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Looking for a Fukudome Jersey

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Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
Help. I want a Fukudome jersey; a Chunichi Dragons jersey to be exact. But I can't seem to find one on any English sites (and I don't speak Japanese). I have found them for sale at the team'€™s official shop site.

I don't know if they ship to the US, or even how to contact them via e-mail. Can anyone here help me out? I would love to greet Fukudome in right-field wearing one of his old jerseys.

Also, I don't even know the equivalent sizes - I can see that they list sizes SS-S, M-L, and O-XO, but I don't even know if this is displaying right in my browser. Again, if anyone can help me, I would be very happy. (And I hope I am posting this in the right place.)

Thank you!
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 23, 2008 4:16 PM | YBS Fan ]

First, did you check The Yakyu Shop? They ship to the U.S. and process everything in English. The Yakyu Shop has been in business for about 10 years, and I consider them to be trustworthy. The only complaints I've seen have been regarding things beyond their control (like the costs, especially as the value of the US dollar plummets, and the selection of licensed goods available - the quality of some of them, and the lack of American sizes for others).

Second, I see that the Yakyu Shop is currently having server trouble. They suggest that you write to them with any inquiries for now. As I said before, they're trustworthy and will do their best to get what you want (if it's available). Write them to find out.

Third, I'm saying that they're trustworthy, but how do you know how trustworthy I am? If you're new here, you don't. Due diligence would see you check The Wayback Machine and see that I've been helping people as best as I could with Pro Yakyu questions since at least 2000. But serving up 6-7 thousand pages a day on average, I think that there are some people who find what I do useful.

One person I recently helped, Jeff Passon of Yahoo! Sports, has pretty much ruined my reputation with the Yokohama BayStars for my part in helping him to get an interview which he twisted and into an abomination. Subsequent articles from him have belittled Japan and Pro Yakyu (as well as suffered form a lack of fact checking), making me regret that I failed my part in verifying his purpose.

Anyway, I have no connection with The Yakyu Shop other than being happy that it was opened to help all the people who had asked me to buy them things over the years (which I politely refused). But please, don't just take my word for it. Verify. Google is your friend.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: Guest: cubbie-blue | Posted: Mar 24, 2008 1:32 AM ]

I have read about the Yakyu Shop - and I have been trying to review their site for about a week now, but it has been down (a very long time to have an "error"). I'm guessing they are making a major upgrade to their e-store.

But I figure, why not go straight to the source? If the Dragons' website can process/ship an international order, that would be my first choice. But, the fact that they have no English links is a hint that they do not. I would think someone involved with Japanese teams would start to catch on that there is a market for this merchandise here in the States (even with our terrible economy). Can anyone help?
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 24, 2008 9:52 AM | YBS Fan ]

Very good points. Since you've tried the easy option, I'm more than happy to help with the harder one.

I've sent off a message to the Dragons' online store asking if they ship overseas or not. Depending on the reply, we can worry about the next step (ordering from their online store) next.

Here's hoping for a positive reply on the shipping.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: FukudomeCubs | Posted: Mar 24, 2008 1:53 PM | CD Fan ]

I can speak to this with some experience.

I don't know what answer will come back from the Dragons, but my understanding is that none of the online shops will ship overseas at all. I was successful in getting some Fukudome merchandise using an online Japanese goods service that will act as a middleman for a fee. The fee is reasonable, but with the shipping, it still winds up being very expensive.

Further complicating your problem, I believe they (the Dragons) have pulled most, if not all, of the Fukudome stuff now that they have rolled out the '08 gear. One other possible source would be the Nagoya Dome shop. If either of you works out how to get them to ship directly, I'd appreciate knowing how to do it.

Finally, I first got a jersey from Yakyu Shop. The jersey itself was fine, but I have to say I was disappointed with the customizing. They were up front about the possibility that it would not be an exact match, so no complaints, but it just didn't quite work out as I had hoped.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 24, 2008 5:03 PM | YBS Fan ]

I got a reply from the Dragons' official shop.

Their reply was:

Regarding your inquiry, Fukudome goods are no longer being sold.
We humbly apologize.
This confirms FukudomeCubs' assertion, even if it doesn't answer the question about shipping outside of Japan. I guess they seem to consider the question moot in this case.

I had a look through Yahoo! Auctions (Japan's eBay), but found only two Cubs jerseys and a pink one from Chunichi.

Well, that looks like a dead end.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: FukudomeCubs | Posted: Mar 25, 2008 11:05 AM | CD Fan ]

Yes, Fukudome jerseys appear to be completely off of both websites now. They are pictured in a couple of places, but he is not available in the drop down player selection window.

I think there would only be two options at this point. First (recommended) watch eBay. There has been one seller who occasionally posts the official replica for sale. I haven't ordered from him, but that's the best reasonably priced version of the jersey available.

Second, if you are really desperate (and committed), you can order a blank jersey and the lettering and numbering from the Dragons' site. But you would have to find a middleman to do this, and then find someone to sew it for you.

Seems I got in right under the wire.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: Guest: cubbie-blue | Posted: Mar 26, 2008 3:29 PM ]

Well, I am committed!

I wanted to add that if anyone comes across one maybe we can arrange something where you make a profit on the deal.

Also, I have lots of Cubs bleacher tickets I would certainly trade for one, if anyone is traveling to Chicago or lives here. The bleachers are separate from the field, so it's the only way to sit near Fukudome, and the bleachers at Wrigley are like none other in all of sports.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: Guest: cubbie-blue | Posted: Mar 25, 2008 11:19 AM ]

Strange - I searched their site and found this link with Fukudome stuff, and it has been updated since I last looked on Sunday: [link].

The main jersey I was looking at is this one (the white one has been removed).

Could this stuff be on sale? Or does it say it's discontinued? It looks like it's for sale - take a look and let me know. Still holding out hope.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Mar 25, 2008 12:49 PM | YBS Fan ]

As FukudomeCubs says above, the picture of the jersey you cite is Fukudome's, but the list of available names are:

2 Araki
3 Tatsunami
6 Ibata

The page you post in your original first message had also given me an error when I first looked for it, so I think they were in the process of removing Fukudome goods on that day.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: Guest: cubbie-blue | Posted: Mar 25, 2008 2:26 PM ]

Looks like I came up with this idea a bit late.

Thanks to everyone that replied and went out of their way - your help is very much appreciated. I will keep searching the auction sites, and consider the Yakyu Shop - but it seems like that could be hit-or-miss.

But I am glad I found this website with so many helpful fans. I will keep searching - and if I find any new info I will be sure to post it.

Thanks again.
Re: Looking for a Fukudome Jersey
[ Author: Guest: cubbie-blue | Posted: Mar 30, 2008 4:00 PM ]

Well, I am committed!

I wanted to add that if anyone comes across one maybe we can arrange something where you make a profit on the deal.

Also, I have lots of Cubs bleacher tickets I would certainly trade for one, if anyone is traveling to Chicago or lives here. The bleachers are separate from the field, so it's the only way to sit near Fukudome, and the bleachers at Wrigley are like none other in all of sports.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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