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2005 Nippon Series: Game Two

Discussion in the NPB News forum
2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
The Chiba Lotte Marines dominate the Tigers yet again tonight, taking Game Two by a score of 10-0. Watanabe Shunsuke throws a four hit shutout through nine innings. No fog tonight.

And we witnessed a Nippon Series record tonight by Imae. Imae had his second consecutive four for four game, breaking a seven consecutive hitting streak record in the Nippon Series set by the Giants' Nashida in 1966.

Ken D. and Steve kept record of the game in the chat room while Jingu Bleacher Bum and I ran things on the broadcast side. All in all, a great team effort by volunteers around the world to bring this game to you all tonight.

And that leads me to some bad news. I forgot to turn on the logging for the game tonight, so I don't have the audio broadcast for you. (Did anyone happen to record the stream?) So you'll have to rely on the below chat transcript and Borisov's box scores (when they're available) for game details. I'm really sorry for missing this setting tonight.

I won't be availble on Tuesday or Wednesday to broadcast - so if the Series goes five games, the next broadcast will be on Thursday at 6:15 JST from Koshien. The Tiger bats really need to come alive on Tuesday and Wednesday for this to happen, though.

So, without further ado, here's the chat transcript:

10:55 westbaystars: Welcome to the chat room for Game Two of the 2005 Nippon Series at Chiba Marine Stadium.
10:55 westbaystars: Game time is at 6:15 pm JST.
10:55 westbaystars: I'll be monitoring the chat room during my English broadcast tonight.
10:56 westbaystars: You can tune in at game time to
17:34 Ken D.: hello. good evening
18:04 westbaystars: Hi, Ken. Just getting setup for the broadcast.
18:05 Ken D.: Great. Not sure I can stay for that long. But I will tune in at least for a while.
18:14 Ken D.: Game 2...just about underway!
18:16 Ken D.: Westbay-san and Jingu Bleacher Bum with the call live in English.
18:17 Ken D.: Many thanks to them.
18:20 Ken D.: 2 quick outs in the first brings up Hanshin's Andy Sheets.
18:21 Ken D.: Ground out completes the top of the first, Hanshin 0, Chiba Lotte coming up.
18:21 Ken D.: Greetings to all chatting and/or listening.
18:22 steve: Hello everybody.......brings back memories from last year
18:23 Ken D.: Nishioka doubles to start Lotte's first
18:24 Ken D.: Nishioka advances on a sac bunt, man on third, 1 away.
18:25 Ken D.: DH Satokzaki batting 3rd, a depature from last evening.
18:25 Ken D.: departure, rather
18:26 Ken D.: Satozaki ground to short, runner holds, 2 outs
18:27 Ken D.: Brings up Saburo...can he drive in the run?
18:28 Ken D.: He can, as the throw is wild to first! Lotte 1, Hanshin 0
18:28 Ken D.: Former Met Matt Franco takes his turn
18:30 Ken D.: Lotte agressive on the bases as Saburo takes second
18:30 Ken D.: please forgive my spelling...
18:32 Ken D.: Franco walks
18:32 Ken D.: Benny grounds to end the inning
18:33 Ken D.: 1-0 Lotte, going to the top of 2
18:34 Ken D. TO westbaystars: is there someone who can take over for me soon, perhaps Steve?
18:36 Ken D.: Hanshin's Kanemoto grounds out
18:37 Ken D.: Imaoka grounds out as well
18:39 Ken D.: Hiyama lifts a fly ball, will it go? No! Benny tracks in down in deep RF
18:44 steve: Andoh looks a little bit like Hideki Irabu IMHO
18:45 Ken D.: Lee starts the bottom of the second by working Andoh for a well-earned walk
18:48 Ken D.: Imae singles, Lee to third
18:49 Ken D.: Imae coming off a 4-for-4 in Game One, stays hot
18:49 steve: Imae is killing the Tigers
18:49 Ken D. TO steve: perhaps you'd like to do some play-by-play next inning?
