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2004 Nippon Series: Game 3

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2004 Nippon Series: Game 3
The venue moves to Seibu Dome tonight for Game 3 of the 2004 Nippon Series. Join here as game time of 6:20 pm JST approaches. Tonight's matchup is scheduled to be Domingo vs Hoashi. See you then.
Re: 2004 Nippon Series: Game 3
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 19, 2004 10:34 PM | YBS Fan ]

Wow! Another see-saw game! Both teams had a grand slam home run to take the lead. The Lions prevailed 10-8. Read on for how it went.

Note: It's mentioned in the transcript, but tomorrow's game may be cancelled due to Typhoon #23 coming up. The Commissioner decided to wait until tomorrow to make a decision. If the game does go on tomorrow, I'll be a couple hour late joining. If there are any volunteers to help cover the game until then, it'd be greatly appriciated.

TRANSCRIPT generated on 2004/10/19 22:26
CHATROOM 2004 Nippon Series/Game 3
MODERATORS westbaystars

18:05 westbaystars: Tonight's pitchers are Hoashi for Seibu and Domingo for Chunichi
18:17 westbaystars: Tom Cruz (ap?) is in the Lions' dugout tonight, taking pitcures with the players.
18:18 westbaystars: Does he have a new movie out or something?
18:19 westbaystars: Matsuzaka is a *lot* taller than him.
18:19 westbaystars: Ah, Tom's been announced as throwing out the first itch.
18:20 westbaystars: With the Star Wars theme in the background, Tom throws the ball outside on one bound to Noda.
18:22 westbaystars: He gives some words to the fans on the stadium mike, thanking Noda for catching his awful pitch.
18:22 westbaystars: ---
18:22 westbaystars: --- Top of First
18:22 westbaystars: ---
18:22 westbaystars: Hoashi finishes up his warmup pitches.
18:22 westbaystars: Araki starts off the game for the Dragons.
18:23 westbaystars: Hoashi's first pitch is called strike on on the outer part of the plate.
18:24 westbaystars: Araki gets a piece of the ball and grounds it weakly to the left side.
18:24 westbaystars: Fernandez rushes in, fires to first, and gets Araki by a couple of steps.
18:24 westbaystars: One out.
18:24 westbaystars: That brings up Ibata.
18:27 westbaystars: Ibata grounds the ball back up the middle, stabbed at by Hoashi, but it bound over him on the first base side.
18:27 westbaystars: Takagi was backing him up, though, and plays the ball and fires to first for the out.
18:27 westbaystars: Two down.
18:27 westbaystars: Next up is Tatsunami.
18:28 westbaystars: Tatsunami lifts a high fly that Noda catches in the left handed batter's box.
18:28 westbaystars: Three up, three down for Chunichi in the first.
18:28 westbaystars: ---
18:28 westbaystars: --- Bottom of First
18:28 westbaystars: ---
18:30 westbaystars: Domingo is on the mound for Chunichi this evening.
18:30 westbaystars: His first pitch to Satoh is down the middle for a called strike one.
18:31 Martin: Hello Wesbay-san. Is the Lions' Dome sold out?
18:32 westbaystars: After missing with two, Domingo gets Satoh to foul one off to even the count at 2-2.
18:32 westbaystars: There were a lot of empty seats at 6:00.
18:32 westbaystars: But, it's hard to get to Tokorozawa from Tokyo in half an hour after work.
18:33 westbaystars: Satoh lines the ball right back to Domingo who grabs it.
18:33 westbaystars: Playing catch ball with the batter.
18:33 westbaystars: One out.
18:33 westbaystars: Akada follows.
18:34 westbaystars: Adaka grounds the ball to the right side.
18:34 westbaystars: Linares fields the ball going toward second.
18:34 westbaystars: Domingo covers, and is a fraction of a step ahead of Akada.
18:34 westbaystars: That was too close!
18:35 westbaystars: But out number two nonetheless.
18:35 westbaystars: Next up is Fernandez.
18:35 westbaystars: And Domingo strikes him out looking on three pitches.
18:36 westbaystars: Fernandez didn't look like he thought that last one was a strike, but I don't know where he thought it missed.
18:36 westbaystars: It was a great pitch, up in the strike zone.
18:37 westbaystars: So, after one complete, there is no score.
18:37 westbaystars: ---
18:37 westbaystars: --- Top of Second
18:37 westbaystars: ---
18:37 Martin: Which team are you rooting for?
18:38 westbaystars: Alex leads off the second for Chunichi.
18:38 westbaystars: I'm rooting for Seibu.
18:38 westbaystars: But trying to be impartial.
18:38 westbaystars:
18:39 Martin: Ok, that is a good choice.
18:39 westbaystars: Alex grounds the ball deep to short.
18:39 Martin: I used to be a Seibu fan when I lived in Japan 1982-84.
18:39 westbaystars: Nakajima fields the ball, throws a one bounder to first, grabbed by Cabu for the first out.
18:40 westbaystars: Seibu's Golden Age. It seemed like they always won in the '80s.
18:41 westbaystars: M. Takahashi, in as the DH for Chunichi, lines the ball over the left side and into left, base hit!
18:41 westbaystars: That's the first hit of the ball game.
18:42 westbaystars: Tanishige follows grounding the first pitch to Nakajima at short for a tailor made 6-4-3 double play.
18:42 westbaystars: So, the Dragons get a base runner, but are retired in three.
18:42 westbaystars: After one and a half, there is still no score.
18:42 westbaystars: ---
18:42 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Second
18:42 westbaystars: ---
18:43 Martin: But you really are a fan of the Baystars are you?
