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October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances

Discussion in the Tiger Tails forum
October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
The four game series at Jingu has been a disaster for the Tigers. Of the four games they won only one and are now tied with the Giants needing to win all their four remaining games. If they end up in a tie with the Giants the Giants will win the pennant because of their superior record against the Tigers. So the game at Tokyo Dome becomes a must win game. However, you cannot see the Tigers winning at the moment. Their performance is lackluster and the batters are not playing with any real fire. Akahoshi's knock was just a bruise and not serious so he will be able to continue.

The big questionmark of the game was Resop starting such an important game. He is a very talented pitcher but still inexperienced and not yet ready for this kind of game. One questions Okada's choice here - he could have gone for Uezono who would have had at least had as much chance but has more experience. Use of pitchers has been strange with young pitchers being ignored (Uezono, Kojima) whilst those who shouldn't be pitching (Vogelsong, Kanemura, Sugiyama) have had long runs. The scary news is that consideration is being given to Sugiyama as the starting pitcher for the first game of the Climax series. One hopes that this is just talk to obscure things because otherwise Tigers really are in trouble. Line scores.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
Tigers 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1
Swallows 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 X 3 8 2

Starting lineups

1. Akahoshi (Centre)
2. Sekimoto (Second)
3. Arai (First)
4. Kanemoto (Left)
5. Imaoka (Third)
6. Toritani (Short)
7. Yano (Catcher)
8. Hirano (Right)
9. Resop (Pitcher)

1. Fukuchi (Right)
2. Kawashima (Short)
3. Aoki (Centre)
4. Hatakeyama (First)
5. Iihara (Left)
6. Tanaka (Second)
7. Kawabata (Third)
8. Kawamoto (Catcher)
9. Ishikawa (Pitcher)

Tigers didn't start well and Ishikawa was in control retiring the side in order. Resop shouldn't have started this game and showed it by running into trouble straight away. He needs more time to adjust to the starting role in Japan away from these pressure games. With one out he gave up a hit to Kawashima. This was followed by an Aoki two base hit and Kawashima showed good speed around the bases to score 1-0 Tigers. Hatakeyama was next and grounded out but Imaoka's throwing error ensured that he was safe on first. Resop was not pleased about this and failed to focus properly giving up a hit to Iihara which scored Aoki 2-0 Swallows. The next two batters flew out and the innings was over. Still only a two run lead and eight innings to go - this was not good but not too serious. Tigers batters didn't do much in their second though - Toritani walked and it really would have helped if Yano could have done something but he grounded out tamely. Swallows second was Resop's best innings, he retired the batters in order. In Tigers third both Hirano and Resop did nothing but then Akahoshi was next. He took a pitch on his left hand and had to leave the field for an x-ray (he was replaced by Asai who went to right field, Hirano moving over to centre). Sekimoto though grounded out and the innings was over. So far Tigers hadn't hit but had had two runners on base. In Swallows third Kawashima led off with a two base hit. He tried to stretch it to three bases but failed and was out. Next Aoki walked but then Hatakeyama and Iihara failed to do anything and that innings was over.

Tigers big chance came in their fourth. Arai grounded out but Kanemoto hit a solo home run 2-1 Swallows. Next batter Imaoka hit a two base and it was clear that Ishikawa was wavering. It needed calm heads to put Imaoka home but neither Toritani or Yanno supplied these both going quickly. More care would have put Ishikawa under pressure as he was shaky and could have resulted in more runs. Instead the chance was lost. Resop returned for the Swallows fourth but wasn't convincing either. Tanaka hit and then Resop balked moving him to second. Kawabata hit to put runners on first and third with no outs but then stole second. Kawamoto struck out but Ishikawa grounded out to first. This allowed Tanaka home 3-1 Swallows with Kawabata on third. The final batter was Fukuchi who grounded out. Tigers would waste another chance in their fifth. With two outs Asai hit a two base. Kawashima messesd up a short ground out which set up runners on first and third and Arai the next batter. He really needed to drive the runner in but struck out swinging unnecessarily at Ishikawa. Once again the lack of a cool head had let the Swallows off. Resop did not return for the fifth. He hadn't mastered the situation at all and really shouldn't have been pitching this match at all. He is one for the future and with more experience will be a very effective pitcher. Egusa took the mound for the Swallows fifth and was effective retiring the batters in order. Ishikawa gave up a hit to Toritani in Tigers sixth but nothing came of this.

Egusa continued into the Swallows sixth. Iihara led off with a two base hit and was bunted to third by Tanaka. Egusa stayed cool and retired the next two batters to keep the score static. Nice pitching by the Tigers reliever. Matsuoka replaced Ishikawa for the Tigers seventh. The latter had done well enough but had had the benefit of poor Tigers batting in the fourth and fifth when he was distinctly unsure. Matsuoka gave up a hit to Katsuragi (replacement first) but Sekimoto didn't make anything of it and so the innings ended. Watanabe replaced Egusa and was secure retiring the Swallows in order. Kanemoto hit in the Tigers eighth (pitcher Igarashi) and was able to make second on a fielding error but then next two batters failed to do anything. Once again poor batting when care would have been more appropriate. Watanabe continued for the Swallows eighth and gave up a hit to Iihara but nothing came of that. Finally, the Tigers ninth with Lim as the pitcher. He was much more assured than the evening before and this time was able to retire the batters in order. Swallows victory.

A poor batting performance with wasteful shots had lost the game for the Tigers. This time it was really only Kanemoto who put in the effort with the others not thinking or trying. The loss put the Tigers and Giants level and ensured that the Tigers would have to win at Tokyo Dome to win the pennant. Okada looked tired and unwell and obviously the strain of trying to manage a side that isn't performing is getting to him.
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Oct 7, 2008 7:35 PM ]

if there was no throwing error, that is an out. Now there is a 1-0 game. Tigers hitters cannot produce runs and therefore do not help the starting pitching. You cannot rely on just one player, pitcher, to do the job of the whole team. Defense was poor and offense was poor. Cannot blame only Resop here.
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 7, 2008 8:15 PM | HAN Fan ]

I don't blame Resop. I question the decision to put him into a situation he was not ready for. Of course there are those who think that throwing someone in at the deep end is a good move but I am not convinced. I also comment on the batting particularly in my final paragraph.
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Oct 7, 2008 8:41 PM ]

We all appreciate your input into the Tigers games when we cannot be there in person. Thank you for taking time to post each game.
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Guest: Spence | Posted: Oct 8, 2008 1:04 AM ]

What an absolute disgrace. The first placed team going into a 4-game series against the 5th placed team and only managing one win.

Starting Resop was a mistake. NPB clubs have got to start realizing you cant keep importing MLB relievers with ERA's up over 5 runs per game and trying to make them into starters.
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Oct 8, 2008 7:09 PM ]

Resop had no run support... and no defensive support... easy to blame a pitcher...seems to me it was the entire team that failed miserably...
Re: October 6th Resop v Ishikawa - Vanishing chances
[ Author: Guest: Number 26 | Posted: Oct 8, 2008 8:49 PM ]

I saw Kawashima scoring from 1st on a double by Aoki. The question I have here is Akahoshis weak arm. He is fast and has good range but his arm is very weak. Kawashima knew that when he scored from 1st. I have seen other teams and players getting that extra base on Akahoshi quite a few times this season due to his weak arm. Imaokas fielding too is a big question mark. Though a decent hitter he is not a very good fielder. When I saw his throwing error it reminded me of the error he had in Japan Series against Lotte when Lotte crushed Hanshin in Japan Series.


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