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Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
That's what the folks at are saying. They linked to this article in Japanese on Yahoo. Is this for real? If so, is it possible for MLB and NPB teams to trade players? Detroit needs pitching.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Nov 21, 2007 11:50 AM | SFT Fan ]

Interesting, though the Shane Spencer signing didn't work out. Thames has power, but strikes out way too much and has an abysmal on-base percentage. That's kind of a concern to me if I were Hanshin. If he can cut down on the strikeouts he might be worth it.

One thing to mention is that he can play first base, and Hanshin needs a first baseman. I wonder if Thames would be passable at first base with defense? He didn't do too bad at first from what I saw. Though another thing to mention is that Hanshin is looking at Kosuke Fukudome at outfield, which would count him out at outfield.

Also, with the recent trade for Jacque Jones, his path seems blocked with Cameron Maybin figuring to be next in line at left field. A stint in NPB might not be out of the question, I just don't see it with Hanshin.

From reading that article, it says they are also looking at Cody Ross of the Florida Marlins and Jason Lane who was recently let go by the Padres. Both of them make more sense to me than Thames. Also a quick news search [Google Japan] shows only Hochi Sports reporting it.

- If so, is it possible for MLB and NPB teams to trade players?

No, it's not currently possible for MLB and NPB teams to trade players. The Detroit Tigers would get cash for Thames, which would be around $300,000 or so I figure.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Guest: puddin head | Posted: Nov 21, 2007 1:10 PM ]

American and Japanese teams don't make trades. If the Detroit Tigers want to upgrade their pitching, there are guys available from Japan on the free agent market. Snoop around the site a bit, you'll see who they all are.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Nov 21, 2007 4:11 PM | HAN Fan ]

I believe that Arai is intended for first base and Lin can also play the position.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Nov 21, 2007 10:26 PM | HT Fan ]

- American and Japanese teams don't make trades. If the Detroit Tigers want to upgrade their pitching, there are guys available from Japan on the free agent market. Snoop around the site a bit, you'll see who they all are.

Oh, I've been here a while. I just never saw a post addressing the possibility - or non-possibility as it turns out - of player trades between the two leagues.

Cody Ross is an interesting option. The guys at the Tigers forum will have fun with that one.

Regarding Thames at 1st base: I see about 95% of the Tigers' games every season, and Marcus looked decent at 1st. He's no Gold Glover, but he doesn't embarrass himself either. Offensively, he's the ultimate platoon guy, as his splits against LH pitching are far better than against righties. In the end, he will probably platoon in left with Jones for Detroit. Maybin was really over-matched in his brief call-up, but he's a future stud.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Nov 26, 2007 7:38 AM | HAN Fan ]

The latest information is that Hanshin are interested in Phelps from the Detroit Tigers. Can anyone fill me in on who he is? I heard he was injured last season - is this true?
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Nov 26, 2007 9:17 AM | SFT Fan ]

There was no Phelps on the Detroit Tigers this year, wonder if they mean Josh Phelps [Baseball-Reference] who was recently let go by the Pirates. He's always been a interesting option at first base, and Phelps has always had good power.

Phelps played last year with the New York Yankees and Pittsburgh Pirates, doing pretty well in limited at bats (157), batting .306 with 7 HRs and 31 RBI.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Nov 26, 2007 12:51 PM | HAN Fan ]

Yes my mistake - it was Josh Phelps of the Pirates.
Re: Hanshin Interested in Detroit's Thames?
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: Nov 27, 2007 1:59 PM ]

I agree with John. Cody Ross would appear to be the better option for first base.

However, you just never know how players are going to do in Japan until they play there. Maybe Thames would rake. Who knows? Phelps is interesting, too. But Ross seems more promising, at least for now.

Jacque Jones may not have the right kind of personality for Japan and would cost a fortune. So I'm not sure they are going to take on that kind of risk.
Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Nov 27, 2007 2:35 PM | HAN Fan ]

Speculation is now including Ford from the Minnesota Twins. What are your thoughts on him?
Re: Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Nov 27, 2007 4:52 PM | SFT Fan ]

Ford [Baseball-Reference] isn't as intriguing an option as say Ross or Phelps are. Since his solid 2004 season, he hasn't displayed much power and his OBP has hovered around the high .200's or low .300's.

Right now, Arai looks to be set at first base and Hanshin will probably give Imaoka the first chance at third base.

Ross, plays the outfield and can be had for less than Fukudome (if he decides to go to MLB or Yomiuri) and is very intriguing to me. Ross has always had good power, though who knows how anyone will do in NPB till they get there? At the current moment, Ross looks like the best option.

The signing of Arai seems to hurt the chances for Phelps, since he isn't going to be behind the plate with the language barrier, and that there's no DH in the Central League either.
Re: Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Dan Miceli | Posted: Nov 27, 2007 10:10 PM ]

I don't see Josh Phelps coming here for 2008 unless someone really steps up to the plate and guarantees him big bucks. He was successful in MLB in 2007 - albeit in a very limited role as others have pointed out - and I can easily see another MLB team wanting him around because he can fill in a little at third base, and as the 3rd string/emergency catcher.

Would the Seibu Lions be interested after giving up on Cabrera for another year? Perhaps both Phelps and Ross would be a good idea for the Lions who look to have a punchless lineup without trying their luck on some new imports. It doesn't make any sense to spend big on Ishii if you're not going to do what's necessary to improve your everyday lineup.
Re: Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Nov 28, 2007 2:50 AM | SFT Fan ]

Yeah, I agree. Phelps, while he would be a nice addition, had enough success in limited time that some MLB team should give him a guaranteed look. Consider that he can go behind the plate in an emergency, and there should be teams out there that should give him a guaranteed look.

Phelps makes excellent sense for Seibu I would think, replacing Cabrera. Thing is, is Seibu ready to fork out the money for Phelps? They need a power bat now that Cabrera is gone. Ross also makes sense in the outfield and would also fill that position of a power bat. Also, I agree with your last point, that if you're going to overpay for Ishii, you might as well get the bats there to make them compete.
Re: Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Deanna | Posted: Nov 27, 2007 5:23 PM | NIP Fan ]

Dude! Lew Ford!

I haven't actually seen him play in a while, though I always remember him as being a decent player, not spectacular or anything, but not bad.

He's also a super-nice guy from most accounts, so maybe he'd be able to adjust to Japan well.

But what's really awesome about Lew Ford is that he got a 1,400 on his SATs, was an engineering major in college, and is a big computer geek (supposedly he used to bring his desktop computer to spring training so he could play Doom, and his teammates would always ask him to fix their computers). Maybe he would do some blogging or something if he came to Japan, like CJ Nitkowski and the others. That'd be so awesome!

Oh, and well, he'd play baseball, too, of course. Assuming that there's anything to the rumor, of course. I don't think I'd seen anything about him since he was released by Minnesota.
Re: Twins' Ford?
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Nov 28, 2007 2:54 AM | SFT Fan ]

Right now, it's look like Ford it is. Hanshin has left the Fukudome sweepstakes to move their focus to Ford [Japan Ball]. As I mentioned above, Ford really doesn't excite me too much based on the last few years.

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Michael Westbay
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