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Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0

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Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
Here's the first draft, as it may be. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

And yes, the formatting is all wonky because of the transition from Notepad to this forum.


I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Main Menu Translation
IV. Tutorial Mode Translation
V. Trial Mode Translation
VI. VP Shop Translation
VII. Pitch Selection Translation
VIII. Contact Information
IX. Copyright Information



First off, I would like to point fans of Pro Yakyu Spirits 4 to two online destinations-- (in particular, the Video Games link on the left side) and also to BigManZam's translation guide, available in the above forum as well as eventually on BigManZam is the go-to-guy when it comes to most things PYS4, and I actually owe it to him that I found out that PYS4 is a region-free game that I'd be able to play on an American PS3. So yeah, in short, be sure to check out his work as well as this file.

I have taken two years of Japanese language courses at the university level, but I am still not as sure with my reading skills as I would like to be. That said, a lot of the game is easy to adjust to because baseball carries with it an interesting sort of international language. While I may be unable to do a 100% translation at points, I feel that this guide will be more than a useful point of departure to somebody with little to no Japanese language knowledge.

Note: This FAQ should not be read as a word-for-word translation of the Japanese encountered in the game. Instead, it is a guide to help players understand what the game is asking of them during certain text-heavy situations like the ones that are found in the Tutorial and Trial modes.



Version 1.0.0 -- APRIL 8th, 2007
File was created and submitted to and
Sections Added: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX.



Yeah, I know, all of the modes on the Main Menu have English subtitles. Still, just in case people need help:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
- Exhibition Game - Pennant Race - Online Match
- Tutorial - MVP - Training
- Home Run Competition - Spirits - VP Shop
- Strike Pitch - Trial - Utility

The bottom right-hand corner of the screen (where the little blockhead guy is) also gives a rough estimate of how long one play-through of a particular mode will take. For example, the Exhibition Game is estimated to last 40 minutes, the Home Run Competition estimate is 5 minutes, and the Online Match estimate is 15 minutes. Neat to note when you're playing on a timetable.



For any first-time PYS player (as I was), this should be your first destination as soon as you turn on the game. I'm sure that even veteran players could find some interesting things of note in this mode, plus you earn VP points for completing it anyway. No matter how many MLB video games you've played in the past, if you've never played PYS before, you're not prepared to play an Exhibition Game right out of the box. Just take my word for it.

The tutorial mode is broken down into four separate modes: Pitching, Hitting, Fielding and Running.

1.1: Fastballs
1.1.1: Throw five fastballs in the strike zone.
1.2: Other Pitches
1.2.1: Select the pitch that matches what is being asked for at the bottom of the screen and throw it for a strike.
1.3: Best Pitch Timing
1.3.1: Throw three fastballs for a strike with best timing.
1.3.2: Throw three fastballs for a strike with power pitch mode (push up on the right stick before starting the wind-up).
1.4: Cursor Challenge
1.4.1: Throw five fastballs through the red circle target.
1.5: Control Master
1.5.1: Select the pitch that matches what is being asked for at the bottom of the screen and throw it through the red circle target.

2.1: Fastballs
2.1.1: Hit five fastballs into fair territory.
2.1.2: Using the power swing cursor (R1), hit two fastballs into fair territory.
2.2: Directional Hitting
2.2.1: Hit four fastballs into fair territory to left field.
2.2.2: Hit four fastballs into fair territory to right field (use O).
2.3: Other Pitches
2.3.1: Hit six pitches of different types (the bottom of the screen will tell you what is coming) into fair territory.
2.4: Bunting
2.4.1: Bunt three ground balls into fair territory.
2.5: Disciplined Batting
2.5.1: Swing at and put into fair territory four balls that are in the strike zone. Do not swing at balls out of the strike zone.
2.6: Hitting Safely
2.6.1: Hit safely four times while fielders are in play.

