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Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors

I've just about finished working up my version of conversion factors from NPB to the majors based on the 1992-2001 data. Now, what I need are the test subjects to make this into an article. I thought I'd go through the entire list of players eligible for posting/ likely to be posted even though the team needn't do so/ eligible to go to the majors as a free agent. However, while I could get some of the hottest candidates (the Matsuis, etc.), I'm sure I don't have the entire list. Is this list somewhere on the web or can you and the readers provide a reasonably comprehensive list?

Jim Albright
Re: Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 15, 2002 12:13 PM | YBS Fan ]

This is one of those topics I'm really not good with. I'm more of a "wait and see" person.

The only person not mentioned in the Rumor Mill section that readilly comes to mind is Yokohama's closer Takashi Saitoh. I've read reports of MLB scouts following him around and saying that he has what it takes. He has already qualified for free agency this off season.

I did a few Google searches in Japanese for a list of free agents this off season, but haven't found anything useful after about 30 minutes. Either my search skills need improvement (very possible) or there isn't such a comprehensive list yet.

The major problem with trying to do this before the end of the season is that no players really want to say anything until everything is over (unless they're looking to push their price up). I know that it seems like the races are pretty much over for the year, but ...

As soon as I see a list of free agents, I'll post it to the News section. Promise.
Re: Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Sep 15, 2002 1:24 PM ]

Normally, I'd agree, but the idea for the article is not only to lay out the conversion factors, but to use the results on some test cases. In that respect, I can use the projections to say who is a good bet *if* he comes, and who *isn't* and maybe should stay put. On the other hand, right now there is the data for almost 150 players to input so I can come up with those conversion figures, so I've got a little work to do before I'm ready for the list.

Jim Albright
Re: Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Sep 16, 2002 6:23 AM | HT Fan ]

I thought I'd go through the entire list of players eligible for posting...

Wait, aren't all NPB players eligible for posting?
Re: Players Eligble for Posting/Going to the Majors
[ Author: Guest: James Albright | Posted: Sep 18, 2002 4:24 AM ]

Only if the team agrees. A player can't force the issue until he's served at least nine years in the Japanese system, per my understanding of the system.

Jim Albright
This is the subject
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Oct 3, 2002 4:45 AM | HT Fan ]


I suspect most of these guys are on your list already, but here are the players I'd enjoy reading about in your article. Looking forward to it!

Kosuke Fukudome
Tadahito Iguchi
Kenji Johjima
Hiroki Kokubo
Hideki Matsui
Kazuo Matsui
Nobuhiko Matsunaka
Norihiro Nakamura
Michihiro Ogasawara
Takanori Suzuki
Yoshinobu Takahashi
Yoshitomo Tani

P.S. I'd love to see Akinori Iwamura and Shinnosuke Abe on the list, too, but they haven't played enough, right?

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Michael Westbay
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