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All-Japanese League Pitching Staff

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
All-Japanese League Pitching Staff
I live in America and I was playing All Star Baseball 2004 the other day and I decided to create an all-Japanese league pitching staff. So if you guys could post some of the best pitchers of the Japanese leagues with thier different pitches, pitching styles, and other various stats, it would be a big help.

Thanks in advance.

Re: All-Japanese League Pitching Staff
[ Author: Guest: matt | Posted: Apr 25, 2003 10:41 AM ]

What about this Kei Igawa guy? His stast look pretty good. What does he throw?
Re: All-Japanese League Pitching Staff
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Apr 25, 2003 3:32 PM | HT Fan ]

- What about this Kei Igawa guy? His stast look pretty good. What does he throw?

C**p. Well, actually that's not quite true, but it's what he's thrown for the past two games! Being a Hanshin fan, and being very fond of Igawa, it really hurts me to say this about our ace pitcher, but in recent times he's been (unngh! Must control... temper...!) "pedestrian."

Last night he got tagged for 4 runs in the 1st inning! He looked OK after that, but not better than "OK." Trying times for our man, and I hope he pulls through. Yesterday's mauling at the hands of Chunichi had a lot to do with the Dragons' impressive strength (especially Kenshin Kawakami - he's on fire), but Igawa certainly did nothing to help his own cause.

Not sure if that was the sort of answer you were seeking... certainly relieved my stress a little. Thanks.
Re: All-Japanese League Pitching Staff
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Apr 26, 2003 9:49 AM | HT Fan ]

There's the really obvious guys like Uehara, Matsuzaka, et al, who I'm sure you can find lots of info on.

One guy I really like is Yakult Swallows' reliever Ryota Igarashi. He really has some zip; while the speed gun reads early to mid 150km/h, it looks (and I'm sure it feels) like more than that. He doesn't have the greatest control in the world, but I'd say he can be fairly demoralising to the batters. I mean, just when you've got used to the starter and you're seeing the ball OK ("got your eye in" as we'd say in cricket), out comes Igarashi and you can't see the pill again; it's just, "I wonder when he's gonna pi..." whizzz, THOCK! "Rooooooop!" ("Strike!").

I sure wish he played for Hanshin...

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Michael Westbay
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