3.1: Throwing to Bases
3.1.1: Follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen and throw to the proper base, working with infielders only.
3.1.2: Starting with an outfielder, follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen and throw to the cut-off man (R1), then throw with the cut-off man to the proper base.
3.2: Fielding Hits to Make Outs
3.2.1: Catch four fly-balls using the designated fielder.
3.2.2: Field four ground balls and throw out the runner.
3.3: Making Outs Part 2
3.3.1: Field four balls, a mix of fly-balls and grounders, and make at least one out per play.
3.3.2: Turn three double plays with a runner on first.
3.4: Using the Action Button
3.4.1: Use the action button (O) to make four great out plays--both diving and jumping.
3.5: Other Fielding
3.5.1: As the pitcher, make a pick-off attempt to first, second, and third, in that order.
3.5.2: As the catcher, throw out three runners trying to steal second.

4.1: Running the Bases
4.1.1: Follow the instructions on screen to advance (triangle) or return (O) while running the bases. You will be told to run to first, run to second, return to first before reaching second, run to second, start running to third, turn around and run back to second, run to third, start running home, turn around and run back to third, then run home.
4.1.2: Press triangle and circle together to stop your runner. Follow the directions on screen to run the bases and stop when told. You will be told to stop between first and second, between second and third, and between third and home.
4.2: Controlling Multiple Runners
4.2.1: Same as 4.1.1 except you have three runners under your control.
4.2.2: Push the direction of a base plus the square button to tell a single runner to advance to a certain base, and push the direction of a base plus the X button to tell a single runner to return to a certain base. Follow the instructions in
the bottom-right corner of the screen, essentially.
4.3: Controlling Runners After Hits
4.3.1: Control the batter after the hit and follow the directions at the bottom of the screen to get that baserunner as far as the game wants you to go. There are four hits: the first is to try for a double, the second is a triple, the third is scoring a runner from second on a base hit, and the fourth is scoring on a sacrifice fly from third.
4.4: Stealing Bases
4.4.1: Using the triangle button, time your steal for just as the pitcher begins his windup for the best jump. Steal second base three times.

Now you're done with the tutorial, and you just might be ready to get an actual game in!



Trial mode takes some of the things you learned in Tutorial Mode and through simply playing the game and puts you to the test in three separate modes: Fielding, Running, and the Extra stage, 100 Knock Challenge. Think of this as advanced training for aspects of the game outside of pitching and hitting.

1. As the second baseman, field a grounder and throw to first for the out.
2. As the shortstop, field a grounder and throw to first for the out.
3. As the first baseman, cover first base to catch the throw for the out.
4. As the third baseman, cover third base to catch the throw for the out.
5. As the second baseman, field the ball and throw to second to start a double play.
6. As the shortstop, field the ball and throw to second to start a double play.
7. As the first baseman, cover first base to catch the second part of the double play.
8. As the pitcher, field the bunt and throw the ball to first base.
9. As the pitcher, field the bunt and throw the ball to second base.
10. As the catcher, field the bunt and throw the ball to first base.
11. As the catcher, field the pop fly.
12. As the left fielder, catch the fly ball.
13. As the right fielder, catch the fly ball.
14. As the center fielder, catch the fly ball.
15. As the center fielder, field the hit and throw it to the plate before the runner at second can score.
16. As the right fielder, field the hit and throw it to third before the runner at first can try to get there.
17. As the left fielder, field the fly ball and throw it to the plate before the runner can tag up and score.
18. As the left fielder, field the hit and keep the runner from getting to second by getting the ball back to the infield quickly.
19. As the right fielder, field the hit and keep the runner from getting to second by getting the ball back to the infield quickly.
20. As the second baseman, use the circle button to make a fine play on the ball and throw to first for the out.

