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Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews

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Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
This is the thread for reviews on Pro Yakyu Spirits 2. I just got the game today, and it's a lot better than the 2004 version. All I have to do is adjust the difficulty to make matches the most realistic. It's really hard to do, since the matches can change a lot. Benny hit a monster HR in our home opener against Rakuten, and Hashimoto hit a three run HR, but our last game against Orix ended with only 5 hits by our guys.

I'll post an in depth review here later.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: streaky387 | Posted: Apr 10, 2005 5:20 AM ]

Hi I just got the game. I'm pretty new to the gameplay. How do I get my pitcher to be more consistant. After the third inning he kept lobbing meatballs. I was pitching in Batters View and for every pitch I threw the baseball target Icon was huge.
Do I have to mix my pitches more?

Is it possible that someone can help translate the menus. I have no clue how to adjust gameplay.

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2005 6:08 AM | CLM Fan ]

Sounds like you need better timing on the release. I'll try to translate the options when I get time.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2005 6:26 AM | CLM Fan ]

Ok, I've played for a while now. I'll try to make this review short and sweet, so nobody falls asleep.

Konami improved upon the 2004 version in every way. You really have to think about every pitch you deliver, and concentrate on getting the release timings perfect. The batting will be tough at first, since you need perfect timing to hit HRs. You'll need to get used to timings in batting practice for a while. You use the X button to pull the ball and O button to slice it the other direction. This is important for pull hitters like Shinjo. Slicing is important if you want to get infield hits or advance the runner on a grounder.

A bunch of players have improved faces, but I was disappointed with the lack of many new batting stances. I wanted to see the generic ones improved and player specific stances for guys like Kawasaki. Also, Batista is the only new foreigner with his own batting stance.

Hitting seems unpredictable, just like in real life. I batted .235 with Benny for a few games, then he hit 2 HRs and 5 RBIs in a single game. Concentrating on pitching is key. If you get lazy and don't focus on the timings and location, the computer will light you up in a hurry.

I like the new stamina gauge for position players, but I haven't seen the computer really make any big changes to their lineups yet.

The new animations on defense are really nice. There are Web Gem style catches in the outfield, great throws by the shortstop, and hot corner grabs using the dash catch button. Little touches like the second baseman ducking down during a double play add a lot to the realism.

Overall, I think I still like Pawapuro more. The hitting feels more realistic and smoother, despite the cartoony graphics. Also, the Pennant Mode has a lot more replay value. Creating players in Pawapuro is also easier, since you aren't hindered by details in players' faces.

If Pawapuro is a perfect 10, then I'd say Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 is an 8.5 so far.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: streaky387 | Posted: Apr 12, 2005 1:30 AM ]

Is there a way to keep the strike zone on through the whole at bat?
What difficulty and pitch speed do you recommend for the most realistic results?

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: bad1550 | Posted: Apr 15, 2005 12:24 PM ]

Just received my copy today and played a exhibition game and lost 5-0. I had 2 hits and the CPU had 17 hits. I struck out about 12 times.

The animations are very good but I need translations and how to change camera angles.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: streaky387 | Posted: Apr 16, 2005 4:12 AM ]


Sounds like your timing for pitching is off. Pay attention when then big circle forms. When it's just about to get to it's smallest state push the button. Also watch you're location. Try to paint the corners.
Hitting is tough initially. The R1 button switches to power swings, X button for pull, O button for opposite field/slap swings. If you're playing at the default difficulty the computer should hang enough pitches in the center of the plate, so don't chase.

The camera angles can be changed at the screen right before the game starts. There should be both line ups on the left and right and 3 choices in the center. The bottom choice allows you to change some settings.
The following menu should have pictures (camera, bat, ball, glove, running shoes... etc)
To switch pitching view change the setting that says TV. The other options are CPU vs user controls for each specific area (batting, pitching, fielding, running, managing)

If you want to play as a single player in exhibition mode, just chose 1P+COM vs COM

That's pretty much all I've figured out through trial and error. Hope this helps.

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: Bob | Posted: Apr 16, 2005 4:56 AM ]

Thanks for the help!

I will give it a try tonight.

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 19, 2005 7:57 AM ]

At default difficulty I played Carp vs. Baystars.
By the 4th inning I had 22 hits, 19 runs and 9HRs Shima had 3 and LaRocca, Maeda and Ogata had 2 each. The Baystars weren't even close to touching the ball and I was deliberately throwing meatballs. So, my main question is how do we up the COM. ability to hit and pitch. It leaves fat pitches alone to often. I can adjust pitch speed to even it out somewhat but the COM still wont hit.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 20, 2005 1:13 AM ]

The difficulty option is under the pitch speed option.
There are 5 difficulties... I think.

Default is the second one. The fourth diff level with the 2nd pitch speed setting is pretty challenging.

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 20, 2005 3:02 AM ]

I will try that later thanx. By the way I turned pitch speed up to 3rd level and got a pretty good game against the Giants. Down 6-0 after 4, I scored 11 unanswered runs in the late innings. But I reverted to murder form against the Tigers. Hanshin scores 8 on me but not enough to offset 26 I had on them. Looks like I timed the 3rd pitch speed option pretty good already. I play with no strike zone at all. This gives me a shot of walking somebody at least. By the way it seems pitch speed also affects the speed of the fielders so it might not be pitch speed but overall game speed.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 21, 2005 12:26 AM ]

HOLY COW!!! That worked like a charm!
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 21, 2005 6:22 AM ]

Can you please provide some translations?

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 24, 2005 8:07 AM | CLM Fan ]

I've been busy with some other things, but I'll try to translate menus this week.

As for highly skilled players, these are the settings I use. The runs can get high, if you're playing against a team like Orix or Rakuten and their starter has a weak condition. However, if the condition is normal, and you're facing decent teams, the stats are very realistic.

Difficulty: Hard(one after default)
Pitch speed: Real speed(fastest setting)
Ball cursor: On
Course cursor: Off

Using this, my numbers will Hanshin will probably look like this at the end of the season...

Kanemoto: 40 HRs 110 RBIs 10 SBs
Hiyama: 25 HRs 100 RBIs
Imaoka: 20 HRs 70-80 RBIs
Akahoshi: 1 HR 60 RBIs 50-60 SBs

We signed a couple new gaijin, and they may help us get to the Series. The Central League pennant race is really tight right now. The only team out of contention is Hiroshima.

Imaoka was out for half a month due to a dead ball to the back. Igawa is out for a month, after a ball came back and hit him on the pitching arm. He started out 6-1, and not Fukuhara is forced to be the ace. Fukuhara started 0-3, but just won 6 straight to go 6-3 overall.

Shane Spencer has been a total bust. He started out 0-28, and Sheets' power numbers are lacking. We picked up Yukio Tanaka from the Fighters in a trade. He's been a huge pinch hitter for us, replacing Machida. Blasted a 3 run pinch hit go ahead shot in the bottom of the 8th against his old team.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 24, 2005 8:08 AM | CLM Fan ]

By the way, I don't use the analog stick. It's too easy to make contact, so I use the control pad.
Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: guest | Posted: May 9, 2005 9:08 AM ]

where can i find the dificult level?
also is there a player editor like Winning eleven?
i couldnt find it..

Re: Pro Yakyu Spirits 2 Reviews
[ Author: Guest: Guest | Posted: May 9, 2005 7:28 PM ]

Any translation faq, with options, settings and menus? I read someone was going to translate every option in this thread... but nothing here!


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Michael Westbay
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