18:49 steve: If you want me too
18:50 steve: I mean "to"
18:50 Ken D. TO steve: sure, i'm in New York. It is VERY late (or early here)
18:51 steve: How about this.......I'll take it after the third inning....I'm doing laundry
18:51 Ken D. TO steve: sounds good, may I ask where you are joining us from?
18:52 steve: Koshigaya, Saitama Japan
18:53 Ken D.: Hashimoto ground into a double play, 4-6-3. Lee scores making it 2-0 Marines
18:53 Ken D.: Bases empty, 2 outs
18:54 Ken D.: Nishioka out, inning over
18:55 Ken D.: A warm welcome to everyone joining us in Japan, the US, and everywhere else.
18:56 Ken D.: Jingu Bleacher Bum and Westbay-san providing your audio tonight
18:57 Ken D.: Watanabe works to Kataoka.
19:00 Ken D.: Kataoka singles to left. Benny scoops it up. Benny is in LF, not RF as I mis-typed before.
19:01 Ken D.: Yano singles to left as well.
19:01 Johnny: Sounds like the tigers are starting to wake up.
19:02 Ken D.: Tigers showing the first signs of life tonight
19:05 Ken D.: Fujimoto bats. The pace slowing down as Watanabe is facing his first crisis of the game.
19:06 Ken D.: Fujimoto pops out to first base foul. Runners hold.
19:07 Ken D.: The speedy Akahoshi grounds to short, the only play is to second. 2 away.
19:08 Ken D.: Toritani grounds to second. Easy out and nothing doing for the Tigers.
19:09 Ken D. TO Johnny: may i ask where you're joining us from today?
19:10 Ken D.: Bottom 3 we go...
19:11 Ken D.: Fly out as we return to the action.
19:11 Johnny: Are the Chiba fans cheering pretty loud?
19:12 Ken D.: Satozaki out as well. 1 gone quickly.
19:12 Ken D.: 2 gone, rather.
19:12 Ken D.: Saburo to bat.
19:13 Ken D.: Westbay-san reporting Lotte's oendan are VERY loud.
19:14 Ken D.: 3 outs.
19:15 Johnny: Which fans are louder or crazier? The Tigers or Marines?
19:15 Ken D. TO steve: are you ready for some play-by-play?
19:16 Ken D.: Sheets batting for Lotte. He grounds out quickly.
19:17 Ken D.: Fly out to second. 2 outs.
19:18 Ken D.: What about the trumpets?
19:19 Ken D.: Lotte fans, about 28,000 on hand, correct?
19:19 steve: I will be in 2 minutes......sorry I hate laundry!
19:19 Ken D.: Strike 3 to Imaoka. We're through 3.
19:20 Ken D.: And this is where my play-by-play must end. Our friend Steve will be taking over shortly.
19:21 Ken D.: I'll stay on for a few minutes until he's all set.
19:23 Ken D.: You can hear the loudness of the Lotte fans on the 4-minute clip. The link in the news forum.
19:23 Ken D.: Thanks go to you Westbay-san, for providing this GREAT website and all of your time.
19:23 Johnny: Tigers fans must be louder since they seat 50,000 and Chiba only seats about 30,000.
19:23 steve: Ok I'm here......sorry
19:24 steve: Benny just missed with a foul
19:24 steve: Fly ball for an out to right
19:26 steve: Nice play by Fujimoto? to steal a base hit from Lottes batter .......let me get the names
19:26 steve: Sorry about that
19:26 Johnny: Which fans are louder or crazier? The Tigers or Marines?
19:26 Ken D.: Just to backtrack, I mistakenly had Sheets batting for Lotte at the end Top 3. Of course we know he plays for Hanshin.
19:27 Johnny: Are the Chiba fans cheering pretty loud?
19:27 Ken D.: Yes, very loudly.
19:27 steve: It was Fujimoto I missed the batter.....Lotte is louder I guess
19:28 steve: That was a quick out........missed the play
19:29 Ken D.: Unfortuneatly, I don't have a boxscore handy.
19:29 steve: one ball two strikes
19:29 steve: one out
19:29 Ken D.: And my spelling is poor as well....
19:30 steve: foul to third Imae with the catch two outs number 8 for The tigers
19:31 steve: I'm doing it from the TV so all I'm seeing is Kanji
19:31 Ken D.: I am seeing the US
19:31 steve: two balls one strike to number 35....i'll get the names at the break
