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WBC Final Chat

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
WBC Final Chat
I've opened up a chat room for the WBC final between Japan and Cuba. If you want a little more direct feedback than the forum provides, this is the place to be before, during, and maybe a little while after the game.

I'll be posting the chat session below when we're finished.

I'll be there for most of the game, although I will have to go out to pick up the son from baseball practice before the game is over.

The chat room isn't limited to the talking about the WBC. Pre-season chatter about the upcoming season in Japan is also welcome. (If there are knowledgable people, Korean and Taiwanese pre-season overviews would also be welcome.)

Hope to see many of you there this morning (JST).
Re: WBC Final Chat
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 21, 2006 3:54 PM | YBS Fan ]

TRANSCRIPT generated on : 2006/03/21 15:13
CHATROOM : WBC Final/Japan vs. Cuba

07:57 : westbaystars - Welcome one and all to the chat room for the WBC final.
07:58 : westbaystars - Chat about Japan's pre-season is also welcome.
09:22 : BigManZam - What up all? I'm psyched about the game. Got my Team Japan shirt on.
09:23 : BigManZam - Going to the grocery store to get junk before the game starts. Making gyuudon.
10:11 : BigManZam - 50 minutes left
10:49 : Christopher - Good morning westbaystars
10:53 : Christopher - Bizarre - playing the Star Spangled Banner even though the American team didn't make it
10:57 : westbaystars - That's because the U.S. is the host. Can't play the Cuban Anthem without it.
10:58 : westbaystars - Matsuzaka's warming up to start.
10:58 : westbaystars - Good morning Christopher and BigManZam. Everyone have your snacks ready?
11:00 : westbaystars - I missed the lineup just now. Did they have Fukudome leading off? This morning's Nikkan Sports is predicting such.
11:02 : westbaystars - Japan is predicted to be sending Matsuzaka, Watanabe, then Ohtsuka to the mound today.
11:04 : BigManZam - is the chat only messed up for me?
11:04 : BigManZam - michael, that seems logical
11:05 : BigManZam - ESPN went into overtime here in the NIT between Notre Dame and Michigan
11:05 : BigManZam - so they're making Japan and Cuba wait it out

[Technical Difficulties]

12:49 : westbaystars - Fine play by Kawasaki, diving behind the second base bag to get the batter.
12:49 : westbaystars - Two down for Cuba in the bottom of the 4th.
12:50 : Dan - problem with the server?
12:50 : Christopher - Technical problems again?
12:50 : MichaelEng - What happened?
12:50 : westbaystars - Sorry, all. I've stopped the web crawlers.
12:51 : Christopher - Technical problems again?
12:51 : BMZ - awesome play by Munerin
12:52 : Dan - so are they having WBC viewing parties in japan? at tokyo dome etc?
12:52 : BMZ - Daisuke still rollin
12:52 : westbaystars - Web crawlers are taking all the bandwidth, which isn't usually a problem - except when several people are reloading ...
12:53 : westbaystars - ... every 30 seconds.
12:53 : westbaystars - I have a lot of work I need to do before I feel comfortable with the chat room.
12:54 : westbaystars - I don't think there are any viewing parties. They have been showing the games in the dugouts of pre-season games.12:54 : westbaystars - Maybe on the big boards as well, as it's about time for a few games to start.
12:55 : westbaystars - Ichiro slaps at least a double into the left field corner!
12:55 : westbaystars - And stops after rounding second.
12:55 : Dan - oh ok...i know in Korea, they had viewing parties at everyone of the baseball stadiums for the last couple of games
12:55 : MHStevie - Nice hit by Ichiro there...
12:55 : westbaystars - Time for me to go have lunch with the family. Be back in a little bit.
12:58 : BMZ - Matsunaka's getting a lot of crap on 2ch for never hitting homeruns as the #4 batter
13:00 : MHStevie - ESPN's talking more about Matsunaka hitting for the situation, fairly complimentary...
13:00 : Dan - so if japan wins the WBC, will you guys be satisfied with Japan's showing etc?
13:02 : MHStevie - I think it's a fair showing by Japan... all their losses were really close games down to the wire...
13:02 : Dan - ok...was just a korean baseball fan, and am quite pleased with their WBC performance
13:03 : MHStevie - Uehara really did well...
13:03 : MHStevie - I was really impressed by Korea's play too... that was an amazing run!
13:03 : MHStevie - I think both teams really showed the world the quality of play in Asia right now...
13:04 : Dan - yeah...i'm glad korea was able to suprise a lot of people..especially here in the US
13:04 : MHStevie - It's 5-1 now... runners on 2nd and 3rd with only one out...
13:04 : Dan - most writers and XM radio focused on Japan...and China (their upcoming baseball program) when talking about the Asian po
13:05 : MHStevie - I remember a lot of U.S. commentators talking up how good the Korean MLB pitchers were doing...
13:05 : MHStevie - Yeah, Korea was a bit overlooked until they beat Japan in Japan...
13:06 : BMZ - Korea did a great job on the field. It's too bad they did some things that made me not like them too much.
13:06 : Dan - yeah...after the WBC started..haha. before than, no one took notice. picked china and japan to advance from
13:06 : Dan - pool A
13:06 : BMZ - Chan Ho was awesome
13:06 : MichaelEng - Yadiel Pedroso gives up an single and sac and gets replaced
13:06 : Dan - what did korea do that upset u? flag on the mound?
13:07 : BMZ - Park's defense and that right fielder were great. Lee didn't impress me. We all know he can pull the ball.
