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Niigata Albirex Baseball

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Niigata Albirex Baseball
Greetings, all, from this Los Angeles USA yakyu fan. This is a terrific site for a terrific sport.

Has the subject of J League soccer club Albirex Niigata's desire to form an NPB team been discussed? I read of this in an October 2004 Japan Times online article. Given Niigata's support of their soccer club, their NPB prospects seem interesting. I've read or heard of little other Niigata Albirex baseball news. Can anyone offer further insight, perhaps from people living in the area?

Thanks, it's nice to post after lurking here for some months.

Mr. Fab
Re: Niigata Albirex Baseball
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Mar 20, 2005 9:35 AM ]

- Has the subject of J League soccer club Albirex Niigata's desire to form an NPB team been discussed?

Hiroshi Ikeda, president of Albirex Nigata soccer team said last year that he and others were preparing to file an application for NPB membership in 2007, and then plan on joining in 2008. [Link - Japan Times]

- Given Niigata's support of their soccer club, their NPB prospects seem interesting.

It's a possibility that Nigata could be a new NPB team, but there's also Livedoor, the company that also tried to buy the Buffaloes and failed to become the new expansion team. Also, there was mention that the industrial league team Shidax managed by HOF'er Katsuya Nomura was mentioned for a short time as a possibilty as a new team.
Re: Niigata Albirex Baseball
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 20, 2005 9:37 AM | YBS Fan ]

I'm afraid that a typhoon (rendered homeless an entire town) and series of earthquakes (rendered homeless just about eveyone who wasn't flooded out of their homes) put anything but basic survival on the back burner for the Niigata area at the end of last October. That's probably why there's been no information on this since then.

There were quite a few groups looking into joining NPB then, but only LiveDoor and Rakuten filled out the paperwork. Rakuten, as you most likely know, got the rights to becoming the new franchise. Horie-president (LiveDoor) has gone on to ruffle more feathers in an attempt to take over Nippon Housou, a radio station that is part of the Fuji-Sankei Group (minoritiy co-owners of the Yakult Swallows). There, as with NPB, Horie faces the Old Boys' Club trying to keep him out. The parallels are interesting, although not baseball related.

It will be interesting to see if Shidax, Albirex, and others who talked about joining last October come through with proposals at the end of this season. Many analysts said last year that they hope to see expansion. I'm personally hoping that the Asia Super Series at the end of this season combined with inter-league games leads to inter-Asian league regular season games.
Re: Niigata Albirex Baseball
[ Author: Mr. Fab | Posted: Mar 25, 2005 3:03 PM ]


I did not know of Niigata's typhoon, but did know of their earthquake. Hopefully the general NPB expansion trend will continue. What can you all tell me of the Shidax bid?

Let's all enjoy the new season!

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Michael Westbay
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