1. As the shortstop, field the grounder and throw to first for the out.
2. As the shortstop, catch the flyball for the out.
3. As the third baseman, charge the bunt and throw to first for the out.
4. As the third baseman, field the grounder and throw to second to get the lead runner out.
5. As the pitcher, field the grounder and throw to second to get the lead runner out.
6. As the pitcher, field the bunt and throw to third to get the lead runner out.
7. As the first baseman, field the bunt and throw to third to get the lead runner out.
8. As the first baseman, field the grounder and throw home for the force out at the plate.
9. As the second baseman, field the grounder and throw home for the force out at the plate.
10. As the second baseman, field the grounder and flip to second to start the double play.
11. As the second baseman, cover second base to field the flip from the shortstop and throw to first to complete the double play.
12. As the shortstop, cover second base to field the flip from the second baseman and throw to first to complete the double play.
13. As the shortstop, field the grounder and flip to second to start the double play.
14. As the catcher, catch the pop-up in foul territory.
15. As the catcher, catch the pop-up in foul territory.
16. As the left fielder, catch the hard-hit ball for the out.
17. As the left fielder, charge and catch the bloop hit for the out.
18. As the right fielder, charge and catch the soft hit for the out.
19. As the right fielder, catch the hard-hit ball for the out.
20. As the center fielder, back up to catch the fly ball for the out.

1. As the center fielder, charge and catch the soft hit for the out.
2. As the right fielder, run back and to your left to catch the ball for the out.
3. As the left fielder, field the hit and get the ball to second before the runner can leg out a double.
4. As the center fielder, field the hit and get the ball to second before the runner can leg out a double.
5. As the right fielder, field the hit and get the ball to home plate before the runner from second can make a run for the score.
6. As the left fielder, catch the fly ball and get the ball to home plate before the runner from third can tag up to score.
7. As the first baseman, field the grounder and get an out at first base to end the inning.
8. As the third baseman, field the grounder and throw to home plate for the force out.
9. As the pitcher, field the weak hit and throw to home or first to get the third out and end the inning.
10. As the catcher, cover the plate to take the throw from the third baseman for the force out at home.
11. As the first baseman, cover first to catch the second out of the inning-ending double play from second base.
12. As the shortstop, cover second to field the throw from the second baseman and at least get the force out at second, if not the double play.
13. As the third baseman, cover third base to field the throw from the pitcher to get the lead runner out on the bunt attempt.
14. As the second baseman, field the grounder and flip the ball to the shortstop to start the double play.
15. As the shortstop, field the grounder and flip the ball to the second baseman to start the double play.
16. As the third baseman, field the ground and throw the ball to second base to start the double play.
17. As the pitcher, field the bunt and throw the ball to second base to start the inning-ending double play.
18. As the catcher, catch the pop-up in foul territory.
19. As the third baseman, back up and make an over-the-head catch on the bloop hit.
20. As the second baseman, run back to catch the bloop hit.

1. As a runner at first base, run to second base on the hit.
2. As a runner at first base, make it back to first base before you get doubled up on the infield fly ball out.
3. As a runner at first base, run to second base on the bunt.
4. As a runner at second base, run to third base on the hit.
5. As a runner at second base, run to third base on the bunt.
6. As a runner at third base, run home on the hit.
7. As a runner at third base, tag up and run home on the sacrifice fly.
8. As a runner at second base, tag up and run to third base on the fly out.
9. As a runner at first base, try to steal second base by hitting triangle at the beginning of the pitcher's motion to home. Remember not to start too soon or you'll get picked off. Also, you can wait for the pitcher to throw another pitch if you don't think you will be able to make it.
10. As a runner at second base, try to steal third base. Getting the timing right on this attempt is even more important than before--if you don't get at least "OK" timing, no amount of hammering on the shoulder buttons will help you make it in safely.