18:44 westbaystars: Yep, that's right.
18:44 Martin: Do you often visit their home games?
18:44 westbaystars: A couple times a year.
18:44 westbaystars: As well as ni-gun games.
18:44 westbaystars: Cabrera lifts a high fly ball to the right side on the first pitch.
18:45 Martin: I still remember Saitoh. He was a good pitcher.
18:45 westbaystars: Linares makes the catch if foul territory for the first out.
18:45 westbaystars: Giants' Saitoh?
18:45 Martin: Oops, a waisted chance.
18:45 westbaystars: Wada follows.
18:45 Martin: No, of the Yokohama Whales.
18:46 Martin: Go Wada!
18:46 westbaystars: Known for stealing bases? I'm not so good with players of the 1980s.
18:47 westbaystars: Wada grounds out to Ibata at short for out number two.
18:47 westbaystars: No, you said pitcher.
18:48 Martin: And of cource Jim Tracy (OF)
18:48 westbaystars: Oh, the current pitcher! Where am I tonight?
18:48 westbaystars: Kaizuka, the Lions's DH, comes up.
18:49 westbaystars: And he goes down swinging at a pitch way outside to end the inning.
18:49 westbaystars: At the end of two complete, the game remains scoreless.
18:50 westbaystars: ---
18:50 westbaystars: --- Top of Third
18:50 westbaystars: ---
18:50 westbaystars: Jim Tracy sounds familiar.
18:51 westbaystars: Linares leads off the third inning for Chunichi.
18:52 westbaystars: And TV Asahi starts their fourth commercial after the first pitch to him.
18:53 westbaystars: I'm really not liking TV Asahi's broadcasts.
18:53 westbaystars: Fuji did a fair job last night, only missing the first pitch of two innings.
18:53 westbaystars: Linares grounds out to the left side for out number one.
18:53 westbaystars: TBS was best so far.
18:53 westbaystars: Mori comes up next.
18:54 Martin: Tracy played two years for the Whales. He now coaches the Dodgers.
18:55 westbaystars: Hoashi goes full to Mori.
18:56 westbaystars: Mori lines the ball to Nakajima at short, and he drops the ball!
18:56 westbaystars: The throw to first is off line, safe!
18:56 westbaystars: E-6.
18:57 westbaystars: The line drive to Nakajima was just a few cm above the ground, but in the netting of his glove without a bound.
18:57 westbaystars: Runner at first, Hidenori at the plate.
18:58 westbaystars: Mori tried to steal second on the second pitch, but Hidenori fouled off the pitch, bringing the count to one and one.
19:00 Martin: Or was it a hit and run?
19:00 westbaystars: Might have been a hit and run.
19:01 westbaystars: But it being a good pitch, it's hard to say.
19:01 westbaystars: Making Hoashi work, Hidenori goes down swinging.
19:01 westbaystars: Two outs, runner at first, top batter Araki at the plate.
19:02 westbaystars: I'm only sure of a failed hit and run if the pitch is reached for.
19:03 westbaystars: Count runs to two and two.
19:04 Martin: I know, just kidding. We will never know.
19:04 westbaystars: After a throw to first, Araki swing and misses a pitch up high.
19:04 westbaystars: Three outs.
19:04 westbaystars: With the error by Nakajima, the Dragons get the distiction of stranding the first runner of the game.
19:05 westbaystars: After two and a half, there is still no score.
19:05 westbaystars: ---
19:05 Martin: I know, just kidding. We will never know.
19:05 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Third
19:05 westbaystars: ---
19:06 westbaystars: Nakajima gets to lead off the Lions' half of the third.
19:06 westbaystars: Can he redeam his error?
19:07 Martin: His ave. is low, just .143.
19:07 westbaystars: And Nakajima strikes out swinging while TV Asahi is off to commercial again.
19:07 westbaystars: Argh.
19:08 westbaystars: Next up is Noda.
19:08 Martin: Why don't they have commercials between the inning?
19:08 westbaystars: Noda grounds the first pitch to the right side.
19:09 westbaystars: Linares has a way to go to his right to get the ball, Domingo covers, and Noda isn't nearly as fast as Akada.
19:09 westbaystars: One out.
19:09 westbaystars: They do have commercials between innings. But they show too many!
19:09 westbaystars: Takagi grounds out to second, and Domingo is out of the inning on seven pitches.
19:10 westbaystars: Of which TV Asahi missed the first four.
19:10 westbaystars: At the end of three complete, the score remains Chunichi 0 - 0 Seibu.
19:10 westbaystars: ---
19:10 westbaystars: --- Top of Fourth
19:10 westbaystars: ---
19:11 Martin: Money is probably more important than the game.
19:11 westbaystars: How did TBS do it right, then? I don't believe that.
19:12 westbaystars: Ibata leads off the fourth inning, with TV coverage coming back in time.
19:12 Martin: They did it just right between the innings.
19:13 Martin: Maybe they are just sending commercials now every 30 minutes?
19:13 westbaystars: Exactly. So why can't TV Asahi.
19:14 westbaystars: Hoashi works the count full.
19:14 Martin: They just don't care about the game!
19:14 westbaystars: After fouling one full count pitch off, Ibata grounds the ball up the middle, shading to the left side.
19:14 westbaystars: Nakajima fields the ball near the second base bag, fires to first, one out.
19:15 westbaystars: Tatsunami follows.
19:15 westbaystars: He grounds out to Takagi at second on the second pitch.
19:15 westbaystars: Two outs.
19:16 westbaystars: That brings up Alex
19:17 westbaystars: Alex lifts a two strike, one ball pitch to the right side.