19:32 steve: Third out on a fly to Franco
19:33 Ken D.: To the bottom of the 5th...
19:33 Ken D. TO westbaystars: Any weather issue to speak of? Temperature?
19:33 steve: Bottom of the order is up....the 8th, 9th and leadoff batter
19:34 steve: Imae is batting
19:34 steve: two balls no strikes
19:34 Johnny: The Chiba Jersey #26 refers to their fans?
19:34 steve: nice pith down the middle
19:34 steve: Yes
19:35 steve: base hit to center for Imae
19:35 Ken D.: Yes. #26 is hanging in the Lotte dugout for their fans.
19:35 steve: 6 for 6 in the series I believe
19:35 Ken D.: Imae is absolutely on fire!
19:35 Johnny: Ken D., who's idea was it?
19:36 Ken D.: I am not sure, but I know Valentine-kantoku plays a major role. I don't know if he initiated it.
19:36 steve: Hashimoto is up...two strike count
19:36 Ken D.: Hasimoto not bunting...
19:37 steve: High pitch got away from Andoh a bit
19:37 Ken D.: How many pitches has Andoh thrown?
19:37 steve: Line out to the shortstop
19:37 Johnny: Ken D., when did they start hanging up the jersey #26?
19:37 steve: Not really sure........I was doing laundry
19:38 steve: Nishioko grounds into a double play
19:38 Ken D.: I don't exactly know. Perhaps Westbay-san knows?
19:38 steve: End of the 5th......Nishioka not Nishioko
19:39 Ken D.: Considering my spelling gaffes, we'll overlook that...
19:39 Johnny: I mean did Valentine initiate hanging up the #26 when he was managing the Marines in 1995?
19:39 steve: thanks buddy
19:40 steve: I'm just trying to get all the names
19:40 Ken D.: I will find out for you, Johnny.
19:41 Ken D.: Enjoy the rest of the game, everyone. I will catch you when the Series goes to Koshien.
19:42 steve: Fujimoto had a great leaping catch in the 4th to steal a base hit
19:42 steve: thanks man....have a good night sleep
19:42 Ken D.: Thank you.
19:42 steve: And the man is up 0-1 count
19:43 Johnny: I think that some MLB teams should start hanging up #26 in their dugout. Fans in MLB are pretty quiet.
19:43 steve: swing and a miss strike 3
19:43 steve: I think they do it in a couple of sports
19:44 steve: two balls no strikes......just foul to 3rd
19:45 steve: Akahoshi is up....2-2 count
19:45 steve: single up the middle........Watanabe gets veeeeery low on his pitches
19:46 steve: Watanabe with a pick off move to first
19:46 Johnny: How is the weather in Chiba? Are they expecting fog again?
19:46 steve: bit outside 1-0
19:47 steve: Toritani is batting....strike and Akahoshi has the steal
19:47 steve: Valentine said Akahoshi was faster with his first step than Rickey Henderson
19:48 steve: Good pitch swing and a miss one and two
19:48 steve: valentine said he taught Akahosis moves to his team and credits their success to the move
19:49 steve: Bloop single to left.............nice hold by Franco
19:49 steve: Runners at the corners
19:50 steve: Sheets is up
19:50 Johnny: Looks like the Tigers are threatening to score again.
19:50 steve: 0-1 count
19:50 steve: dangerous situation for the Marines
19:51 steve: Watanabe slowed it down with his glove
19:51 steve: second to short to first........DOUBLE PLAY
19:51 steve: Watanabe dodges a bullet
19:52 steve: where you chatting from Johnny?
19:52 Johnny: Watanabe is awesome. Gets out of Jams. He should wear #18.
19:52 Johnny: From Vancouver, BC.
19:52 Johnny: Canada
19:53 steve: the color on this bad boy
19:53 Johnny: Steve, where are you chatting from?
19:54 steve: two quick strikes to Heiuchi...called strike three
19:54 steve: Koshigaya Japan....Saitama
19:55 Johnny: steve, I thought you were chatting from the states.
19:55 steve: broken bat single
19:55 steve: satozaki I believe
19:55 steve: Saburo is up
19:56 steve: 0-1
19:56 steve: No that was Ken