1. As a runner at first base, execute a hit-and-run by running as the pitcher delivers and making it safely to second on the bunt.
2. As a runner at first base, run on contact to second base and reach safely on the soft hit.
3. As a runner at first base, execute a hit-and-run by running as the pitcher and delivers and making it safely to second on the base hit.
4. As a runner at first base, make it back to first base before you get doubled up on the soft liner to short.
5. As a runner at first base, make it safely to second base on the hit.
6. As a runner at second base, run on contact and make it safely to third base on the grounder to short.
7. As a runner at second base, make it back to second base before you get double up on the pop-out bunt to the pitcher.
8. As a runner at second base, tag up and make it to third base on the fly out.
9. As a runner at second base, run on contact and make it to third base on the bunt.
10. As a runner at second base, run on contact and make it home to score on the bloop single to the outfield.
11. As a runner at third base, make it home to score on the soft hit to the pitcher.
12. As a runner at third base, make it home to score on the bloop single to the outfield.
13. As a runner at third base, wait for the type of contact to decide what to do. On a grounder, run home to score. On a fly ball, tag up and run home to score.
14. As a runner at third base, tag up and score on the fly ball to center field.
15. As a runner at third base, tag up and score on the fly ball to right field.
16. As a runner at first base, run as the pitcher begins his wind-up and make it to third base on the bloop hit to right field.
17. As a runner at first base, time your steal attempt right to safely steal second base.
18. As a runner at second base, run on contact to make it to third base on the bloop to center.
19. As a runner at second base, time your steal attempt right to safely steal third base.
20. As a runner at third base, run on contact to reach home and score safely.

EXTRA STAGE -- 100 Knock Challenge
In this extra stage, you will be put in control of one of a random infielder (first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, or third baseman) per play for 100 plays. The goal is to get your fielder in front of the ball to either catch the fly ball or cleanly field the grounder. You earn more VP points for the more plays you make. My current record is 87 out of 100, so I can't tell you what you get for clearing 100 out of 100. If you get to it before I do, be sure to let me know.



The VP Shop is where you get to spend those VP points you earn from taking part in the various modes of the game--heck, you even get points for playing a full Exhibition Game that you end up losing.

The top option, as far as I can understand, allows you to "purchase" improved statistics of the players in the game. I am not sure if this is true, and further, whether or not the "improved" statistics are reflective of true statistics or merely a way to make bad players better.

The following lists are ordered beginning with the page that is first displayed when you enter the Item area of the VP shop (the bottom option when you go into the VP Shop at first), then progressing as though you were paging through to the right.

Special thanks to BigManZam for the work he did on the "Stadiums and Settings" translations in his own PYS4 FAQ.

Stadiums and Settings
See BigManZam's PYS4 Translation FAQ.

Nippon Ham Fighters Home Uniform -- Black shirt and cap, white pants.
Nippon Ham Fighters Away Uniform -- Black shirt and cap, gray pants.
Orix Buffaloes Kyocera Dome Uniform -- White shirt, dark cap, white pants.
Orix Buffaloes Former Home Uniform -- White shirt, dark cap, white pants.
Orix Buffaloes Former Away Uniform -- Dark shirt and cap, white pants.
Yokohama Baystars Former Home Uniform -- White shirt, dark cap, white pants.
Yokohama Baystars Former Away Uniform -- Light blue shirt, dark cap, white pants.
Yokohama Baystars 2nd Home Uniform -- White shirt, dark cap, white pants.
Seibu Lions Former Home Uniform -- Blue cap, white shirt and pants.
Seibu Lions Former Away Uniform -- Blue Cap, gray shirt and pants.
Chiba Lotte Marines 2nd Home Uniform -- Black cap, white shirt and pants.
Chiba Lotte Marines 3rd Home Uniform -- Black cap, white shirt, black pants.
Yomiuri Giants Holiday Uniform -- Black cap, white shirt and pants.
Softbank Hawks 2nd Home Uniform -- Black cap, yellow shirt, white pants.
Rakuten Eagles Alternate Home Uniform -- Red cap, white shirt and pants.
Hanshin Tigers Alternate Home Uniform -- Dark cap, light blue shirt and pants.
Hanshin Tigers Alternate Away Uniform -- Dark cap, gray shirt and pants.
Yokohama Baystars Alternate Home Uniform -- Blue cap, white shirt and pants.
Yokohama Baystars Alternate Away Uniform -- Blue cap, gray shirt and pants.