13:07 : BMZ - flag on the mound and that third baseman talking trash to the dugout, then throwing the ball at Ichiro
13:07 : MHStevie - picked China? That was an interesting pick... ^_^
13:07 : Dan - yeah...they thought they would suprise people in A
13:08 : Dan - haha
13:08 : MichaelEng - by Adiel Palma
13:08 : MHStevie - I was picking the Pool A based on the results of the Konami Cup at the end of last baseball season... Japan and Korea...
13:08 : Dan - throwing the ball at ichiro? u mean when he rolled it towards the dugout in the 9th?
13:09 : westbaystars - Touch up play, and Matsunaka scores as I reenter the room!
13:09 : westbaystars - Japan up 6-1.
13:09 : MHStevie - That was close, but Matsunaka gets in from third on the SAC fly...
13:11 : westbaystars - China and Japan? Why China? (Reading some of the transcript while I was gone.)
13:11 : MHStevie - Yeah, I was surprised by that too...
13:12 : westbaystars - Pretty much everyone here in Japan figured the order would be Japan, Korea, Taiwan, then China.
13:12 : westbaystars - Korea upset that, but they were the only two flip-flopped.
13:13 : Dan - jim street wrote:Japan and China will advance to the second round, which will be played March 12-16 in Anaheim.
13:13 : Dan - Japan has speed, power and the pitching to win all three games in Tokyo while upstart China relies on defense, pitching
13:13 : Dan - and fundamentals. That will be just enough to advance.
13:13 : westbaystars - Imae grounds out ending the inning. But not before Japan takes a 6-1 lead.
13:14 : Dan - i wrote to him after that article appeared and questioned his choice. he never responded. haha
13:14 : BMZ - China is still pretty much in their infancy when it comes to yakyu
13:14 : MHStevie - He must have been trying to pick an "upset special", like the analysts picking the college basketball brackets... ^_^
13:15 : westbaystars - I saw that ball rolling by Ichiro in the Korean game and thought it was a strange place for the ball to be rolling.
13:15 : westbaystars - Didn't think much of it until others said he threw the ball at Ichiro.
13:16 : BMZ - Michael, that guy seemed to talk some trash to the dugout before that
13:16 : westbaystars - Submariner Shunsuke takes the mound.
13:16 : westbaystars - ----
13:16 : BMZ - I'll hook you up with the YouTube link during the next break
13:16 : BMZ - oh snap
13:16 : westbaystars - Bottom of Fifth
13:16 : westbaystars - ----
13:16 : Dan - well...i re watched it after ppl commented in the forums
13:16 : Dan - to me...all he did was roll it towards the dugout
13:16 : Dan - after ichiro popped up
13:17 : Dan - unless im thinking of a different play. top of the 9th. 3rd out?
13:17 : MHStevie - Oh, and the U.S. WBC commentators *love* to talk about Bobby V... ^_^
13:17 : MHStevie - Of course, there are plenty of Marines on Japan's team...
13:17 : Dan - yeah..ESPN cold pizza had him on...talked up the japan team
13:17 : westbaystars - China's defense? The looked like the tired out after about five innings - in the Konami Cup and the WBC.
13:17 : Dan - wasnt impressed by the WBC
13:18 : westbaystars - They did look better for the WBC round at Tokyo Dome than last November.
13:18 : westbaystars - But their defense didn't impress me much.
13:19 : MHStevie - Nice play by Kawasaki there...
13:20 : westbaystars - Shunsuke throws the ball right by the final batter of the inning, swing and missing a pitch WAAAAY high and away.
13:20 : BMZ - Shunsuke is awesome
13:20 : BMZ - I am so glad the Marines have him
13:21 : MHStevie - Watanabe looks pretty good so far...
13:21 : BMZ - He's really coming into his own. I'd love to see him in the majors.
13:21 : Dan -
13:22 : Dan - thats the 3rd baseman rolling the ball at ichiro
13:22 : Dan - pretty harmless in my opinion
13:22 : t22 - t22 is Christopher who had problems
13:23 : MHStevie - Kinjo's in to pinch hit...
13:23 : westbaystars - I agree. It's odd to toss the ball there after the third out, but I didn't see any wrong doing.
13:23 : westbaystars - Maybe another angle showed something more?
13:23 : MHStevie - ...but he quickly pops out to center.
13:23 : torakichi - Hey all. Exciting stuff. I'm supposed to be working right now, but how can you work when there's a game like this on?13:24 : westbaystars - Kawasaki looked safe to me!
13:24 : Dan - i think korea and japan should have played for the 4th time...maybe would have been a bit more exciting to me....-_-
13:24 : westbaystars - Replay? Un. Pretty tough to call.
13:24 : Dan - cuba hasnt shown up
13:24 : Dan - yet
13:24 : Akagaminosteven - Was that...Davidson?
13:24 : MHStevie - That was real close...
13:25 : westbaystars - Kawasaki fails a safety bunt yet again.
13:25 : Akagaminosteven - Eh, it could go either way
13:25 : westbaystars - I thought it looked like the pitcher had pulled something while fielding.
13:26 : torakichi - It was indeed Bob Davidson...probably the most talked-about aspect of the WBC.
13:26 : westbaystars - And what was that call? It looked like the third baseman fielding the ball inside the line.
13:26 : Dan - they just need MLB umpires...KBO, japanese league every league involved
13:26 : Dan - umps
13:26 : westbaystars - Doesn't matter, as Nishioka grounds out to third.
