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CL All Star Pitching

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CL All Star Pitching
I am reading that Kenjiro Kawasaki of Chunichi is first among starting pitchers in the CL? Has he played a single game this season? What is going on?
Re: CL All Star Pitching
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 2, 2003 1:35 PM | YBS Fan ]

You read that right. And you are correct, he hasn't played in a single game yet this season. Considering that he wasn't even a nominated starter, it's a mystery to me as to how gathered so many votes. Perhaps an error in the voting page, so he got a lot of votes that should have gone elsewhere. (Since the voting page is no more, I can't check the HTML source.)

Do we have any fans in the Nagoya area? Was there some sort of campain to vote Kawasaki in to show support for the injured veteran? Or to protest his not playing a single game since moving to Nagoya as an expensive free agent?

This is rather mysterious. I'll keep a look out for an explanation in the newspaper, now.
Re: CL All Star Pitching
[ Author: PLNara | Posted: Jul 2, 2003 5:27 PM | HT Fan ]

I grabbed this [in Japanese] off Yahoo's Pro Yakyu site. It explains a little bit about Kawasaki's arm injuries and so on, but doesn't speculate as to why he received so many votes.

I couldn't read all of this article, but it appears that he has given up his chance to appear in the All-Star Game. (Anyone feel free to set me straight if I'm misunderstanding this.)
Re: CL All Star Pitching
[ Author: PLNara | Posted: Jul 2, 2003 5:29 PM | HT Fan ]

Never mind that. This one explains the problem [Yahoo Sports - in Japanese].

Somebody used one computer to vote multiple times.
Re: CL All Star Pitching
[ Author: morosuki | Posted: Jul 3, 2003 8:01 AM | YOK Fan ]

I have also heard through the grapevine (actually from a pissed off Chunichi fan) that it is sort of a (ijime) jab at Kawasaki-senshu. He leaves Yakult for a large amount of cash only to not pitch a single ichi-gun game in what, 3 or 4 years. But to reinstate, this is only rumor.

I am hoping that he gets his health back. With a healthy Kawasaki and Kawakami in the Dragons rotation, they would give the Giants fits.

Re: CL All Star Pitching
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Jul 3, 2003 10:02 AM | HT Fan ]

- I have also heard through the grapevine (actually from a pissed off Chunichi fan) that it is sort of a (ijime) jab at Kawasaki-senshu.

Right. It was on the NHK news last night. A web site called on "fans" to do it. Kawasaki made himself unavailable for the vote, and seemed quite perplexed by the whole thing. Random players and fans interviewed all agreed that the whole thing was a sorry affair.

There were also a number of other anomalies: excellent batter though Trey Moore (Hanshin starting pitcher) is, he's received a number of votes to play at 1st base; and people have voted for Lotte's third baseman Rick Short to play at... you guessed it, shortstop.

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Michael Westbay
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