[Managers as Players?]
Nippon Ham -- Trey Hillman -- Position Colors: Yellow/Green
Seibu -- Tsutomu Itoh -- Position ColorS: Purple
Softbank -- Sadaharu Oh -- Position Colors: Yellow
Lotte -- Bobby Valentine -- Position Colors: Yellow/Green
Orix -- Terry Collins -- Position Colors: Yellow
Rakuten -- Katsuya Nomura -- Position COlors: Purple
Chunichi -- Hiromitsu Ochiai -- Position Colors: Yellow
Hanshin -- Akinobu Okada -- Position Colors: Yellow
Yomiuri -- Tatsunori Hara -- Position Colors: Yellow
Hiroshima -- Marty Brown -- Position Colors: Green
Yokohama -- Akihiko Ohya -- Position Colors: Purple

[Classic?] Coaches
Nippon Ham -- ???? -- Position Colors: Red
Seibu -- ???? -- Position Colors: Red
Softbank -- ???? -- Position Colors: Green
Lotte -- ???? -- Position Colors: Yellow/Green
Orix -- ???? -- Position Colors: Yellow
Rakuten -- ???? -- Position Colors: Red
Chunichi -- ???? -- Position Colors: Yellow
Hanshin -- ???? -- Position Colors: Yellow
Yakult -- Shinichi Sato -- Position Colors: Green
Yomiuri -- ???? -- Position Colors: Yellow
Hiroshima -- ???? -- Position Colors: Red
Yokohama -- ???? -- Position Colors: Red

Opening Screen Backgrounds
Tokyo Dome A
Tokyo Dome B
Nagoya Dome A
Nagoya Dome B
Hiroshima Municipal Stadium A
Hiroshima Municipal Stadium B
Meiji Jingu Stadium A
Meiji Jingu Stadium B
Yokohama Stadium A
Yokohama Stadium B
Koshien Stadium A
Koshien Stadium B
Skymark Stadium A
Skymark Stadium B
Sapporo Dome A
Sapporo Dome B
Goodwill Dome A
Goodwill Dome B
Kyocera Dome A
Kyocera Dome B
Chiba Marines Stadium A
Chiba Marines Stadium B
Yahoo! Dome A
Yahoo! Dome B
Local Ballpark A
Local Ballpark B
USA Stadium A
USA Stadium B
Country Stadium #2 A
Country Stadium #2 B
Fullcast Stadium A
Fullcast Stadium B
[????] A
[????] B



Just as a heads-up, this section will be using Japanese characters so that I will be able to list the pitches as they appear in the game. In the event that these don't work, I will be looking for an HTML option for this section.

I have broken down the list based on the direction that the pitch is assigned in the pitch select matrix (in other words, what direction you push on the left stick to select the pitch when you're playing in the game).

Note: Translations in brackets [ ] mean that there are some characters or meanings that I'm currently working with but have not come to a final understanding of. More often than not, the cause is one of those complex Kanji characters that is particularly difficult to see in the game screen. If you have any knowledge of one of these bracketed examples, please let me know.

Up Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
ストレート Sutoreeto Four-seam Fastball
ツーシームファスト Tsu-shii-mu Fasuto Two-seam Fastball
チェンジオブペース Chenji obu Pesu Change of Pace [off-speed with no break?]

Left Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
スライダー Suraidaa Slider
[xx]スライダー [xx] Suraidaa [xx] Slider
カットボール Kattobooru Cutter
スロースライダー Suroo Suraidaa Slow Slider

Down-Left Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
カーブ Kaabu Curve
スローカーブ Suroo Kaabu Slow Curve
Dカーブ D Kaabu [Drop] Curve
スラーブ Suraabu [Slab]
[x]スローカーブ [x] Suroo Kaabu [x] Slow Curve
ナックルカーブ Nakkuru Kaabu Knuckle Curve

