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Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
If you play Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban and/or PawaMajor, you must try these settings. I don’t know if they work with Pawapuro 12 and/or 13 because I haven’t tried them with those games, but I’d bet that they do.

CPU Difficulty: Everything set to POWERFUL, except for CPU Pitching which is set to HARD. But you could still experiment with POWERFUL CPU Pitching.

Set your Batting Cursor to LOCK-ON (BLUE in 11 Chou Ketteiban, TAN/Default in PawaMajor). I don’t think the CPU’s setting matters. I just leave the CPU on NORMAL/DEFAULT.

**Now here’s the new stuff:

Leave Cursor Movement, both yours and the CPU’s, set to ANALOG. (Yes that’s right, NO DIGITAL!)

Turn the Mit Cursor OFF for both sides. (This is Crucial!)

Fielding Cursors are up to you. I’ve always left the CPU’s OFF because I find it visually distracting and unnecessary. But recently, I’ve been playing with mine OFF too. I don’t recommend this for beginners, but once you get a feel for Pawapuro/PawaMajor’s Fielding – Defense feels much more rewarding with your Fielding cursor OFF. I’ve been making more diving catches as of late.

**Now here’s the new AND WILD stuff:

You’ll have to use the Analog button when playing games. The Analog button and its corresponding RED Analog light are located between the Left and Right Analog sticks on your PS2 Controller. Pressing the Analog button once toggles the Red Analog light ON and OFF.

When you’re pitching and fielding, use the Left Analog stick. Make sure that the RED Analog light on your PS2 Controller is ON.

When you’re batting and baserunning, use the D-Pad. Make sure that the RED Analog light on your PS2 controller is OFF.

PRESS YOUR PS2 CONTROLLER’S ANALOG BUTTON EACH TIME 3 OUTS ARE RECORDED (i.e. THE SIDE IS RETIRED). This takes some getting used to, I still occasionally forget. But it quickly becomes habit or second-nature. Think of it as the "run into or out of the dugout" button.


Pitching/Fielding – RED light ON. Left Analog Stick.
Batting/Baserunning – RED light OFF. D-Pad.

The two pitching statistics that really seemed to ‘fall into line’ after I started using these settings were Walks and Pitch Count. Analog movement with the Mit Cursor OFF is the most challenging and rewarding way to pitch, I feel.

But I prefer Digital movement when I bat. Digital plus Lock-On just feels FUN to me. PawaMajor lets you bat Digitally with the Left Analog stick, but then you're forced to pitch Digitally too - which feels all wrong. Plus, Digital movement feels more responsive with the D-Pad, in my opinion.

It’s genius how Pawapuro and PawaMajor enable players to quickly and easily toggle between Analog and Digital with just the press of a button – the Analog button!

You cannot do this in Pro Spirits 3.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 5, 2006 8:29 PM ]

Here are two additional controls when the batting cursor is set to DIGITAL:

-Pressing the L2 button re-centers the batting cursor. If you move the cursor all the way over to one side of the strike zone, you can quickly recenter it by pressing L2. Also, your batter will do a cool-looking animation (he appears to "dig into" the batter's box).

-Pressing and holding the L1 button while moving the batting cursor with the D-Pad makes the batting cursor move extra-slowly. Normally, I only use this feature BEFORE the pitch is thrown to 'guess' a pitch location. Once the ball is pitched, I use the D-Pad ALONE to bat.

Finally, these settings might not work as well in 11 Chou Ketteiban. Bullpen45 and I are finding that power hitters seem to hit too many homeruns. And according to Bullpen45, the overall hit totals per game are also too high. I saw high hit totals in my first game, but after that they seemed to level off.

So the final verdict is still out.

But you might need to turn up the CPU Pitching difficulty in 11 Chou Ketteiban.

It'd be great if people could experiment with these settings and post their findings here.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Sep 6, 2006 9:05 PM ]

I have played 4 games with these settings on Pawapuro 11.
I am getting an average of 21 hits per game (so does the CPU).
I have also hit 11 Homeruns (7 of wich from Fernando Seguignol).
From what I've seen it is impossible to bump the CPU pitching level after Powerfull.
But, I am getting great results with the same settings on Pawamajor (the pitching speed is tougher in pawamajor).
I am still trying to figure out the right settings on pawapuro 11 (and Yakyu Spirit 3).
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Sep 7, 2006 12:40 PM ]

Hey John, it's great that you finally have been able to find the perfect settings for yourself.