13:27 : westbaystars - No Davidson-like calls, though.
13:27 : Dan - they should have brought back Eric Gregg for the WBC. haha
13:27 : yodo - Hi all...are you guys watching the game in Japanese?
13:27 : BMZ - Shunsuke is taking over this year
13:28 : MHStevie - I think some people are... I'm in the USA, watching on ESPN...
13:28 : westbaystars - I don't know if Japanese umpires would do much better. They don't seem to go through the training MLB umps do.
13:28 : BMZ - My favorite thing about the Marines is how Bobby makes them all believe so much
13:29 : BMZ - every other guy can have a multi-hit game. Just look at Hayasaka in the Nihon Series last year.
13:29 : westbaystars - I'm watching in Japanese, yes.
13:29 : yodo - I'm a little cheezed about the lack of sportsmanship by these announcers.I mean just ADMIT that call could go either way
13:29 : BMZ - Bobby's approach to batting orders is genius
13:29 : yodo - Especially the comment that yanks just boo all the time...jerk
13:29 : torakichi - Not likely. Japanese sports commentators are defacto cheerleaders.
13:31 : MHStevie - Ogasawara may not have hit too well, but his fielding's been great in the WBC...
13:32 : yodo - Wow, fielding error
13:32 : Dan - i wonder if the cuban hitters are gonna become more aggressive. haha
13:32 : MHStevie - Kawasaki anticipated the throw before the catch...
13:32 : torakichi - At last they've caught a couple of breaks.
13:33 : westbaystars - I took that comment (about booing) to mean that MLB audiences are open with the boos.
13:34 : Dan - booing is good. ^^
13:34 : Akagaminosteven - Cuba scores
13:34 : westbaystars - In context, the crowd was booing the odd foul ball call.
13:35 : westbaystars - Cuba looks to have figured out Watanabe's delivery.
13:35 : MHStevie - Cuba's threatening to get right back in this game...
13:35 : westbaystars - Another run in. Lead cut in half - 6- 3.
13:35 : torakichi - Watanabe's taking some stick here.
13:35 : yodo - wbstars> Well that was part of it.....Time to change pitchers btw?
13:36 : westbaystars - 4-6-3 double play ends the rally.
13:36 : Akagaminosteven - Phew double play
13:36 : yodo - Oops, forget I said that
13:36 : MHStevie - Double play ends the threat, but some damage done there...
13:36 : Akagaminosteven - Ichiro might wanna fix that
13:36 : BMZ - Oh man....they went off on Shunsuke. Dang.
13:37 : BMZ - Alright. It's Yabuta time.
13:37 : westbaystars - Talking with a BBC World reporter after the first game, I told him about Shunsuke's deliver.
13:37 : MHStevie - Did anyone see if Japan's got anyone warming in the pen?
13:38 : westbaystars - The reporter asked me if I really thought that the submarine delivery could fool -fill in MLB names here-.
13:38 : BMZ - Yabuta and Fujita were warming up earlier
13:38 : BMZ - Michael, I think Shunsuke would be very similar to Takatsu
13:38 : westbaystars - I told him that he could probably get through the lineup once before they figured it out.
13:38 : BMZ - they'd figure him out in the second year
13:39 : westbaystars - Cuba figured it out pretty quickly. So I may well have been wrong.
13:40 : t22 - Cuba have managed to figure out Watanabe before so it wasn't so surprising
13:41 : westbaystars - Two quick outs for Japan in the 7th. Ichiro grounds out to second, Matsunaka strikes out.
13:41 : westbaystars - That brings up Tamura, with 3 home runs in the WBC.
13:42 : MHStevie - Hey! Jon Miller on ESPN just tried to say "Oh-kantoku"... ^_^
13:42 : westbaystars - What I didn't tell the BBC World reporter was, "Who are they?" I really don't know many of the U.S. team members.13:43 : westbaystars - All right! Did he read my comment the other day, you think?
13:43 : BMZ - Welcome, Caesar lovers
13:43 : westbaystars - Tamura goes down, and it's 1-2-3- for Japan in the seventh.
13:44 : Akagaminosteven - Hahaha, he didn't nail it, but he gives a much better effort than Morgan
13:44 : MHStevie - I noticed Miller was calling him "Oh-san" a lot during the game, but that was the first "Oh-kantoku"...
13:44 : BMZ - May I present to you...the chicken Caesar salads?
13:44 : MHStevie - ...complete with appropriate explanation.
13:44 : BMZ - I want Oh to be my godfather
13:44 : westbaystars - ---
13:44 : westbaystars - Bottom of seventh
13:44 : westbaystars - ---
13:44 : MHStevie - But it came out more like "Oh-kontoku"...
13:45 : BMZ - Oh seems to be totally misunderstood by some people. He seems cool as hell to me.
13:45 : t22 - Still Watanabe - that's courageous
13:45 : BMZ - Oh is awesome
13:45 : BMZ - he has a lot of blind faith in his guys
13:45 : MHStevie - I still say Charley Steiner on XM's coverage has been the best at mispronunciation of Japanese names/phrases...
13:45 : westbaystars - Kawasaki fumbles the ball again!
13:46 : westbaystars - and after that incredible grab a couple of innings ago.
13:46 : MHStevie - Woah... Kawasaki's off his game now...
13:46 : t22 - Kawasaki seems to have gone to pieces
13:46 : Akagaminosteven - Whoa this is getting a lil tense
13:46 : yodo - The look on "Oh-kontoku"'s face after that error...