19:17 westbaystars: Takagi and Satoh give chase, but the ball falls to the ground in foul territory.
19:18 westbaystars: Count remains two strikes, one ball.
19:18 westbaystars: Looked like Satoh might have gotten hurt by the ball boy chair next to the fense, but then again, ...
19:18 westbaystars: ... it looks like he missed it by a little.
19:19 westbaystars: After taking ball two, Alex goes down swinging, strike three.
19:19 westbaystars: That retires the Dragons in order again.
19:19 westbaystars: We're still in a scoreless tie after three and a half innings.
19:19 westbaystars: ---
19:19 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fourth
19:19 westbaystars: ---
19:21 westbaystars: The top of the Lions' order starts off the fourth.
19:21 westbaystars: And Satoh grounds the first pitch up the middle, past Domingo this time, and into center field.
19:21 westbaystars: Lead off base hit!
19:22 westbaystars: The Lions' first base runner of the night.
19:22 westbaystars: Akada follows, showing bunt.
19:22 westbaystars: Akada has yet to execute a sacrifice bunt properly this Series.
19:23 westbaystars: He pulls back to take ball one, then bunts the next one foul.
19:23 westbaystars: The Lions overall are 0 for 6 on sacrifice bunt attepts this Series.
19:23 westbaystars: Chunichi is 1 for 1.
19:24 Martin: Oops!
19:24 westbaystars: The next pitch is bunted high and foul, strike two.
19:24 westbaystars: Please call off the bunt.
19:24 Martin: Hit had run now!
19:25 westbaystars: Akada is showing bunt, then pulls back as Domingo sets up to buster, and takes ball two.
19:25 westbaystars: Showing bunt, the buster is grounded to second.
19:25 westbaystars: There's no play at second, Araki throws to first for the out.
19:26 westbaystars: Not a sacrifice, but same result.
19:26 westbaystars: Why bother showing bunt? I don't understand why Akada continues to do this.
19:26 westbaystars: Nonetheless, Fernandez comes up with a runner in scoring position.
19:27 westbaystars: Exactly what Domingo doesn't want to face.
19:28 westbaystars: Fernandez battles off a two strike, one ball count.
19:29 westbaystars: The next pitch is high and tight, two and two.
19:29 westbaystars: After hight and tight, Domingo goes away (but not too low).
19:29 westbaystars: Fernandez reaches out and fouls the ball to the right side.
19:31 westbaystars: After fouling one off, Fernandez takes inside. Full count.
19:32 westbaystars: The 10th pitch to Domingo is lined to the left side, over Tatsunami and into left field!
19:32 westbaystars: Satoh kicks third, head home.
19:32 westbaystars: He scores without a throw!
19:32 westbaystars: Seibu takes a 1-0 lead.
19:33 westbaystars: Fernandez wins that battle.
19:33 westbaystars: And shows strong with a runner in scoring position again.
19:33 westbaystars: That brings up Cabrera with a runner at first and one out.
19:35 westbaystars: Cabrera swings big and ahead of a 1-1 pitch for strike two.
19:35 westbaystars: Domingo's fourth pitch is high and tight, two and two.
19:35 westbaystars: And he misses with his fifth pitch, away and in the dirt.
19:35 westbaystars: Full count.
19:36 westbaystars: Domingo's 51st pitch of the game is lifted to the right side and into the stands, foul.
19:37 westbaystars: The second shoubu pitch is lifted hight and deep.
19:37 westbaystars: Monku nashi!
19:37 westbaystars: Home run!
19:37 westbaystars: To the left-center alley.
19:37 westbaystars: The Lions take a 3-0 lead!
19:38 Martin: Yataaaaaaaaaaa!
19:38 westbaystars: That gets the Dragons' pitching coach going to the mound, and both barrels of the bull pen up and throwing.
19:38 westbaystars: Wada follows.
19:39 westbaystars: Wada's swinging for the fenses on the third pitch, but getting only air.
19:39 westbaystars: Two strikes, one ball.
19:39 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is lined to right, but right at Hidenori.
19:40 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
19:40 westbaystars: Kaizuka comes up next.
19:40 westbaystars: Domingo gets two quick strikes on Kaizuka.
19:41 westbaystars: The third pitch is swung on and missed, strike three.
19:41 westbaystars: Nice pitching there at the end for Domingo, but the damage was done.
19:41 westbaystars: Seibu takes a 3-0 lead in the fourth on three hits, topped off by Cabu's two run home run.
19:42 westbaystars: ---
19:42 westbaystars: --- Top of Fifth
19:42 westbaystars: ---
19:43 westbaystars: Takahashi leads off the fifth for the Dragons.
19:43 westbaystars: As Takahashi fouls off the first pitch, TV Asahi is showing Cabrera's home run.
19:44 westbaystars: Then they go to another set of commercials as he fouls off the next pitch.
19:44 westbaystars: The third pitch misses, followed by yet another comercial.
19:45 westbaystars: Another ball, another commericial.
19:45 westbaystars: The 2-2 pitch has another commercial.
19:45 westbaystars: Gee, these commercials are all short, but too many.
19:46 westbaystars: After a foul ball during that last commercial, they come back to play as the ball glides to Satoh in right for the out.
19:46 westbaystars: Well, at least they got the first out this time. But I'm getting more upset with TV Asahi's coverage.
19:46 westbaystars: Goog thing I listen to the radio. (Thank you Nippon Housou.)
19:46 westbaystars: That brings up Tanishige.
19:48 westbaystars: Hoashi hits Tanishige's right (back) leg, just above the knee.