I've got to be honest though, those options just aren't for me.

First off, I have the Gamecube version so I don't think I can switch back and forth from using the analog controller. It sounds like a great feature though. :o)

As for myself, I've always set everything, including pitching, to powerful. I also turn off the lock on feature, no mit cursor (isn't it meet cursor?), no fielding cursor, and I'm most partial to digital batting. Oh, and since I have a very low attention span, I just play as my chosen character. I don't think I could ever make it through an entire 9 inning game of pitching, fielding, and batting. Dear Lord, I would probably perfect the look of suffering if I had to play through a full length game. Does that mean I have a learning disablity? :o/

Well, if you are looking for someone to experiment with your new settings, I'm not much of a person to ask on this.

I'm way too stubborn in my beliefs. :o)

Just curious here, was your last translation post the final end to your guide?

I have everything you've written printed and ready for use but I've been holding off on starting a new season until I had the most information available to help me win the pennant and the seasons to follow.

I'm still not quite understanding the experience points you receive during a seasonal game and how that effects your players when that experience goes up a level.

Anyway, it has been a real joy hearing from someone else here in the states who also loves the Powerful Pro series. For the longest time, I thought I was like the only one in America that thought these games were the most fun a person could buy.

I've been able to get a couple of friends hooked on one of these games (Power Pro Kun Pocket 5) awhile back. I even had my wife get into it for a couple of weeks. Actually, she was the first to get a player drafted in the game even before my friends or myself were able to do so.

So yeah, it's always great to chat with another fan of the series.

It's been a real pleasure reading and following up on most (not all) of your posts. :o)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 8, 2006 1:23 AM ]

I decided to post this here since some of it relates to game settings, which is this tread's topic...

I finally caved in and bought Pawapuro 13.

I've only played one game of Pawapuro 13, and so far I am not impressed. The entire game strikes me as a bit "gimicky." It's as if Konami released a Pawapuro that plays more like Pro Spirits 3. And the new cinematic scenes, while cool-looking, suffer from quite a lot of slowdown.

Why would Konami do something like this? No one knows for sure of course, but I've come up with a theory. Pawapuro has been announced for the Playstation 3 for some time now. Maybe Pawapuro 13 is a rough/beta version of what Konami has in store for us on the PS3...

Why else would Konami attempt to so dramatically rework the core game engine so near the end of the PS2's lifecycle?!

I've experimented with game settings in Practice Mode and here are my early findings:

Lock-On plus Digital DOES NOT work as well in Pawapuro 13 - because pitch speed has been significantly slowed down.

The gamemakers likely decided to slow the pitch speed since this is the first Pawapuro WITHOUT the traditional Mit/Pitch Cursor located, in reverse, at the top of the screen.

**So I'll play Pawapuro 13 with Analog and Normal batting, and see how it goes.

Strangely enough, when you're batting Digitally in Pawapuro 13, the Assited cursor seems even easier to hit with than Lock-On does. I've never experienced this before.

**Here's how the Pawapuro settings generally break down: With DIGITAL batting, Normal is the hardest, Assited is still pretty hard, and Lock-On feels just about right. With ANALOG batting, Normal feels just about right, Assisted becomes too easy after a while, and Lock-On is just crazy-easy.

Plus, the L2 button does not re-center your batting cursor in Pawapuro 13 as it does in earlier Pawapuros.

**PawaMajor is the only game where I'm convinced that DIGITAL and LOCK-ON are the best way to go. Though I'm still experimenting with these settings in 11 Chou Ketteiban.

**11 Chou Ketteiban works well on ANALOG and NORMAL, but I normally leave the Mit Cursor ON when I play this way. DIGITAL and LOCK-ON feel fun too, but I turn the Mit Cursor OFF when I play this way.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Sep 9, 2006 2:48 AM | FSH Fan ]

I play with the analog stick all the time. And anything other than normal batting just completely erases any enjoyability.