19:56 Johnny: Steve, It's almost 4 am here in Vancouver. What time is it in Japan right now?
19:57 steve: 8 pm
19:57 steve: You rooting for a particular team?
19:58 steve: pick off move to first by Andoh
19:58 Johnny: I am hoping for Chiba to win the Japan Series. 31 years is a long time.
19:59 steve: 2-2 count.....and another move to first
19:59 steve: back back back.......Saburo with a two run shot!!!!!!!!!
19:59 steve: Right at the Hanshin fans in left
20:00 steve: two run shot making it 4-0
20:00 steve: looks like Franco is up
20:01 steve: Awwwww. Hanshin had the baloons out too
20:01 steve: Franco gets ahold of one
20:01 Johnny: Steve, if Valentine wins the Japan series, will he be the first foreigner to win the series?
20:01 steve: Has to be fair and gives the Marine fans a souveneir
20:01 steve: 5-0 Marines
20:02 steve: Yeh, i believe he would be the first
20:02 Johnny: Looks like the Marines are killing the Tigers again.
20:02 steve: Big Benny is up
20:03 steve: oh he drives one to left.....
20:03 steve: it's off the wall....he's going for two
20:03 steve: just in under the tag was that slow running
20:03 steve: conversation at the mound
20:04 steve: new pitcher in
20:04 Johnny: steve, do you feel that if Valentine wins the Japan Series, he will manage the Dodgers next year?
20:05 steve: this is starting to look a bit like the last time the tigers were here
20:05 steve: I think if he left Japan that would be the job he took
20:06 steve: He seems really happy here though
20:06 steve: Egura is the new pitcher
20:07 steve: Lee Gets ahold of one...........right to Right center field
20:07 steve: It's gone..............Two run blast
20:07 steve: 7-0 Marines.......pray for fog
20:08 steve: Tiger slayer Imae is up and drives a pitch to center for another hit
20:08 Johnny: Chiba is dominating the Tigers. The Tigers should just hope for a fog out and think about the next game.
20:09 steve: He ties a Nihon Series record with some guy from the Giants in 66
20:10 steve: Strike out for Egura
20:11 steve: Fly out for the third out............I missed the last two batters
20:12 Johnny: What's going on. I thought the Marines were not a home run hitting team.
20:14 steve: Kanemoto is up to bat
20:14 steve: line out to second
20:15 steve: The Torakichi are still yelling
20:16 steve: 1-2 count to Imaoka
20:16 Johnny: The Tigers should be hopeful for having the next three games at home.
20:16 steve: Watanabe with a nasty slider.....gets him swinging
20:17 steve: Hiyama with a grounder to two three inning
20:17 Johnny: The Tigers are just dead!
20:18 steve: They haven't played a meaningful game in almost a month
20:18 steve: the cheerleaders are out for the baloon release
20:18 Johnny: The Central League should have a play-off system like the Pacific League.
20:19 steve: Hatsushiba is in the box
20:19 steve: I believe this is his last year
20:20 Johnny: Steve, how old is Hatsushiba?
20:20 steve: Nice touch
20:20 steve: I have no clue
20:21 steve: boucer to out
20:21 steve: Bouncer
20:22 steve: I have no qualifications for this
20:23 Johnny: How sweet for Hatsushiba to win the Japan Series in his final year.
20:23 steve: Two outs ....Satozaki let the bat fly
20:24 steve: Saburo is up
20:24 steve: Ground out to third...easy inning for the kitties
20:26 steve: Hatsushiba is 38 years old
20:27 steve: Rin is up....fouls to third, nice grab by Imae
20:27 steve: Watanabe is stll going strong
20:28 steve: Yano is up.....3 for 5 for the series
20:29 steve: 1-2
20:30 steve: grounder to short for out number two
20:31 steve: Sekimoto went after one 1-2 count
20:31 steve: high pop to the first base line for out number three
20:33 steve: Ootsuka is pinch hitting
20:34 steve: liner between short and third for a base hit
