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Four Red Sox Members to Visit Hawks Camp

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Four Red Sox Members to Visit Hawks Camp
Boston will send 4 members of the Red Sox organization to the Hawks' spring training camp: former minor league manager Jon Deeble, AA Portland (ME) manager Todd Claus, and minor leaguers Justin Sherrod and David Murphy will visit the Hawks' camp in Miyazki for 11 days (starting February 15). The four will interact with Hawks' manager Sadaharu Oh, first baseman Nobuhiko Matsunaka (2004 Pacific League Triple Crown winner and PL MVP), and Hawks' catcher Kenji Johjima.

Red Sox special assistant to GM Theo Esptein said, "This is a great opportunity for our young guys to experience a different culture and learn about Japanese baseball. They will encounter different teaching techinques and philosophies, and I believe the Japanese hitting techinques Murphy and Sherrod will encounter will be productive for them."

[Source - The Japan Times]

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Michael Westbay
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