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2003 Nippon Series Game 4

Discussion in the NPB News forum
2003 Nippon Series Game 4
Once again this evening, I've got live coverage of the Nippon Series.

I'm very glad to see that so many prefer the play-by-play. I won't fail you this evening and will remember to save the transcript before closing.
Re: 2003 Nippon Series Game 4
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 23, 2003 10:47 PM | YBS Fan ]

Wow! I didn't think that the play-by-play would be as popular as it was. But it looks like it's preferred over a summary. So I was careful to save it as the game went along.

And what a game it was. Like Game 2, we had a see-saw game, ending in dramatic fassion.

As for tomorrow, I've got a SABR meeting in Tokyo and doubt very much if I'll get home before the game ends. But I will set up the chat room before I go, and niibu_yaa-san has agreed to give as best a play-by-play as he can over the radio. If there is anyone else in Japan watching the game, please feel free to write what you see.

I'm not abandoning you, really. This was planned well in advance. (Of course, I had assumed at the time that there wouldn't be a game on Friday.) I'll be back on Sunday to cover Game 6 at Fukuoka Dome. (Remember, the entire schedule was slid one day back, including travel day.)

Now, without further ado, Game 4's transcript:

TRANSCRIPT generated on : /23 22:37
CHATROOM : Nippon Series Game 4/Live from Koshien - Game 4/english//23 17:55
MODERATORS : westbaystars