13:46 : Dan - they weren't too great with the korean names either
13:46 : Akagaminosteven - I hope this doesn't turn into a Grady Little/Pedro Martinez situation
13:46 : torakichi - Time for a change. Things are starting to go wrong. Replace Watanabe as a way to erase the darkening mood.
13:47 : Akagaminosteven - Ooo double play
13:47 : westbaystars - Kawasaki fumbles the ball yet again, but still manages to turn two.
13:47 : westbaystars - Whew.
13:47 : Akagaminosteven - Their bullpen has been active for a while
13:47 : MHStevie - Whew... even that was a little dicey from Kawasaki...
13:48 : t22 - Kawasaki seems to have gone to pieces
13:48 : Akagaminosteven - Another error!
13:48 : MHStevie - GAH!
13:48 : westbaystars - Watanabe drops the ball covering first!
13:48 : torakichi - As opposed to Japanese fielding hands.
13:48 : westbaystars - Argh! Sloppy, people.
13:48 : torakichi - Time for Oh to get off his derierre
13:48 : yodo - Is the ball wet or something?
13:49 : yodo - Covered in slime?
13:49 : Akagaminosteven - Maybe, but it was really a problem of Watanabe taking his eyes off when he shouldn't have
13:49 : Akagaminosteven - Pop-fly though
13:49 : westbaystars - Ichiro holds onto the pop out to right, and the side is retired.
13:49 : westbaystars - That inning was a bit more dramatic than necessary.
13:49 : t22 - But gentlemen - this final has everything
13:50 : BMZ - Alright. It's Kyuji Fujikawa time.
13:50 : torakichi - Valid comment by the commentator: Well done to Watanabe for escaping a two-error situation without giving up more runs.
13:50 : westbaystars - Time for Miyamoto to take over at short?
13:50 : westbaystars - He was the best fielding shortstop in the Central League last season.
13:51 : BMZ - Miyamoto has been great in this WBC. He should be in there, but Oh loves Munerin.
13:51 : t22 - Miyamoto would be a good move
13:51 : westbaystars - Kawasaki is his shortstop (Softbank).
13:52 : westbaystars - ---
13:52 : westbaystars - Top of Eighth
13:52 : westbaystars - ---
13:53 : westbaystars - It looked like Team Japan greeted Kawasaki at the dugout entry with words of encouragement.
13:53 : westbaystars - Satozaki grounds out for out number one.
13:54 : Akagaminosteven - Ganbare Nippon!
13:54 : westbaystars - Kawasaki was ranked 2nd for shortstops in the Pacific League last year, behind Lotte's Kosaka.
13:54 : MHStevie - I like ESPN's replay of Nishioka shaking Kawasaki's head around in the dugout after the last inning...
13:54 : westbaystars - Ogasawara grounds out. Two down.
13:55 : Akagaminosteven - Miller is such a cool egg-resembling guy
13:55 : t22 - It's interesting Davidson is ano bob on the TV commentary
13:55 : westbaystars - Yea, Kawasaki looked like he was beating himself over the head for his "bone head" play?
13:56 : westbaystars - Imae fails to check his swing, three down.
13:56 : Akagaminosteven - Hahaha--ano bob
13:57 : BMZ - I saw the Japanese call of Mexico vs. USA on YouTUbe
13:57 : BMZ - I think it was Kaz Sasaki saying, "Mata ka yo?"
13:57 : Akagaminosteven - Hilarious
13:58 : BMZ - Alright...Kyuji, Otsuka, or stick with Shunsuke?
13:58 : Akagaminosteven - Shunsuke!
13:58 : westbaystars - Shunsuke still on the mound?
13:58 : westbaystars - I'd have though three innings would have been enough.
13:58 : torakichi - In SanSpo, Davidson is "meiwaku shimpan"!
13:58 : BMZ - Wow...still Shunsuke...You gotta admire Oh's grapes
13:59 : westbaystars - Oh-kantoku wants to go have Ohtsuka throw the final only?
13:59 : Akagaminosteven - Pitching change now
13:59 : MHStevie - Yeah, don't some of the other Japanese pitchers need to work a bit at least?
13:59 : westbaystars - Pitching change after lead-off infield hit.
13:59 : MHStevie - Ah, here we go...
13:59 : BMZ - Taking bets on Fujita throwing the ball at the guy's head
13:59 : Akagaminosteven - Big inning here
14:00 : Dan - funniest sight of WBC: OH arguing with davidson via translator. haha
14:00 : BMZ - Fujita is TOUGHNESS SOUTHPAW
14:00 : yodo - bmz> On purpose or just lack of control?
14:00 : westbaystars - It's Ohtsuka in the bull pen.
14:00 : westbaystars - As Fujita takes the mound.
14:01 : BMZ - on purpose
14:01 : BMZ - he does it to throw them off
14:01 : torakichi - After all that bluster yesterday about being ready to change pitchers at any time... pshaw!
14:01 : BMZ - struck out Lee Seung Yeop and Ken Griffey with that
14:01 : torakichi - (It's not often you get to actually use words like "pshaw")
14:02 : westbaystars - Fujita doesn't hit too many batters.
14:04 : westbaystars - Full count.
14:04 : westbaystars - I hear a light "Nippon-cha-cha-cha" chant in the background.
14:05 : t22 - Nice - left fly
14:05 : yodo - I thought so too, but it might be "Cuba-cha-cha-cha"
14:06 : Dan - wonder how much these tix were going for on ebay etc
14:06 : westbaystars - I'd have thought that the Cuban oen-dan would be making the noise now.
