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2004 Nippon Series: Game 7

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2004 Nippon Series: Game 7
Tonight's the night. Everything comes down to Game Seven, the final game of 2004 to decide Nippon Ichi (#1 in Japan). Scheduled to start tonight will be Ishii for the Seibu Lions vs. Domingo for the Chunichi Dragons.

Those of you who don't have work pressing on you, tune in here from around 6:20 pm JST for live coverage. Turn out was great last night, and I really enjoyed the chat between batters. I know you'll all be there in spirit even if work hours aren't convenient.
Re: 2004 Nippon Series: Game 7
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 25, 2004 10:18 PM | YBS Fan ]

The Seibu Lions take Game Seven by a commanding 7-2 score. Ishii proved too much for the Dragons for the seventh game as he was in the first game. He threw a total of 13 shut out innings between these two important games, taking the 2004 Nippon Series MVP Award.

Congratulations Seibu Lions!

For the record, here's the unnofficial transcript of the game:

TRANSCRIPT generated on 2004/10/25 22:10
CHATROOM 2004 Nippon Series/Game 7
MODERATORS westbaystars

18:06 westbaystars: Pitching matchups tonight, as mentioned before, will be Ishii for Seibu, Dominto for Chunichi.
18:17 westbaystars: Ishii started Game 1, throwing 7 scoreless innings against the Dragons, striking out 6, allowing just 2 hits.
18:18 westbaystars: ---
18:18 westbaystars: --- Top of First
18:18 westbaystars: ---
18:19 westbaystars: Good evening. Ready for the final game?
18:19 Martin: Hi Westbay-san. So today is decision day.
18:20 Martin: I hope Ishii will have the same stats as game one.
18:20 westbaystars: Kawakami is announced as being available on the bench.
18:20 westbaystars: Someone asked if he'd see action in this game last night.
18:21 westbaystars: To start this game, Domingo takes the mound.
18:21 Martin: Is Matsuzaka available after yesterdays game?
18:22 westbaystars: Hoashi was the only one I caught when the announcer was saying who was on the bench.
18:22 westbaystars: I doubt it, though.
18:22 westbaystars: Satoh stands in, we're just about ready.
18:22 westbaystars: Domingo's first pitch is taken high and tight, ball one.
18:22 westbaystars: And this game starts at 6:22 this evening.
18:23 westbaystars: Domingo comes back with a pair of strikes.
18:24 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is swung on and missed, strike three!
18:24 westbaystars: Domingo gets the first batter of the evening.
18:24 westbaystars: Akada follows swinging at the first pitch low and in for strike one.
18:25 westbaystars: After taking ball one inside in the dirt, Akada fouls off the third pitch. Two strikes, one ball.
18:25 westbaystars: The fourth pitch misses outside, two and two.
18:26 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is a little inside, grounded the other way to short.
18:26 westbaystars: Ibata's throw to first is wide, but Linares manages to keep a foot on the bag long enough to lunge for the ball and ...
18:26 westbaystars: ... make the out.
18:27 westbaystars: Nice save by Linares at first on the bad throw.
18:27 westbaystars: Two outs, Fernandez stands in.
18:27 westbaystars: Domingo gets ahead quickly two strikes and a ball.
18:28 westbaystars: The fourth pitch misses high and tight, two and two.
18:28 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is grounded slowly to third.
18:28 westbaystars: Tatsunami fields it, throws to first, and Linares scoops the ball out of the dirt for the third out.
18:29 westbaystars: Another save by Linares. Chunichi's infield needs to work on their throws.
18:29 westbaystars: But they got the Dragons in order in the first nonetheless.
18:29 westbaystars: ---
18:30 westbaystars: --- Bottom of First
18:30 westbaystars: ---
18:31 westbaystars: Ishii Takashi takes the mound for the Lions.
18:31 westbaystars: His first pitch to Araki is taken for strike one.
18:31 westbaystars: Araki grounds the second pitch to second, Hirao again tonight, who throws to first for out number one.
18:32 westbaystars: That brings up Ibata.
18:32 westbaystars: Ibata was 0 for 3 against Ishii in Game 1.
18:33 westbaystars: Ishii takes the count even to 2 and 2 against him.
18:34 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is grounded to Hiraoka, who dashes in and throws on the run to first.
18:34 westbaystars: Cabrera fields the short hop well, and we have two outs.
18:34 westbaystars: That was a hard short hop to Cabu - nice scoop!
18:34 westbaystars: Tatsunami comes up with two down and nobody on.
18:35 westbaystars: Tatsunami lifts the second pitch deep to center.
18:35 westbaystars: Akada moves toward left and back, just before the warning track, makes the catch.
18:35 westbaystars: That retires the Dragons in order in the first.
18:35 westbaystars: After one complete, there is no score.
18:35 westbaystars: --
18:35 westbaystars: --- Top of Second
18:35 westbaystars: ---
18:37 westbaystars: Cabrera leads off the second inning against Domingo.
18:37 westbaystars: He's swinging hard, but missing the outside pitch for strike one.
18:38 westbaystars: He hit a two run home run off of Domingo in Game 3.
18:38 westbaystars: After taking strike two, Cabu lifts the third pitch to shallow center.
18:38 westbaystars: Alex comes in, calls everyone off, and makes the catch for out number one.
18:38 westbaystars: Cabu doesn't have Domingo's timing quite yet.
18:39 westbaystars: That brings up Wada.
18:39 westbaystars: Wada would be my choice for Series MVP at this point.
18:40 Christopher: No dispute there
18:40 westbaystars: He has 4 home run and 6 RBIs on the Series, but all those RBIs had meaning.
18:40 Martin: Yes, Wada is doing great this series.
18:40 westbaystars: He works Domingo to a full count.
18:41 westbaystars: The full count pitch is grounded to the left side.
18:41 westbaystars: Ibata has it, and throws to first for out number two.
18:41 westbaystars: Looks like his arm is warm. Nice easy throw to Linares.
