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Tigers Game?

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Tigers Game?
Hi guys,

This is my first post on the forum, but I've lurked on the forums here for a while. After going to Japan and seeing a Seibu Lions game in 2003, I have another opportunity to go back, but this time I would like to see a Hanshin Tigers game! Here's the situation:

I plan on going to Osaka in late July for about 4 days and am eyeing the July 20th Tigers game vs. the Dragons.

Anyway, I was just kind of curious from people who have attended games at Koshien, if there is anything I need to know before attending the game? For example:
  • Should tickets be easy to obtain up until game time?
  • Are there any seats or sections in the stadium that should be avoided for poor visibility or rowdy crowds?
  • Are there any areas of Osaka/Kobe where I should stay that have fairly good or quick access to Koshien Stadium?
Thanks for all your help!


PS: I've checked through the search section of this site and the baywell site, but unfortunately, was unable to find the information I'm looking for.
Re: Tigers Game?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Jun 30, 2005 5:36 PM | HAN Fan ]

Hi Steve. In answer to your questions:

It's likely to be pretty popular and it would be a good idea to secure tickets early. If you are alone then you may be able to pick up a ticket on the day.

If you mean avoiding noisy Tigers fans at Koshien this is impossible. Try the Alps seats by first or third and soak up the atmosphere.

It's easy to get to the ground from either Kobe or Osaka using the Hanshin railway, so anywhere in the centre is fine.
Re: Tigers Game?
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Jul 1, 2005 12:08 AM ]

On July 20 the Tigers actually play the BayStars at Koshien. Tickets are still available and if you don't want the noisy sections, avoid the outfield. Orange seats (behind the visiting team dugout) are still available and are by far the most "sedate" sections of Koshien!

Enjoy and go the mighty Tigers!
Re: Tigers Game?
[ Author: Guest: SteveTX | Posted: Jul 14, 2005 7:48 AM ]

Thanks for the help guys! I look forward to the experience!
Re: Tigers Game?
[ Author: Guest: zman | Posted: Jul 16, 2005 9:45 PM ]

steve from texas,

no matter where you sit you will see baseball as you have never seen it before.

Bring something to sit on as the stadium is quite old and uses benches rather than the seats you have in the US stadiums. Its all a part of the charm. Also buy some ballons that you will see for sales outside the stadium. Wont explain why here as that will ruin the surprise. You will be glad you bought them if you do.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
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