14:07 : MHStevie - There's definitely a lot of Cuba cheering going on... I could hear them loudly before that pop-up.
14:07 : westbaystars - Deep to left!
14:07 : westbaystars - Going, going, gone.
14:07 : yodo - Oh oh....
14:07 : Dan - 2 Run HR
14:07 : westbaystars - One run ball game.
14:07 : Dan - 6-5
14:07 : Akagaminosteven - Cuba two-run blast
14:07 : Dan - we got ourselves a ball game now...
14:08 : Dan - guess ill stop writing up my article critique to watch now...
14:08 : yodo - Here comes Oh
14:08 : westbaystars - Oh-kantoku is out there with a pitching change. Fujita didn't do his job.
14:08 : MHStevie - 8th inning seems to be Japan's "abunai" inning... be it Korea or Cuba...
14:08 : torakichi - Oh look, Oh's bring on a new pitcher. Gee, what a stroke of genius - and so well timed!
14:08 : westbaystars - Ohtsuka comes in.
14:08 : yodo - Dan, you were going to write the article before the game was over?!?
14:08 : BMZ - wow....what a game
14:09 : torakichi - Haha! Otsuka's theme song is Hell's Bells!
14:09 : Dan - have no signifigant interest in the game, just watching it as a fan...
14:09 : Dan - korea's just watching cuz i like baseball
14:10 : Dan - plus, the articles due tommorow
14:10 : Dan - haha
14:10 : BMZ - Fujita's theme song is We Will Rock You
14:10 : BMZ - and he got ROCKED
14:11 : t22 - Oh hasn't used his pitchers well at all today
14:11 : westbaystars - Comebacker - played perfectly by Ohtsuka!
14:11 : westbaystars - Whew. Two down.
14:11 : MHStevie - Otsuka... one pitch, one out.
14:11 : Akagaminosteven - Ohhh man I hope Japan can pick up some insurance next inning
14:12 : westbaystars - To "Area 51" - and the side is retired.
14:12 : BMZ - Otsuka is the man
14:12 : Akagaminosteven - Japan up
14:13 : BMZ - Otsuka and Ogasawara are samurai
14:13 : westbaystars - We've got a one run ball game going to the nineth.
14:13 : westbaystars - ----
14:13 : westbaystars - Top of Nineth
14:13 : westbaystars - ----
14:14 : BMZ - I gotta say, I didn't follow Otsuka much before this tourney, but he's made me a fan
14:14 : torakichi - He's pretty rock solid.
14:15 : westbaystars - He really wasn't much appriciated (or known) while with Kintetsu.
14:15 : westbaystars - Did well with Chunichi, then disappeared (to North America).
14:15 : MHStevie - Yeah, I liked his work setting up Hoffman for the Padres...
14:16 : westbaystars - Maybe he was appriciated more than I knew, for he did put up a lot of saves with Kintetsu.
14:16 : westbaystars - Error Cuba!
14:16 : westbaystars - Leadoff runner is on.
14:16 : 20X6!! - the errors pile on
14:16 : westbaystars - Ohtsuka in Japan:
14:17 : westbaystars - That was Yokohama's Kinjyoh leading off.
14:17 : westbaystars - While he has speed, I wouldn't consider him a threat to steal.
14:18 : torakichi - All the pundits were saying yesterday that error's were the key. Cuba had 10 errors as of yesterday to Japan's 4.
14:18 : westbaystars - Sacrifice fails. Kinjyoh thrown out at second. Guess those throws to first kept him too close.
14:18 : MHStevie - ESPN noted that he only stole one bag for the BayStars last year...
14:18 : Akagaminosteven - Nice bunt by Nishioka
14:18 : westbaystars - Bunt to the right side, and the pitch doesn't cover - everyone's safe!
14:18 : 20X6!! - Kawasaki - fielders choice bunt
14:18 : MHStevie - Nishioka! Nice infield hit...
14:19 : westbaystars - First baseman was covering, but I guess the second baseman was upset that the pitcher didn't try to field the ball.
14:19 : MHStevie - Split the pitcher and the second baseman on the bunt...
14:19 : 20X6!! - (first time I've used this) - I've just discovered the refresh button!
14:19 : yodo - Cuba's fielding looks amateur compared to Japan or Korea
14:20 : westbaystars - I should refresh automatically every 30 seconds (unless you set your browser to ignore HTTP refresh).
14:20 : westbaystars - Japan hasn't been impressive this afternoon (evening).
14:20 : westbaystars - Defensively, that is.
14:20 : torakichi - This chat room is very refreshing, Westbaystars-san. It's very refreshing every 30 seconds.
14:20 : Akagaminosteven - Safe!
14:21 : westbaystars - Ichiro grounds through the right side - base hit!
14:21 : 20X6!! - let's see that replay . . .
14:21 : t22 - Ichiro came through
14:21 : westbaystars - It didn't look like Kawasaki touched home to me.
14:21 : 20X6!! - nope
14:21 : 20X6!! - well
14:21 : yodo - No way! He touched it with his hand!
14:21 : torakichi - Replay shows he did.
14:21 : Akagaminosteven - Yeah he made it
14:22 : westbaystars - The second replay showed that he did get a hand in under the catcher.
14:22 : MHStevie - Replay shows Kawasaki just got the plate with his hand...
14:22 : 20X6!! - not a good angle
14:22 : westbaystars - Wow! I wouldn't have expected an umpire to get that call right.