18:41 westbaystars: Hirao, starting at second again tonight, swings and fouls off Domingo's first offering to him.
18:42 westbaystars: And takes a 152 kph fast ball up in the strike zone for strike two.
18:42 westbaystars: Domingo then throws junk for two balls to even the count.
18:43 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is in the dirt outside, full count.
18:43 westbaystars: Hirao then grounds the shoubu pitch to the right side.
18:43 westbaystars: Araki has it, throws to first, and the side is retired.
18:44 westbaystars: Domingo has been perfect through two.
18:44 westbaystars: After one and a half, there remains no score.
18:44 westbaystars: ---
18:44 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Second
18:44 westbaystars: ---
18:45 westbaystars: Alex leads off the Dragons' half of the second.
18:45 westbaystars: He hit home runs in his last at bat in Game 4, then first at bat in Game 5.
18:47 westbaystars: Alex grounds the fourth offering from Ishii to short.
18:47 westbaystars: Nakajima fields the ball, throws to first on a long bound, and we have one out.
18:47 westbaystars: Another fielder has trouble reaching first.
18:47 westbaystars: That brings up Linares.
18:48 westbaystars: Linares has been having a very good Series himself, with a pair of home runs.
18:48 westbaystars: Ishii falls behind Linares one strike, three balls.
18:49 westbaystars: The fifth pitch misses for ball four, and Linares becomes the first base runner of the game.
18:49 westbaystars: Tanishige follows.
18:49 westbaystars: For the Dragons, Tanishige would be my choice for MVP, with 9 RBIs so far.
18:50 Christopher: It occurs to me that these teams are very evenly matched
18:52 westbaystars: I'd say so. Most of these games had been close until the end (for those that got one sided).
18:52 westbaystars: Ishii goes two and two to Tanishige, Tanishige batting off a couple foul balls.
18:53 westbaystars: After another foul ball, Tanishige lines the ball right back at Ishii!
18:53 westbaystars: The ball is off his shin, and rolls toward first.
18:54 westbaystars: Cabrera picks the ball up there and takes it to the bag himself.
18:54 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning, but we're going to have a break to see if Ishii is OK.
18:55 westbaystars: Ishii ran after the ball fine after getting hit, so couldn't have done too much damage.
18:55 westbaystars: But the trainer will want to be sure.
18:55 Martin: Was it a grounder that hit his shin?
18:55 westbaystars: Ishii has disappeared into the third base clubhouse.
18:56 westbaystars: There's been another earthquake 10km off of Niigata. A M3.
18:56 westbaystars: Ishii comes back out of the dugout and takes a few pitches.
18:57 westbaystars: I thought it was a low line drive, but it might have been on one bound.
18:57 westbaystars: Ishii looks OK. Play starts again with Inoue at the plate and Linares at second.
18:57 westbaystars: Two outs.
18:57 Martin: I hope he still can pitch.
18:58 westbaystars: He misses with his first two pitches.
18:58 westbaystars: The third pitch swung on and missed, and Hosokawa throws to second!
18:59 westbaystars: Linares is caught too far off! He's out sliding back in!
18:59 westbaystars: That retires the side.
18:59 Martin: Bad base running!
18:59 westbaystars: Chunichi gets a runner as far as second, but see only three batters for the inning.
19:00 westbaystars: "Bone head" is how the radio announcer describes the play.
19:00 westbaystars: After two complete, the game remains scoreless.
19:00 westbaystars: ---
19:00 westbaystars: --- Top of Third
19:00 westbaystars: ---
19:00 Martin: What is bone head in japanese: bakamon?
19:01 westbaystars: "Pa!"
19:01 westbaystars: Nakajima leads off the third inning.
19:01 Christopher: Ishihara?
19:02 westbaystars: I don't understand the reference.
19:03 Christopher: Tokyo's revered governer who declared war on its crows
19:03 Martin: Who is Ishihara?
19:03 westbaystars: Nakajima lines the full count pitch to right, and it bounces in there for a base hit!
19:03 westbaystars: The first hit of the game.
19:04 westbaystars: Ah, I can relate. Crows are getting to be a really bad problem.
19:04 westbaystars: But everything done just makes them smarter.
19:05 Martin: So Hosokawa will but now?
19:05 westbaystars: It's a problem with not easy solution. Hard not to look bone head battling the big birds.
19:05 Martin: Bunt (and notbut!!)
19:05 westbaystars: Hosokawa grounds the ball to short with Nakajima on the run.
19:06 westbaystars: The only play for Ibata is first, and the hit end run is effective at breaking up a double play.
19:06 westbaystars: Ishii Takashi stands in with one out and a runner at second.
19:06 westbaystars: He doesn't appear to be up there to swing.
19:06 westbaystars: He takes two strikes, the second one awfully high.
19:07 westbaystars: Third pitch is called strike three, and Ishii heads back to the dugout without causing any trouble.
19:07 Martin: Why doesn't he bunt if he cannot hit?
19:07 westbaystars: The runner is now at third - balk called!
19:08 westbaystars: Domingo didn't pause? It looked like it on the replay.
19:08 westbaystars: None of the announcers know why the balk was called.
19:08 Martin: If he had bunt, they would have scored now.
19:08 westbaystars: The second third pitch is taken outside for ball one.
19:08 westbaystars: Ishii is swinging at the next pitch, and grounds the ball to the right side.
19:09 westbaystars: With the infield in, Araki looks Nakajima back and throws Ishii out at first.
19:09 westbaystars: Hey, he can swing the bat.
19:09 westbaystars: That brings up the top of the order in Satoh.
19:10 westbaystars: And Domingo puts two quick strikes past him.
19:10 Martin: Yes, but it was not Ishii. You said he struch out.
19:10 westbaystars: Runner at third, two outs.
19:10 Martin: Oh, I understand, the balk was on Ishii.
19:10 westbaystars: That was Ishii. The balk was a no pitch. Sorry for not making that clear.