Down Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
フォーク Fooku Fork
バーム Baamu [Bam]
ナックル Nakkuru Knuckle
[x]スライダー [x] Suraidaa [x] Slider
チェンジアップ Chenji Appu Change-up
SFF SFF Split-finger Fastball
[x]カット [x] Katto [x] Cutter
スライドバーム Suraido Baamu Sliding [Bam]
スローチェンジアップ Suroo Chenji Appu Slow Change-up
シェイク Sheiku Shake

Down-Right Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
シンカー Shinkaa Sinker
[xx]シンカー [xx] Shinkaa [xx] Sinker
スローシンカー Suroo Shinkaa Slow Sinker
[xxx]シンカー [xxx] Shinkaa [xxx] Sinker
サークルチェンジ Saakuru Chenji Circle Change
スローサークルチェンジ Suroo Saakuru Chenji Slow Circle Change

Right Direction Pitches
Japanese Roomaji Pitch
シュート Shuuto Shoot
[xx]シュート [xx] Shuuto [xx] Shoot
シンキングファスト Shinkingu Fasuto Sinking Fastball



If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or suggestions, please send an email to with the mail subject "PYS4 FAQ" so that I will know what is legitimate mail and what is junk mail. If you make significant contributions to the file, you will be thanked in the version of the FAQ that your contribution is added in.



This document is the intellectual property of Brian Parker, ©2007. The information contained herein cannot be used in other work or sold without the express permission of the author.

The following web sites have permission from the author to display this document:

If you wish to display this file or use information from it in your own work (with proper credit to me as original author), please email me at with the mail subject "PYS4 FAQ Request".

"Pro Yakyu Spirits 4" is the property of Konami Japan.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: PGOODY | Posted: Apr 9, 2007 11:59 AM ]

Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 9, 2007 12:53 PM ]

my friend this is the biggest help. I appreciate the work you've done for us very much.

I just REALLY need a user settings and game settings translation as BIGMANZAM's is only for the ps2 version

I want to be able to turn off alot of the hud stuff

Mod: My guide was made using the PS3 version, so quit posting about this.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: jimnyc2000 | Posted: Apr 10, 2007 2:52 AM ]

WOW!!!!!!! Amazing!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: CodeNameV1per | Posted: Apr 10, 2007 8:31 AM ]

I wish there was something better than Thank You to say.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2007 9:40 AM | CLM Fan ]

Great job, and I'd also like to give you permission to use any of my stuff on your future FAQ updates. That means you can use the VP Shop translations, options, etc. In fact, I give you full permission to make one big FAQ for PYS4 using both our info combined. Let's make it happen.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Paakaa10 | Posted: Apr 10, 2007 10:17 AM | CLM Fan ]

First off, I appreciate all of the thanks. It's just nice to see that some people are getting help from my labor of love haha. It was actually helpful to go through the Tutorial and Trial modes again for the sake of writing the FAQ, as it helped me practice and also earned me all of the same VP Point totals that I'd gotten on the first run-through. Lesson learned--if you need VP points to unlock something, go through these modes.

I've already gotten some emails to help correct some of my mis-translations on the pitches, so I'm working on Version 1.0.1 at the moment. I will try to go through other modes and add to the guide so that it will be more useful in the future. I'm also thinking of abandoning the .txt file version and making a full HTML version so that I can save my formatting and keep the Japanese character support, which is a really major part of the pitch translation section. I will post any further news about the progress of the file to this thread in the future.

Again, thank you, and I hope that I can continue to improve this guide to be more useful in the future.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 10, 2007 3:03 PM ]

A big thanks to Paakaa and BigManZam for all of their hard work on this, both past and future.

For a PYS newbie like myself, these guides will be invaluable in being able to play this title. The game of baseball may be a universal language, but navigating some of the settings menus can be anything but.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Paakaa10 | Posted: Apr 11, 2007 1:35 AM | CLM Fan ]

Good afternoon everyone,

I have just finished converting the FAQ file from .txt to .html, and I have uploaded it to my free webspace at Yahoo! Geocities. Yes, this means that the file has the lame sidebar advertising for Y!G, but you can at least minimize it. The current link address is:

Next, a big thanks to BigManZam for the okay on using his translations to make a giant FAQ file. I'm going to be taking some time in the future (not too soon, because I have papers to correct from my students, but soon enough) to rework the entire structural layout of the FAQ to include the information he has and make this a full guide. People have been suggesting new sections already, and I encourage you to post any other comments, criticisms, or requests so they can be added to the list of things to tackle.