14:22 : Akagaminosteven - Probably isn't the place to talk about it, but Boston dealt Bronson Arroyo, huh.
14:22 : t22 - Matsunaka walked
14:23 : yodo - wbstars> no kidding
14:23 : 20X6!! - Keien
14:23 : westbaystars - Matsunaka intentionally walked to load the bases.
14:23 : westbaystars - and have a pitching change.
14:24 : BMZ - Munerin power
14:24 : 20X6!! - who's carrying the broadcast in Japan?
14:25 : westbaystars - NTV.
14:25 : yodo - Nihon terebi (channel 4)
14:25 : westbaystars - We've got some Yomiuri Giants' commercials now and then.
14:25 : westbaystars - Oh-kantoku is coming out. Pinch hitter? Pinch runner?
14:25 : BMZ - Ichiro is a warrior
14:26 : Akagaminosteven - Man, I can't wait to do JET and make yakyu a regular thing
14:26 : westbaystars - Fukudome starts swinging a bat.
14:26 : BMZ - LASER BEAM
14:26 : BMZ - DOME!
14:26 : torakichi - Chanell 10 if you're in Kansai
14:26 : Akagaminosteven - What time is it in Japan right now?
14:26 : 20X6!! - is that the channel that Yomiuri owns?
14:27 : yodo - Fukudome!
14:27 : westbaystars - Yes.
14:27 : westbaystars - Nihon Telebi is owned by Yomiuri.
14:27 : yodo - Homer again?
14:28 : 20X6!! - (so I knew it as FBS channel 37 in Fukuoka)
14:28 : westbaystars - A grand slam here would really make a mark.
14:28 : Dan - so, the 2 last teams to join the WBC are in the finals...wonder if MLB saw that one coming
14:29 : westbaystars - Slap to left! One run, two runs in!
14:29 : torakichi - Yeah!
14:29 : Akagaminosteven - 2 RBI single!
14:29 : westbaystars - Japan up 9-5.
14:29 : t22 - Fukudome came through
14:29 : yodo - Wow, talk about a clutch hitter, that guy
14:29 : MHStevie - Fukudome thrives as the heroic pinch hitter!
14:29 : 20X6!! - Jon Miller fumbled over Oh-kantoku - but at least he tried
14:30 : Dan - if japan wins, what will they send Mexico?
14:30 : MHStevie - 20X6: Yeah, I'm appreciating Miller's efforts... much better than Joe Morgan's "Matsuzaki" earlier in the game... ^_^
14:31 : westbaystars - Wonder if Ochiai-kantoku is watching. But I doubt Fukudome will become a pinch hitter during the regular season.
14:31 : 20X6!! - Well, it's too late for White Day - but I'd send them some white chocolate anyway
14:31 : Dan - what are some changes for the upcoming WBC u would like to see?
14:32 : westbaystars - Crossing groups going up the ladder.
14:32 : t22 - Neutral umpires
14:32 : Dan - more playing teams 3 times
14:32 : Dan - yeah..MLB umps
14:32 : westbaystars - First round being regional is very good. But after that, first and second place teams need to be separated.
14:32 : MHStevie - Yeah, I agree about crossing up the groups more... more international umps...
14:33 : Akagaminosteven - The USA caring
14:33 : torakichi - Neutral or not, BETTER umpires.
14:33 : 20X6!! - Possibly double elimination for undefeated teams (i.e. Korea)
14:34 : westbaystars - Satozaki draws a walk. Bases loaded again.
14:34 : t22 - bases loaded - intelligent batting by Satozaki
14:34 : 20X6!! - like the Pacific League playoffs - if they're a certain # of games ahead
14:34 : westbaystars - I like the idea of a double elimination bracket as well.
14:35 : Dan - yeah..would have been nice for Korea to have that this year...but oh well
14:35 : westbaystars - But if you do that, then just have round robin for the first round, double elimination bracket thereafter.
14:35 : 20X6!! - or have pool winners have home field throughout
14:35 : Dan - i would prefer crossing up the groups more than double elimination
14:35 : t22 - I don't like the double elimination - it smacks too much of loading things in teams favour
14:36 : BMZ - Real samurai coming up
14:36 : 20X6!! - is the WBC close to the FIFA world cup format?
14:36 : Dan - so is japan really gonna be regarded as the best team in the world? ro whats your take on the results of the WBC?
14:37 : westbaystars - That's a tough question.
14:37 : torakichi - Not yet. Because the WBC isn't the tournament it's aiming to be yet.
14:37 : 20X6!! - It's somewhat similar to the last NFL Wild Card team winning the Super Bowl
14:37 : westbaystars - In the Japanese press they will be.
14:37 : Akagaminosteven - I don't think the tournament determines the best in the world--it determines a big accomplishment in winning
14:37 : Akagaminosteven - But the champions
14:38 : Akagaminosteven - No matter who they are
14:38 : Akagaminosteven - Could be beaten on any day by any given team almost
14:38 : torakichi - Once there is true global interest, all countries send their best players, and the players actually play like they care
14:38 : MHStevie - Yeah, to me this tournament proved how even the baseball countries really are at this point...
14:39 : 20X6!! - yes, the best team overall doesn't always win
14:39 : t22 - That's the way these games go - yes Japan are the genuine world champions
14:39 : Dan - i guess the only way to find a true world champion is to have a club tourney of all leagues
14:39 : Dan - with best of series
14:39 : 20X6!! - usually the best team at the end of the season/pool play, etc
14:39 : westbaystars - Fly ball, not deep enough.