19:11 westbaystars: Domingo then misses with a pair to bring the count even at 2-2.
19:12 westbaystars: The 2-2 pitch is fouled off to the right side and out of play.
19:13 westbaystars: A couple more foul balls and Satoh works the count full.
19:14 westbaystars: The 10th pitch is grounded up the middle, off Domingo's glove!
19:14 westbaystars: Araki plays the ball, throw to first, too late!
19:14 westbaystars: Safe at first!
19:14 westbaystars: Nakajima scores!
19:15 westbaystars: It's rules an infield base hit, as it hit the tip of Domingo's glove, not something he could have played.
19:15 westbaystars: Satoh worked Domingo for 10 pitches in all.
19:16 westbaystars: The magic number Wada worked Yamamoto last night before hitting a home run.
19:16 westbaystars: That brings up Akada with Satoh on first and two outs.
19:17 westbaystars: Akada rips the ball through the left side of the infield and into left, base hit.
19:17 westbaystars: The Lions are putting together a two out rally.
19:17 westbaystars: With runners at first and second, Fernandez comes up.
19:18 westbaystars: He takes strike one up and in.
19:18 westbaystars: The second pitch is lined over second base and into center!
19:18 westbaystars: Base hit!
19:18 westbaystars: Satoh rounds thrid and heads home, ahead of the throw!
19:19 westbaystars: That's the second run of the game.
19:19 Christopher: That was a fielding farce
19:19 westbaystars: Fernandez is then caught between first and second.
19:19 westbaystars: And the pickle hits Fernandez in the back and bounces away!
19:19 westbaystars: Akada breaks for home!
19:19 westbaystars: The throw is not in time! Safe!
19:20 westbaystars: Fernandez heads into second base.
19:20 westbaystars: And the Lions take a 3-0 lead.
19:20 westbaystars: Domingo, though the balk was his only fault this inning, is heading for the bench.
19:22 Christopher: The Dragons started the series with fielding errors. I hope that they don't end it the same way
19:22 westbaystars: Yamai comes in to relieve.
19:23 westbaystars: And his first pitch to Cabrera misses for ball one.
19:23 westbaystars: Chunichi had been pretty solid defensively all year.
19:23 westbaystars: This is not like them.
19:24 westbaystars: The two strike, one ball pitch is lifted high and deep to left field.
19:24 westbaystars: There's no doubt about this one.
19:24 westbaystars: It's gone!
19:25 westbaystars: Two run home run.
19:25 Martin: They can't handle the pressure!
19:25 westbaystars: The Lions go up 5-0.
19:25 westbaystars: Cabrera has 9 RBIs on the Series, matching Tanishige.
19:25 Christopher: I always thought they were one of the best defensive sides
19:25 westbaystars: That's his fifth home run of the Series.
19:25 Christopher: It looks like the Lions are the series winners
19:25 westbaystars: THat brings up Wada.
19:26 westbaystars: Only Seibu's Detrade has more home runs in a Series (for a foreign player?), hitting 7.
19:27 westbaystars: Don't give up so soon. The Dragons have been pretty good at putting together rallies.
19:27 westbaystars: But Ishii has been tough.
19:27 Martin: Cabrera only has 3 hr. Wada has 4.
19:28 westbaystars: So was 5 for lifetime in the Nippon Series.
19:28 westbaystars: Wada draws a walk.
19:28 westbaystars: Hirao comes up next.
19:29 westbaystars: Hirao strokes the ball the other way inside the first base line and into right.
19:29 westbaystars: Base hit!
19:29 westbaystars: The Lions just keep on going.
19:29 westbaystars: Nakajima is the 10th batter of the inning for the Lions.
19:30 westbaystars: All the runs scored after two outs.
19:31 westbaystars: Nakajima lifts the ball to right.
19:31 westbaystars: Hidenori takes a step back, and makes the catch.
19:31 westbaystars: That retires the side.
19:31 westbaystars: The Lions batted around, scoring five in the inning.
19:31 westbaystars: After two and a half, the Lions take a commanding 5-0 lead.
19:31 westbaystars: ---
19:32 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Third
19:32 westbaystars: ---
19:32 westbaystars: The bottom third of the Dragons' order comes up this inning.
19:33 westbaystars: Inoue leads off for the Dragons, after being left at the plate in the second when Linares was picked off second.
19:34 westbaystars: He quickly grounds out to Cabrera unassisted on the second pitch.
19:34 westbaystars: One out.
19:34 westbaystars: Hidenori comes up next.
19:34 westbaystars: He swings at the first pitch and grounds out to Hirao at second.
19:34 westbaystars: Three pitches, two outs.
19:35 westbaystars: Ohnishi pinch hits for Yamai.
19:35 westbaystars: He's 1 for 9 (.111) in the Series so far.
19:36 westbaystars: The radio announcers are pretty sure that Cabrera has surpassed Wada for MVP now.
19:36 westbaystars: Ohnishi grounds out to Hirao as well, and the Dragons are down in order again.
19:37 westbaystars: Ishii has three virtual perfect innings in his belt and a five run lead.
19:37 westbaystars: ---
19:37 westbaystars: --- Top of Fourth
19:37 westbaystars: ---
19:38 westbaystars: In to pitch for Chunichi is Okamoto.
19:39 westbaystars: Dragon fans at sports bars throughout Nagoya don't appear to have their spirits down.
19:39 westbaystars: Okamoto is best known for giving up the grand slam to Cabrera in Game 3.
19:40 westbaystars: He faces the bottom of the Lions' lineup in Hosokawa, who takes strike one down the middle.
19:41 westbaystars: Okamoto goes even to Hosokawa two and two.
19:42 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is inside, hit the other way to shallow left.
19:42 westbaystars: But Araki had him played there and catches the half liner.
19:42 westbaystars: One out.
19:42 westbaystars: That brings up pitcher Ishii.
19:42 westbaystars: Ishii takes two quick strikes, not looking like he wanted to swing.