20:35 steve: Benny is up.......wild pitch Otsuka to second
20:35 steve: Franco is out
20:35 steve: 0-2 count
20:36 steve: The Benny Luau chant is going on and he hits one foul
20:36 steve: Another wild pitch Otsuka to third
20:37 steve: Benny has a 571 average with runners on third and no outs
20:38 steve: Wild pitch......Otsuka scores.......Benny goes from home to second
20:38 steve: Egura has lost control
20:39 steve: runner on second no outs Lee grounds to first
20:39 steve: pinch runner for Benny goes to third
20:40 steve: Imae is up to bat.....8 for 8
20:41 steve: Hashimoto almost hits one out the wall
20:41 steve: Imae scores
20:41 steve: Hashimoto to third
20:42 steve: 9-0
20:42 steve: 10-0
20:43 steve: Nishioka pops out to short one out......Hashimoto stays on third
20:44 steve: Broken bat for Watanabe
20:44 steve: On to the top of the 9th
20:44 steve: Imae has the record for consecutive hits in a Nihon series
20:45 steve: Or Consecutive hits to start a series....I'm not sure
20:46 steve: This has been a disastourous two games for the Tigers
20:47 steve: Akahoshi grounds out to first for out number one
20:47 steve: Watanabe is still going for the Marines
20:48 steve: Toritani grounds out to first for out number two
20:49 steve: Sheets gets ahold of one but its just short to right for out number 3
20:49 steve: 10-0 Marines
20:49 steve: The series goes back to the sacred grounds of Koshien
20:50 steve: the Marine chickens are out on the field and celebrating
20:50 steve: Maybe we'll get to hear more wisdom from Bobby
20:51 steve: 10 runs 12 hits 0 errors
20:51 steve: Doomo Doomo
20:52 steve: Great win team effort
20:52 steve: Watanabe Shunsuke was fabulous
20:52 steve: Our hitters just as good
20:52 steve: only one win but glad we were able to get in front of the best fans in japan
20:52 steve: and the world
20:52 westbaystars: Thanks Steve.
20:53 steve: Everyone was relaxed and calm very proud
20:53 steve: Oh god he's butchering japanese
20:53 steve: Koshien lets go!
20:54 steve: Sorry Michael I was harry Carey on the names tonight!
20:54 steve: Hero interview
20:54 steve: I'm guessing Imae
20:55 steve: New Nippon series record
20:55 steve: OK I don't understand too fast
20:55 steve: I'll make something up
20:56 steve: I was inspired by the ALT's in Saitama who have to ride their bikes to work everyday
20:56 steve: I hate riding my bike to work
20:56 steve: There's Watanabe
20:57 steve: OK I got that he's really happy
20:57 steve: He had a good feeling?
20:57 steve: Saying something nice about Imae
20:58 steve: Thank you
20:59 steve: Koshien is going to be tough
20:59 steve: That's it
20:59 steve: The Tigers had no runs on 4 hits and one error
20:59 steve: Next game will be Tuesday
20:59 steve: Thanks for reading
21:00 steve: maybe next time you will have someone a littl more competent than me doing play by play
21:00 steve: Thanks to Ken D for doing the first half of the game
21:01 steve: And don't forget that you can listen to the game on the internet
21:01 steve: maybe....if Michael doesn't have to work
21:01 westbaystars: You've done fine, I'm sure. Sorry that I couldn't pay more attention to the chat, but this was a fast paced game.
21:02 westbaystars: Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be at work. I should get home around 8:00 each night.
21:02 steve: No kidding....I was glad I found my NPB 2005 players guide
21:02 westbaystars: And I have some bad news. I didn't archive the audio. ;-(
21:02 steve: Anyhow have a good night
21:03 steve: See ya all tuesday
21:03 westbaystars: You, too. Good night/morning/day.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Guest: wadew | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 3:54 AM ]