I've tried playing on lockon in 12, and I beat my opponent (all powerful) 35-5...>__>

Never tried digital batting tho, and since I dun have any of my games with me right now, I cant try (recently it's been pawapoke and others for me)

I suppose they decreased the ball speed in 13 so people can adjust easier to the no-meet (actually they've had no-meet before in the early games), but for someone who's been playing mostly on all powerful settings for a while, I was already able to hit decently without any meet assisting from the meet cursor. Therefore 13 seemed like very easy.

Plus the heavy ball and the enlarged powerswing cursor and the larger contact area (where even if u didn't hit anything inside the batting cursor, u will still make contact for bloopers), 13 just became too easy to bat.

If only they can have a better strike-ball ratio in 12, the pitcher is the best in the recent games. 11's fastball was half-useless IMO.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 11, 2006 12:01 AM ]


LOCK-ON plus ANALOG does not work. It's just too easy to hit, as you clearly discovered.

LOCK-ON plus DIGITAL can be enjoyable though. But as described above, it feels a little too arcadey in 11 Chou Ketteiban.

LOCK-ON plus DIGITAL feels just about perfect in PawaMajor. I cannot see playing PawaMajor any other way.

And I agree with you about the decreased ball speed in 13.


I could be wrong, but I believe the "meet" cursor refers to the batting cursor and the "mit" cursor refers to the pitching cursor. They're two separate things. Although recently, only 11 and Major League have had pitching cursors that actually resemble "mits." 12 and 13 have generic-looking pitch cursors.

And I plan on posting more of my guide soon. Sorry if I'm holding up your Season. In my next installment, I'll try to finish the PURPLE section and give a brief outline of the BLUE section. That should be enough to get you started.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 13, 2006 4:29 AM ]

This is not really germane, but I wanted to share and I didn't want to start a new thread:

Hideo Nomo had a PINK Smiley Face, so I decided to let him start one of my Playoff games.

(I'm playing as the White Sox against the A's in the ALCS. And the Cubs are playing the Cardinals in the NLCS. Both series' are tied 2-2. So there's a decent chance I could have an "all-Chicago" World Series. Crazy.)

Anyway, I rarely start Nomo but I had good feeling about him.

(Again, I pitch with ANALOG cursor movement and with the Mit/Pitch cursor OFF.)

I struck out 12 in 7 or 8 innings with Nomo! But I wound up losing the game 3-1.

Now I chalk some of my performance up to the "Japanese-bias" in PawaMajor, but it was still great fun to dominate on the mound like that.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Sep 13, 2006 7:39 PM ]

Hey John, sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your recent purchase of Powerful Pro 13.

I'm sure it can't be as bad as everyone seems to think, even you.

All you need to do is find the right settings, options, and features to make it work for you. Even if it were to be the worst product of this series, there is always something there to discover that makes each and every title of this franchise quite enjoyable.

I do think that you would have been more happy with yourself if you had bought Atsumare! instead.

Anyway, keep on trucking with your translation progress on PawaMajor. I'm still checking this site every other two or three days hoping that you have more in your guide. :o)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 14, 2006 5:13 AM ]

I'd like to retract some of my Pawapuro 13 criticism. The more I experiment with it, the more I like it.

James, I agree. Every Pawapuro has an initial "adjustment period" because no two versions play exactly the same.

And I will get Atsumare! eventually. I'll keep everyone posted.

I'll try to continue "trucking" with my PawaMajor translation. But recently I've been sidetracked with learning Pawapuro 13.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 14, 2006 9:56 AM | CLM Fan ]

Back after a long hiatus. I've been busy with the 9/11 truth movement lately.

I was going to give Pawapuro 13 another chance today, until I saw the updated Japanese reviews. 78 reviews with an average of 27 out of 100 for an overall score of F. I may give PawaMajor another shot, though.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 14, 2006 11:10 PM ]

Disregard my last post. After more time with the game, I'm beginning to believe that 13 is as terrible as most say.

I see some potentially great ideas/changes in 13, but the overall gameplay just isn't there.

I'm back to PawaMajor. So expect a translation guide update sometime this weekend.


If you haven't already, you really should give the settings in this thread a try. PawaMajor plays beautifully with them. But 11 Chou Ketteiban does not.

And again, I'm a big beliver in pressing the Analog button each time the side is retired.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 15, 2006 1:25 AM ] how's this for perfect timing?