19:43 westbaystars: The third pitch is watched down the middle for strike three.
19:43 westbaystars: Two quick outs.
19:43 westbaystars: That brings up the top of the order in Satoh.
19:44 westbaystars: Satoh got the rally going last inning with an RBI infield single off of Domingo's glove.
19:45 westbaystars: With two outs and nobody on here, he lines the fourth pitch to left-center for a base hit.
19:45 westbaystars: Akada follows.
19:46 westbaystars: Akada ripped a base hit through the left side his last at bat.
19:46 westbaystars: He pulls the ball past Linares at first and into right field, base hit!
19:47 westbaystars: The ball was slowed down as it deflected off of Linares (or his glove?) on its way to right.
19:47 westbaystars: Akada heads into second with a stand up double while the ball comes home.
19:48 westbaystars: But Satoh is holding at third.
19:48 westbaystars: Fernandez comes up next.
19:48 westbaystars: His uniform is hit on the inside pitch, and he takes the open first base.
19:48 westbaystars: That's two nights in a row he's been hit.
19:49 westbaystars: Cabrera comes up to face Okamoto with bases loaded and two outs.
19:49 westbaystars: Hmm. When have I seen this before?
19:49 westbaystars: Cabrera give a huge swing on the first pitch, fouling the ball back.
19:50 westbaystars: Yes, Cabu's 5 home runs in the Nippon Series (to Destrada's 7) is career.
19:50 westbaystars: Cabrera takes a tough 1-1 fork ball low for ball two.
19:50 westbaystars: That ball wasn't an easy one to take.
19:51 westbaystars: He fails to hold up on the next pitch evening the count at 2-2.
19:51 westbaystars: The 2-2 pitch is fouled back. Count remains 2-2.
19:52 westbaystars: The sixth pitch is lifted high, but not deep.
19:52 westbaystars: In fact, Linares calls for the ball, and makes the catch almost on top of the first base bag, a step foul.
19:52 westbaystars: That retires the Lions in the fourth.
19:53 westbaystars: They loaded the bases after two outs, but come up empty.
19:53 westbaystars: Still, the Lions continue to lead 5-0.
19:53 westbaystars: ---
19:53 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fourth
19:53 westbaystars: ---
19:54 westbaystars: The Dragons start with the top of their order in Araki.
19:54 westbaystars: He takes strike one down the middle.
19:56 westbaystars: He then fouls off the 2-2 pitch to stay alive.
19:56 westbaystars: Ooo. The sixth pitch looked pretty good, but is called ball three. Full count.
19:56 westbaystars: Araki lines the next pitch to right center.
19:57 westbaystars: Satoh reaches up on the run, but the ball clears his glove and goes to the wall!
19:57 westbaystars: By the time Akada returns the ball, Araki has a lead-off double.
19:57 westbaystars: That brings up Ibata.
19:58 westbaystars: The double by Araki was the Dragons' first hit of the night.
19:59 westbaystars: Ibata disagrees with the third pitch called strike one. It looked kind of high to me, too.
19:59 westbaystars: The next pitch, though, is rightfully called strike two.
19:59 westbaystars: And he watches strike three go by!
19:59 westbaystars: I can't agree with Ibata's disagreement there. That was a beautiful pitch.
20:00 westbaystars: One out.
20:00 westbaystars: The clock strikes 8:00.
20:00 westbaystars: Tatsunami stands in.
20:01 K.: lions storming back, aren't they
20:01 westbaystars: Tatsunami hits a one bounder to Nakajima at short.
20:01 westbaystars: Nakajima looks Araki back to second, then throws to first.
20:01 westbaystars: Two outs.
20:02 westbaystars: The Lions managed to capitalize on the Dragons' mistakes.
20:02 westbaystars: Alex comes up next.
20:03 westbaystars: Ishii goes 2 and 2 to Alex.
20:04 westbaystars: The 2-2 pitch is taken outside, ball three. Full count.
20:04 westbaystars: Two outs, runner at second.
20:04 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is low and away, ball four!
20:04 westbaystars: That's the second walk given up by Ishii tonight.
20:05 westbaystars: The first was to the current batter, Linares.
20:05 westbaystars: But before Linares steps in, Araki-pitching coach heads out for a word with Ishii.
20:05 westbaystars: He's thrown 56 pitches to 13 batters so far, allowing 1 hit, 2 walks, and striking out one.
20:06 westbaystars: Now Linares stands in.
20:06 westbaystars: The first pitch is low and away, ball one.
20:06 westbaystars: The second pitch, a slider, is fouled back, one and one.
20:07 westbaystars: Ishii misses in the dirt outside for ball two.
20:07 westbaystars: Linares hasn't been swinging at many bad pitches this Series.
20:08 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is down the middle, swung on and missed! Two and two.
20:08 westbaystars: Linares is batting .400 in the Series so far.
20:08 westbaystars: The next pitch is grounded to third.
20:08 westbaystars: Fernandez throws to second for the force, and the side is retired.
20:09 westbaystars: At the end of four complete, the the Lions continue to lead 5-0.
20:09 westbaystars: ---
20:09 westbaystars: --- Top of Fifth
20:09 westbaystars: ---
20:09 MHtrStevie: All right, I'm headed to work... probably won't be able to get back here...
20:10 Martin: Have a nice day.
20:10 MHtrStevie: But I wanted to thank you for all your work this season with the chatroom commentary!
20:11 MHtrStevie: You've really done a great service for those of us following NPB here in the USA...
20:11 westbaystars: It's been a great year having you.
20:11 westbaystars: Take care.
20:11 westbaystars: Wada leads off the fifth inning.
20:11 MHtrStevie: I'll see you around the site during the off-season... take care!
20:12 westbaystars: Wada hits a low liner to Ibata who makes the catch centemeters above the ground.
20:12 westbaystars: Nice catch.
20:12 westbaystars: One out.
20:13 westbaystars: That brings up Hirao who wastes no time driving the first pitch over Ibata and into left.
