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Daimajin Retirement Game: August 9

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Daimajin Retirement Game: August 9
The front page of today's (August 3, 2005) Nikkan Sports is announcing that Yokohama's Daimaji, Sasaki, will be throwing his last game on August 8th or 9th at Sendai against the Giants.

Sasaki had considered retiring after going 1 and 2 with 19 saves in 2004, after returning to Yokohama from the Majors. But the owner and his old high school coach told him that he still had plenty to do (with 4 saves so far in 2005, he's 8 short of the Japan record of 260), so despite a turbulent off season, Sasaki returned to the mound in 2005. But after three blown saves in a row in April, Sasaki went on the disabled list, had his right elbow operated on, and has been undergoing rehabilitation since.

While out of action, Kroon has stepped up and performed exceedingly well as the new closer for Yokohama. When Kroon is announced, the fans crowd around the bull pen doors as they used to do for the Daimajin. It's been reported that Sasaki has participated in TBS' 160kph contest, cheering for Kroon to hit 160kph. When asked about Sasaki, Kroon said, "I'd like [Sasaki] to hurry on back. It's been an honor just to throw in his place. If he returns, it will be an overall improvement for the team." [Warning: translation of translation.]

Due to her health, Sasaki's mother is unable to see her son play in the Tokyo area. So this last stand at Sendai will most likely be her last chance to see her legiondary son pitch. Yokohama club officials would like to extend this gift to Sasaki's mother, sister, and family while in Sendai on August 8th and 9th.

By all indications, this will most likely be the Daimajin's final curtain call on long and successful career.
Re: Daimajin Retirement Game: August 9
[ Author: Deanna | Posted: Aug 3, 2005 6:47 PM | NIP Fan ]

What's the word on what he's doing next? Will he be managing the ni-gun team or anywhere else? Or just totally calling it quits? I was surprised to see that article on Yahoo Pro Yakyu when I went to just check scores and standings.
Re: Daimajin Retirement Game: August 9
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Aug 3, 2005 8:04 PM ]

Congrats on a great career to Sasaki in Japan and the big leagues. You're compassion and love of baseball, Sasaki, is better than most I've seen in my career as a fan of the great game of baseball.

Again, congrats on a great career and best of luck to Kazuhiro Sasaki and his family.
OT: Sasaki Scandals
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Aug 4, 2005 12:27 AM ]

Does he still have a family after all those extra-marital scandals?
OT: Sasaki Scandals
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Aug 4, 2005 7:56 AM ]

Good luck to his family. Especially his poor wife that he traded in for a young actress. He might have been a great ballplayer, but the way he disappeared from the US "to be with his family" is bull [crud]. He has taken custody of his kids and had another with his new wife, who is probably a decade younger than him. All this may be irrelevant to the topic of baseball, but I'll remember Sasaki as the guy who quit the Mariners with his family as an excuse (when he knew himself that his arm was not MLB quality anymore), then ends up divorcing his wife for a young actress.

No wonder Ichiro never liked hanging out with his kind.

[By editor: Well, I think that answers the previous question. Can we talk baseball now?]
Re: Daimajin Retirement Game: August 9
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Aug 4, 2005 9:09 AM | YBS Fan ]

I woke up this morning (August 4) to the FM Yokohama announcer saying that various sports papers had a different take on Sasaki retiring. Some, he said, claimed that Sasaki is not plannning on that being his final game.

Nikkan Sports, though, continued to hold to their story. They wrote that Sasaki met with Ushijima-kantoku and some other front office personnel. It concluded with Ushijima-kantoku saying that he hadn't seen Sasaki throwing, so he can't say if he'll be bringing the Daimajin up for the August 9th game or not. Sounds like he's keeping his options open.

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Michael Westbay
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