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2003 All Star Game 1

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2003 All Star Game 1
This has been a home run derby of a game at Osaka Dome. All runs have been driven in on home runs.

The scoring started with Hanshin's George Arias hitting a solo got against Kintetsu starter Iwakuma to lead off the second inning. Interestingly, Iwakuma, on the mound he calls home, is wearing his visitor's jersey this evening (July 15, 2003) as the Central League is calling Osaka Dome home. With so many Osakans rooting for the seven Hanshin starters, it certainly seems like the Pacific League park belongs to the Central League fans.

Anyway, the Central League's lead didn't last long. Tani (Orix) hit a one out solo home run to left to tie the game in the top of the third. But that was the extent of the Pacific League's offense until Seibu's Matsui hit a two-out solo shot to right in the top of the fifth to put the Pacific League up 2-1.

Rhodes led off the top of the sixth with a single to right. He traded that home run swing he used earlier (striking out) for a clean hit. Cabrera followed with a two run home run to put the Pacific League up 4-1. Looking good.

Then came "Lucky Seven," when the fans shoot off their jetto fusen, and the Central League start a come back. Ironically, it was the Giants who did the work, moving the overwhelming Hanshin fan crowd. Abe hit a one out single to right, then Takahashi brought the Central League to within one run with a two-run home run.

Things quieted down again, and we went into the bottom of the nineth with the score 4-3 in favor of the Pacific League. Furuta grounded out for out number one. Then up came Takahashi for his second at bat of the game. And he lines the ball off the glass behind the lower box seats in right field, game tying home run!

And that's where the game stood, a 4-4 tie. Takahashi, with his two home runs, swiped the MVP award from Cabrera. And with the total lack of any offense by either team, other than home runs, I think he deserved it.

Sorry I'm not able to give a play by play this year. I've been in seminars the past couple of days (getting home late), and have a number of things to do while trying to watch the game here at home. I don't envision being able to do play by play coverage for Game 2, either. Sorry.
Re: 2003 All Star Game 1
[ Author: Guest: Toyota | Posted: Jul 16, 2003 12:15 PM ]

Where was Fujimoto? He was chosen as a starter?

Takahashi did a great job.
Re: 2003 All Star Game 1
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 16, 2003 1:28 PM | YBS Fan ]

Fujimoto didn't start (one of the few Tigers who didn't). He came in as a pinch runner for Imaoka in the fifth.

As for being chosen as a starter, because there is more than one game, the fan choices aren't used to make the starting line-ups. I'm sure you can find a group of fans who want to lobby for that, as well as reduce/increase the number of games, propose a fix for the lopsided (to Hanshin) vote, etc.

And someone asked about the home run derby on an unrelated thread. To answer, yes, there was a home run derby before Game 1, the Pacific League representatives winning 5-4:

    Central 4 | 5 Pacific
    (HT) Kanemoto 2 | 4 Cabrera (SL)
    (HT) Arias 1 | 1 Johjima (FDH)
    (CD) Fukudoma 1 | 0 Rhodes (OKB)
Re: 2003 All Star Game 1
[ Author: Guest: Toyota | Posted: Jul 16, 2003 2:28 PM ]

Thanks for your reply. I don't care how many Hanshin Tiger players are All Stars. I am very fair. I did vote for Woods, Ramirez, Fukudome, and Nioka instead of Tigers. I just want to know whether Hara-kantouku has a full right to play any guy?

By the way, how did they compete in home run derby? Like the Majors?

Why did Kanemoto represent for CL? Why not Woods or Ramirez?
Re: 2003 All Star Game 1
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 16, 2003 8:59 PM | YBS Fan ]

- I just want to know whether Hara-kantouku has a full right to play any guy?

Hara-kantoku does have pretty much free reign on how to use the players. The only constraints that I know of are that he must play the voted in players at least two innings between the two games (at least one batter faced for pitchers, I think).

For a quick talk about players who don't attend, see this thread.

- [H]ow did they compete in home run derby? Like the Majors?

I don't know how the do the Home Run Derby in the Majors, so I can't really compare. Fortunately, they showed a replay of the one before the game this evening, so I can tell you that a batting practice pitcher (#113 from the Giants) throws up a fixed number of pitches to each batter (at least 5, since that was the most hit this evening). I wasn't prepared when they showed it, and don't remember who hit how many, so you'll have to wait for the results until tomorrow.

- Why did Kanemoto represent for CL? Why not Woods or Ramirez?

Well, each team has 28 members on its roster, and Kanemoto was voted onto the team. As for why he started, it's probably because Hara-kantoku wanted to give the "home" Osaka fans as many starters as possible. He was saving Irabu for his former home at Chiba Marine tonight (June 16).

Ramirez started the game as the DH and went 1 for 3. Woods came in defensively around the fifth or sixth, but was silent at the plate.
Re: 2003 All Star Game 1
[ Author: Guest: Suraj | Posted: Jul 17, 2003 5:37 PM ]

This may belong on another thread but...

Speaking of Irabu starting, apparently Hara had the option of choosing either Irabu or Moore for the All-Star game, and asked Hoshino which one he should choose, and Hoshino said Irabu. I read this in an article on the web (sorry, no link).

The article went on to say that Hoshino chose Irabu because a clause in his contract specifies a decent chunk of change for All-Star appearance, whereas Moore's was considerably less. Intuitively you would think Moore's lower incentives would prompt Hanshin to do the cost-effective thing, but the article implies that Hoshino made the Irabu recommendation to show Irabu that they look out for their players so they can re-sign him (apparently he's on a one-year contract).

The article then tries to instigate trouble by saying that this works right into the hands of the Giants, who will be sure to point this snub by his own Kantoku to Moore and pull a May on him. That is, sign him away from Hanshin this off season, much like they did with Darrell May a few years ago.

All speculation at this point, but thought it was humorous.
Luring Moore
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Jul 18, 2003 3:31 PM | HT Fan ]

- The article then tries to instigate trouble by saying that this works right into the hands of the Giants, who will be sure to point this snub by his own Kantoku to Moore and pull a May on him. That is, sign him away from Hanshin this off season, much like they did with Darrell May a few years ago.

It is rather humorous because Trey Moore is not Darrell May. May was unhappy with the Hanshin organization for various reasons, and I remember him saying that he didn't particularly like Kansai (Osaka?) because of the lack of nightlife (or something to that effect). And indeed, I don't think Hanshin minded that he was "lured" away by Yomiuri in any case.

So all this talk about using the All Star game as a lever to pry Moore away from Hanshin is absolute nonsense. If they offer heaps more cash, that may be another matter, but from what I hear, Moore is happy as a Tiger.
Giants Want Moore?
[ Author: Guest: Toyota | Posted: Jul 18, 2003 3:56 PM ]

Woo, someone has indicated that Giants have a need for a gaijin like Moore from Hanshin? He also suggests that the Giants win pennants depending only on Japanese players. Why do they want to lure May and Moore? Have they lost their pride?

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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