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Re: Koshien Coverage

Discussion in the High School forum
Re: Koshien Coverage
A note to all regarding my coverage of the tournament. Because I am unusually busier right now, I will be continuously behind in my coverage of the tournament.

For some examples:
  • I may not be able to get to Day 1 reports until after the tournament. I did manage to catch up on the 1st game of the 1st day though.

  • I may or may not be able to get all 3 games for the next 2 days due to obligations during my normal watching time.

  • This weekend (Fri-Sun, Days 8-10 of the tournament) I will be attending a convention and will subsequently fall behind on all games on Fri-Sat and furiously trying to catch up on Sunday afternoon-evening.
I apologize in advance to all readers of my reports (all 4 of you), and will try to post whenever possible. Believe me when I say that I'm even trying to see how I can prevent myself from falling behind too many games. And it already involves getting < 6 hours of sleep.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 7, 2008 2:49 PM | HC Fan ]


After tonight, I'll still have 11 games to watch. My fear is that MBS will cut off Internet game recaps. I know that Asahi has box score coverage, but I watch the entire game to note special details.

Would someone be willing to watch all non-critical games? That is, all games not involving the championship teams (Seibou Gakuin/Okinawa Shougyou)? I only need games on Day 9 and later. Just note key/extraordinary hits/plays, and detail what exactly happened.

If time permits, I'll go double back and watch those games, but I want to make sure each game gets covered for the final report.

Please let me know ASAP.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 7, 2008 3:25 PM | HC Fan ]

One more thing. I still need a scorebook done to note when steals/caught stealing were taken, wild pitches, where fielder's choices go, etc.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Guest: Daichi Ura | Posted: Apr 8, 2008 10:51 PM ]

I may be able to help. I have all the games recorded from Day 4 to final.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 9, 2008 9:16 AM | HC Fan ]

Great! What are you willing do to?
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Guest: Daichi Ura | Posted: Apr 9, 2008 5:24 PM ]

Depends on what format you want it in. Perhaps list starting rosters of each game. Then an inning by inning play. Not sure if I'll want to do every pitch, but will include significant stuff like wild pitches, steals, etc.

Do you have a format already posted somewhere so I can see what you're wanting?
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 10, 2008 1:22 AM | HC Fan ]

Google documents didn't upload it completely correctly, but something like this.

There's some shorthand that I use because it's a spreadsheet, and I'm not worried about that, but I hope it helps.

Luckily they still have it available, so I should be able to finish the Seibou Gakuen/Okinawa Shogaku games tonight, plus start on other games.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 10, 2008 2:58 PM | HC Fan ]

Just to let you know, after tonight I'll have 4 games to go. If MBS doesn't take it down in the next 24 hours I will be able to complete the scorebook on my own.

I don't want you do to any work you don't have to, so please wait and hopefully I can finish it without having you do anything.
Re: Koshien Coverage
[ Author: Kamina Ayato | Posted: Apr 11, 2008 4:55 PM | HC Fan ]

Drat. I had one more game to go and they cut me off.

Ironically enough, it involves one of the teams I have a sentimental feeling for.

Tenri Koukou (Nara) vs. Karyou Koukou (Yamaguchi).

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