19:48 westbaystars: That was Hoashi's 71st pitch of the game.
19:49 westbaystars: Tanishige runs up to first without showing any sign of pain.
19:49 westbaystars: Linares follows.
19:49 westbaystars: And we're being told on the radio that there is a chance that tomorrow's game may be cancelled with the typhoon ...
19:50 westbaystars: ... on its way up here.
19:50 westbaystars: Linares lines the ball to right, going, going,
19:50 westbaystars: Satoh turns at the warning track.
19:50 westbaystars: The ball is off the top of the fense.
19:51 westbaystars: The fense at Seibu Dome isn't nearly as tall as at Nagoya Dome, and it didn't hit that high up it, so Satoh had a chance
19:51 westbaystars: Tanishige holds at third as the ball comes back.
19:51 westbaystars: Linares has a stand up double.
19:51 westbaystars: Runners at second and third with one out.
19:52 westbaystars: Mori is now at the plate.
19:53 westbaystars: Seibu Dome is open all the way around above the stands, and commute during a typhoon isn't good.
19:53 westbaystars: So there may be a chance of cancellation.
19:53 westbaystars: Which would suit me fine, since I'll otherwise be late covering the game tomorrow.
19:53 westbaystars: Mori goes down swinging at a pitch in the dirt, two outs.
19:54 westbaystars: That brings up number nine batting Hidenori.
19:55 westbaystars: Hidenori hits a high bound to the left Side.
19:55 westbaystars: Fernandez comes in, fields the ball, throws to first, and the side is retired.
19:55 westbaystars: The Dragons put up their biggest threat of the game with runners at second and third and one out,
19:55 westbaystars: but failed to score.
19:56 westbaystars: After four and a half, the Dragons continue to trail 0-3.
19:56 westbaystars: ---
19:56 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fifth
19:56 westbaystars: ---
19:57 westbaystars: Nakajima leads off the fifth lining the ball over the left field fense!
19:58 westbaystars: TV Asahi showed the home run as it happened, then went back to commercial!
19:58 westbaystars: Argh!
19:58 westbaystars: They didn't even show him round the bases!
19:58 westbaystars: Noda follows.
19:59 westbaystars: They return from commercials after the first pitch.
20:00 westbaystars: Noda grounds out to Ibata, who threw wide of first, but Linares made a great stretch to make the out.
20:00 westbaystars: One out.
20:00 westbaystars: Takagi come up next.
20:00 westbaystars: He lifts the ball deep to right.
20:01 westbaystars: Hidenori runs toward the corner, and makes the catch on the warning track line.
20:01 westbaystars: Just in fair territory.
20:01 westbaystars: Hidenori had a long way to go, and made the catch for out number two.
20:01 westbaystars: Back up to the top of the order in Satoh.
20:02 westbaystars: Satoh got the Lions' first hit last inning and was driven in by Fernandez.
20:03 westbaystars: Satoh battles off a 2-2 pitch.
20:03 westbaystars: And another.
20:04 westbaystars: The seventh pitch is lined to right.
20:04 westbaystars: Hidenori comes in a few steps, one step toward the right field line, and makes the catch.
20:05 westbaystars: But Domingo wants his first pitch of the inning back as Nakajima increases the Lions' lead to 4-0.
20:05 westbaystars: ---
20:05 westbaystars: --- Top of Sixth
20:05 westbaystars: ---
20:08 westbaystars: Araki leads off the sixth inning for Chunichi.
20:09 westbaystars: The top of the order for the Dragons.
20:09 westbaystars: He grounds the ball on a sharp hop to Nakajima at short.
20:09 westbaystars: The ball bounces off of Nakajima's chest.
20:09 westbaystars: Nakajima picks the ball up after a couple bounces, fires to first, too late!
20:10 westbaystars: Safe at first on a second E-6 of the night.
20:10 westbaystars: Ibata grounds the ball on a high hop to Fernandez at third.
20:10 westbaystars: Fernandez throws to second for the force, but that's all they'll get.
20:11 westbaystars: Ibata is fast up the line, and the bound took too much time for a double play.
20:11 westbaystars: That brings up Tatsunami with one out and a runner at first.
20:12 westbaystars: Tatsunami lines a bullet through the right side and into right field.
20:12 westbaystars: Ibata has to hold at second as the ball gets to Satoh in a hurry.
20:13 westbaystars: That brings Araki-pitching coach out of the Lions' dugout.
20:13 westbaystars: He has a short talk with Hoashi.
20:13 westbaystars: And Hoashi turns his attention to number four batting Dragon Alex.
20:14 westbaystars: The first pitch is lined past a diving Nakajima and into left-center!
20:14 westbaystars: Ibata was leaning back to second, then heads to third.
20:14 Martin: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:14 westbaystars: He's being waved around, and scores! Without a throw to home.
20:15 westbaystars: The Dragons get their first run, and now trail 1-4.
20:15 westbaystars: The ball was returned, holding Tatsunami to second.
20:15 westbaystars: Takahashi comes up with runners at first and second and one out.
20:16 westbaystars: And Hoashi suddenly has control problems, missing with his first two deliveries to Takahashi.
20:16 westbaystars: The third pitch is called strike one, up high in the zone.
20:17 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is in the dirt inside, Takahashi just avoiding being hit on the foot.
20:17 westbaystars: One strike, three balls.
20:17 westbaystars: Takahashi fouls off the next pitch past the third base bag. Full count.
20:18 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is up high, ball four.
20:18 westbaystars: That's Hoashi's first walk of the night, and last.
20:18 westbaystars: Araki-pitching coach heads out to the mound, and Itoh-kantoku takes off his jacket to talk with the umpire.