17:55 : Manager TO ALL - westbaystars
17:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Once again, we're live from Koshien Stadium.
17:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - I've got a birthday dinner to eat, then I'll be right with you.
18:10 : Manager TO ALL - niibu_yaa
18:11 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - tanjobi omedetou!!!
18:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arigato.
18:16 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - think I missed a u? Romanised Japanese is a bit silly.
18:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - I dislike Romanized Japanese. Can't do Romaji-Hankan at all.
18:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - I've got some bad news before we start.
18:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - I won't be home tomorrow. Have a SABR meeting in Tokyo.
18:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - Do you think you can cover the game like you did yesterday?
18:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Me either. Kanji is so much more sipler if you know it.
18:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Sure I can try.
18:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igwa's first pitch of the game to Muramtsu, leading off, is lifted to center.
18:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - But right at the center fielder for the first out.
18:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Thanks.
18:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - While there may not be many in the chat room, there are apparently a lot who like the transcript.
18:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igawa strikes out the next batter, Kawasaki?
18:20 : niibu_yaa TO ALL -
18:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - I'm totally unprepared this evening.
18:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi comes to the plate.
18:21 : Manager TO ALL - tigers1
18:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Iguchi lines out to Kanemoto in left. The side is retired in order.
18:21 : Manager TO ALL - tigers1
18:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of First
18:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Starting for Daiei is Knight.
18:23 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - oi
18:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Checking Yahoo Sports, I see that it was Kawasaki batting second.
18:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Not your first choice for Game 4?
18:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - Knight's first pitch to Imaoka is lifted to shallow right-center.
18:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - After nobody called for the ball, Shibahara came over and grabbed it for the out.
18:24 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I better check his record before i open my mouth.
18:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - Almost a costly error there. And Hanshin has a tendency to capitalize on the smallest of mistakes.
18:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi draws a walk.
18:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - 6 wins, 4 losses, 4.86 ERA:
18:28 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Well Knights record isn't as bad as I exspected. Considering it's his first year and the strike box is a little tighter.
18:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - He throws two straight balls to Kanemoto.
18:29 : Manager TO ALL - Martin
18:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi takes off, and has second stolen on ball three.
18:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh-kantoku is out of the dugout to talk with the second base umpire.
18:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh, and the replay from the center field camera looked like Akahoshi was out.
18:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh-kantoku appears to be complaining about the umpire's position, inside the bases on the 1st base side.
18:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is ball four. One out, runners at first and second.
18:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama coming to the plate.
18:31 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Well at least Knight is throwing high velocity balls.
18:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - The kids are trying to eat all of my birthday cake.
18:32 : westbaystars TO ALL - Excuse me while I get a couple of bites.
18:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - They're smart get you busy then in for the kill.
18:32 : Martin TO ALL - Happy birthday (fijne verjaardag)
18:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arigato.
18:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama lines the ball into the left-center gap (sachukan).
18:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi scores easilly from second.
18:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto rounds third and comes in to score.
18:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama has a two-run double.
18:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin strikes first for the first time this Series.
18:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arias comes up to bat.
18:35 : Martin TO ALL - Knight is in trouble
18:37 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Sounds like he is getting it together a bit.
18:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - He got Arias to go after a fork in the dirt on a 2-2 pitch.
18:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two outs.
18:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - That brings Kataoka, who hasn't had a hit yet this Series.
18:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kataoka is doing a good job batting with two strikes on him.
18:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - (And one ball.)
18:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - Fouling away a number of pitches.
18:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Now he gets ahold of a ball, lining it over the right side.
18:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - With two down, Hiyama is on the run, and scores.
18:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin now leads 3-0.
18:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kataoka held at first with a single to right.
18:42 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - That's gotta kill whatever was left of Knights confidence. Pitching that many balls only to give up a hit.
18:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - With Yano up, Kataoka almost got himself picked off of first by Johjima.]
18:43 : Martin TO ALL - Maybe he will pitch well after this inning. rogers clemens did the same yesterday
18:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - Moore did yesterday.
18:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - He finally gets Yano swinging at strike three, and the side is retired.
18:44 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Perhaps. He is throwing some heat.
18:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano also fouled off a few to keep things going.
18:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - After one inning, Hanshin leads 3-0.
18:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Second
18:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:45 : Martin TO ALL - I meant from the Yankees
18:46 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Yeah and moore (giants) got into a little trouble early and pulled out of it.
18:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - I understood that. But Moore (Hanshin) gave up those three hits in the first yesterday, then threw 4 perfect innings.
18:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - (Well, he did hit a batter who was erased on a double play.)
18:47 : niibu_yaa TO ALL -
18:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Muranaka leads off the second by driving Igawa's first pitch over the center field fense!
18:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei isn't giving up so easilly.
18:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka, sorry.
18:48 : Martin TO ALL - After reading it again, I understood what you meant. Hopefully the Hawks will strike back.
18:48 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Back to the romanized japanese thing again.
18:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Aaaaa. Johjima just misses his third home run, cutting just left of the foul pole.
18:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next offering is lined to third. One out.
18:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bad memory. If I have the Kanji infront of me, it's no problem. I'm just really bad at remembering names.
18:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez is swing for the fense for strike two.
18:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - He takes ball one outside.
18:51 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Well....I was trying to give you an out.
18:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - And ball two. Looks like he's controlling himself.
18:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - But, he swings and misses Igawa's offering down the middle of the plate.
18:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two outs.
18:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - Shibahara, moving down to the #7 slot tonight, hits the ball to the warning track in left.
18:52 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - :0
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Kanemoto runs the ball down and grabs it running toward the fense.
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three down.,
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Daiei got a run back, and now trail 1-3.
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Second
18:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Knight is still on the mound.
18:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he faces Fujimoto to start the bottom of the second.
18:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - Throwing two balls in a row to welcome him to the plate.
18:55 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I miss the regulars that call Daiei's game......these guys aren't bad....but lack a certain flair of the Hawks crew.
18:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - The third pitch his lifted deep!
18:55 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - lucing knight.
18:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - But just to the warning track in right where Shibahara pulls it in.
18:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - One long out.
18:56 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - lucky*
18:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igawa grounds a check swing to third on Knight's first offering, and is thrown out.
18:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two down.
