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How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
I am a fan in the United States and got the opportunity to get to know Dicky Gonzalez. Since I last saw him I haven't had the chance to talk to him again. Could you please give me an update or is there any way I could get in contact with him? Thank You!
Re: How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: May 17, 2005 6:02 PM | YAK Fan ]

Dicky fractured the ring finger in his pitching hand while fielding a ball in a pre-season game against Hiroshima back in late March. He had an operation on the finger on April 1st, and was expected to be back on the mound 6 weeks after that. I would expect to see Dicky pitching sometime soon, but maybe he'll need a couple starts with the farm team first.

I read a rumor in one of the sports papers here that the Yakult Swallows' manager is planning on sticking with the current 5 man rotation, which means that the plans for Dicky Gonzalez and the newly acquired Rick Guttormson are still up in the air. I really hope Dicky comes back as a starter, because I liked what I saw from him last year.
Re: How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
[ Author: Guest: ItalianPrncss | Posted: May 18, 2005 6:26 AM ]

Thank You for the update. If you hear any latest news please inform. My e-mail is Krazyk7698 at yahoo d0t com. Thanks!
Re: How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: May 20, 2005 10:49 PM ]

I hope Dicky does well too. He was one of those AAAA players, pitched lights out in AAA, but couldn't seem to stick in MLB.
Re: How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: May 31, 2005 9:07 AM | YAK Fan ]

Sankei Sports is reporting that Dicky will be back in the bullpen starting from the May 31st game against Orix. Yakult pitching coach Akimitsu Itoh said that Dicky will be used as a setup man in front of closer Hirotoshi Ishii.

I guess the decision to use Dicky out of the bullpen instead of as a starter came from the fact that last year's closer, Ryota Igarashi, is not in top form right now, and Yakult is currently using as many as 6 starters already.
Re: How is Dicky Gonzalez Doing?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 1, 2005 8:17 AM ]

Gonzalez pitched in his first game versus the Buffaloes on Tuesday (May 31). Gonzalez pitched 1 and 2/3 innings, giving up no hits. [Box Score - Borisov's Pro Yakyu]

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