I decide to write off Pawapuro 13 and return to PawaMajor, and they FINALLY release some Password Updates for MLB!

So far, they've only posted Jim Thome and Nomar Garciaparra. (I'm particularly thrilled about Thome.) But the text above the passwords seems to indicate that more Passwords are coming, especially for Rookies. I say "seems to indicate" because my Japanese is not good and automated translation isn't always reliable.

Anyway, here's the link:

Thome is first, Garciaparra is second. The PS2 passwords are under the BLUE headings, the Gamecube passwords are under the GREEN headings.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Sep 15, 2006 10:54 AM ]

Hey Nomah, pahk the cah in the Harvahd Yahd. :o)

Sweet codes.

Quick question for ya though.

Is there a way to erase the announcer calling a player's name every time he steps to the plate?

I'm pretty sure that once you pick a name for the announcer to use, that from then on you have to at least pick another name, you can't just go back to using nothing.

I'm only asking in case I'm missing something here.

I was using my custom created character from success mode but left the option for how his name was to be announced blank.

Anyway, I found another player with a similiar name as my own and went with that for a little while but now I want it to go back to nothing again.

It's only letting me choose another name, I can't get that option to go blank again. I really don't want to start all over and create another player in story mode just so I don't have to hear his name pronounced wrong anymore.

Any helpful advice on this?
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 16, 2006 1:12 AM ]

I've never messed with that. So I have no idea. Sorry.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 16, 2006 1:41 AM ]

Two new Passwords are up, pitcher Francisco Liriano of the Twins and pitcher Justin Verlander of the Tigers.

Here's the link:
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Jacob | Posted: Sep 26, 2006 6:24 PM ]

I finally got around to experimenting with John's new settings for PawaMajor. And indeed, the batting yields pretty realistic results. However, after 20 games with the NY Mets, my pitching statistics look like this:

Pedro 8.71 ERA
Glavine 7.83 ERA
Trachsel 12.50 ERA
Zambrano 27.00 ERA

but also...
Ishii 2.71 ERA
Heilman 1.93 ERA
Bradford 0.43 ERA
Sanchez 3.00 ERA
Bell 1.00 ERA

Basically, I can't get anybody out with my starters, while the bullpen is doing great.

This is weird... I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong... Wondering if you've encountered the same.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 27, 2006 5:25 PM ]

Off the top of my head, I don't remember encountering this in my White Sox season. I had some starters who did well and others who did not.

Here are two possible explanations:

1) You're simply in the midst of a CPU/A.I.-generated slump at the beginning of the season. Don't be afraid to shake up your rotation. If a guy's got a RED or PINK smiley-face and decent Stamina, then I usually go with him - even if it's not his regular day to start. (Again, one of the best starts I've had in PawaMajor was with Nomo in an A.L.C.S. Playoff game - and Nomo was not even in my Starting Rotation!)

2) You're not going to the bullpen early and/or often enough. PawaMajor finally gives you the ability to check players' Individual Attributes DURING a game. I constantly use this feature. The Individual Attributes I check the most are: -How well a pitcher does with runners on base and in scoring position (two separate attributes), -How well a pitcher does against left-handed hitting, -How well a batter hits with runners in scoring position, and -How well a batter hits against left-handed pitching. (A tip: Right-handed pitchers who actually pitch well against Left-handed hitters are great to use against Switch Hitters.)

Finally, I just had to share this. At the end of my regular season, I thought that the pitchers near the top of the A.L. and N.L. in Wins had slightly low totals. In my Season, believe only one pitcher in the entire Major Leagues reached 20 Wins and that was either Carpenter or Santana. So I'm watching ESPN tonight and they say that this will likely be the 1st COMPLETE Major League Season in which no player reaches 20 Wins! (Santana's got 19, but he's not schedueled to start again.) Scary - seems like PawaMajor generates, at least some, realistic stats after all.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Jacob | Posted: Sep 30, 2006 3:44 AM ]

Thx, it's probably me leaving pitchers in too long. But you bring up another point; I've always wondered how sophisticated the computer "assistance" is in Pawapuro. I've played numerous seasons where my .450 batters started hitting into double plays mysteriously in the final 2 weeks of the season, to bring their average down to a more palpable .390.