20:19 westbaystars: Osada will come in to relieve Hoashi.
20:19 Martin: They are trying to win some time for the next pithcer?
20:20 westbaystars: No. Osada was expecting the call, warm and ready.
20:22 westbaystars: Cabrera and Ferandez are at second base chatting with Alex while Osada warms up.
20:22 Martin: Osada did well this season: 3.176 in 45 1/3 inn. But this is the Japan Series. Let's hope he'll do well.
20:22 westbaystars: Tanishige comes up next.
20:22 westbaystars: He's grounded into one double play tonight, as well as was hit by a pitch.
20:23 westbaystars: Bases are loaded, one out.
20:23 westbaystars: Osada misses with his first two pitches to Tanishige.
20:24 westbaystars: The next pitch is a curve over the plate for strike one.
20:25 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is a one bounder to the plate, taken for ball three.
20:25 westbaystars: Osada has no more room to work.
20:25 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku is looking nervous on the Seibu bench.
20:26 westbaystars: The next pitch is lined to left.
20:26 westbaystars: Going, going, haitaaaaaaaaaa!
20:26 westbaystars: Gyakuten manrui homu ran!
20:26 Martin: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
20:26 westbaystars: Chunichi takes a 5-4 lead with the swing of Tanishige's bat!
20:26 Martin: Not again!
20:26 MHtrStevie: WOW!
20:27 westbaystars: That brings up Linares.
20:27 westbaystars: You have impecable timing, Stevie.
20:28 MHtrStevie: No kidding... =)
20:28 westbaystars: Linares lines the ball over a jumping Takagi and into right.
20:28 westbaystars: Base hit.
20:28 westbaystars: The Dragons keep it going here in the sixth.
20:29 westbaystars: Tanishige becomes the 15th player to hit a grand slam home run in the Nippon Series.
20:29 westbaystars: The first pitch to Mori is a one bounder off of Noda's chest.
20:30 westbaystars: The ball rolls most of the way back to the mound, and Linares agressively takes second while Noda chases the ball down.
20:30 westbaystars: The ball itself was swung on and missed for strike one to Mori.
20:31 westbaystars: The 2-2 pitch is called strike three on the outside corner.
20:32 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
20:32 westbaystars: Runner at second with number nine batting Hidenori at the plate.
20:33 westbaystars: Hidenori misses a bunt and run?
20:34 westbaystars: Linares took off for third while Hidenori was trying to bunt a high inside pitch.
20:34 westbaystars: The throw to third was wide, Ferandez lunging for the ball and, it looke like, tagging Linares out as he went by.
20:34 westbaystars: But the umpire says he didn't touch him.
20:34 westbaystars: Safe at third.
20:35 westbaystars: Hidenori fakes another bunt, then lifts the ball to right.
20:35 westbaystars: It's caught by either Satoh or
20:35 westbaystars: Akada (not sure which - they were right next to each other).
20:35 westbaystars: That retires the side.
20:36 westbaystars: But not before Tanishige tops off a five run inning with a grand slam to left.
20:36 westbaystars: After five and a half, the Dragons take a 5-4 lead.
20:36 westbaystars: ---
20:36 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Sixth
20:36 westbaystars: ---
20:38 westbaystars: The Lions start with number two batter Akada.
20:38 westbaystars: In to pitch for Chunichi is Okada.
20:39 westbaystars: And his first pitch is lined to left for a base hit!
20:39 westbaystars: Fernandez comes up, but without a runner in scoring position.
20:39 westbaystars: Let's see how he does here.
20:40 westbaystars: He drove in the first run of the game in the fourth with Satoh on second.
20:40 westbaystars: Okamoto misses in the dirt outside with his first pitch to Fernandez.
20:41 westbaystars: The next pitch is swung on and missed. One and one.
20:41 westbaystars: The third pitch is lined to right, deep, but foul.
20:42 westbaystars: Okada's fourth pitch is swung on and missed, low on the outside part of the plate.
20:42 westbaystars: Strike three!
20:43 westbaystars: That's the first out of the inning.
20:43 westbaystars: But Okada isn't out of things yet.
20:43 westbaystars: Cabrera stands in.
20:43 westbaystars: He hit a two run shot to left his last at bat.
20:43 westbaystars: ... to left-center ...
20:43 westbaystars: The first pitch to Cabu is through Tanishige's legs and to the backstop!
20:44 westbaystars: Akada heads to second.
20:44 westbaystars: The Lions now have the tying run in scoring position.
20:44 westbaystars: Cabrera can't check his swing on the next pitch, strike one.
20:45 westbaystars: The third pitch is low (?) - looked pretty good to me. Called ball two.
20:46 westbaystars: The fourth pitch misses just outside. One strike, three balls.
20:46 westbaystars: First base is open.
20:46 westbaystars: The fifth pitch misses low and away, ball four.
20:47 westbaystars: With Wada coming up next, Ochiai-kantoku comes out to talk with Okamoto.
20:47 westbaystars: #36 is warming up in the Dragons' bull pen.
20:47 westbaystars: Hirai, that is.
20:48 westbaystars: Ochiai has a short conversation with his battery and heads back to the third base dugout.
20:48 westbaystars: Wada stands in.
20:48 westbaystars: Okamoto misses outside for ball one.
20:49 westbaystars: The second pitch is fouled off to the right side. One and one.
20:50 westbaystars: The 1-1 pitch is taken inside, Wada leaning out of the pitch for ball two.
20:50 westbaystars: Okamoto misses outside with the next pitch, ball three.
20:50 westbaystars: Tanishige wanted that one, but it missed the outside corner.
