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Tyrone Woods

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Tyrone Woods
I don't follow Japanese baseball that much, but I do follow the KBO (Korea) closely, and I am wondering how much the Yokohama BayStars signed Tyrone Woods for. Also, will he play a lot for them or be a DH? This last year he didn't play 1B that often, just DH. My friend and I are kinda upset that the Bears let him go because he was our favorite player to yell for and at. Haha... Check out our Doosan fan page.
Re: Tyrone Woods
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 30, 2002 9:44 AM | YBS Fan ]

The Central League, in which the BayStars play, doesn't have the DH. So if he's going to get any playing time, he'll have to win a starting position on the field.

I'm afraid I don't have how much he signed for handy. I don't tend to enter the new foreign players into my database until the official player meikan (registries) are released in the Spring. In the mean time, though, how about telling us what you like chearing and heckling Woods about?
Re: Tyrone Woods
[ Author: Guest: Doosan | Posted: Dec 31, 2002 6:19 AM ]

Well, the reason we like to cheer him is because he has power and can hit the ball hard when he makes contact. As for heckling him, the reason we did is because he was like Cecil Fielder, he could hit the ball but he was always injured or only came off the bench as a DH or PH. Another reason we liked to cheer and heckle him is because he was one of the few that could actually understand our cheers and heckles since we yelled in English.

The KBO is a great league. We love going to games because it's cheap, you can bring your own food, and alcohol and the atmosphere is fun. I hope Woods does well in Japan.
Re: Tyrone Woods
[ Author: Guest: m. roberts | Posted: Jul 2, 2003 9:11 PM ]

I think you have your players mixed up, I think Kim dong Joo was the player that was always injured and only came off the bench as DH or PH. Maybe you should check your stats again.

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Michael Westbay
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