It would be pretty lame if Konami would use such a blunt axe to cover up for mistuned gameplay.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 10, 2006 5:57 AM ]


.450 batting average with two weeks to go? Wow, did you play all of the games, which version were you playing, and what sort of settings were you using?

More PawaMajor passwords have been added to the official site. Here's the link:

Here's how the bottom 1 thru 8 break down:

1-Jim Thome (White Sox)/Nomar Garciaparra (Dodgers)
2-Francisco Liriano (Twins)/Justin Verlander (Tigers)
3-Prince Fielder (Brewers)/Josh Barfield (Padres)
4-Melky Cabrera (Yankees)/Jonathan Papelbon (Red Sox)
5-Takashi Saito (Dodgers)/Akinori Otsuka (Rangers)
6-Marcus Thames (Tigers)/Carlos Beltran (Mets)
7-Jermaine Dye (White Sox)/Joe Mauer (Twins)
8-Josh Johnson (Marlins)/Dan Uggla(Marlins)

Finally, I have a question.

I've been using a Barry Bonds password that I got off a Japanese blog. This Barry Bonds password is unofficial and when I first entered it, the "Bonds player" that appeared had a YELLOW line through his name - I guess to indicate that he was a "created" player and not a "default" player.

Similarly, the fictional "Draft rookies" in Season mode have GRAY lines through their names.

Now, my question:

I deleted my YELLOW-lined Barry Bonds before I entered all of the official passwords above.

These official passwords have no colored lines through their players' names - I guess because they're "official."

But then when I re-entered the YELLOW-lined, "unofficial" Bonds password again, the YELLOW line was gone! So it seemed like entering the "official" passwords first made the YELLOW line disappear in the "unofficial" password...

It's probably a glitch, but does anyone have other ideas about why this happened?
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 12, 2006 7:10 AM ]

I used to want a Jim Thome update, but they took care of that in #1.

Since then, I've longed for a Ryan Howard password...and it finally came in #9.

Here's how 9 breaks down:

9-Albert Pujols (Cardinals)/Ryan Howard (Phillies)

Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 31, 2006 1:56 AM ]

Forget about my Bonds question just above. The YELLOW line appears/diappears depending on which menu or game mode you're in.

Also, there are now 28 MLB passwords available for PawaMajor. 28!
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 31, 2006 2:39 AM ]

Try these settings for Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban.

CPU Difficulty: Everything set to POWERFUL, except for CPU Pitching which is set to HARD.

Set your Batting Cursor to ASSISTED (PINK). I don’t think the CPU’s setting matters. I just leave the CPU on NORMAL/DEFAULT (TAN).

Leave the Fielding Cursor OFF for both sides. (Turning this ON won't affect the just makes catching flyballs less challenging. So if you're having trouble judging flyballs, it's OK to turn this ON.)

Turn the Pitch/Mit cursor OFF for both sides.

Bat and Pitch/Field with the Left Analog Stick. Don't press the Analog button whenever you change sides - as you would in PawaMajor.

I'm enjoying Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban on these settings. Strikeouts, Walks, and Homeruns all seem pretty realistic.

Although I haven't played enough games yet to be completely sure.

I'm currently playing:
-11 Chou Ketteiban with these settings.
-PawaMajor with the settings listed earlier in this thread.
-Pro Spirits 3 with the settings described in Bullpen45's "Is anyone hitting homeruns?" thread.

I've never played three baseball games simultaneously before. But I feel that each offers something unique/brilliant - though I won't go into that now.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 8, 2006 1:53 AM ]

As of November 7th, there are 34 MLB passwords for PawaMajor.

I don't know if anyone else follows this...but if so, I think I've spotted a mistake.

The Reds' Brandon Phillips is listed 2nd under #15. His password works fine. But I played a round of HR Derby with him and noticed that his default uniform is that of the Chicago Cubs. As far as I know, he's only ever played for the Indians and the Reds.

The abbreviations "Cin," "Cle," and "Chi" all look pretty similar, so maybe this is what caused the

Also, I've noticed occasional coloring mistakes in the passwords. Every so often I come across a BLACK character that should be RED, and possibly vice versa. These passwords still word fine, just be sure to read the character regardless of color.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 19, 2006 10:09 PM ] now we're up to 40 MLB passwords for PawaMajor.