20:13 westbaystars: One out base hit.
20:13 westbaystars: Nakajima follows.
20:15 westbaystars: Yamamoto goes 1 and 1 to Nakajima then throws over to first to keep Hirao close.
20:15 westbaystars: The third pitch misses low, ball two.
20:16 westbaystars: Yamamoto misses inside for ball three. One strike, three balls.
20:16 westbaystars: Yamamoto is working very slowly.
20:16 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is swung on and missed, another low pitch.
20:16 westbaystars: Full count.
20:17 westbaystars: Both Ishii and Domingo kept the pace pretty high.
20:17 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch with Hirao on the run is taken in the dirt outside, ball four.
20:17 westbaystars: Hosokawa comes up next.
20:17 westbaystars: He's 1 for 10 (.100) in the Series so far.
20:18 westbaystars: He struck out four times yesterday.
20:18 westbaystars: Hosokawa takes ball one, then fouls the next pitch back. One and one.
20:19 westbaystars: Yamamoto gets the outside corner for strike two.
20:19 westbaystars: And he swings and misses the next pitch, kind of late, strike three.
20:20 westbaystars: That brings up Ishii.
20:20 westbaystars: He's grounded out and struck out looking.
20:20 westbaystars: Ishii is at least in the middle of the batter's box. Some of the other pitchers were way at the back.
20:21 westbaystars: He bails out of the second pitch, a slider over for strike two.
20:21 westbaystars: Ishii then swings and misses the third pitch, and that retires the side.
20:21 westbaystars: Seibu put two on, but come up empty in the fith.
20:21 westbaystars: Yet they continue to lead 5-0.
20:21 westbaystars: ---
20:21 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fifth
20:21 westbaystars: ---
20:23 westbaystars: Ishii has thrown 61 pitches going into the inning.
20:23 westbaystars: Like Game 1, he's well on pace to throw seven.
20:24 westbaystars: Tanishige leads off taking strike one.
20:24 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike two, low and down the middle.
20:24 westbaystars: Tanishige grounds the third pitch to second. Hirao has him played perfectly and throws Tanishige out at first.
20:24 westbaystars: One quick out.
20:25 westbaystars: That brings up Inoue.
20:26 westbaystars: Ishii misses with his first two pitches to Inoue.
20:26 westbaystars: And the third pitch as well. Ishii does seem to dig a hole for himself to lefties.
20:26 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike one.
20:27 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is sliced to left, fair!
20:27 westbaystars: By the time Wada gets the ball out of the left field corner and back in, Inoue had a stand up double.
20:27 westbaystars: With one out, number eight batting Hidenori comes up with Inoue at second.
20:28 westbaystars: The Dragons really need to get a run across against Ishii.
20:28 westbaystars: Hidenori bunts the ball, trying for a base hit.
20:28 westbaystars: Ishii fields the ball on the third base side, and fires to first.
20:28 westbaystars: Hidenori is diving in, too late!
20:28 westbaystars: He's out at first.
20:29 westbaystars: But he does succeed at getting the runner to third.
20:29 westbaystars: Is this the first Dragon to reach third tonight?
20:29 westbaystars: Morino comes in to pinch hit for pitcher Yamamoto.
20:29 westbaystars: he takes down the middle for strike one.
20:29 westbaystars: Two outs, runner at third.
20:30 westbaystars: Ishii misses high and tight for ball one.
20:31 westbaystars: There's yet another M3.9 earthquake 10km off of Niigata. They're really shaking there the past few days.
20:31 westbaystars: And the count runs to 2-2.
20:32 westbaystars: After Morino fouls one off himself, he fails to hold up and is called out on strikes.
20:32 westbaystars: Hosokawa touches him out as the ball was in the dirt.
20:33 westbaystars: The Dragons manage to get a runner as far as third base in the fifth, but no further.
20:33 westbaystars: At the end of five complete, the Lions continue to lead 5-0.
20:33 westbaystars: ---
20:33 westbaystars: --- Top of Sixth
20:33 westbaystars: ---
20:35 westbaystars: Hirai is announced as the Dragons' pitcher in the sixth.
20:36 westbaystars: Number one batter Satoh takes ball one way outside.
20:36 westbaystars: The second pitch from Hirai is swung on and missed for strike one.
20:36 westbaystars: Satoh looked a bit in front of that one.
20:37 westbaystars: The next pitch is fouled off to the left side, two strikes, one ball.
20:37 westbaystars: And Hirai strikes Satoh out swinging at the fourth pitch low. One out.
20:37 westbaystars: That brings up Akada.
20:37 westbaystars: Akada has two hits on the evening so far.
20:38 westbaystars: And he rips his third hit of the night through the right side and into right.
20:38 westbaystars: One out base hit.
20:38 westbaystars: That brings up Fernandez.
20:39 westbaystars: He's got a hit and has been hit.
20:39 westbaystars: Fernandez takes ball one, the fouls one off to even the count at 1 and 1.
20:40 westbaystars: The third pitch is taken inside with Akada on the move!
20:40 westbaystars: The throw to second goes on into center, and Akada keeps going to third.
20:40 westbaystars: So, Fernandez now has a runner at third with one out.
20:41 westbaystars: The long ball is all he needs.
20:41 westbaystars: But he does better than that, Fernandez lines the ball over a jumping Ibata into left-center!
20:41 westbaystars: The ball goes all the way to the wall.
20:41 westbaystars: Akada scores easilly from third.
20:41 westbaystars: And Ferandez has a stand up double.
20:42 westbaystars: That brings up Cabrera.
20:42 westbaystars: Cabrera put in his bid for MVP with his third home run of the Series
20:42 westbaystars: But grounds out to the left side here.
20:43 westbaystars: That's out number two.
20:43 westbaystars: Wada, the other favorite for MVP right now, stands in next.
20:43 westbaystars: He's swinging away on the first pitch, fouling it off out of play to the right side.
20:44 westbaystars: Hirai's second offering is fouled back, strike two.