14:40 : westbaystars - But Matsunaka scores from third!
14:40 : Akagaminosteven - Sac-fly RBI
14:40 : t22 - Short series or long series - difficult question
14:40 : torakichi - Big guy!
14:40 : 20X6!! - whoa - Matsunaka the Speedster (*cough cough*) scores!
14:40 : MHStevie - Ogasawara has 3 RBI and no hits!
14:40 : yodo - For the second time
14:41 : 20X6!! - Just what I needed - another pitching change
14:41 : westbaystars - Matsunaka's legs look to be fully healed. He was seriously hobbling in the playoffs last October.
14:41 : Dan - i think the konami cup is a great idea
14:42 : yodo - Pretty soon we'll see infielders pitching for Cuba...
14:42 : BMZ - gotta give it up for Cuba
14:42 : yodo - If they keep changing all the time
14:42 : BMZ - they're not giving in
14:42 : westbaystars - I think of the Konami Cup as a predicessor to the "Real" World Series.
14:43 : BMZ - Konami Cup is great, especially when Chiba sweeps it
14:43 : t22 - Great game
14:43 : westbaystars - It's the last game. Use what you've got.
14:43 : westbaystars - Get everybody into the game.
14:43 : Dan - well, i hope samsung doesn't win the KBO this year
14:43 : Dan - they are the yankees of the KBO these days
14:43 : Dan - -_-
14:43 : MHStevie - Yeah, it would be nice to see the club championship concept extend worldwide...
14:44 : westbaystars - Interesting play by the shortstop to end the inning.
14:44 : Akagaminosteven - 3 more outs
14:44 : westbaystars - But not before Japan doubles their lead 10-5 going to the bottom of the nineth.
14:44 : 20X6!! - when was the Konami Cup?
14:44 : MHStevie - But don't expect MLB to get onboard anytime soon...
14:44 : BMZ - What do you guys think of this year's rookies?
14:44 : yodo - I guess every league needs a yankees/giants type team
14:45 : BMZ - I can't wait to see Fujii of the Dragons and Sumitani of the Lions
14:45 : 20X6!! - I remember it, I just can't remember when it was (I've slept since then)
14:45 : westbaystars - The Konami Cup was at the beginning of November last year.
14:45 : torakichi - Looks like this guys in for a big payday.
14:45 : BMZ - ha
14:45 : westbaystars - League champions from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, plus an all star team from China.
14:45 : Dan - hopefully, my Doosan bears can suprise people and win the KBO this year...but most likely they will finish around 500
14:46 : t22 - Every league needs a rivalry to drive it - For example Tigers/Giants, Boston/ New York
14:47 : Dan - wonder whose gonna be the tourney MVP and all tourney team
14:47 : westbaystars - Leadoff double for Cuba. They don't give up.
14:48 : torakichi - These guys aren't several-time world champs for no reason.
14:48 : 20X6!! - ESPN keeps cutting to Cuba - they probably didn't want to travel
14:49 : Akagaminosteven - Hahaha
14:49 : 20X6!! - whaaaaaa? dugout?
14:49 : westbaystars - Ah, the 20:1 odds for Japan?
14:49 : Dan - man..these umps are horrible...
14:49 : yodo - Who was that guy glaring at the ump with one foot on the field?
14:49 : Dan - trying to make up for missed calls in the WBC
14:49 : Dan - by being nit picky about being on the field
14:49 : Dan - haha
14:49 : westbaystars - The umpire was warning Japan that it's too early to celebrate - keep inside the dugout.
14:50 : torakichi - Hey, is ESPN a pay channel?
14:50 : 20X6!! - I bet the odds were even higher after the Korea loss
14:50 : 20X6!! - it's on cable - so you pay for the cable channel lineup
14:51 : westbaystars - In Japan, the J-Sports channel had other games bilingual (with the ESPN announcers on the sub channel).
14:51 : MHStevie - One down...
14:51 : 20X6!! - Christopher Walken would be proud of the Cuban fans (SNL - "gotta have more cowbell!")
14:51 : westbaystars - Unfortunately, it's on J-Sports 3 today, which is the one I don't get with my cable subscription.
14:52 : westbaystars - Runner now at third.
14:52 : torakichi - In that case, wouldn't purchasing scenes of Cuba and offering them to US viewers for profit...
14:52 : torakichi - ...violate some kind of trade embargo?
14:52 : MHStevie - Nice... Jon Miller on ESPN mentions the "O-N Cannon"... ^_^
14:52 : Akagaminosteven - Best not to think of it. =P
14:53 : 20X6!! - I think Cuba's donating all revenue
14:53 : westbaystars - Miyamoto at short keeps the ball from going into left, but can't throw anyone out.
14:53 : westbaystars - Now 10-6 in favor of Japan with two outs to go.
14:54 : 20X6!! - Jon and Joe keep talking about the Yomiuri Giants like they still dominate . . .
14:54 : westbaystars - Sounds like this Jon Miller character has really done his homework.
14:54 : yodo - These announcers can't mention a nice play by the other team without mentioning that Japan is beating such a strong team
14:55 : westbaystars - 三振!
14:55 : westbaystars - Two outs.
14:55 : t22 - ato hitori de
14:55 : westbaystars - And Oh-kantoku heads to the mound?
14:55 : 20X6!! - a meeting?
14:55 : MHStevie - Ato hitori!
14:56 : yodo - Just saying hi
14:56 : westbaystars - Ohtsuka still in there.
