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4 WWII Death Discrepancies?

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4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
I was comparing the list of men killed in WWII between and the Hall of Fame site and I came up with four discrepancies:

Tsutomu Aoki
Takeo Nagai
Takeo Tabe
Masao Nakamoto

If anyone can help here I would appreciate it. Did they die in WWII? Thanks.
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 8:43 AM | YBS Fan ]

According to the "2001 Pro Yakyu Player Dictionary," I have the following information.

Tsutomu Aoki
Born May 29, 1936 in Kanagawa prefecture.
Entered Tombo in 1955, so that eliminates him.
Does the date of birth match the Aoki you're referring to?

Takeo Nagai
Born in 1904 in Hyogo prefecture, died in 1938.
Biography confirms "senshi" - "killed in battle."

Takeo Tabe
The only Tabe-san listed is Teruo Tabe:
Born December 19, 1916 in Hiroshima prefecture, died on September 16, 2000. So that eliminates him.
Did Takeo have an alias?

Masao Nakamoto
Born August 25, 1920 in Kagoshima prefecture, died in 1944.
Drafted in 1944 while pitching for Kinki.
Sunk on his way to Iojima.

That confirms two. Hope it helps.
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 12:47 PM ]

I found Takeo Tabe listed in the Hall of Fame - died June 1945. Could he be in the Hall without playing in Pro Yakyu?
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 7:23 PM | YBS Fan ]

- Could he be in the Hall without playing in Pro Yakyu?

Yes, as this page explains:
[Tabe] was an all-rounder at Meiji, playing every position except behind the plate. He stole 109 bases in 105 games when the Tokyo Giants made an American tour in 1934, which was prophetic of his potential greatness in pro baseball.
The question then becomes, why didn't Tabe pursue a career in professional baseball after the American tour?
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 1:00 PM ]

Hall of Fame web site also list Tsutomu Aoki born: 9/1/12 and lists a man same name born: 5/29/36 - could the older man just not have played in Pro Yakyu? I don't know - just trying to figure it out.

Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 7:38 PM | YBS Fan ]

I was unable to find an Aoki at all at either the Hall of Fame English or Japanese inductee list pages. Can you please provide a link?

I did find a Kenichi Aoshiba who was born on September 1, 1912 who passed away at a military hospital in November of 1945. He played for the Giants between 1936 and 1938.

Further investigation shows that "The Official Baseball Encyclopedia 2004" lists the May 29, 1936 born Tsutomu Aoki as Jun Aoki, same Kanji, birthdate, and team history. But neither source mentions the other name as an alias. (Both sources do mention aliases for other ball players.)
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: Guest: Michael Eng | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 8:32 PM ]

The cenotaph list has a Tsutomu Aoki. [Link]

This page [Orix Buffaloes Player Numbers - in Japanese] indicates that there was a Tsutomu Aoki on the 1939 Braves (#19). According to this site [Hankyu/Orix Yearly Results - in Japanese], there is no record of him ever appearing in a game.
Re: 4 WWII Death Discrepancies?
[ Author: Guest: Brian M. | Posted: Nov 4, 2005 11:11 PM ]

Thank you very much. I originally got the names from this page.

It was just confusing to me because neither Tabe nor Aoki played in the pro league, so I could not find their records.

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Michael Westbay
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