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Woods Storms the Mound

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Woods Storms the Mound
The Chunichi Dragons' Tyrone Woods stormed the mound today (May 5 - Childrens' Day) and managed to land a punch on the jaw of Yakult's ace pitcher Shugo Fujii.

Woods reacted wildly to a pitch inside (though not that high) from Fujii in the bottom of the 5th. He pointed at the Swallows' pitcher whilst mouthing obscenities and proceeded to run toward the mound. Fujii turned away from Woods as he got near and was then struck by the first baseman's right fist. This led to a clearing of the benches, though there was no other major incident. Fujii remained on the floor for some time and was escorted off the field. Woods was ejected from the game and Fujii came back to pitch another 2 innings after a short break.

Yakult eventually lost the game 1-0.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing when Woods swung at Fujii. I didn't think the pitch was so dangerous, and it was certainly unintentional. Maybe the fact that he was hit on the hand by (Yakult closer) Igarashi in the last series between the two teams had got him a little hot under the collar?
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: May 5, 2005 9:13 PM | CD Fan ]

He's been real [peaved] off since he got to Chunichi. I saw him break a couple of bats over his knee. I think he's frustrated by his injury and his slump. Yakult is a natural target.

How long do you think the suspension will go for? What's the precedent?
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 5, 2005 11:54 PM | YBS Fan ]

The big uproar is not going to be about punching the pitcher. It's going to be about doing this on Childrens Day, with tens of thousands of children watching. Even the Giants played a day game today to attract families.

Most people don't care one way or the other about an occasonal brawl, but the press will feast on anyone potentially "damaging the children." Poor sportsmanship on this day will attract a heavier penalty than usual.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: curious | Posted: May 6, 2005 5:18 AM ]

Wow, does anyone know how long Woods will be suspended and if he will be fined? Are there any pictures of the incident online (preferably in English)?

As an American fan I know we have lots of fights here in the US, but is this something that is typical for Pro Yakyu, especially between a foriegner and a Japanese player?

Just wondering.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 6, 2005 8:48 AM | YBS Fan ]

Past incidents have ranged from 2 to 10 days suspension with from 10-man (100,000) to 30-man (300,000) yen fines.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: May 6, 2005 1:17 PM | YAK Fan ]

There are pictures on line, but not in English. Sankei Sports has a few pictures here.

The article also lists a couple of similar incidents in the past along with the penalties:
  • In 1981, Kintetsus' Dick Davis was suspended for 10 games and fined 100,000 yen for punching Seibu's Osamu Higashio 4 times after getting hit in the elbow.
  • In 1987, the Giants' Warren Cromartie was suspended for 7 days and fined 300,000 yen for punching Chunichi pitcher Osamu Miyashita once.
  • In 1989, the Lions' Kazuhiro Kiyohara was suspended for 2 days and fined 300,000 yen for throwing his bat at Lotte's Sadaharu Hiranuma.
I saw an article yesterday after the incident mentioning the fact that it was Children's Day, so I'm assuming that this might warrant a little heftier fine and suspension. Personally, I think Woods could have just verbally stated his argument, because he didn't get hit, nor was it obivous that Fujii was trying to hit him.

See also Dick Davis, and Osamu Miyashita information in Japanese.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Yakulto | Posted: May 6, 2005 2:41 PM | TYS Fan ]

- I think Woods could have just verbally stated his argument, because he didn't get hit, nor was it obivous that Fujii was trying to hit him.

Exactly. A total over reaction from Woods.

Just a shame Yakult's bats couldn't provide Fujii with more (non-violent) support and help him get the win after he continued pitching.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: May 6, 2005 2:43 PM | YAK Fan ]

Nikkan Sports is reporting that Woods has been given a 10 game suspension, and is being fined 500,000 yen. Japanese article can be seen here.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: May 6, 2005 3:18 PM | CLM Fan ]

Poor Fujii wasn't even trying to defend himself. I guess he doesn't realize that guys like Woods will go for anything, including sucker punches. What I want to know is, where was the catcher in all of this? It's the catcher's job to protect his pitchers. Ono was the catcher for the game. Did he even try to stop Woods?
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: May 6, 2005 6:50 PM | CD Fan ]

I don't know why Tyrone snapped so bad. I remember going to the last game against Yakult last year and the Yakult fans gave Chunichi a really nice cheer, saying "beat the Lions and congratulations."

I don't know if this is gonna start a big Yakult/Chunichi feud or not. I'm fine with it just as long as everyone remembers to hate the Giants.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Yakulto | Posted: May 6, 2005 7:37 PM | TYS Fan ]

- What I want to know is, where was the catcher in all of this? [...] Did he even try to stop Woods?

No one got between the two of them. The home plate umpire made a feeble attempt to grab Woods but was soon shaken off. Ono was nowhere to be seen (you could also say the same of his batting, and his ability to pick off runners - but that's being a little cruel).

