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Masters League 2003/4

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Masters League 2003/4
The 2003/4 Masters League schedule has been released. The senior league will start on October 29 at Tokyo Dome between Tokyo and Sapporo. The five teams will play a total of 40 games ending at the end of January.

    Date Matchup Time Stadium
    ----- ----------------- ----- ----------
    10/29 Sapporo - Tokyo 18:40 Tokyo Dome
    11/02 Fukuoka - Osaka 15:00 Osaka Dome
    03 Tokyo - Nagoya 13:00 Nagoya Dome
    '' Sapporo - Osaka 14:00 Osaka Dome
    08 Nagoya - Osaka 13:00 Akaishi
    '' Sapporo - Fukuoka 13:00 Nagasaki
    09 Nagoya - Tookyo 13:00 Seibu Dome
    15 Tokyo - Osaka 13:00 Koshien
    '' Nagoya - Sapporo 14:00 Sapporo Dome
    16 Fukuoka - Nagoya 13:00 Mizuho
    22 Sapporo - Fukuoka 13:00 Hiroshima
    23 Osaka - Fukuoka 13:00 Shimonoseki
    24 Tokyo - Nagoya 13:00 Yokohama
    29 Sapporo - Tokyo 13:30 Tokyo Dome
    '' Nagoya - Fukuoka 13:00 Ohita
    30 Osaka - Tokyo 13:00 Kohchi
    12/03 Fukuoka - Sapporo 13:40 Tokyo Dome
    06 Nagoya - Osaka 18:00 Osaka Dome
    07 Nagoya - Osaka 14:00 Osaka Dome
    '' Tokyo - Sapporo 13:30 Odate
    08 Fukuoka - Tokyo 13:40 Tokyo Dome
    13 Tokyo - Sapporo 18:00 Sapporo Dome
    14 Nagoya - Sapporo 13:00 Sapporo Dome
    20 Fukuoka - Osaka 13:00 Chatan
    23 Tokyo - Fukuoka 14:00 Fukuoka Dome
    '' Osaka - Nagoya 13:00 Osaka Dome
    27 Fukuoka - Nagoya 14:00 Nagoya Dome
    28 Sapporo - Nagoya 13:00 Nagoya Dome
    '' Osaka - Fukuoka 14:00 Fukuoka Dome
    01/02 Fukuoka - Tokyo 18:00 Tokyo Dome
    03 Osaka - Sapporo 14:00 Sapporo Dome
    05 Osaka - Tokyo 18:40 Tokyo Dome
    13 Osaka - Sapporo 18:30 Sapporo Dome
    14 Nagoya - Tokyo 18:40 Tokyo Dome
    17 Sapporo - Nagoya 18:00 Nagoya Dome
    '' Tokyo - Fukuoka 18:00 Fukuoka Dome
    18 Nagoya - Fukuoka 14:00 Nagoya Dome
    24 Sapporo - Osaka 13:00 Sapporo Dome
    25 Fukuoka - Sapporo 13:00 Sapporo Dome
    '' Tokyo - Osaka 15:30 Osaka Dome

Re: Masters League 2003/4
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Jul 19, 2003 12:32 PM ]

It's a nice thing they have here in Japan with the Masters League, but this league is just not run very well to survive over the long haul. They don't publicize the league at all, highlights of games from the Masters League are rarely shown on the sports highlight shows, and I don't think that even hardcore baseball fans care at all about this league.

I'm a pretty hardcore baseball fan, but I wouldn't go watch a Masters League game unless I got freebies and I had absolutely nothing else to do.

So far, they've brought back Randy Bass, Warren Cromartie, and Orestes Destrade to come back to Japan to play in the Masters League, but unless you paid real close attention to the sports newspapers, you never would've heard about them coming back here to play.
Re: Masters League 2003/4
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 19, 2003 8:21 PM | YBS Fan ]

You have a good point. The only time I remember the Masters League being front page news was when the pitcher for one of the teams died over night in his Sapporo hotel room.

But there have been a number of interested people asking about the league here on this site, so there is interest in the league - even in the foreign community.

A major reason that I don't cover it very well is the exact reason that you gave, you have to really look for even the smallest bits of information about it. While I often complain about the media focusing too much on some players/teams, which has the effect of making them invisible to me (I often avoided Ichiro articles for that reason while he was here), the lack of coverage for "small market" teams and the Masters League cause a "catch 22" with information - there is very little information, so there is very little demand, so there is very little information, ... I know I'm guilty of focusing on the local team(s), myself. But I can't afford a writer in every city to cover every team. Newspapers don't have such an excuse.

Nonetheless, I know that questions about schedules will be asked sooner or later, even with the Masters League, so when I catch an article like this, I translate it for you all (time permitting).

I think it would be great to cover the Masters League, but I've got a long list of things to do during the off season. Other than direct questions about it, I can't offer much else either.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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