20:51 westbaystars: Wada grounds the next pitch right back to Okamoto.
20:51 westbaystars: Okamoto turns, fires to second for one.
20:51 westbaystars: The relay to first is in time, double play!
20:51 westbaystars: That retires the side.
20:52 westbaystars: The Lions put up a fight, but came up scoreless.
20:52 westbaystars: At the end of six complete, the Dragons lead 5-4.
20:52 westbaystars: ---
20:52 westbaystars: --- Top of Seventh
20:52 westbaystars: ---
20:53 westbaystars: Top batter Araki leads off the Dragons' Lucky Seven.
20:55 westbaystars: Osada falls behind Araki one strike, three balls.
20:55 westbaystars: The next pitch is taken strike two on the inside part of the plate. Full count.
20:55 westbaystars: Nobody is up in the Lions' pen.
20:55 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is grounded up the middle, Osada trying to grab it with his pitching hand!
20:56 westbaystars: They're sending the trainer out to have a look at Osada's hand to make sure it's OK.
20:56 westbaystars: And activity gets up in the first base side bull pen.
20:57 westbaystars: Oh, and the ball went into center field, Araki getting a lead-off hit.
20:57 westbaystars: 0 for 3 Ibata comes up next.
20:58 westbaystars: Showing bunt, Ibata pulls the bat back and grounds the ball over Fernandez' head as he charges in.
20:58 westbaystars: Buster successful!
20:58 westbaystars: Araki comes around to third on the base hit.
20:58 westbaystars: And that's it for Osada.
20:59 westbaystars: Hoshino comes in to pitch for Seibu with Tatsunami coming up next.
21:02 westbaystars: Hoshino's first pitch to Tatsunami is a curve ball inside, ball one.
21:02 westbaystars: Runners are at first and third with nobody out.
21:02 westbaystars: The next pitch is low, ball two.
21:03 westbaystars: Tatsunami fouls the third pitch off to the third base side for strike one.
21:03 westbaystars: The fourth pitch hits Tatsunami on the left (front) arm.
21:04 westbaystars: He looks upset, but shakes it off.
21:04 westbaystars: That loads the bases with nobody out.
21:04 westbaystars: And Hoshino was one point relief.
21:04 westbaystars: Ohnuma comes in.
21:05 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku shakes his head in disblief and disappears into the club house.
21:07 westbaystars: Ohnuma is now done with his warm up pitches.
21:07 westbaystars: He faces number four batter Alex.
21:08 westbaystars: The first pitch is a curve, called strike one on the outside part of the plate.
21:08 westbaystars: Alex checks his swing on the next pitch in the dirt outside, ball one.
21:09 westbaystars: The third pitch is lined right back up the middle, and past Ohnuma's glove!
21:09 westbaystars: The ball heads into center field fast.
21:09 westbaystars: One run is in.
21:09 westbaystars: And that's all they'll get.
21:09 westbaystars: RBI base his.
21:09 westbaystars: Bases remain loaded.
21:09 westbaystars: There remain no outs.
21:10 westbaystars: Takahashi comes up to bat.
21:10 Martin: That's more than anough.
21:10 westbaystars: Chunichi now leads 6-4.
21:12 westbaystars: Mori fails to hold up on a two strike, one ball count, and is called out on strikes swinging.
21:12 westbaystars: That's the first out.
21:12 westbaystars: That brings up Tanishige, who deposited the ball into the left field stands the last manrui chance he had.
21:13 westbaystars: Ohnuma misses with his first two pitches.
21:13 westbaystars: Getting Mori to strike out was all Mori swinging at bad pitches.
21:13 westbaystars: He really hasn't thrown many strikes.
21:13 westbaystars: As I type that, Ohnuma throws a called strike, naturally.
21:14 westbaystars: The next pitch is bounced weakly in front of home plate.
21:14 westbaystars: Noda fields the ball, *doesn't* fake a tag, touches home plate for one,
21:14 westbaystars: throws to first to complete the double play.
21:14 westbaystars: That retires the side.
21:15 westbaystars: But the Dragons add one to increase their lead to 6-4.
21:15 westbaystars: ---
21:15 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Seventh
21:15 westbaystars: ---
21:15 MHtrStevie: All right, time for work... exciting game so far... hope to see you tomorrow!
21:16 westbaystars: I'll be late tomorrow.
21:16 westbaystars: If there's a game. Talk is Typhoon #24 (I think) may wash it out.
21:17 westbaystars: Ozeki comes on to pinch hit to lead off the Lions' Lucky Seventh.
21:18 westbaystars: Okamoto gets ahead in the count two strikes, one ball.
21:19 westbaystars: Ozeki grounds the next pitch to Araki at second.
21:19 westbaystars: The throw to first is in time, one out.
21:19 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima who hit a home run to right (I think I reported it as to left) in the fifth.
21:20 westbaystars: He rips the first pitch inside the third base line and into left field.
21:20 westbaystars: Nakajima doesn't even think of pausing at first and head straight to second for a stand up double.
21:21 westbaystars: That brings Ochiai-kantoku out of the dugout, along with the announcemen of a pinch hitter.
21:21 westbaystars: It looks like Akifumi Takahashi throught he was called in, but Ochai didn't call for him yet.
21:22 westbaystars: Takahashi heads back to the bull pen, Okamoto remain on the mound.
21:22 westbaystars: Former BayStar Ishii stands in as a pinch hitter for Noda.
21:24 westbaystars: The count runs to two and two.
21:25 westbaystars: Okamoto misses outside, full count.
21:26 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is in the dirt, taken for ball four!