I would have been interested to see how Furuta would have reacted in the same situation.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: khendo | Posted: May 6, 2005 10:35 PM | YG Fan ]

Although unfortunate that this event occurred, I have a curious question:

In the eyes of Japanese players, coaches, and fans, which event is more offensive?
  • Tuffy Rhodes publically lashing out at coaches and teammates, or
  • Tyrone Woods punching a pitcher (that may have been deliberately thrown at him) on "Childern's Day"?
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Guest: Dan | Posted: May 7, 2005 3:17 AM ]

Glad to see Tyrone kicking up dust in Japan.

I don't know about the Japanese league, but in the Korean league there are not enough of brawls, brushbacks, etc. Basically, I think it has to do with the amount of respect according to one's age. Also, I know that if this happened in the KBO, if it was a Korean player that charged, his suspension would be less severe than if a foreign player charged.

So if it was a Japanese player (not an import), would the supsension have been less?
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: May 7, 2005 1:04 AM | CLM Fan ]

[In reply to cutting the opening of a message:]

Michael, I know that the "'roid rage" part of my message was pure speculation, but you know that it's not totally farfetched. If we've learned anything from the people being busted here in the USA, minor leaguers and people looking to put up huge power numbers out of the MLB spotlight are the main steroid abusers these days.

If Tyrone Woods doesn't even get hit with a pitch, and it wasn't even close to hitting his head, don't you think his reaction was a bit too much? Overreactions like these are classic 'roid rage episodes. I don't think we should be so ignorant as to totally ignore the possibility of this violence being due to steroids. Woods has put up some amazing power numbers in his career in Asia. He's also playing with a broken finger. He just clocked a tiny Japanese pitcher who wasn't even close to being ready to fight after Woods wasn't hit by a pitch. Am I the only one seeing warning signs here?!
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: May 7, 2005 10:27 AM | HAN Fan ]

Woods' reaction was very interesting, especially in relation to Kanemoto in a similar situation last night against Nippon Ham. Kanemoto received a deliberate ball aimed at his head and had to take drastic avoiding action which resulted in an injury to his thigh. However, he got back up and got on with the game - no harsh words or charging the mound, even though the ball he received was far worse. Why Woods felt the need to hit someone on what was a wild pitch, but not malicious, is difficult to understand.

Steroids might be one possible explanation, but there are others - for example feeling stressed due to poor performances recently.
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: Dragsfan | Posted: May 7, 2005 12:50 PM | CD Fan ]

Woods' broken finger is from getting hit by a pitch (Swallows and Giants), so he doesn't want to see any more piches inside. The pitch to him was high and tight, but it didn't hit him or take him down, so it's odd that he would go as far as he did against Fujii.

Fujii didn't help himself - he walked away, knowing Woods was on his way to the mound, turning his back on a clear threat. (That doesn't excuse Woods, but it is... odd. Fight or flight are the more likely responses.)

Responses by Ochiai and the Drags have been amusing - basically "brawls, like pitching inside, are part of baseball." Nice change - a couple of years ago Kawajiri (then with the Tigers) broke JB Lee's arm, basically ending his career, and then-manager Hoshino said Lee (his own player) "should have gotten out of the way." (Hoshino = former pitcher, Ochiai = former slugger.)
Re: Woods Storms the Mound
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: May 7, 2005 4:47 PM | CD Fan ]

I think the 'roid rage accusation is a little bit of a stretch.

Yakult fractured his hand, he saw a fastball near his head and he snapped. Michael probably knows best whether or not he was a hothead to begin with, but I'm not buying the 'roid thing at all. I think you need more evidence before you throw that out there.

The guy overreacted, hit a pitcher with a cheap shot (a semi-weak shot too, if Tyrone had loaded up his punch, he would've killed the guy), and got punished for it. End of story.
Where's the Catcher?
[ Author: Trammell HoF | Posted: May 7, 2005 11:25 AM | TYS Fan ]

I have no problem with a batter going to the mound if he is brushed back too often. But this pitch wasn't even close and Woods totally overreacted. That being said, these things happen because emotions run high.

My question is: where was the catcher to help out? It's his job to protect the pitcher (primarily the pitcher's throwing hand in case he starts punching back).
Re: Where's the Catcher?
[ Author: Guest: Mike Black | Posted: May 8, 2005 9:04 PM ]

I saw the replay of Woods charging the mound and that pitch was very close to his face. That is how careers end.
I am with Woods on this one!
Re: Where's the Catcher?
[ Author: Yakulto | Posted: May 9, 2005 2:33 PM | TYS Fan ]

- [...] that pitch was very close to his face.

I think you and I have a different definition of the word "close."

You are the first person who's seen the incident to say that. Most people I've talked to have put it down to an overeaction born out of frustration with his own form.

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Michael Westbay
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