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July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues

Discussion in the Tiger Tails forum
July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues
In a tight game, poor base running by Yano would rob the Tigers of the chance of drawing level. With the disappearence of Wada you thought that the base running would be much better but once again we are faced with conservative and over-cautious calling at third base (Yamawaki). Yano though didn't help things by once again ambling round the bases - what is the point of having him in the side if he is not going to make the effort to run round the bases. Both Okada (ex-kantoku) and Hoshino (Special Director) were moved to comment on the poor base running and poor judgment in the game generally and were very angry about the incompetence shown. Sekimoto, batting third actually bunted as if he was still at second in a situation where he should have been hitting. The depressing thing about this match was that Yuki was vulnerable and better batting could have seen Tigers win but under this kantoku that's like barking at the moon. Scores

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
Swallows 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 1
Tigers 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 9 1

Starting lineups

1. Aoki (Centre)
2. Hiroyasu Tanaka (Second)
3. Fukuchi (Left)
4. D"Antona (First)
5. Guiel (Right)
6. Hatakeyama (Third)
7. Keizoh Kawashima (Short)
8. Fukukawa (Catcher)
9. Yuki (Pitcher)

1. Hirano (Right)
2. Akahoshi (Centre)
3. Sekimoto (Second)
4. Kanemoto (Left)
5. Brazell (First)
6. Arai (Third)
7. Toritani (Short)
8. Yano (Catcher)
9. Shimoyanagi (Pitcher)

Yano would once again be undistinguished though it is difficult to see what anyone else could have done with Shimoyanagi who is fading. One gets the impression that Yano is in the side because he is senior not because he is actually any good anymore. Anyway, Swallows first started with a lead off error as Aoki induced an error from the Tigers fielding and was safe on first. He was bunted to second by Tanaka but the next two batters failed to convert and the innings was scoreless. Tigers really wasted a huge chance in their first. Hirano led off with a hit and then made second on Akahoshi's ground out. Yuki then dead balled Sekimoto and walked Kanemoto to load the bases. Here Yuki lifted his game and with some impressive pitching struck out both Brazell and Arai to end the innings scoreless. It must be said though that Arai's batting was inept. Swallows second was proceding quietly until Kawashima came to the plate. He got a full count slider which he turned to left where it just crept inside the left foul pole for a solo home run 1-0 Swallows. Fukukawa then grounded out to end the innings but there was a slender advantage to the Swallows. Yuki was still shakey and walked Toritani. Yano slammed the ball into left where it was taken in a superb diving catch by Fukuchi. Shimoyanagi then bunted but the Swallows fielding ineptness allowed Toritani to take second. There was plently of time to throw him out as he was rather slow off the blocks. Instead Shimoyanagi was out. Finally though Hirano flew out and the innings was over. This take was a lot easier for Fukuchi. Swallows third was quiet but Tigers version started with a hit to Akahoshi. Here Sekimoto bunted - this is not the action of a cleanup batter and one wouldn't expect it unless it was late in a very tight game (just like the previous game when Sakurai bunted in the eighth with the scores tied 0-0) but not in the third. Yuki though got the next three batters striking out Kanemoto looking in three and completely fooling the Tigers left.

With one out in Swallows fourth D"Antona walked. Guiel was next and he half pulled his shot but still got a good impact and the ball went nicely to right. Swallows now had runners on first and third and the sacrifice fly was on. It became reality when Hatakeyama drove the ball perfectly into centre. D'Antona ambled home 2-0 Swallows runner on first. Kawashima was next but he struck out to end the innings. Yano walked in Tigers fourth but nothing came of this. The Swallows fifth was in some ways a repeat of the fourth. Poor calling by Yano and poor pitching by Shimoyanagi allowed the Swallows to get another run on the board. Fukukawa led off with a hit. Yuki bunted him to second but Aoki walked. Tanaka hit to right to load the bases and then Fukuchi fired off the sacrifice fly nice and dep to right. Fukukawa was home 3-0 Swallows, runners on first and third. D'Antona flew out but Swallows had a comfortable lead. Hirano responded well leading off the Tigers fifth with a two base. Sekimoto then hit to centre and it would have been possible for HIrano to make home but he was held up on third. The suspicion must be that this was to allow Kanemoto to drive in the run. He did that, in fact he tried for a home run but the ball just faded in the wind and Tigers had to settle for a deep sacrifice fly 3-1 Swallows, runner on first. Brazell then hit to right and Tigers had runners on first and third. Arai though grounded out and the Tigers had only added one run. Shimoyanagi was replaced at the end of the fifth and hadn't really shone at all. He seems to be gradually declining and now can only manage about five innings. Egusa pitched the Swallows fifth and despite giving up a hit to Kawashima was secure. Yuki also retired at the end of the fifth. He hadn't been that good either but had had a bit extra when he needed it and certainly his pitching to get out of the jam in the first had been vital. Oshimoto started the Tigers sixth and gave up a hit to Yano, this time Fukuchi's dive didn't come off. Yano made second on a ground out and then Hirano hit nicely to centre. Yano stopped on third when the run was there for the taking. If he's not going to try then just drop Yano back to the second team and use people who will try. Takada just to emphasise the point changed pitchers and Lee then retired Akahoshi who did nothing all game to end the innings. A scoring chance had been squandered and as it turned out it could have made the difference.