21:26 westbaystars: That give the Lions runners at first and second with one out.
21:26 westbaystars: Neither manager makes a move.
21:27 westbaystars: Number nine batter Takagi comes up to the plate.
21:28 westbaystars: Okamoto hits Takagi on the right (front) elbow on the second pitch!
21:28 westbaystars: That loads the bases!
21:28 westbaystars: One out, bases loaded, the top of the order in Satoh comes up.
21:29 westbaystars: Ochiai-kantoku remain seated.
21:29 westbaystars: the first pitch is lined over Linares and up the right field line!
21:29 westbaystars: One run is in!
21:29 westbaystars: Two runs are in!
21:29 westbaystars: The Lions tie the ball game!
21:30 westbaystars: 6-6.
21:31 westbaystars: Satoh give a big guts pose on second base.
21:31 westbaystars: Takagi made it to third.
21:31 westbaystars: Akada comes up to bat.
21:31 westbaystars: Okamoto misses with his first two pitches to Akada.
21:32 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku remain standing throughout most of the game, Ochiai continues to sit.
21:32 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike one.
21:33 westbaystars: Akada grounds the next pitch to first.
21:33 westbaystars: Linares fires home, and Takagi is touched out at the plate.
21:33 westbaystars: Two outs.
21:34 westbaystars: But that brings up Fernandez with runners at first and third and now two down.
21:34 westbaystars: Akada took off while Okamoto was starting his delivery, and swipes second without a throw.
21:35 westbaystars: Two runners now in scoring position for Fernandez.
21:35 westbaystars: That's the first stolen base for the Lions (both?) this Series.
21:36 westbaystars: Okamoto digs himself a hole, falling behind one strike, three balls.
21:36 westbaystars: With first base open, will he come in?
21:36 westbaystars: The pitch, in the dirt and outside, ball four.
21:36 westbaystars: Bases loaded.
21:37 westbaystars: Cabrera coming to the plate.
21:37 westbaystars: Ochiai-kantoku laughs and looks up at the white board with a list of available pitchers.
21:37 westbaystars: But doesn't stand up.
21:37 westbaystars: Hirai is warming up in the Dragons' pen.
21:38 westbaystars: The first pitch is up and in, ball one.
21:38 westbaystars: Cabu has already hit a two run home run earlier this evening.
21:38 westbaystars: The second pitch is swung on and missed. A big swing for strike one.
21:39 westbaystars: Okamoto's third pitch to Cabrera is hit.
21:39 westbaystars: Cabrera lifts both arms into the air.
21:39 westbaystars: He heads toward first while watching the ball sail over the left field fense.
21:40 westbaystars: Manrui home run!
21:40 westbaystars: The Lions take a 10-6 lead!
21:40 westbaystars: That ball left the stadium!
21:41 westbaystars: Through the gap between stands and dome over the left field stands.
21:41 westbaystars: Ochiai-kantoku now stands up and that's it for Okamoto.
21:43 westbaystars: Endoh comes in to pitch for Chunichi.
21:44 westbaystars: Wada lines a 1-1 pitch to the fense in right.
21:45 westbaystars: It's off the fense, 3/4ths of the way up.
21:45 westbaystars: And Wada has a stand up double, keeping the Lions' Lucky Seven going with two outs.
21:45 westbaystars: Ozeki, who led off the inning as a pinch hitter, comes up for the second time.
21:47 westbaystars: Endoh falls behind Ozeki one strike, three balls.
21:47 westbaystars: The fifth pitch misses low and in, ball four.
21:48 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima, who has a home run and double this evening, the double this inning.
21:48 westbaystars: But Nakajima lifts the ball up between the pitcher's mound and second base.
21:48 westbaystars: Ibata calls for it, and makes the catch.
21:49 westbaystars: But not before the Lions tied the game and went up by four on Cabrera's grand slam home run.
21:50 westbaystars: At the end of seven complete, the Lions take a commanding 10-6 lead.
21:50 westbaystars: ---
21:50 westbaystars: --- Top of Eighth
21:50 westbaystars: ---
21:51 westbaystars: Linares leads off the eighth.
21:51 westbaystars: Ohnuma is still on the mound for Seibu.
21:52 westbaystars: Toyoda is throwing in the Lions' pen, but not the full distance.
21:52 westbaystars: Ohnuma falls behind Linares one strike, three balls.
21:52 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is lined deep to left-center.
21:53 westbaystars: And it glides right on into the stands where Cabrera put his first home run!
21:53 westbaystars: No lead is a safe lead.
21:53 westbaystars: The Dragons cut the lead to three, Dragons 7 - 10 Lions.
21:54 westbaystars: Hosokawa is behind the plate starting this inning.
21:54 westbaystars: Mori stands in at the plate.
21:55 westbaystars: Mori lines the 1-1 pitch hard to right.
21:56 westbaystars: Satoh comes over and plays the cussion ball off the wall as Mori glides into second with a stand up double.
21:56 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku has seen enough of Ohnuma.
21:56 westbaystars: Onodera comes in to pitch.
21:58 westbaystars: Onodear's first pitch is low and inside, a great save by Hosokawa to keep the ball from going past.
21:59 westbaystars: That was pinch hitter Morino who hit the double, not Mori, by the way.
21:59 westbaystars: Inoue is pinch hitting for number nine batter Hidenori.
22:00 westbaystars: The clock strikes 10:00.
22:00 westbaystars: Inoue grounds the ball to Cabrera at first.
22:00 westbaystars: He takes the ball to the first base bag himself while Morino heads to third.
22:00 westbaystars: That's the first out of the inning.