Finally, please let me know if there are any viewing issues with the file. I've tried my best to make it work, but my HTML skills are admittedly a bit rusty.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 11, 2007 9:42 AM | CLM Fan ]

Wow. You're really doing a great job with this guide. I love the HTML touch. It makes everything a lot easier to navigate. It's a shame that Maji Pennant is so in depth and complex, otherwise I'd translate that. There are like hundreds of missions to complete in that mode, and they come up randomly a lot of the time. Regular Pennant is still very possible for me to do, though.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Paakaa10 | Posted: Apr 14, 2007 12:22 PM | CLM Fan ]

Version 1.2.0 is now partially uploaded at:

I have changed around some of the organizational structure to reflect new sections that will be added in the future. There's still a definite possibility that more information will be added in the future, however, so this is probably not the final table of contents.

As usual, if there are any questions, comments, suggestions, or problems, please reply here or contact me directly according to the contact information section of the FAQ.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: stretch44 | Posted: Apr 15, 2007 9:19 AM ]

Just a BIG thanks, to both Bigmanzam and Paakaa, for all their work on this translatior guide. It will make the game a lot easyer to get around, and a lot more fun to play !! Also a small question can you edit the players names on the teams ?
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Paakaa10 | Posted: Apr 15, 2007 8:57 PM | CLM Fan ]

As far as I know--and, admittedly, I haven't really been looking into this--there is no way to edit the names of players on the teams. Or, if there is, there probably isn't any way to edit them into English characters. I don't imagine that Japanese gamers would have much use for renaming the players in this way, and the only reason that Nishioka Tsuyoshi of the Chiba Lotte Marines is in English is because of some issue with the Kanji in his name--again, not 100% sure why.

For me, a lot of the secondary appeal of playing this game is in the Kanji recognition I'm being taught through reading player names. If you're not into that, you can at least open up the team player lists on this site while you play and have a handy go-to guide.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Apr 17, 2007 1:40 PM | FSH Fan ]

About Nishioka changing's just a gimmick he's pulling how shinjo changed his name from kanji to SHINJO.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Ravman | Posted: Apr 16, 2007 1:05 AM | SL Fan ]

Nice job guys, very big thanks. will be waiting for updated versions.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 16, 2007 9:05 AM ]

As far as the renaming. i thought that it might work in the same regard as winning Eleven thats all...
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: Jonny Rodwell | Posted: Apr 17, 2007 4:46 AM ]


whilst i'm ususally far too lazy to respond to forum posts that I keep an eye on but in this case I think Paakaa10 and Bigmanzam have done such a good job they deserve a big thankyou, so, er, THANKYOU!
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: Mike_D_UK | Posted: Apr 17, 2007 5:14 PM ]

Thank you for doing this. I just got the game last night and I must say it's awesome so far (after the tutorial and getting spanked in one game). Much better than 2K7 on the PS3.

Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 18, 2007 11:34 PM ]

I think the "Bam" pitch means Palm ball
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Paakaa10 | Posted: Apr 23, 2007 7:13 AM | CLM Fan ]

Sorry for the relative lull in updates as of late. I spent a little time in the hospital last week and it's getting down into crunch time here at the university, which is always tough when you work as a teacher and take classes at the same time. I will try to get some more stuff added by the end of the week.
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 24, 2007 12:39 PM ]


Please first stay well you're the second to last person who's done anything for us all to enjoy this great great game
Re: Paakaa10's PYS4 (PS3) Translation Guide Version 1.0.0
[ Author: Guest: Jonny Rodwell | Posted: Apr 25, 2007 12:43 AM ]

No worries Paakaa - I'm Uni staff over in the UK so I know what it's like at the mo!

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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