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Tigers To Be Sold?

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Tigers To Be Sold?
This Mainichi Daily News article says the Hanshin Tigers parent firm is in danger of being sold. That's news to me. Does anyone know the financial outlook of the Hanshin Railroad Company? Because I find the article hard to believe if true. I always thought the Hanshin Railroad Company was in a better financial setting.
Re: Tigers To Be Sold?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 2, 2005 8:39 PM | YBS Fan ]

This is the speculation being caused by the Murakami Fund's possible hostile takeover of Hanshin Railroad. I think most of the Murakami rumors are speculation by people who have no idea about what's going on. (Since I get my news from those same people, I consider myself in that group.) It's easier to sell newspapers to Hanshin fans if there's some sort of possible tragedy ahead, and the tabloids are playing to that crowd.

Move along. Nothing to see here.
Re: Tigers To Be Sold?
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Dec 2, 2005 11:02 PM | HT Fan ]

- Move along. Nothing to see here.

Yes, especially as the next item in the article deals with "Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie" and then some semi-nude photo of someone or other. Serious stuff.
Re: Tigers To Be Sold?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Dec 2, 2005 11:53 PM ]

That's what I thought. I found it very hard to believe.

Re: Tigers To Be Sold?
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Dec 5, 2005 12:56 PM | HAN Fan ]

Hanshin Railroad Company is very sound financially. They have an excellent asset portfolio and unlike other companies did not get caught by the property bubble of the 1980s. Cashflow is good, especially with the Tigers doing well, and the fundementals are strong.

Where there may be issues is that debt is small so it could be argued that they are under-leveraged and their property portfolio is undervalued. Murakami's shareholding would not be enough to force a sale of the parent company, and at the moment, he is looking at selling the assets.

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Michael Westbay
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