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Which Team to Watch?

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Which Team to Watch?
Our 17 year old son and his girlfriend (who works at the Seattle Mariners stadium) would like to see a baseball game in Japan during 7/9-12. Question:

Would you recommend Baystars vs Swallows at Yokohama or Fighters vs. Buffaloes at Tokyo? I'm assuming All Star game tickets are sold out.

What seating area tickets do you recommend? We prefer the cheaper seats but is there any visibility?

Any type of suggestion would be most helpful. Thanx
Re: Which Team to Watch?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 13, 2002 9:20 AM | YBS Fan ]

Either match up will most likely have pleanty of seats available, so that won't be a factor.

The Fighters play at Tokyo Dome, whereas the BayStars play outdoors at Yokohama Stadium (artificial grass either way). If the weather turns bad, Tokyo Dome becomes the only choice.

If it's home runs that your son likes to watch, then I'd suggest the Fighters vs. Buffaloes game. Tokyo Dome, while its dimentions are actually larger than Yokohama Stadium, sees a great many more home runs. Given that Colorado's stadium gives up a lot of long balls due to the thinner atmosphere, I've often wondered why Tokyo Dome gives up so many with the higher air pressure (to hold up the roof). Nonetheless, the Fighters and Buffs are #s 1 and 3 in the Pacific League for round trippers, and it would be a treat to see Tuffy and Nakamura hit a pair out.

Yokohama pitchers give up a lot of home runs, but the team doesn't hit very many. Rhodes and Nakamura, between the two of them, have more round trippers than the entire BayStars team. (Still, I'm a BayStars' fan myself, so win or lose, that's where I'd chose.)

As for seating, the outfield seats are the cheapest. They're also the first to go. For ticket prices, please see Latham-san's tickets page for a list of seats and prices at the various stadiums. Because most Japanese stadiums are made for baseball first and American football, soccer, pro wrestling, or concerts secondary, pretty much all of the seats have a good line. The lower infield seats do have a netting that many foreigner find annoying, but it doesn't block the view that bad. And I prefer that to the upper sections of Tokyo Dome where one is just too far away from the field to be able to read names on the backs of jurseys.

And now that I've mentioned it, you should definately point your son to Latham-san's See a Japanese Baseball Game page.

Oh, and there is one thing about the outfield seating that requires a warning. That is where the oendan (cheering troop) sits with their horns, drums, and giant banners. The banners may block the view, and the noise level is rather high. But, hey, a 17 year old would most likely enjoy that. And as the fans out there tend to be a little more outgoing, he may make some friends and learn some songs as well. But he and his girlfriend will not be able to hold a conversation during the game out there. One can at least talk while sitting in the infield seats.

The final choice has to be your son's and his preferred tastes. I can only hope that this helps give him some background in making that choice.

Have a good trip!
Re: Which Team to Watch?
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: May 13, 2002 2:52 PM ]

As Michael-san mentioned in passing, the weather during that time of year is rainy PLUS it is very hot and humid. So from a pure creature comfort point of view plus from the perspective of the game likely to actually get played, the Tokyo Dome contest is your best bet. However, if you're like me and hate domes, then I would spend the day in Yokohama (make sure you check out the Chinatown there, great Chinese food) and then hope things would be okay at the park at night. Besides, the shower back at the hotel after seeing a game on a hot day feels sooooooooo good.

One hint, though: if you go to the Tokyo Dome tilt and will be taking the train there, make sure you buy your return ticket before you leave the station. After the game lets out it gets to be a madhouse there. So buying ahead will save you some time and hassle.
Re: Which Team to Watch?
[ Author: summer | Posted: May 14, 2002 5:22 AM ]

Thank you so much for the detailed info. ^_^

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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