14:56 : 20X6!! - "I just wanted to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you"
14:56 : t22 - one more man
14:56 : westbaystars - Big swing and miss!
14:56 : Akagaminosteven - Ohhh that was high heat
14:56 : 20X6!! - Jon Miller FINALLY is explaining the Ichiro quote
14:56 : Dan - 30 years comment again. haha
14:56 : westbaystars - Next pitch drilled deep but foul.
14:56 : t22 - ato ikyu
14:56 : Dan - 30 years? took less than a week
14:56 : Dan - haha
14:57 : westbaystars - 三振
14:57 : westbaystars - 試合終了!
14:57 : MHStevie - There it is...
14:57 : Akagaminosteven - Wooooohooooo
14:57 : 20X6!! - someday - people will realise that flash bulbs only go about 2 metres
14:58 : westbaystars - On NTV, they're flashing "世界一" (World #1).
14:58 : torakichi - Good stuff. What an incredible end to a scintillating tournament.
14:58 : 20X6!! - 万歳 they all go
14:59 : MHStevie - Yeah, nice game in the end... omedetou!
14:59 : westbaystars - Now, let's interview a player other than Ichiro.
14:59 : 20X6!! - hey! congratulations from Cuba
14:59 : MHStevie - ESPN crew was nominating Ichiro for MVP earlier in the game...
14:59 : 20X6!! - I so wish Japan had done that against the game in Korea....
15:00 : westbaystars - The clock strikes 3:00.
15:00 : MHStevie - I'd have to say congrats to many teams and players in the tourney!
15:01 : westbaystars - So, who was the hero of this game?
15:01 : 20X6!! - Matsuzaka is apparently the MVP
15:01 : MHStevie - Did they say Matsuzaka was given MVP?
15:01 : MichaelEng - Great tournament, congrats to all.
15:01 : 20X6!! - Ichiro in a picture with Cuban players
15:01 : westbaystars - For this game, right? Not the tourny.
15:01 : Dan - WBC MVP
15:01 : 20X6!! - I think it's for the whole tourney....
15:02 : MHStevie - Yeah, congrats to all the teams! For all the problems, it was a truly memorable tourney!
15:02 : BMZ - NIPPON!
15:02 : westbaystars - Wasn't Uehara's performance better?
15:02 : westbaystars - Argh. They're interviewing Ichiro again.
15:03 : BMZ - Let's just hope Korean fans don't whine too much now
15:03 : Dan - whats he saying?
15:03 : 20X6!! - definitely - but I suppose it's the final game everyone looks at....
15:03 : 20X6!! - well ESPN's off
15:03 : BMZ - I don't see that Korean team scoring 10 runs on a team like Cuba anytime soon
15:03 : BMZ - maybe China
15:03 : Dan - why would we whine? korea had a hell of a tourney
15:03 : Dan - sux with the setup..but what can u do
15:03 : BMZ - Korean pitching was great
15:03 : westbaystars - He said that this was the best team to play for.
15:04 : BMZ - but the bats have a long way to go
15:04 : MHStevie - OK, way past my bedtime... thanks for the chatroom, Westbay-san!
15:04 : 20X6!! - *sigh* back to Split Squad spring training games . . . .
15:04 : Dan - yeah..and korea scored 7 runs against the US...
15:04 : MHStevie - BTW,did you get my e-mail about working on some sort of weekly NPB show?
15:04 : Dan - thats like me saying i dont see japan scoring 7 runs against the US anytime soon
15:04 : Dan - holds no water
15:04 : westbaystars - Happy to have you all.
15:05 : BMZ - meh
15:05 : westbaystars - Looking forward to the start of the regular season now.
15:05 : Akagaminosteven - Against a crappy D-train though
15:05 : Dan - anyways...korea had a great tourney..japan did too...i'm happy.
15:05 : westbaystars - Stevie-san, no, I don't see such a message.
15:06 : westbaystars - Let's Skype later tonight (tomorrow morning your time).
15:06 : BMZ - Now it's time for the Marines to get back home and get some of that Bobby Magic
15:06 : MHStevie - That's not good... I sent it weeks ago.
15:07 : MHStevie - I probably won't be able to Skype then... must get to work very early...
15:07 : 20X6!! - okie doke - I'm outta here お疲れ様でした Westbay-san
15:07 : westbaystars - MVP was announced as Matsuzaka.
15:07 : westbaystars - I guess it's because he got three wins.
15:08 : MHStevie - I will resend the e-mail sometime today, then maybe we can figure out a good Skype time soon...
15:08 : BMZ - Uehara was better, IMO
15:08 : Dan - whose on the all WBC team?
15:08 : BMZ - plus, Ichiro was way better for player moral
15:08 : Dan - hope park jin man is on for SS...
15:09 : westbaystars - The last mail I have from you was last January.
15:09 : westbaystars - Please, resend it.
15:09 : MHStevie - I definitely sent it more recently than that...
15:10 : BMZ - Dan, how did he bat?
15:10 : MHStevie - I will... nice seeing everyone! Good night!
15:11 : Dan - he struggled at the plate, but was golden in the infield
15:11 : BMZ - alright, everyone is leaving
15:11 : BMZ - I'll succumb to peer pressure
15:11 : BMZ - peace out
15:11 : westbaystars - Well, thanks for the commentary.
15:12 : westbaystars - Sorry about all the technical problems in the beginning.
15:12 : westbaystars - Any final words, then I'll post the transcript?
15:13 : Dan - nice chatting with everyone. bye

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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