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Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
Arriving in Japan in a few days and I'm looking for Tiger' Japan Series tickets. Does anyone know where I can look? (Tried eBay already.) Any and all help would be great. My email is bigchrisg at hotmail d0t com.

Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: sanshintigers | Posted: Oct 14, 2005 9:45 PM ]

Chris, I don't know where in Japan you'll be or how much you're willing to spend, but last year I attended the Nihon Series and I bought tickets in the Tokyo area. Some areas (for example near Shinjuku station) are loaded with ticket shops. You will pay a lot more there, but I guarantee you'll find some tickets. I've done it for several big events.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: Oct 15, 2005 10:16 AM | CD Fan ]

Try Lawsons, Sunkus, or Circle K conveinience stores. I bought Nihon Series tickets last year on the day of the game and got pretty good seats for 5,000 yen (I was 8 rows behind Ochiai-kantokus wife!).

It's gonna be a lot harder because it's looking like Chiba/Hanshin, but it's not impossible.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: Guest: Chris | Posted: Oct 23, 2005 1:39 AM ]

You mean you can get tickets at Lawsons in Tokyo or Osaka? I'm in Tokyo looking to take a day trip to Osaka to see my Tigers win.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 23, 2005 12:16 PM ]

It's probably unlikely that you're going to get a ticket to the Nippon Series now, that it's started. Tickets are probably already sold out.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 23, 2005 1:51 PM | YBS Fan ]

The best place to ask that question is a Lawsons. There is usually one within a three minute walk from pretty much any train station in Tokyo, sometimes as many as five withing a five minute walk. The information about availability of tickets at convinence stores above was passed on based on seeing ads. For details, you need to go to one of the conienence stores and ask.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: Oct 23, 2005 2:03 PM | CD Fan ]

They've been selling tickets on e-bay for 70,000 yen now, so I'm guessing Lawsons is probably out.

If you can read some Japanese there is a ticket machine in the store where you can buy stuff for sporting events. I usually go there so I can see my J-League team (Omiya Ardija) find new ways to lose.
Re: Desperately Seeking Series Tickets!
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 24, 2005 7:50 AM | HAN Fan ]

You will not get any tickets now through any of the official sources. In fact, you would not have gotten them at all through the official sources unless you were very quick (tickets for the Koshien games sold out in 40 minutes). Your only options are ticket touts (don't) or auctions, both incredibly expensive options now.

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Michael Westbay
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