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Pro Yakyu Live! 2005 Nippon Series

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Pro Yakyu Live! 2005 Nippon Series
The 2005 Nippon Series between the Chiba Lotte Marines and the Hanshin Tigers will start this weekend. I'll be bringing you the play-by-play in English live, right here. Hope you can tune in for the games I can do. The current Nippon Series schedule is:
    October 22 (Sat): 6:15pm - Chiba Marine Stadium
    October 23 (Sun): 6:15pm - Chiba Marine Stadium
    October 25 (Tue): 6:15pm - Koshien Kyujyo
    October 26 (Wed): 6:15pm - Koshien Kyujyo
    October 27 (Thu): 6:15pm - Koshien Kyujyo
    October 29 (Sat): 6:15pm - Chiba Marine Stadium
    October 30 (Sun): 6:15pm - Chiba Marine Stadium
* Time links go to a world time clock site to get the day and time in your time zone.

Both stadiums are open to the elements, so rain may throw the schedule off.

As is often the case, everything doesn't work out the way one would like. I'll have to go into Shinjuku twice next week for work, Tuesday and Wednesday, so there will be no broadcasts those days unless somebody volunteers to do it. The requirements are a bit more than for guest commentator, and I have very little time to help get anybody setup. So only someone who is really serious about wanting to try broadcasting should apply to the "live" mailing address. Let's hope that the Series goes more than four games.

I feel like I'm letting a lot of you down by not providing coverage of Games Three and Four, but work must come first. I ask for your understanding.

Nonetheless, I know that I'm looking forward to a very interesting Nippon Series. While there are many differences between these two teams (like 125 different starting lineups for Lotte while Hanshin's was pretty stable), both teams relied on getting runners on and moving them around over the long ball. With runners in scoring position, Hanshin hit .303 while Lotte hit .307 (second and first out of all 12 clubs respectively).

My impression of the two teams during the regular season has been that Hanshin is good at scoring first, while Lotte is a team that turns things around the second or third time through the order. This may be toughest on Lotte with JFK pitching the 7th, 8th, and 9th for the Tigers.
Re: Pro Yakyu Live! 2005 Nippon Series
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 21, 2005 1:34 PM | YBS Fan ]

I've got some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that a friend of mine has an extra ticket to Game One of the Nippon Series at Chiba Marine Stadium.

The bad news is that I'll be in the stands with him, thus unable to broadcast that game as well.

So, the first broadcast will be Game Two on Sunday starting at 6:15 pm JST.
Re: Pro Yakyu Live! 2005 Nippon Series
[ Author: Deanna | Posted: Oct 22, 2005 5:04 AM | NIP Fan ]

Westbay-san, that's wonderful that you get to go to the game. I'm hoping there will be some way to watch them over the net, but if not, having you broadcast some of the games is better than none! Have a great time at the game!

I thought it was really convenient that the Hawks and Lions, the two teams that had netcasts over Yahoo, were both in the PL Playoffs. It wrecked my sleep schedule last week, but it was totally worth it!
Game Four Live
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 3:20 PM | YBS Fan ]

Good news. I just heard that the meeting at work scheduled for Wednesday afternoon has been postponed to Friday. That means that I'll be able to bring Wednesday's game to you live via the audiocast. If this Series goes four games, I'd like to have it recorded for posterity.

P.S. No, I had no influence over the rescheduling of the meeting. Was it another tora fan at work? Perhaps.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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