22:01 westbaystars: And the Dragons return to the top of their order in Araki.
22:02 westbaystars: Infield is playing back, yeilding the run.
22:02 westbaystars: Onodera does what Ohnuma had trouble with, gets ahead in the count two strikes, one ball.
22:03 westbaystars: The next pitch misses to even the count at 2-2.
22:03 westbaystars: Then Araki grounds the next pitch to Nakajima at short.
22:03 westbaystars: Nakajima lets the run score while throwing to first for the second out.
22:04 westbaystars: The Dragons now trail by two run, 8-10.
22:04 westbaystars: Ibata comes up next.
22:04 westbaystars: The ball is lifted to the right side.
22:05 westbaystars: Satoh climbs the bull pen fense, but the ball hits in the bull pen, then bounces back and hits Satoh on the head!
22:05 westbaystars: Ha, ha. That was rather humourous.
22:05 westbaystars: In a slapstick sort of way.
22:05 westbaystars: The count is then run to 2-2.
22:06 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is fouled off. Have to do it again.
22:07 westbaystars: Ibata grounds the ball up the middle, but within Takagi's wide range.
22:07 westbaystars: Takagi fires to first in time to get the speedy Ibata.
22:07 westbaystars: That retires the side.
22:07 westbaystars: But not before Linares hits a solo home run and a second run scores on a grand out.
22:08 westbaystars: After seven and a half, the Dragons now tail by two, 8-10.
22:09 westbaystars: ---
22:09 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Eighth
22:09 westbaystars: ---
22:09 westbaystars: Asakura climbs the mound for the Dragons this inning.
22:09 westbaystars: He'll face Hosokawa, batting for the first time this evening.
22:10 westbaystars: Asakura's first pitch is outside, ball one.
22:10 westbaystars: The next pitch is lifted deep to left.
22:10 westbaystars: But not deep enough.
22:10 westbaystars: Morino, now in left field, makes the catch at the warning track for the first out.
22:11 westbaystars: Number nine batter Takagi comes up next.
22:11 westbaystars: Typhoon #23 is exceptionally large, and expected to hit the mainland tomorrow.
22:12 westbaystars: Takagi lifts the ball to left.
22:12 westbaystars: Morino comes in a little for this one, and makes the catch.
22:12 westbaystars: Two easy outs.
22:12 westbaystars: Back to the top of the order in Satoh.
22:12 westbaystars: So much happened after two outs last inning.
22:13 westbaystars: Satoh has a .429 OBP this Series.
22:13 westbaystars: He takes three straight balls from Asakura.
22:13 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is called strike one.
22:14 westbaystars: Pitch number five is grounded weekly to the left side.
22:14 westbaystars: Tatsunami rushes in, fields the ball, and throws Satoh out.
22:14 westbaystars: That retires the Lions in order.
22:15 westbaystars: Going to the Dragons' last chance they trail by two, 8-10.
22:15 westbaystars: ---
22:15 westbaystars: --- Top of Nineth
22:15 westbaystars: ---
22:16 westbaystars: Toyoda measures out where he wants his hole on the mound, and starts digging.
22:17 westbaystars: Every time he heads to the mound, he counts out a number of steps, using his feet as the measure, and digs a hole.
22:17 westbaystars: Tatsunami leads off the top of the nineth.
22:18 westbaystars: Toyoda's first pitch to Tatsunami, from the set position, is called strike one on the outside corner.
22:18 westbaystars: Toyoda misses with the second pitch outside. One and one.
22:18 westbaystars: The third pitch is fouled off to the left side stands, strike two.
22:19 westbaystars: The next pitch is inside, swung on and missed! Strike three!
22:19 westbaystars: One down, two to go.
22:19 westbaystars: Number four batter Alex comes up next.
22:20 westbaystars: Alex drove in two runs this evening.
22:20 westbaystars: And he's swinging at the first pitch!
22:20 westbaystars: He grounds the ball to Nakajima at short.
22:20 westbaystars: The throw to first is in time, two down!
22:20 westbaystars: The Dragons are down to their final out.
22:21 westbaystars: With nobody on and down by two, Takahashi is their last home to keep things going.
22:21 westbaystars: The first pitch to Takahashi misses low, ball one.
22:21 westbaystars: Second pitch is called strike one on the inside corner.
22:22 westbaystars: Takahashi fouls the third pitch back for strike two.
22:22 westbaystars: Toyoda is down to the final strike.
22:22 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is swung on and missed!
22:22 westbaystars: Strike three!
22:22 westbaystars: Shiai shuryo!
22:22 westbaystars: ***
22:22 westbaystars: ***
22:22 westbaystars: *** Game Final
22:22 westbaystars: ***
22:22 westbaystars: *** Chunichi Dragons 8 - 10 Seibu Lions
22:22 westbaystars: ***
22:22 westbaystars: ***
22:23 westbaystars: *** 1 game to 2
22:23 westbaystars: ***
22:23 westbaystars: ***
22:23 westbaystars: And the game clocks in at five hours exactly.
22:24 westbaystars: I'm not sure if there will be a game tomorrow or not right now.
22:24 westbaystars: If so, I'll start covering it a couple hour in as I have to go to Shinjuku tomorrow.
22:25 westbaystars: I'll open the chat session in hope of a volunteer again.
22:25 westbaystars: But can't make any guarantees.
22:26 westbaystars: Well, that's it for today.
22:26 westbaystars: Take care all. And hope to see you tomorrow (or Thursday if cancelled).
Game Time Correction
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 19, 2004 10:35 PM | YBS Fan ]

The game was exactly four hours, not five.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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