18:56 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - QUestion: What do they call the warning track? In Japanese?
18:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Back to the top of the order in Imaoka.
18:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - I'm not sure, now that you mention it.
18:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ookii?
18:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - ]
18:57 : Martin TO ALL - waruningu toraku, hahaha
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Imaoka give the ball a ride to left.
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Valdez has it just in front of the left field foul pole.
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin are retired in order.
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - At the end of two complete, Hanshin continues to lead 3-1.
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Third
18:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
18:59 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I thought Ookii was something you did with Kerry?
19:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - That's what the radio announcers say when the ball is hit to the warning track.
19:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe leads off the third.
19:00 : Martin TO ALL - doens't Ookii means big : big hit
19:01 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Yeah think it's just big.
19:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yes.
19:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh, Torigoe just misses extra bases by a couple of cm up the first base line and into the corner.
19:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Count is even, 2-2.
19:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - After running the count full, Torigoe lines out directly at the right fielder.
19:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - One out.
19:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - Knight is batting for himself.
19:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - He doesn't look that bad at the plate. Not like Irabu or some others.
19:04 : Martin TO ALL - He will pitch another inning
19:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - But he strikes out swinging nonetheless. Two down.
19:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - I wonder if Oh-kantoku regrets not pinch hitting for Shinohara last night.
19:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - Muramatsu grounds to Fujimoto at short, who one bounds the ball to first, and the side is retired in order.
19:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Third
19:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:07 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I imagine he does.
19:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - As Akahoshi comes to bat, they show the replay of him being touched out at second, but being called safe.
19:09 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - But second guessing doesn't fix anything.
19:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Of course, the announcers are praising him for stealing his first base in the Series.
19:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi tries a "safety bunt," but lifts the ball up to Matsunaka at first.
19:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka fields the fly, and Akahoshi is the first out of the inning.
19:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto, who's first and only hit of the Series was a game tying home run last night, comes up.
19:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - He grounds the ball to Torigoe near the second base bag, and is thrown out for out number two.
19:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - Knight looks like he's settled down.
19:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - He just need to avoid those free passes.
19:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - As I said before, Hanshin is very good at capitalizing on such mistakes.
19:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama is hand-cuffed (tsumatta), and grounds out to second on a bounce.
19:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three up, three down.
19:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - There are a lot of those this Series.
19:13 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - That they are....looks like Knight is trading speed for accuracy. Which is fine as long as it works.
19:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - At the end of three complete, Hanshin leads 3-1.
19:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Fourth
19:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Yeah there have been. Wada had a few Yesterday...and so did beard guy.
19:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Okamoto.
19:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - I count 7 times Daiei went down in order (including a double play and a caught stealing).
19:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin went down in order 6 times yesterday.
19:16 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - wow....that's more than I realized.
19:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kawasaki is rung up looking at strike three on the outside corner. Two down.
19:16 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Doesn't sound like the announcers are Pro Hawks.
19:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Wada shut Hanshin down 3 up, 3 down five times.
19:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - No, they aren't on NHK BS1 either.
19:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - think Okamoto did it once yesterday.
19:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi drew a walk on full count, and while running up the first base line, was called out swinging by the first ...
19:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - ... base ump.
19:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yea, he swing.
19:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two down.
19:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Home run hitting Matsunaka comes to the plate.
19:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka grounds the ball to the left side, but well within Fujimoto's range.
19:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he's thrown out for out number three.
19:20 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - No 2 out rally this time.
19:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Once again, Daiei is retired in order.
19:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Fourth
19:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Did Daiei use up all of their allotted hits in the first two games?
19:22 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - nah....think the Yakuza is paying them off so they can make more money on ticket sales.
19:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arias leads off for Hanshin.
19:22 : westbaystars TO ALL -
19:23 : Martin TO ALL - Tickets are allready sold in advance.
19:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Whoh! Knight strikes out Arias on three pitches.
19:24 : Martin TO ALL - I still have an unused ticket for game 7 L vs D from 1982
19:24 : Martin TO ALL - Go Knight !!!!!!!11
19:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kataoka grounds to Matsunaka behind the first base bag, he tosses to Knight covering, and there are two down.
19:26 : Martin TO ALL - This game is going fast now.
19:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano hits the ball to the gap on the left side of the infield.
19:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Torigoe makes a gread diving grab on the ball.
19:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - The throw to first is, just late. Yano is safe.
19:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - No 1-2-3 inning this time.
19:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yea, after that first inning, nobody but Matsunaka (home run) reached base.
19:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi swings out, swinging way late, for the final out.
19:29 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Wow...Knight is coming pretty strong.
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin got their first base runner in a long time. But ended up scoreless.
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - After four complete, Hanshin continues to lead 3-1.
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Fifth
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - So, will Oh-kantoku have Knight bat?
19:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh is standing up outside the dugout.
19:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - We start with #5 Johjima.
19:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - #5 in the order, that is.
19:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Not sure......KNights gone 4 回 so he may be done. But I say he keeps his perfromance the last few hass been go
19:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - od.
19:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima lifts the ball to left, but right at Kanemoto. One out.
19:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Got excited there for a second.
19:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ball hit the handle of the bat.
19:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez comes up.
19:34 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - hehe
19:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he strikes out swinging. Two down.
19:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - Shinohara up to bat.
19:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he fouls a number off to keep this inning longer than some.
19:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - The count is now 2-2.
19:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - Finally he lines a low drive to Imaoka at second. But it's bobbled.
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Shinohara's speed isn't enough to reach first before Imaoka recovers and throws to first.
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three up, three down.
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Again.
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Fifth
19:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - Night has thrown 71 pitches so far.
19:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - He faces opposing pitcher Igawa to lead off.
19:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igawa squares to bunt, and takes strike one.
19:41 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - With the majority of them in the 1st I imagine.
19:41 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - HIT 'EM!!!!
19:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - The second pitch is swung on and missed. It was a good swing, just got air.
19:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - It sure seemed that way.
19:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igawa, after fouling off another, takes three straight balls to bring the count full.
19:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - And walks to first.
19:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - This is very, very bad.
19:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - (For Daiei.)
19:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - The top of Hanshin's order comes up in Imaoka.
19:43 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - especially with Imaoka up.
19:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - Imaoka is fouling off a lot of pitches. Looks like Knight might surpass 100 this inning.
19:45 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah he's throw at least 10
19:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - On the bright side, he threw five strikes to Imaoka before thowing his first ball.
19:46 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - )
19:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ah, and his seventh delivery to Imaoka is grounded to Torigoe, who touches second and throws to first for a double play.
19:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Knight still has a chance.
19:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi comes to the plate.
19:47 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - So you think they'll pull Knight after he finishes off this inning?
19:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - There's a line of red and hot-pink stars in the right field stands.
19:48 : westbaystars TO ALL - He'll be up next inning, so it would probably be his time. He's definitely nearing 100 pitches.
19:48 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Put in (Squirms) Skrmetta and keep it an all american affair?
19:49 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Hot Pink Stars? Is it AV night in Koshien?
19:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - ;-D
19:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi grounds out to third, and the side is retired, kind of in order.
19:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three up, three down, anyway.
19:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - At the end of five complete, Hanshin continues to lead 3-1.
19:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Sixth
19:50 : Martin TO ALL - Skrmetta was placed on waivers last week (japan times)
19:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
19:51 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Good. Wasn't a fan of his after the Tigers (det) had trouble signing him after the draft in '93.
19:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe leads off, with Knight on-deck.
19:54 : Martin TO ALL - Bryant Nelson was also released.
19:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - And, yes, Knight *is* in the on-deck circle.
19:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe bloops his first pitch into right, and the lead-off runner is on!
19:55 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - note the *is*
19:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - That brings Oh-kantoku out, and Ohmichi will pitch hit for Knight.
19:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - So, good move or bad?
19:55 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - hmmm.....why Zueltta?
19:56 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - why not
19:56 : Martin TO ALL - why no Zuletta, they need power, no bunt.
19:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ohmichi takes strike two to even the count 2-2.
19:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - That was right down the middle.
19:57 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - that's true.
19:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - He's protecting the plate, fouling off an inside pitch.
19:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ohmichi looks like he's got power, but he's choked up on the bat a lot.
19:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Isn't that inductive for punch hitters?
19:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Not that it matters, as he strikes out swinging.
19:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - One out, runner at first.
19:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Back to the top of the order in Muramatsu.
19:58 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - more or less.
20:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Another long at bat with quite a few foul balls. The count is currently 2-2.
20:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - And after bouncing the ball in front of the plate for ball two, Igawa is way high to bring the count full.
20:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is lined into left field, base hit!
20:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - Runners at first and second, one out, and Oh-kantoku comes out.
20:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - Zuleta!
20:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - Pinch hitting for Kawasaki.
20:02 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - well is it time?
20:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - One out rally.
20:03 : Martin TO ALL - Go Zuletta !!!!
20:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - (Back of his uniform has one "t".)
20:03 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yup....why not start early for a change.
20:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Sixth inning is getting late against Hanshin.
20:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Zuleta lifts the ball high to right, too high.
20:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - The right fielder comes in, and there are two outs.
20:05 : Manager TO ALL - jt
20:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Like Yokohama in 1998, Hanshin has been really tough in the late innings.
20:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi comes to the plate.
20:05 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Hmm.... Iguchi is due.
20:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Current situation is runners at first and second, two out, top of the sixth, Hanshin up 3-1.
20:06 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Hopefully he doesn't pulll a Nomar.....
20:06 : jt TO westbaystars - thanks I can only stay 20 mins will come back later for the result
20:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Iguchi doesn't look good swinging at strike two in the upper part of the strike zone.
20:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - No problem.m
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi grounds a slider up the middle, but Fujimoto has it near the second base bag,
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - shovels to Imaoka, and the side is retired.
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei put up their first threat this game, but came up empty.
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Sixth
20:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:10 : Manager TO ALL - jt
20:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - "Salary-man" Watanabe comes in to pitch for Daiei.
20:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he faces Kanemoto to start.
20:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - Watanabe's first pitch of the game, misses for ball one.
20:11 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - hehe
20:11 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - that was a bit rough.
20:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - Doesn't he look like an office worker?
20:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - Must be the glasses.
20:12 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah.....with those glasses.
20:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - "Mild mannered salary-man by day, ace relief pitcher by night."
20:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto lifts the ball to deep center.
20:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Haitta!
20:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - That's Kanemoto's second hit this Series, both home runs.
20:14 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin adds an insurance run, increasing their lead to 4-1.
20:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - hehe.....I'm thinking more like that tv Show segment "Salary Man".
20:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - especially after that.
20:14 : westbaystars TO ALL -
20:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama comes to the plate.
20:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - And runs the count full.
20:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch is grounded right at Iguchi at second, the throw to first, and Watanabe has his first (and only) out.
20:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oh-kantoku comes out, Watanabe is through.
20:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - Satoh comes in to pitch. (Double check- yes, it's Satoh, not Saitoh.)
20:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - darn do we all have to wait to find out who's next?
20:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ah, it's nice to watch on NHK BS1.
20:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - No CMs.
20:20 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - un....luckyhead. so 63# satoh?
20:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Although I have to admit that Nike found a great place for their ad - on Johjima's chest protecter, ...
20:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - ... right under the "FDH" logo.
20:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - The Nike swish looks natural there.
20:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arias comes to bat and his hit by Satoh's first offering.
20:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Satoh looks a bit nervous.
20:21 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - .......maybe it was a defensive move?
20:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yep.
20:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Sa.
20:22 : Manager TO ALL - star1
20:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kataoka lifts a 1-1 pitch to Matsunaka, just foul of the first base bag.
20:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two down.
20:23 : Manager TO ALL - star1
20:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano steps up to the plate.
20:24 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - another change?
20:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Yano strikes out swinging on three pitches - that last one awfully high.
20:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - The side is retired.
20:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin added an insurance run with Kanemoto's lead off home run.
20:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - After six complete, Hanshin increases their lead to 4-1.
20:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Seventh
20:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:26 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I like that Okamoto is getting some rest. Think Oh's playing that right.
20:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei fans let loose their balloons, and I don't see more than a couple doesen.
20:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - The Daiei section is *very* small.
20:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka leads off the inning.
20:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - His home run one of three Hawk hits so far this evening.
20:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he's swinging for the fense to bring the count to 2-2.
20:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next Igawa offering is in the dirt, full count.
20:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - A couple of foul balls keep Matsunaka alive.
20:29 : niibu_yaa TO ALL -
20:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Then he slices the ball to left. Bad legs and all, he rounds first and slides into second with a double!
20:29 : Manager TO ALL - Goemon
20:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima swings and misses Igawa's 100th pitch of the evening.
20:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is hit over the third baseman's head into left.
20:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka is being waved around thrid?
20:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - The throw to the plate is off line, Matsunaka falls onto the plate.
20:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Not very graceful, but Daiei scores.
20:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka deserves something for his run around the bases.
20:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - ...figures.....the second I start my breakfast.
20:32 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima has an RBI double to bring the score to 2-4, Hanshin's favor.
20:32 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez comes to the plate.
20:32 : westbaystars TO ALL - Time for some Yokohama style machine gun work?
20:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez disagreed with the calls to the last two pitches to bring the count to 2-2, but they looked pretty good from ...
20:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - ... the center field camera.
20:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is outside, full count.
20:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Igawa gets him on that low, outside corner pitch. Swinging strike three.
20:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez K's for the third time this evening.
20:35 : Manager TO ALL - acedtect
20:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Shibahara hits his first offering that it dived at and grabbed by Fujimoto.
20:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - He throws to third to try to cut down Johjima advancing.
20:35 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 2 out rally time?
20:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - But the ball hits Johjima and bounces into foul territory.
20:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - The base coach waves for Johjima to continue, then changes his mind.
20:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - Runners at first and third *one* out.
20:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe at the plate.
20:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Igawa is now preoccupied with Shibahara at first.
20:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Throwing over there a couple of times.
20:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe fouls off Igawa's third offering, two strikes, one ball.
20:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - Takes ball two high.
20:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku is looking grave.
20:39 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - !!!!!
20:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is lifted into shallow center, fair!
20:39 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - タイムリー!!!
20:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima scores from third.
20:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hai, timely!
20:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - It's now a one run ball game: Daiei 3-4 Hanshin.
20:40 : Martin TO ALL - Is the pitcher batting?
20:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Honma comes up to bat, entering the game after a pair of pinch hits a couple innings ago.
20:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Pitcher was put into the #2 batting position.
20:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Runners at first and second, one out.
20:42 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Yeah gotta love Honma. easy name to read.
20:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Honma looks at strike three for the second out. 145 kph straight.
20:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Honma? (That's all the Osaka-ben I know.)
20:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - Muramatsu comes to bat.
20:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he gets hit on the right elbow.
20:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - Muramatsu is in pain.
20:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - That didn't sound good. I heard a "crack."
20:43 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - ah....
20:44 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I heard it to.
20:44 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I always thought osaka ben sounded funny.
20:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - It looks like it was just above his elbow.
20:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - Muramatsu gets some cold spray and takes first.
20:45 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Deguchi?
20:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - He doesn't look like the pain has deadened that much.
20:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - With bases loaded, Oh-kantoku is sending out a pinch hitter. Didn't catch who it was.
20:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Hoshino-kantoku is out, and it looks like Andoh is coming in,.
20:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yes, it's now confirmed.
20:46 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - that's how Deguchi figures in.
20:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - It took Daiei a few innings to figure out Andoh in Game 1.
20:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - You caught that it was Deguchi?
20:47 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yup.....he's got one of those inmistakeable first names.]
20:48 : niibu_yaa TO ALL -
20:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yep, daida-Deguchi.
20:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he takes ball one for Andoh's first offering.
20:49 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yudai
20:49 : Manager TO ALL - jp
20:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Takes a slider low and over the outside part of the plate, ball two.
20:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Current situation, bases loaded, two down, Deguchi pinch hitting, Daiei down by one.
20:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of the 7th.
20:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ball three.
20:50 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - that one sounded close
20:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - The crowd though so, but it was low.
20:50 : Martin TO ALL - take a pitch
20:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch, over for strike one.
20:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - Took the pitch.
20:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, swung on and missed. Full count.
20:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - I'm on the edge of my seat.
20:51 : westbaystars TO ALL - Shoubu pitch...
20:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - Low, ball four!
20:52 : Manager TO ALL - acedtect2
20:52 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yes
20:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - Oshidashi.
20:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - The game is tied, 4-4.
20:52 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 4 kai 4
20:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - 4 tai 4.
20:53 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - tai?
20:53 : Martin TO ALL - yong tai yong
20:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi at the plate.
20:53 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - hehe...a little too excited.
20:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he takes two strikes in a row.
20:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano sets up outside, and Iguchi goes for the outside pitch. Swung on and missed, strike three.
20:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - The side is retired, but not before Daiei tied the game.
20:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Going to Hanshin's Lucky Seven, the score is tied 4-4.
20:54 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - nagai nagai
20:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Seventh
20:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
20:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - Like Game One, this is turning into a very exciting, close game.
20:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei has a new pitcher on the mound.
20:57 : Manager TO ALL - MHtrStevie
20:57 : Manager TO ALL - acedtect
20:57 : Manager TO ALL - jp
20:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Okamoto.
20:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Deguchi stays in the game at center.
20:58 : MHtrStevie TO ALL - Greetings! Sounds like a good game...
20:58 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - chotto....
20:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Whew, it is. Daiei just scored three to tie it up.
20:59 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - think he should be given a break.
20:59 : westbaystars TO ALL - Fujimoto leads off the bottom of the seventh for Hanshin.
20:59 : westbaystars TO ALL - ;-()
20:59 : westbaystars TO ALL - that is.
21:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - Fujimoto lines the ball up the left field line.
21:01 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - keep proving me wrong.....
21:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - It looks like it might be trouble if it stays fair,
21:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - but Valdez comes from nowhere to make the catch, just in foul territory.
21:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - One out.
21:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - The cherry cheese-cake was enough to keep my power up.
21:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - Okihara, who came in in the #9 slot in a double switch, grounds out to Torigoe for the second out.
21:03 : Manager TO ALL - Haru Saru
21:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - Imaoka steps up to the plate.
21:04 : acedtect2 TO ALL - Thank you for doing this. It's 5 am in San Francisco and i'm riveted.
21:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Good way to wake up?
21:04 : acedtect2 TO ALL - yes!
21:04 : MHtrStevie TO ALL - Yes, thank you... this is a great service you're providing!
21:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Imaoka lines a base hit through the left side.
21:05 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - acedect2 her for audio
21:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin has a runner on with two outs.
21:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Akahoshi, 1 for 12 this Series, comes up.
21:06 : Manager TO ALL - furefure
21:06 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - now would be a good time for the make up for that earlier call.
21:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Well, he's in the hole, 2 strikes, no balls.
21:07 : furefure TO ALL - Ohayo gozaimasu
21:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima sets up outside, but Akahoshi didn't go for it.
21:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Konban wa.
21:07 : Manager TO ALL - pfg
21:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Whooo. Takes just inside, the count goes to 2-2.
21:08 : furefure TO ALL - So it's bottom 7, 4-4?
21:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yes.
21:08 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two down, runner at first.
21:09 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yes
21:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Akahoshi swings and misses at a 133 kph pitch down the middle.
21:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three out.
21:09 : furefure TO ALL - This is fantastic that you're doing this. I've checked your site intermittently for a few years now.
21:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hanshin got a base runner, but Lucky Seven wasn't so lucky.
21:09 : Manager TO ALL - MHtrStevie
21:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - On dial-up?
21:10 : Goemon TO ALL - Haru Saru and me are watching this from Norway. Thank you. Go Hanshin
21:10 : furefure TO ALL - The website
21:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - I see a few people come in and out for a few minutes at a time. I figure they've got dial-up connections.
21:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - Ah. That.
21:10 : furefure TO ALL - Hai, so desu
21:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - I do what I can for the Pro Yakyu community.
21:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Eighth
21:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:11 : furefure TO ALL - I've been a passive observer
21:11 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka, who's been the big hero of the evening for Daiei, steps up to the plate.
21:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - And he takes four straight balls, and first base.
21:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - No pinch runner. Did he prove he can still get around in the seventh?
21:13 : Manager TO ALL - pfg
21:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima takes Andoh's fifth ball in a row.
21:13 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Smart pitching really.
21:14 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is lined up the middle.
21:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - and pays off.
21:14 : westbaystars TO ALL - I thought for sure that it was going through, but Fujimoto dove and got the ball on a hop behind the second base bag.
21:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - He tossed to Imaoka, and the relay to first was in time.
21:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Double play.
21:15 : furefure TO ALL - YEAH!
21:15 : Goemon TO ALL - Nice!!
21:15 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - amazing play it sounds.
21:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - But that was a lot more than your average 6-4-3. Great save by Fujimoto.
21:15 : Martin TO ALL - that's stupid. 5 balls in a row. He should have taken a pitch.
21:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez slices another hit to left.
21:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - Looks like a golf slice.
21:16 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah martin....bad basebal.
21:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - But a hit is a hit.
21:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - In hind sight it was a bad move. But it really looked like that ball was going to go through.
21:17 : westbaystars TO ALL - Shibahara comes up.
21:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Is Kokobu coming back this season?
21:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - This season? Or this Series?
21:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - After running the count full, Shibahara draws a walk to put runners at first and second, two out.
21:19 : Martin TO ALL - He'll be back next season.
21:20 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - ah.........double play chance.
21:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - With two out?
21:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe watches ball one go by.
21:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Andoh is having trouble getting the corner of the plate, which is what it looks like he's trying to do.
21:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch is swung on and missed.
21:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - After a couple of foul balls, ...
21:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - ... Torigoe grounds a weak grounder toward third.
21:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - The third baseman fields the ball and throws to first.
21:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe is sliding in head first - safe!
21:24 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - good enough.
21:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bases are loaded.
21:24 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yatta
21:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - Honma grounds Andoh's first offering right back at him.
21:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - The ball gets away from Andoh.
21:24 : Goemon TO ALL - pinch
21:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - He picks it up.
21:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Drops it again.
21:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Picks it up again.
21:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - But there isn't a play anywhere.
21:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Gyaky-ten.
21:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei takes the lead for the first time this game, 5-4.
21:25 : Goemon TO ALL - no!!!
21:26 : Haru Saru TO ALL - take Andoh out of the game!
21:26 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - pitching change?
21:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku comes out, and Andoh is through.
21:26 : Martin TO ALL - Yattazo !!!!!!
21:26 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - guess so.
21:27 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - kuso.... I spilled ramen all over myself.
21:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - I thought you had breakfast an hour ago.
21:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yoshino takes the mound for Hanshin.
21:28 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - started making it.......
21:28 : niibu_yaa TO ALL -
21:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yoshino threw 1 inning in Game 2, walking one, striking out one, throwing 12 pitches to four batters.
21:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yoshino gets Honma to ground out to second, moving toward first, for the final out of the inning.
21:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - But not before Daiei took the lead with a two out rally.
21:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - Going to the bottom of the eighth, Daiei leads 5-4.
21:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Eighth
21:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arakaki comes in to pitch for Daiei.
21:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - arakaki!!!!
21:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arakagi gave up one hit on 7 pitches to four batters in Game Two.
21:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Did we say this was a fast paced game earlier?
21:33 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 沖縄 Power Up!!!!!!
21:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - It's starting to look like the longest game so far.
21:34 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah earlier it was.
21:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto leads off the inning.
21:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - And takes ball one, 147 kph.
21:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Outside.
21:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Second pitch is also way outside.
21:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - As is the third. Not a good start.
21:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is over for strike one.
21:36 : furefure TO ALL - Brilliant start, if you ask me
21:36 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Well, walking Kanemoto isn' exactly a bad thing.
21:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next offering is low, 149 kph ball low. Kanemoto is aboard.
21:36 : furefure TO ALL - So I understand that Old man Yagi is still with the Tigers?
21:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yep.
21:37 : Goemon TO ALL - Good eye, Kanemoto!!
21:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - He may appear.
21:37 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yup still there.
21:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hiyama steps in.
21:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - And takes ball one.
21:37 : Manager TO ALL - acedtect
21:37 : Goemon TO ALL - Old man Yagi signed me an autograph last year
21:38 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - there we go.
21:38 : Martin TO ALL - Does one of you play baseball yourself?
21:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch is called strike, 1-1.
21:38 : furefure TO ALL - WOW! The second game I saw live in Japan (in '92), Yagi was the goat...then a couple months later,...
21:38 : westbaystars TO ALL - I play softball with the local area team.
21:38 : furefure TO ALL - I found out that Yagi in fact translates to goat in Japanese
21:38 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 2 - 1