20:44 westbaystars: Hirai bounces one up to Tanishige for ball one.
20:45 westbaystars: The fourth pitch misses low and away, two and two.
20:46 westbaystars: Then he gets Wada swinging and missing a fork ball low and away for strike three.
20:46 westbaystars: That retires the side.
20:46 westbaystars: But not before Fernandez drives in another run to put the Lions up 6-0.
20:46 westbaystars: ---
20:46 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Sixth
20:46 westbaystars: ---
20:48 westbaystars: Top batter Araki leads off the Dragons' half of the sixth.
20:48 westbaystars: Araki has one of the Dragons' two hits off of Ishii so far.
20:49 westbaystars: And he flies out to right here, not extending that hit count.
20:49 westbaystars: One quick out.
20:49 westbaystars: That brings up Ibata.
20:49 westbaystars: Ibata goes for the first pitch!
20:50 westbaystars: But lines it right to the right fielder (I think Ozeki is now in right).
20:50 westbaystars: Two quick outs.
20:50 westbaystars: Yes, Ozeki is now in right for Satoh.
20:51 westbaystars: Tatsunami comes up next.
20:51 westbaystars: Over 38,000 is announced for tonight's attendance at Nagoya Dome.
20:52 westbaystars: Tatsunami lifts a 2-2 pitch into the stands behind the first base dugout.
20:52 westbaystars: Ishii's next pitch bounces way before the plate, full count.
20:53 westbaystars: After fouling another off, Tatsunami grounds one fair to the right side.
20:53 westbaystars: Cabrera doesn't get it as it goes by into right.
20:53 westbaystars: The Dragons get a two out base hit.
20:54 westbaystars: Hosokawa has a short talk with Ishii, and Alex comes up.
20:54 westbaystars: Alex has grounded out and walked so far tonight.
20:55 westbaystars: He grounds the second offering from Ishii to the left side.
20:56 westbaystars: Nakajima fields the ball and continues on to the second base bag himself for the out.
20:56 Christopher: What are the odds Toyoda will close again this evening?
20:56 westbaystars: After six complete, the Lions lead 6-0.
20:56 westbaystars: ---
20:56 westbaystars: --- Top of Seventh
20:56 westbaystars: ---
20:57 westbaystars: I think that Ishii may be done with that inning.
20:57 westbaystars: So Toyoda is a strong possiblity, even without the possibility of a save.
20:58 westbaystars: Hirao leads off the seventh inning.
20:58 westbaystars: Hirai is still on the mound for Chunichi.
20:58 westbaystars: It seems to me that Itoh-kantoku likes to give one inning apiece to his relievers.
20:58 westbaystars: One each for the seventh, eighth, and nineth would be fitting.
20:59 westbaystars: Hirao lifts the ball deep to right.
20:59 westbaystars: Hidenori goes back, turns for the rebound off the fense,
20:59 westbaystars: but the ball sails into the stands!
20:59 westbaystars: Home run!
20:59 westbaystars: That's the seventh run for the Lions this evening.
21:00 westbaystars: And pretty much the killer of the Dragons' last hope.
21:00 westbaystars: Nakajima comes up next.
21:00 westbaystars: Ochiai-kantoku doesn't look so relaxed any more.
21:01 westbaystars: He looks like he's aged a few years in the last hour.
21:01 westbaystars: Nakajima lifts the first pitch to foul territory in right, caught by Hidenori.
21:01 westbaystars: One out.
21:01 westbaystars: That brings up Hosokawa.
21:02 westbaystars: Hosokawa grounds the ball on a high bound to third.
21:02 westbaystars: Tatsunami waits for the ball, throws a one bounder to Linares at first, and we have two outs.
21:03 westbaystars: With a pinch hitter being announced for Ishii, Ochiai-kantoku comes out.
21:03 westbaystars: Takahashi is announced as the new Dragon pitcher.
21:03 westbaystars: This is his first appearance this Series.
21:06 westbaystars: Inubushi is pinch hitting for the first pinch hitter that was announced. Didn't catch who it was.
21:06 westbaystars: Takahashi's first pitch is taken up in the zone for strike one.
21:06 westbaystars: The second pitch is grounded to the left side.
21:06 westbaystars: Takanami fields the ball behind the third base bag, fair.
21:07 westbaystars: The long throw to first on a bound is in time, three outs.
21:07 westbaystars: But the Lions added another run on Hirao's lead-off home run to right.
21:07 westbaystars: Mid way through the seventh, the Lions now lead 7-0.
21:07 westbaystars: ---
21:08 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Seventh
21:08 westbaystars: ---
21:08 westbaystars: In to pitch for the Lions in the seventh is Osada.
21:09 westbaystars: Ishii threw 13 scoreless inning between the first and seventh games.
21:09 westbaystars: And is in contension for the MVP award.
21:09 westbaystars: Although it's hard to argue for a pitcher of two games, it has happened.
21:10 westbaystars: Linares leads off the Dragons' Lucky Seven.
21:10 westbaystars: Osada's first pitch of the game is taken for ball one.
21:11 westbaystars: Omar fouls the next two pitches off to fall behind two strikes, one ball.
21:12 westbaystars: After fouling one off, Linares takes strike three, a curve right down the middle.
21:12 westbaystars: Nice pitching by Osada there.
21:12 westbaystars: Next up is Tanishige.
21:12 westbaystars: He's swinging at the first pitch and lines the ball toward right-center.
21:13 westbaystars: But Takagi (in defensively) is right there to take in the line drive with little more than a hop.
21:13 westbaystars: Two quick outs.
21:13 westbaystars: That brings up Inoue who hit a double his last at bat.
21:14 westbaystars: Osada misses with his first two pitches to Inoue.
21:14 westbaystars: Then he catches the inside corner for strike one.
21:15 westbaystars: Inoue fails to check his swing on the next pitch, two and two.
21:15 westbaystars: The fifth pitch misses low, full count.