And here's something else that people should watch out for: Uniform/Jersey Numbers.

As an example, the David Ortiz password's default jersey number is #8. This is Carl Yastrzemski's retired number. This is something you can easily change ( #34) when you put the the "new Ortiz" on the Red Sox. Also, the gamemakers included team-specific lists of retired jersey numbers. You can view these in the Edit Jersey Number Menu.

Finally, I'd like to share some new thoughts on PawaMajor's settings.

For some time, I've been batting almost exclusively with the D-Pad with Batting Cursor Movement set to Digital (Red Analog Light OFF). But using this method, I've had trouble catching up with fastballs unless my cursor happens to match up with the pitch cursor just as the ball is released.

So I'm beginning to experiment with Analog cursor movement again. And I'm beginning to think that the best batting approach involves a mixture of Digital and Analog.

Digital's advantages:

-You can easily pick a spot in the strike zone and wait for your pitch.
-It sometimes seems easier to hit slower, off-speed pitches on Digital.

Analog's advantages:

-Since the Batting Cursor moves more quickly, it's easier to catch up with fastballs.
-Easier to quickly react to pitch location "on-the-fly"'re more likely to make at least some contact with the ball, even if it's not very good contact.

PawaMajor's Analog cursor movement used to really bug me because it felt much more rigid and jerky than those of the Japanese/NPB-based Pawapuros. But now the more rigid and jerky Analog curor movement seems to compliment PawaMajor's tweaked "Lock-On" batting.

I'm just floating ideas here, I'm not 100% about any of this.

And I will get around to finishing the PawaMajor guide...if anyone still cares.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Nov 22, 2006 6:23 PM ]


If you go to !

There's now 21 lines of passwords !
Is anyone have an idea of who are the new created players ? (from line 10 to 21)

Thanks a lot !
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 24, 2006 8:12 PM ]

All 42 MLB Player passwords at

1-Jim Thome (White Sox)/Nomar Garciaparra (Dodgers)
2-Francisco Liriano (Twins)/Justin Verlander (Tigers)
3-Prince Fielder (Brewers)/Josh Barfield (Padres)
4-Melky Cabrera (Yankees)/Jonathan Papelbon (Red Sox)
5-Takashi Saito (Dodgers)/Akinori Otsuka (Rangers)
6-Marcus Thames (Tigers)/Carlos Beltran (Mets)
7-Jermaine Dye (White Sox)/Joe Mauer (Twins)
8-Josh Johnson (Marlins)/Dan Uggla(Marlins)
9-Albert Pujols (Cardinals)/Ryan Howard (Phillies)
10-Scott Kazmir (Devil Rays)/Johan Santana (Twins)

(The 1st character in the 2nd line of the PS2 Scott Kazmir password is BLACK when it should be RED. Again, this happens occasionally. But as long as you remain attentive to what the characters ACTUALLY SAY and not just their COLORS, then you should be fine. And 99% of the time the color is accurate.)

11-Alfonso Soriano (On Nationals in PawaMajor/Signed
with Cubs this Offseason)
Vladimir Guerrero (Angels)
12-Bobby Abreau (On Phillies in PawaMajor/Traded to
Yankees near the end of the 2006
David Ortiz (Red Sox)
13-Ted Lilly (Blue Jays)/Vernon Wells (Blue Jays)
14-J.J. Putz (Mariners)/Eduardo Perez (Mariners)

(The 8th character in the 4th line of the Eduardo Perez password is BLACK when it should be RED.)

15-David Ross (Reds)/Brandon Phillips (Reds)
16-Mark Teahen (Royals)/Esteban German (Royals)
17-Matt Holliday (Rockies)/Garrett Atkins (Rockies)
18-Fernando Nieve (Astros)/Luke Scott (Astros)
19-Ervin Santana (Angels)/Ryan Zimmerman (Nationals)
20-Jeff Francoeur (Braves)/Brian McCann (Braves)
21-Ian Kinsler (Rangers)/Nelson Cruz (Rangers)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 25, 2006 1:35 PM ]

22-Chris Duncan (Cardinals)/Shane Victorino (Phillies)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Nov 26, 2006 8:15 AM ]

Thanks a lot ! Really !