21:38 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - differnt Kanji though.
21:38 : furefure TO ALL - So he's always been the goat to me
21:39 : Haru Saru TO ALL - I play baseball in Norway..
21:39 : furefure TO ALL - True, true
21:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hai, foul ball, then swinging strike three (high).
21:39 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - スライダー
21:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - One out,.
21:39 : Martin TO ALL - I played baseball for years, but am going to play softball next season. AGE !!!
21:39 : westbaystars TO ALL - His straight isn't going in, so he went for the slider. And it worked.
21:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - On the first pitch to Arias, Kanemoto broke for second. And is in there.
21:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - Stolen base.
21:40 : furefure TO ALL - very nice!
21:40 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - double play time
21:40 : Goemon TO ALL - Let's Go George!!!
21:40 : westbaystars TO ALL - He had that stolen batter than Akahoshi earlier (who I thought was out).
21:41 : Goemon TO ALL - KANEMOTO!!!!!!
21:41 : furefure TO ALL - Kattobase, A-RI-AS!
21:41 : Martin TO ALL - Double play wil be difficult now.
21:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arais lines the ball over a jumping Torigoe.
21:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto kicks third.
21:41 : Goemon TO ALL - .......
21:41 : westbaystars TO ALL - And scores without a throw.
21:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Tie ball game: 5-5.
21:42 : Goemon TO ALL - and Home???
21:42 : Martin TO ALL - This is real exciting !
21:42 : Goemon TO ALL - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:42 : furefure TO ALL - WOOHOO!!!!
21:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arias came through when it counted. That's what he's good at.
21:42 : Haru Saru TO ALL - yes!!!!!
21:42 : Goemon TO ALL - George!!!!!!!
21:42 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hirashita will pinch hit for Yoshino.
21:42 : Manager TO ALL - acedtect2
21:43 : westbaystars TO ALL - Once again, Hanshin capitalizes on a walk.
21:43 : Martin TO ALL - Orix should have never released him.
21:43 : Martin TO ALL - Him = Arias
21:43 : Goemon TO ALL - Good for Arias though!!
21:43 : Martin TO ALL - Yes
21:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arakaki gets two quick strikes on Hirashita, before wasting a pitch high and outside.
21:44 : Goemon TO ALL - Hanshin Tigers will NEVER NEVER NEVER SURRENDER!!!
21:44 : westbaystars TO ALL - Almost went for a high-outside pitch, but checked his swing.
21:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - Fould ball, count remains 2-2.
21:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is pulled up the right field line.
21:45 : westbaystars TO ALL - But foul.
21:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Arakaki's 7th pitch to Hirashita is lifted to left. Torigoe on a dead run.
21:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Catches the ball.
21:46 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez was playing him too deep and toward center to have gotten there.
21:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two down, runner at first.
21:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano ends the inning by grounding to second on his first pitch.
21:47 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - finally.
21:47 : westbaystars TO ALL - But not before a walk, stolen base, and Arias RBI plated Kanemoto with the tying run.
21:48 : Goemon TO ALL - Come to think about it. Great offensive play. Kanemoto steals second. Next thing you know Arias gets a hit score 5-5
21:48 : westbaystars TO ALL - At the end of eight complete, the score is once again tied, 5-5.
21:48 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:48 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Ninth
21:48 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
21:49 : Goemon TO ALL - Is this gonna be the debut for Williams in Nihon Series??
21:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - I've seen it all year against the BayStars. Give up a walk or commit an error, and Hanshin will score that runner.
21:49 : Haru Saru TO Goemon - spennende???
21:49 : westbaystars TO ALL - Riggan takes the mound for Hanshin.
21:49 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - sure that would help the hawks out.
21:50 : furefure TO ALL - Has Riggan been an effective pitcher?
21:50 : westbaystars TO ALL - Deguchi leads off, taking strike one.
21:51 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - ah back to back 口
21:52 : Martin TO ALL - Riggan pitched 35 2/3 inn. with an 1.538 era during the season.
21:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - 1.51 ERA:
21:52 : furefure TO ALL - Nice!
21:52 : furefure TO ALL - Arigato!
21:52 : Martin TO ALL - mistake era is 1.514
21:52 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hai.
21:53 : Martin TO ALL - I was looking at Williams
21:53 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yoshi
21:53 : westbaystars TO ALL - After working the count full, Deguchi drills a cut-ball through the left side of the infield for a base hit.
21:53 : Manager TO ALL - Goemon7
21:54 : Haru Saru TO ALL - hmmm this is not good
21:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Williams:
21:54 : furefure TO ALL - So Michael, what do you do in Nippon when you're not being a yakyu otaku?
21:54 : Goemon7 TO ALL - I have no faith in Riggan
21:54 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi and the heard of Daiei's order coming up.
21:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - Computer programmer. Web enabling mainframes.
21:55 : furefure TO ALL - excellent
21:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - Riggan is called for a balk.
21:55 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - BALK!!!!!!!!!!!
21:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - But I'm not sure why.
21:55 : Manager TO ALL - Goemon
21:55 : furefure TO ALL - F***
21:55 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku is equally confused.
21:56 : westbaystars TO ALL - No, I don't see it in the replay.
21:56 : Manager TO ALL - kxs
21:56 : Goemon7 TO ALL - what???
21:57 : furefure TO ALL - Oh kantoku must be still getting the Giants' calls.
21:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - It's claimed that Riggan didn't pause in the set position.
21:57 : Goemon7 TO ALL - ha ha ha
21:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Nonetheless, Runner at second, nobody out.
21:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Iguchi bunts back to the pitch.
21:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Riggan looks a third but throws to first.
21:57 : westbaystars TO ALL - Sacrifice successful. Runner at third, one out.
21:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku talking to the umpire.
21:58 : furefure TO ALL - Do you walk the next batter to set up the double play?
21:58 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - ah the 口 bro's do it!!!!!
21:58 : westbaystars TO ALL - Riggan heads back to the dugout, Williams comes on.
21:58 : Goemon7 TO ALL - with Matsunaka and Johjima coming up. I would walk both of them!!!
21:58 : Haru Saru TO ALL - finally!
21:59 : furefure TO ALL - Hopefully he's no relation to Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams
21:59 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I would think so furefure.......but you don't make a pitching change for to do that.
21:59 : westbaystars TO ALL - But why bring Williams in to walk a batter?
21:59 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - unless you want to make sure he is good an warmed up.
22:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - Mmm. Good point. But he'll be warmed up hitting outside the strike zone.
22:00 : furefure TO ALL - I'm shocked at how often fresh pitchers are brought in to intentionally walk a batter. Happens a lot.
22:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - Williams' first pitch is a ball, inside.
22:00 : westbaystars TO ALL - He's not pitching out.
22:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Matsunaka takes low and away, ball two.
22:01 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, misses outside, no-three.
22:02 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - bring in fresh legs for matsunaka?
22:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - Up high, and Matsunaka is walked. Intentionally or not.
22:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - That wouldn't be a bad idea.
22:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - But Oh-kantoku isn't coming out.
22:02 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima stands in, and swings at the first pitch, fouling it back.
22:02 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - force the double steal fake?
22:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, a slider, is swung on and missed. That was a big swing for strike two.
22:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - Johjima ground the next ball to third.
22:03 : westbaystars TO ALL - The throw to the plate.]
22:03 : furefure TO ALL - With one out, why try that?
22:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - In time to touch the runner out.
22:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two out, runners at first and second.
22:04 : furefure TO ALL - YES!!!!!
22:04 : Goemon7 TO ALL - nice
22:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Valdez swings and misses at a ball way outside.
22:04 : westbaystars TO ALL - Strike one.
22:04 : furefure TO ALL - The suicide squeeze is pretty rare in Nihon, isn't it?
22:04 : Goemon7 TO ALL - It's that Williams slider!!!
22:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - It wasn't a squeeze. Just a weak grounder.
22:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, same location, same swing and miss.
22:05 : kxs TO ALL - 2 strikes
22:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano sets up way outside, but Valdez isn't fishing this time.
22:05 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yup slider for ball.
22:05 : westbaystars TO ALL - One ball, two strikes.
22:06 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 2 -2
22:06 : furefure TO ALL - Right, just curious
22:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, also waaaay outside, taken for ball two. Two and two.
22:06 : Manager TO ALL - Haru Saru!
22:06 : Manager TO ALL - Haru Saru
22:06 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 3 - 2
22:06 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch, fouled away. Count remains 2-2.
22:06 : kxs TO ALL - 2-2
22:06 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - oops
22:07 : kxs TO ALL - strike out!!!!
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Strike out swinging.
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - The side is retired.
22:07 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - 4th time tonight.
