before they ask questions

Didn't reply to it bcoz I thought it'd be better to keep it as clean as possible with less replies...kinda like a FAQ without all those off-topic/informational-less conversation in the same thread.

So I do suggest that unless u have anything to add to this question list, to try not to post in here...altho it seems like we cant sticky maybe we gotta pump it up once in a while or something...>__>
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 11:16 PM ]

Hey Din_bat, relax man. I wasn't attacking you personally, I was attacking every single new person that constantly crowd the board with unnecessary question and then get mad when no one answers when the answer is on page 3-4.

I don't even know what you said since BigMan deleted it but I really don't care. I'm too old to be arguing over childish nonsense.

Sorry to reply here, but it seemed a attack was towards me and I had to responsed.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Ding_Bat | Posted: Jul 8, 2006 6:23 AM ]

(Racist hate speech from "Australian", who probably HATED the WBC.)

[Edited by: BigManZam on Jul 8, 2006 4:30 PM]
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jul 8, 2006 8:17 AM ]

This is getting out of hand here. That was really uncalled for man.

Bigman didn't mean MY PEOPLE as in Japanese people, he was talking about the old members that was here on this board when it first opened up.

Man, this is not the messeage board to degrade people all of a sudden. Anyway, this will get deleted but it needed to be said.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 8, 2006 10:22 AM | CLM Fan ]

That's it. I'm moderating this board now. Way to go, buddy. Let me also say that due to your past two posts, you're no longer welcome here.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 9, 2006 8:36 AM | CLM Fan ]

Skinz, we don't have stickies on this forum, but Michael will work on it sometime in the future. As for that Ding Bat(what an appropriate name), he's pretty much banned. You read that, buddy? No point in posting anymore racist hate speech, because I'm not letting it through.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 10, 2006 6:38 AM ]

The one positive I take from this recent unpleasantness is that it's an inevitable consequence of more and more people visiting the site.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jul 25, 2006 9:22 AM ]

Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: NiGHTS | Posted: Aug 2, 2006 1:16 AM | TYS Fan ]

I just want to say thanks for posting this, it has helped me immensely in importing and playing the games. The only other suggestion I could make to this is to explain in detail the control setup and how to play the game effectively...I can't play through a game yet since I can't figure out for the life of me how to sub pitchers...*sigh* Thank you again!
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Aug 12, 2006 1:35 AM ]


This excerpt from one of my old emails might help. I think this information is based on Pawapuro 12, so the layout and colors might be different in Pawapuro 13 - I don't know:

Here's the basic layout of in-game menus for exhibition matches:

- Pause Menu (this pops up whenever you pause the game):

Resume Play-- Both Teams' Lineups and Box Score

Sub Hitter/Pitcher-- Pitchers' Status

Sub Runner/Fielder-- Controller Layout

Options/Difficulty-- Sound

Replay-- Quit Game(Left - Yes.)(Right - No.)

Now if you choose Both Teams' Lineups and Box Score, you'll then see 4 boxes running down the middle center of the screen. Here's how they go from top to bottom:

Return to Game (YELLOW)
Sub Hitter/Pitcher (BLUE)
Sub Runner/Fielder (BLUE)
Pitchers' Status (PINK)

* I always use this Lineups and Box Score screen to check the arm strength of the opposition's catcher. You can steal bases much more easily against weak-armed catchers.

If you choose the Pitchers' Status box (PINK), you'll then see a number of boxes running left to right across the top of the screen. Here's how they go from left to right:

Resume Play (YELLOW)
Sub Hitter/Pitcher (BLUE)
Sub Runner/Fielder (BLUE)
Both Teams' Lineups and Box Score(BLUE with GREEN writing)

* I use this screen a lot too. I use it whenever my opponent puts in a new pitcher - because this screen tells you what pitches both you and your opponent can throw and how well they throw them.

If you pick Sub Hitter/Pitcher (BLUE), you'll get the following running left to right across the top:

Resume Play (YELLOW)
Sub Runner/Fielder (BLUE)
Pitchers' Status (PINK)
Lineups and Box Score (BLUE with GREEN writing)

If you pick Sub Runner/Fielder (BLUE), you'll get the following running left to right across the top:

Resume Play (YELLOW)
Sub Hitter/Pitcher (BLUE)
Pitchers' Status (PINK)
Lineups and Box Score (BLUE with GREEN writing)

* Not only can you sub Fielders, you can also switch the positions they play. Move the cursor over a player's name to sub the fielder, but move the cursor over to the smaller box next to a player's name to switch his position.

* Players are color-coded as follows:

Pitchers - RED
Catchers - BLUE
Infielders - YELLOW
Outfielders - GREEN
Utility Men - Multiple Colors

You see the specific positions individual Infielders and Utility Men play in the box that pops up when you put the cursor over a player's name.

The "Circle" button always selects an option and the "X" button always goes back/cancels. This is reversed from most North American / European / Australian games. It takes a little getting used to.

Also, the R1 or R2 button makes your outfielder throw to the cut-off man. Knowing when to hit the cut-off man and when to throw directly to a base is crucial. "Circle" throws to 1st base, "Trianlge" to 2nd, "Square" to 3rd, and "X" to home.

Tapping L2 while your pitcher is on the mound will make him use the rosin bag. I don't if this affects anything, but it looks cool.

*Repeatedly tapping the shoulder buttons (L1, L2, R1, and R2) makes your baserunners run faster. Using this technique is often crucial for legging out infield hits, doubles, and triples.

*Repeatedly tapping the "X" button after your pitcher has begun his delivery puts a little "extra zip" on the pitch. But constantly doing this might make your pitcher tire more quickly.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Aug 12, 2006 1:56 AM ]

...and here's a bit more about the baserunning controls. I don't think I included it in the above post:

"Square" + left analog stick in the direction of the base you want to go to - advances an individual runner.

"X" + left analog stick in the direction of the base you want to return to - retreats an individual runner.

"Triangle" - advances all runners.

"Circle" - returns all runners.

"Triangle" + "Circle" freezes all runners.

"Square" + "X" + left analog stick freezes individual runners, I think.
Re: Newcomers, inside is everything you need to know about Pro Yakyuu games
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Aug 25, 2006 1:53 AM ]


Another tip, Memory cards are universal meaning they could be used for any system.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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