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Owners Try Character Assassination of Horie

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Owners Try Character Assassination of Horie
Having lost to the players in recent negotiations about the future of Pro Yakyu, being forced to add a team back after pushing through the merger of Kintetsu and Orix, the moral-less owners are trying to take the moral high road in accepting a new team.

Their target? Livedoor's Horie-president. In their second hearing with both Livedoor and Rakuten, the owners came out swinging, asking the Internet company presidents how they handle "adult" content while they will be representing NPB to impressionable youths. (I'd like to know how Yomiuri's Sports Houchi would answer that myself.) Horie-president, not wearing a neck tie to the hearing again, truthfully answered that they monitor for such things, but it's technically difficult to keep adult content out completely. Mikitani-president, wearing a suit and neck tie, answered to a similar question that it isn't a problem, as confirmation of credit cards will show if a person is of an appropirate age for "adult" purchases.

So, for technically-deficient leaders of dinosaur conglomerates who don't understand that the two Internet companies do completely different things - i.e. one hosts blogs where users are free to write what they like, while the other hosts shops where credit checks verify personal information of their clients - who do you think won Round Two of the hearings?

This looks like a character assassination to me. The owners definately don't like Horie-president who stood up and took a stand to first try to purchase the Buffaloes, then gave the players backing to force the owners into replacing the team they'd contracted. And they especially don't like his lax attire.

After failing so miserably in the PR department throughout the whole contraction issue, it looks like the owners are trying to take the moral high road and exact some revenge with loaded questions that serve only to distract everyone from what matters - whether or not Horie-president has what it takes to run a team.
Re: Owners Try Character Assassination of Horie
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 16, 2004 12:47 PM | HAN Fan ]

I'm afraid this was to be expected. Horie-san has created a lot of trouble for the owners. In fact, you could possibly attribute the defeat they suffered to his initial actions. Given the type of people they are, the owners were always going to give him a hard time and gain a bit of revenge.

I don't expect him to succeed this time, but I am sure that there will be a Livedoor team. Once Rakuten is in, then things have to start changing.
Re: Owners Try Character Assassination of Horie
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 16, 2004 5:59 PM | YBS Fan ]

24 hours after the fateful second hearing, Horie had his staff update the Livedoor site to make adult content a little harder to get to.

As with portal sites like Yahoo! and others, the main page has a list of categories for drilling down through links to sites one wants information on. Until October 14, 2004, one could just as easilly find information on baseball as one could "adult" topics. Well, that's now changed. What Horie-president had his staff do was to move the "Adult" category to under "Other" to make it less likely for innocent children looking up baseball scores to accidently access such content.

It was raised that using the search function at Rakuten could bring up adult content. But Rakuten pointed out that the search engine is run by a third party, and none of said content is being provided from Rakuten. The only adult material available on Rakuen, such as movies for sale, don't display any adult material and require a credit card to purchase, where the age is verified from the credit card.

These character assassins are really streatching things to make these Internet companies look bad. How much further are they going to go?
Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Sep 19, 2005 7:11 AM ]

Horie ran for political office in the Onomichi area against Shizuka Kamei. Horie lost to Kamei in a close race, but announced that he will run again. Horie was extremely popular in the election. It should be interesting to see him run again.

Coverage from:
Re: Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Sep 19, 2005 9:16 AM | HT Fan ]

Well I wasn't impressed. He's a carpetbagger who simply saw it as another way to promote himself and/or his company.

Oh, he may have been committed to postal privatization, the main issue in this election, but I get the feeling that if he had been elected, he wouldn't have had much time to devote to actually representing the people who voted for him.

Mixing business and politics is dangerous. The guy should stick to one or the other.
Re: Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Sep 19, 2005 7:18 PM | HAN Fan ]

He wasn't even committed to postal privatisation, but rather had written in a book that it was the sort of side issue that wasn't important.
Re: Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: Sep 26, 2005 5:37 PM ]

I have to say that Horie's run at electoral office struck me as rather narcissistic. One also has to consider that it may have put his company in a position to win more government contracts had he won, making LiveDoor a kind of Japanese Internet Halliburton.

I have no idea how much patience the Japanese public has with pseudo-celebs like Horie, but I think he would do well to concentrate now on his core business and lay low so that people don't start going, "Oh God, not him again."
Re: Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: Something Lions | Posted: Sep 26, 2005 9:39 PM | SL Fan ]

People are going "Oh God, not him again", but that means that people are remembering the names Horie and LiveDoor. So, in a way, he has succeeded in increasing publicity.
Re: Horie Enters Politics
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Sep 26, 2005 11:05 PM | HT Fan ]

- People are going "Oh God, not him again", but that means that people are remembering the names Horie and LiveDoor. So, in a way, he has succeeded in increasing publicity.

And that's what I find so distasteful about the whole business. If his only motivation is to increase publicity for himself, then I'm glad he wasn't successful in obtaining the new yakyu franchise last year.

It's as if he's constantly on the lookout for a vehicle with which to publicize himself. If not baseball, then why not politics. Tomorrow? Who knows what he's likely to do.
Horie to Buy BayStars?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 3, 2005 12:58 AM ]

One asked Horie what he would do with the Carp during his failed election campaign. Horie said "I am currently studying how the team is managed, unfortunately, the problem is I can't invest as much I would like. I would have to let go of some highly-paid players, so the team wouldn't be that strong. But this is an investment, so if I get other highly-paid players some other time, then the team would be stronger."

Fans were excited at the prospect of Horie taking over the Carp, though the whole thing could have been suggested by a sports journalist by the name of Ninomiya. According to a sports reporter, the two have been keeping in touch since Livedoor's attempt to enter the Nippon Professional Baseball league failed last year. Ninomiya visited Hiroshima when Horie was campaigning. Horie then announced that he was interested in acquring the Carp after meeting Ninomiya. "The thing is Ninomiya is a Carp fan. And with the comeback of Watanabe to the Yomiuri Giants, there is a movement to unite the two leagues again. If it is united, their is a big possibility that the Carp will be sucked into the Orix Buffaloes."

According to the owners of the Carp, the team has made a profit, and they deny any possibilty Horie will take over the team.

However, a friend of Horie's revealed that his real plan is that he would like to buy to the Yokohama BayStars from TBS. According to a friend of Horie, there have already been numerous meetings between Horie and TBS (who has been said to be willing to let go of the team rather easily).

[Full Story - Japan Today]

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Michael Westbay
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