Wow, I didn't think the Marines would be destroying the Tigers like this.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: himself | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 4:08 AM | FSH Fan ]

Man, the Marines have owned the Tigers up to this point. It's great to see them holding it down for the PL!
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 9:52 AM | HT Fan ]

The Tigers have looked uncharacteristically flat so far. That three-week layoff hasn't helped, of course. Expect them to bounce back at home on Tuesday.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Guest: Gern Blanston | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 10:46 AM ]

Nothing against Lotte, they are a strong team for sure. But what was Okada thinking and doing? Why did he take Kataoka out when he was the first one able to get a hit? And why wasn't Egusa replaced? Questionable decisions? Or did he just give up?
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Yakulto | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 1:45 PM | TYS Fan ]

I think the first two games have been highly entertaining!

Although I thought (and still think) the Marines would take the Series, I never imagined a 20-1 aggregate score over the first two games. I expected the strong pitching from Lotte, but didn't expect their bats to be so hot, and indeed the Tigers' would be so limp.

I think the Tigers will rally in the next games at Koshien (as Westbay-san mentioned in another thread, this Series is taking a similar shape to their last Japan Series vs the Hawks), but if that will be enough to overcome an obviously buoyant Marines team - whose confidence is sky high - remains to be seen.

It will certainly be a stern test for the Tigers who, as others have mentioned, dominated the CL this year. But you know what? I (and a few others at Jingu) thought that it wasn't so much that the Tigers were fantastic this year (though they were good), it was more that the other CL teams were pretty poor and inconsistent, especially when it came to pitching. I know you can only beat the other teams that are put in front of you, but perhaps they are now being "found out" by Lotte who were engaged in a much more competitive battle for the PL, including those epic playoff games.

Now I'm sure many of you many not agree with the above argument, but I'm just trying to think of a reason why the first two games have been so one-sided, and the above theory is the best I could come up with.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong and come back in fine style to win the Series. But one thing's for sure - they can't play any worse than they have so far - can they?
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 2:56 PM ]

Video of Game 2 is online here. [Real Media]
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 9:02 PM | HT Fan ]

- Now I'm sure many of you many not agree with the above argument...

You may well be right, although remember that the Tigers suffered some big losses throughout the regular season, only to come back quickly with a couple of blowouts of their own. I wouldn't read too much into the psychological effect of the margins in the first two games. I think the Tigers are mature enough to realize they're still in this Series, considering what happened in 2003. For Lotte, losing the first two in this manner would have been fatal. The Tigers will be concerned, but not in panic mode. And maybe the Marines will be too cocky now, just like the Hawks were in 2003.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Guest: Mariner | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 12:05 AM ]

- And maybe the Marines will be too cocky now, just like the Hawks were in 2003.

Well, the Hawks did win the Series in '03, so that might actually be in favor of the Marines us well. Then again, Fukuoka Dome isn't nearly as intimidating as Koshien.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 9:06 AM | HT Fan ]

- Well, the Hawks did win the Series in '03, so that might actually be in favor of the Marines us well.

Exactly. The home park advantage will work for them just as it favored the Hawks in 2003. My point is that the Tigers aren't just going to roll over and let the Marines take the championship. The Series is far from over.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Two
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 7:43 PM ]

- ... is that the Tigers aren't just going to roll over and let the Marines take the championship. The Series is far from over.

Exactly, the Series is far from over, but both sides, Hanshin and Chiba Lotte, definetly aren't going to roll over anytime soon. Playing at Koshien should definetly help the Tigers, we shall see soon.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Three
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 9:48 PM | HAN Fan ]

I think you may have to eat your words mijow. After tonight's performance a 4-0 sweep by the Marines is a very real possibility. To be honest, if Tigers replaced Sheets, Kanemoto, and Imaoka they might have a chance.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Three
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 25, 2005 11:50 PM | HT Fan ]

I've already started munching, Christopher.

But it's not over till it's over as they say. I hope you're not giving up on them just yet.
Re: 2005 Nippon Series: Game Three
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 26, 2005 12:31 PM | HAN Fan ]

Certainly not - I'm hoping they turn it round tonight, but they need to do something drastic.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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