Do you think the 2007 new-commers in MLB (like Matsuzaka, Igawa, Iwamura...) could be added or we'll have to buy the next PawaMajor ?

It should be hard for me to play to PawaMajor 2007 because sine I play to PawaPuro, my dream was to pitch witn Hideo Nomo...
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Nov 29, 2006 1:47 AM ]

Here's a silly question :

How to put "created players" in a team for playing in season mode ?

Are we forced to create a new team and put in it the right created players ?

By the way, is anyone has an idea to where I could have the Barry Bonds Password (and why not any passwords else) for Gamecube ?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor English (I'm just a poor Frenchie hu hu hu !)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 30, 2006 2:28 AM ]

23-Jose Valentin (Mets)/Frank Thomas (On A's in PawaMajor/Signed with Blue Jays this Offseason)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 2, 2006 6:20 AM ]

24-Grady Sizemore (Indians)/Travis Hafner (Indians)


On Season Mode's Main Menu, choose the YELLOW box second from the bottom. Four more YELLOW boxes should appear, choose the 4th/last one.

That's the best I can help.

Unlike in the Japanese/NPB-based Pawapuros, you cannot play with "Arrange" teams in PawaMajor's Season Mode. This is one of PawaMajor's major shortcomings.

Although this might simply have been impossible for the gamemakers to accomplish...considering how many more teams and stadiums are included in PawaMajor compared to the Japanese/NPB-based Pawapuros.

Sorry, I don't know where to find Gamecube PawaMajor passwords - other than the official updates on Konami's site. I believe most of the "unofficial" PawaMajor passwords that I've stumbled across have been for the PS2. But I'll keep an eye out for you, and if I find any I'll post the link(s) here.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Dec 5, 2006 8:25 PM ]

Thanks a lot for these infos (and for the newest official passwords !)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 6, 2006 3:07 AM ]

25-Ty Wigginton (Devil Rays)/Bill Hall (Brewers)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 9, 2006 5:53 AM ]

26-Nick Markakis (Orioles)/Erik Bedard (Orioles)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Dec 15, 2006 6:42 PM ]

D-Mat with the Red Sox... And soon Kei with the Yanks and Iwamura with the D-Rays... I hope we'll have some new jap players codes for PawaMajor !!!
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 3:13 PM ]

27-Mike Cameron (Padres)/Mike Piazza (On Padres in PawaMajor/Signed with A's this Offseason)
28-Jason Bay (Pirates)/Freddy Sanchez (Pirates)
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 23, 2006 6:08 AM ]

29-Rich Hill (Cubs)/Matt Murton (Cubs) [Ted Lilly, listed in #13 above, is no longer a Blue Jay. Lilly signed with the Cubs this Offseason.]
30-Matt Cain (Giants)/Stephen Drew (Diamondbacks)

The message included with the #30 passwords seems to indicate that they will be the last passwords released.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Dec 26, 2006 7:29 PM ]

No no no !

I want Kei, D-Mat and Iwamura in PawaMajor ! GRR !
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Dec 30, 2006 7:56 AM | FSH Fan ]

go make them in success mode, that's the fastest/easiest way~

u can just use their stats from pawapuro 13k

and they should be fairly easy to make, since u can get 160 AA 10 movement players easily in pawamajor's success mode.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 30, 2006 8:08 AM ]

Hopefully, Konami will post a few more passwords for the Japanese/NPB players who signed with MLB clubs this offseason.

Or maybe they're waiting for the PawaMajor sequel. Although I have no idea if they're even planning a sequel to PawaMajor.

But I find it hard to believe that Konami went to all the trouble of acquiring the MLB license and designing all of those wonderful stadiums - just for one game.
Re: Attention Pawapuro/PawaMajor Players: Try These Settings
[ Author: Guest: Nikoshiba | Posted: Jan 2, 2007 5:40 PM ]

Success Mode is a little hard for me... Finally, I'm a beginner (I only played to Dreamcast Edition, PawaPuro Partable on PSP and PawaMajor) and I only play season mode !
This Success Mode all in Japanese scares me a little...

@JoMcClane : Sorry, it's the last PawaMajor... The next one will be a MNP VS NPB with the championships playables... Er well.. I hope so !

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