Tsutsui pitched Swallows seventh and was more assured than his previous outing retiring the batters in order. Lee returned for the Tigers seventh and struggled. He walked Sekimoto who advanced to second on a wild pitch and third on Brazell's ground out. Arai was next and he hit to left driving in the run 3-2 Swallows, things were getting close despite the wasted opportunities. Arai then tried to steal second and completely messed it up head sliding too early and getting tagged out to end the innings. Okada questioned why the signal for the steal was given as the situation was totally inappropriate. Atchison pitched the Swallows eighth and was totally secure striking out two of the three batters he faced. Toritani led off Tigers eighth with a hit and made second on Hiyama's two out ground out. This time Hirano could only ground out to Matsuoka, Swallows pitcher. Watanabe followed Atchison on the mound and gave up a hit to Kawashima. He then struck out Fukukawa looking with an awesome pitch for the second out and was replaced by Williams. One has to ask - why? It wasn't necessary and in fact just seemed to delay things. As it was Williams struck out the final batter but it all seemed totally unnecessary and clueless. Tigers ninth was pitched by Lim, the Swallows star closer who started by striking out Akahoshi. Sekimoto hit to first but the throw from D'Antona was very poor and Lim missed it. Sekimoto was safe on first. Kanemoto then hit into a double play to end the innings. Swallows victory.

Tigers had lost a tight game through a failure to take risks and take chances. The fact is they have the players who are prepared to do that but they must be allowed to take the risks. Players who are not prepared to challenge shouldn't be in the top team because they are senior and they should make way for younger players. A general level of ineptness seems to be gradually settling on the team and they seem to be slowly but surely sinking to the levels of the 1990s teams.
Re: July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues
[ Author: Guest: tigers2010 | Posted: Jul 21, 2009 8:35 PM ]

It's ironic that you say they should take more risks, as when this team does take a risk it tends to be a silly one. Arai trying to steal in the 8th? Really needed the run, but Arai is one of the slowest runners on the team. It was actually a really bad throw, but unfortunately Arai doesn't even know how to slide into second. Maybe a stint in the 2-gun will help him work on the basics again!
Re: July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Jul 21, 2009 8:53 PM | HAN Fan ]

The irony is that Mayumi even considered such a stupid move given that Yano had time to get home earlier. Arai is fast round the bases but no real stealer but the signal came from the bench not Arai's initiative.
Re: July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues
[ Author: Guest: tigers2010 | Posted: Jul 22, 2009 10:14 AM ]

Like most fans, I've seen enough of Mayumi. He is too stubborn in some ways (waiting to long to change the line-up, giving Fukuhara too many chances) and when he does have a hunch, it's usually something silly. Meanwhile, the most obvious move I'd like to see is Lin get the chance to be an everyday player again, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen.
Re: July 20th Shimoyanagi v Yuki - Those third base coach blues
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Jul 22, 2009 1:38 PM | HAN Fan ]

I agree 100% with you - I want to see the back of Mayumi and also his coaching team too. Hanshin officials have recently been talking to Itoh (the ex-Seibu coach) about joining the coaching team as 'synthesis coach'. This would be probably to ease the latter into the role before him taking over as Tigers kantoku. If a new kantoku takes over then Lin may get his chance again.

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Michael Westbay
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