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Daiei threatend, but failed to plate the runner.
22:07 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Banzai!!!
22:07 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - yeah!!!!!!!!
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Going to the bottom of the ninth, we're still tied 5-5.
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Ninth
22:07 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:08 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - who's up for Hanshin?
22:08 : Goemon7 TO ALL - The Ultimate thing would be if Yagi hit a Sayonara HR or a hit.
22:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Again, Daiei has out hit Hanshin 12 - 6. But they share the same run total. Last night Daiei out hit Hanshin 5-4, ...
22:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - ... but lost.
22:09 : westbaystars TO ALL - Fujimoto.
22:10 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - thanx
22:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - He fouls away Arakaki's first offering.
22:10 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yoshi!!!
22:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - Then lifts the next pitch high to left. Valdez camps under the ball, and waits. When it finally comes down,
22:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - the first out is recorded.
22:10 : westbaystars TO ALL - Okihara comes up.
22:11 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - No that's the 新垣 I know.
22:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - The count is now 2-2.
22:12 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - though he is still have trouble with his ストレート
22:12 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch it driven up the right field line, but goes into the stands in foul territory.
22:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yea, that's the pitch that got him in trouble last inning.
22:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - Next pitch is grounded to second, two out.
22:13 : westbaystars TO ALL - To the top of Hanshin's order in Imaoka.
22:14 : kxs TO ALL - 1-2
22:14 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - あと 1
22:14 : Manager TO ALL - kxs
22:14 : westbaystars TO ALL - 1-3 now.
22:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Imaoka gives the ball a ride.
22:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - But right at Valdez.
22:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Three out.
22:15 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - バルデス!!!!!!
22:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - We're going to extra innings again.
22:15 : westbaystars TO ALL - Wow, this game reminds me a lot of Game Two.
22:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - Top of Tenth
22:16 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:16 : furefure TO ALL - Not totally unlike Game 4 of the World Series
22:18 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah west......
22:18 : Manager TO ALL - tiger
22:18 : westbaystars TO ALL - We've passed the four hour mark for this game.
22:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - And instruments are banned.
22:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - But megaphone pounding is still allowed.
22:19 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - SO we have Shibara up 2 - 1
22:19 : westbaystars TO ALL - Williams looks like he has Shibahara fooled on his second pitch.
22:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Then got him watching strike three on his fourth pitch.
22:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - (Sorry, that was his third pitch, second strike, that he fooled him.)
22:20 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Williams sugoi!!
22:20 : westbaystars TO ALL - Torigoe up.
22:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - And Williams has Torigoe looking at strike two (one ball).
22:21 : westbaystars TO ALL - The next pitch is grounded to short, Fujimoto has no trouble throwing Torigoe out at first.
22:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Two outs.
22:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - Honma up to bat.
22:22 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Nagare wa Hanshin
22:22 : westbaystars TO ALL - He slaps a slicer to left, foul.
22:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Takes strike two on the inside corner.
22:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - Yano sets up outside, and Honma is down on strike on three pitches.
22:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - 1-2-3 inning. Hadn't had one of those in a while.
22:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - And the game started off with so many of them.
22:23 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:24 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - nagare?
22:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - Bottom of Tenth
22:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:24 : westbaystars TO ALL - 流れ
22:24 : Goemon7 TO ALL - "The flow of the game"
22:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - Araki still on the mound, and he faces Akahoshi.
22:25 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - thanks west.
22:25 : westbaystars TO ALL - He pops out to Valdez in left, one quick out.
22:25 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Valdez is keeping them honest.
22:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - He's been positioned very well this Series. Except for that one that Torigoe managed to get earlier.
22:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto up to bat.
22:26 : westbaystars TO ALL - He's been a wildcard.
22:26 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - Yeah....he's reading the batters well.
22:27 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - Kanemoto!!!
22:27 : westbaystars TO ALL - Count runs to 2-2.
22:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - He hits a big line drive.
22:28 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - 金本!!
22:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - Haitta!
22:28 : tiger TO ALL - home run!!!!!
22:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - Sayonara home run.
22:28 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Now way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - Line drive into the right field stands.
22:28 : Goemon7 TO ALL - ReallY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:28 : Manager TO ALL - tiger
22:28 : westbaystars TO ALL - And the team beats Kanemoto's head at home plate.
22:28 : Goemon7 TO ALL - ha ha ha ha ah ah. Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:29 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - 金本!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
22:29 : furefure TO ALL - YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
22:29 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Banzai. Banzai. Banzai.
22:29 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku gives Kanemoto a big hug and pounds his head a little more.
22:29 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - haha
22:29 : furefure TO ALL - Fure, Fure, Fure, Fure!
22:29 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - sasuga 金本!
22:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - The Series is now evened up 2-2.
22:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - That guarantees a trip back to Fukuoka.
22:30 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Sugoi. Can't believe I'm not in japan to watch this!!!
22:30 : Martin TO ALL - Incredible: only 3 hits in 4 games, but 3 HR !!!!!!
22:30 : westbaystars TO ALL - I'm torn between giving the MVP to Kanemoto or Fujimoto.
22:30 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Mr. Clutch hitter.
22:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto will get it, but Fujimoto's dive in the 8th saved the Tigers.
22:31 : Martin TO ALL - I can follow the game at home now on sunday, instead of at work.
22:31 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hoshino-kantoku, in his Kantoku interview, says that it's like watching a dream.
22:31 : Goemon7 TO ALL - I think Kanemoto but I haven't seen any of the games. (defense e.t.c.)
22:31 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - I'd say fujimoto.
22:32 : westbaystars TO ALL - Essentially, if it weren't for that play, Kanemoto wouldn't have had the chance.
22:32 : Martin TO ALL - Kanemoto, he has the sayonara hit.
22:32 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - well I'd better get to work I'm already 2 1/2 hours late.
22:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - But two home runs, and a walk to get things going. Kanemoto isn't undeserving.
22:33 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Rokko Oroshi ni sasso to......
22:33 : niibu_yaa TO ALL - yeah but without Fujimoto......Kanemoto's eating Onigiri on his ride to Fukuoka.
22:33 : Manager TO ALL - xxx
22:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - Have a good one. Ashita wa yoroshiku, Niibu_yaa-san.
22:33 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto now come up to the stand for the Hero Interview.
22:34 : Martin TO ALL - See you tomorrow. Thanks again for the coverage.
22:34 : westbaystars TO ALL - Kanemoto has three hits in the Series, all three home runs.
22:35 : westbaystars TO ALL - Actually, I've got a previous engagement. But Niibu_yaa-san will be doing what he can via radio.
22:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - More details will be posted with this and tomorrow.
22:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - ---
22:36 : Goemon7 TO ALL - Thanx. bye
22:36 : furefure TO ALL - Michael, thank you for doing this. Fantastic!
22:36 : xxx TO ALL - thanks west...
22:36 : westbaystars TO ALL - Once again. Hanshin won by a sayonara line drive home run by Kanemoto.
22:36 : furefure TO ALL - Game 5 is tomorrow, same bat time, desho?
22:36 : Haru Saru! TO ALL - thanx!
22:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - The final score: Daiei 5 - 6 Hanshin
22:37 : westbaystars TO ALL - Hai.
22:37 : Manager TO ALL - xxx
Re: 2003 Nippon Series Game 4
[ Author: Sharks410 | Posted: Oct 24, 2003 4:37 PM ]

Thanks Michael for another great play-by-play!

I am here in the U.S. watching Matsui play in the World Series. He is such a good patient hitter.
Re: 2003 Nippon Series Game 4
[ Author: Guest: aussiex3 | Posted: Oct 23, 2003 11:34 PM ]

If I read the play-by-play correctly, I'm presuming that Jeff Williams got the win in Game 4?
Re: 2003 Nippon Series Game 4
[ Author: Guest: Ron Webster | Posted: Oct 24, 2003 2:00 AM ]

Wow! I was on the edge of my seat reading the transcipt. I fully expected Daiei to battle back tonight and then did. What a great finish though. Way to go Kanemoto!

Thanks Michael for another great read.

Ron Webster
Re: 2003 Nippon Series Game 4
[ Author: Guest: UMASS | Posted: Oct 24, 2003 11:53 AM ]

Good job, many thanks.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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