21:15 westbaystars: Osada then bounces the shoubu pitch up there for ball four.
21:16 westbaystars: Hosokawa chases the ball down as it's live, but Inoue wasn't in a hurry to first.
21:16 westbaystars: Mori now comes up as a pinch hitter for Hidenori.
21:16 westbaystars: Osada throws a strike to him, called on the inside part of the plate.
21:17 westbaystars: Mori pulls the second pitch to the right side.
21:17 westbaystars: Takagi comes over, plays the ball, throws to first, and the side is retired.
21:18 westbaystars: The Dragons don't break through in their "Lucky Seven," and continue to trail 0-7 after seven complete.
21:18 westbaystars: ----
21:18 westbaystars: --- Top of Eighth
21:18 westbaystars: ---
21:19 westbaystars: Takahashi remains on the mound for the Dragons.
21:19 westbaystars: The hotel the Lions are staying at are setting up beer for the post-game celebrations.
21:20 westbaystars: Ozeki bats for the first time this game, having come in a couple innings ago defensively.
21:20 westbaystars: He grounds out back to Takahashi on a big hop on the second pitch.
21:20 westbaystars: One quick out.
21:20 westbaystars: Akada bats from the right side for the first time tonight.
21:21 westbaystars: Against the left handed Takahashi.
21:22 westbaystars: He's handcuffed on the fourth pitch and lifts the ball the other way.
21:22 westbaystars: Linares calls the blooper behind first base and a few steps fair.
21:22 westbaystars: He makes the catch for out number two.
21:22 westbaystars: Next up is Fernandez.
21:22 westbaystars: Mori remains in the game at right where Hidenori, the batter he batted for, was.
21:23 westbaystars: Fernandez is quickly behind with two strikes on him.
21:23 westbaystars: The third pitch is grounded back up the middle.
21:23 westbaystars: Takahashi gets a little leather on it, deflecting it to the right side from up the middle.
21:24 westbaystars: Araki has to change directions quick, runs over, fields the ball, and throws Fernandez out.
21:24 westbaystars: The Lions go down in order in the Eighth. Gee, it's been a while.
21:24 westbaystars: Yet they continue to lead 7-0.
21:24 westbaystars: ---
21:24 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Eighth
21:24 westbaystars: ---
21:25 westbaystars: Matsuzaka is called in!
21:25 westbaystars: I guess he was on the starting roster tonight after all.
21:26 westbaystars: I didn't expect that after throwing over 130 pitches last night.
21:26 westbaystars: Last night was his first win agaist four losses career in the Nippon Series.
21:27 westbaystars: He faces pinch hitter M. Takahashi for the pitcher.
21:28 westbaystars: Takahashi Mitsunobu.
21:28 westbaystars: Takahashi fouls Matsuzaka's first pitch off.
21:28 westbaystars: The second pitch is lifted high to left-center.
21:28 westbaystars: Wada comes over and makes the catch for out number one.
21:29 westbaystars: To the top of the Dragons' order in Araki.
21:29 westbaystars: Araki had a double earlier this evening, the Dragons' first hit of the game.
21:29 westbaystars: Matsuzaka gets two quick strikes on Araki, then misses away for ball one.
21:30 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is lined to right field, the ball bounces in, base hit!
21:30 westbaystars: The ball is going to the right field corner.
21:30 westbaystars: Ozaki plays the ball poorly out of the corner, and Araki has his second double of the night.
21:31 westbaystars: Ibata comes up next with one out and Araki at second.
21:32 westbaystars: Matsuzaka just misses inside with the two strike, one ball pitch to bring the count even at 2-2.
21:32 westbaystars: Ibata holds up on the 2-2 pitch outside to bring the count full.
21:33 westbaystars: Dragon fans start getting louder.
21:33 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is swung on and fouled off to the right side.
21:33 westbaystars: We'll have to do it again.
21:34 westbaystars: The next pitch is up high, swung on and missed! Strike three!
21:34 westbaystars: Nice pitch by Matsuzaka, high but not by much.
21:34 westbaystars: That's out number two with a runner still at second.
21:34 westbaystars: Tatsunami comes up next.
21:35 westbaystars: And Matsuzaka misses with his first three pitches to Tatsunami.
21:35 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is swung on and fouled off to the right side and out of play.
21:36 westbaystars: Tatsunami wasn't taking there.
21:36 westbaystars: But he does take ball four high and away.
21:36 westbaystars: Runners now at first and second with two outs and Alex coming up to the plate.
21:37 westbaystars: Alex takes ball one outside.
21:37 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike one, down the middle of the plate and up in the zone.
21:38 westbaystars: The 1-1 pitch is down the middle for a called strike two.
21:38 westbaystars: It doesn't get any sweeter than that pitch.
21:38 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is lifted deep to left.
21:38 westbaystars: Wada goes back, Akada comes over.
21:38 westbaystars: And Wada makes the catch on the warning track!
21:38 westbaystars: Three outs.
21:39 westbaystars: The Dragons put runners on again, but have nothing to show for it.
21:39 westbaystars: After eight complete, the Lions continue to lead 7-0.
21:39 westbaystars: ---
21:39 westbaystars: --- Top of Nineth
21:39 westbaystars: ---
21:41 westbaystars: Cabrera leads off the nineth inning for the Lions.
21:42 westbaystars: Iwasa is in to pitch for the Dragons.
21:42 westbaystars: His first pitch to Cabrera is in the dirt, ball one.
21:42 westbaystars: Cabrera give a big swing and miss to the second pitch to bring the count even at 1-1.
21:43 Christopher: That swing was ferocious
21:43 westbaystars: Iwase misses outside with one, and Cabu swings and misses the next pitch, two and two.
21:43 westbaystars: He's swinging for the fenses.
21:43 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is swung on and missed, strike three.
21:44 westbaystars: One out, Wada comes up to bat.
21:44 westbaystars: Wada takes low and in for ball one.
21:44 westbaystars: The next pitch is in there for a called strike one.
21:45 westbaystars: Iwase misses again low and in, one strike, two balls.
21:45 westbaystars: And again, a little more inside than before. One strike, three balls.
21:46 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is grounded to the left side.
21:46 westbaystars: Tatsunami runs in, fields the ball, and throws Wada out at first.
21:46 westbaystars: Two outs.
21:46 westbaystars: That brings up Takagi for the first time tonight.
21:46 westbaystars: He came in defensively a while back.
21:47 westbaystars: And he pokes the ball to left for a base hit.
21:47 westbaystars: That's the 68th hit of the Series, tying the 1978 (I think) Hankyu Braves for the most hits in a Series.
21:48 westbaystars: Next up is Nakajima.
21:48 westbaystars: That is to say, the Lions have 68 hits in the Nippon Series so far.
21:48 westbaystars: And it looks like they'll settle for the tie as Nakajima fouls out to Linares.
21:49 westbaystars: So, the Dragons come up for their last at bat trailing 0-7.
21:49 westbaystars: ---
21:49 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Nineth
21:49 westbaystars: ---
21:51 westbaystars: Linares leads off the Dragons' last chance.
21:51 westbaystars: He'll be facing, you guessed it, Toyoda.
21:51 westbaystars: He's got 3 saves in 3 appearances this Series.
21:52 westbaystars: The Lions are going after their first Nippon Series win in 12 years.
21:52 westbaystars: And they've been here a lot more often than the Dragons since then.
21:52 westbaystars: Linares lines the first pitch from Toyoda up the middle for a base hit!
21:53 westbaystars: A pinch runner will come out to run for Linares.
21:53 westbaystars: Tsuchiya it is.
21:53 westbaystars: Tanishige comes up to bat.
21:53 westbaystars: He's swinging at the first pitch but fouls the ball back.
21:54 westbaystars: The second pitch misses way up high, one and one.
21:54 westbaystars: The third pitch just misses inside and low, ball one.
21:55 westbaystars: The Lions' pitching staff are goofing off in the dugout.
21:55 westbaystars: And Tanishige lines the ball to left.
21:55 westbaystars: Wada comes in, tries to make a shoestring catch, but the ball goes under his glove!
21:55 westbaystars: The ball continues on to the wall!
21:56 westbaystars: It looked like the ball suddenly dropped in front of Wada.
21:56 westbaystars: Turning into a no out double.
21:56 westbaystars: The runner had to hold to third, unsure if the ball would be caught.
21:56 westbaystars: Inoue then bloops the ball to right!
21:57 westbaystars: Ozeki comes in acting like he's going to catch the ball, but it drops in well in front of him.
21:57 westbaystars: One run is in.
21:57 westbaystars: Tanishige holds at third.
21:57 westbaystars: Inoue has an RBI single.
21:57 westbaystars: In no time, the Dragons have their first run of the game!
21:57 westbaystars: And with nobody out, they have runners at the corners.
21:58 westbaystars: 1 for 10 (.100) Mori comes up to bat.
21:58 westbaystars: He swings at the first pitch, grounding the ball right at Takagi at second.
21:58 westbaystars: Takagi tosses to second for one, the relay to first is in time, double play.
21:59 westbaystars: While Tanishige came across, the Dragons are reduced to two outs and nobody on.
21:59 westbaystars: They still trail 2-7.
21:59 westbaystars: The next batter lifts the first pitch high to the infield.
21:59 westbaystars: Cabrera and Toyoda both go for it.
21:59 westbaystars: Cabrera out reaches him and takes the winning ball into his glove.
21:59 westbaystars: The Seibu Lions are Nippon Ichi!
22:00 westbaystars: The game ending at 9:59.
22:00 Christopher: Well goodnight and thanks for your marvelous coverage
22:00 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku is thrown into the air (doage) four and a half times
22:00 westbaystars: My pleasure.
22:00 westbaystars: Glad so many could stay to the end.
22:01 westbaystars: Ishii is being announced as the MVP on the radio.
22:01 westbaystars: I'm not sure if that's for the Series or the game.
22:02 Martin: It wasn't so exciting as I hoped today, but I'm glad the Lions won. Thanks Westbay-san.
22:02 westbaystars: It was decided rather early, wasn't it?
22:03 Martin: Yes, too early.
22:03 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku becomes the seventh first year manager to with the Nippon Series.
22:05 Martin: Not bad for Itoh. He used to be one of my favorite players.
22:06 westbaystars: He fought off being retired for an extra year.
22:06 Martin: I'm going to work again. Thanks a lot Westbay-san.
22:06 westbaystars: Or was it two?
22:06 westbaystars: OK. I'm just waiting to report on the MVP.
22:06 westbaystars: I'll post this after that.
22:07 westbaystars: Ishii Takashi is announced as the 2004 Nippon Series MVP.
22:07 westbaystars: He won Games One and Seven.
22:07 westbaystars: Shutting out the Dragons over 13 innings.
22:07 westbaystars: From beginning to end, Ishii made this Series.
22:08 westbaystars: He'd been up in the bull pen a number of other games just in case.
22:10 westbaystars: That's it.
22:10 westbaystars: The 2004 season now comes to a close.
Re: 2004 Nippon Series: Game 7
[ Author: Guest: habs | Posted: Oct 26, 2004 8:09 AM ]

I tried to joined this morning but I was late. I'd like to thank you for doing the chatroom commentary this season. I really enjoyed Sunday morning baseball. Hope you do again next year.
Re: 2004 Nippon Series: Game 7
[ Author: Guest: steve | Posted: Oct 26, 2004 3:00 PM ]

Thank you for last night's broadcast. I'm still in mourning. Haven't really seen any evidence that Seibu won around Koshigaya. Nagoya was colored Dragon Blue after they clinched the Central crown.

Anyhow, congratulations to all the Seibu fans and the team. I still think they stole their mascot from Sigfried and Roy.

Good job though. I'm not bitter - uhh, really.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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