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NPB Average Salaries

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
NPB Average Salaries
Dear Commish:

What are the salary ranges for NPB players? High, low and average? I saw that Hideki Irabu was just re-signed for US$2 million for one year. Is that on par with what players make? Thanks for your help.
Re: NPB Average Salaries
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 13, 2002 11:49 PM | YBS Fan ]

Questions about salaries come up often. Such as here, here, and here.

Unfortunately, they don't cover 2002. However, I did get a request by mail in 2002 for career salaries for some players, so I whipped together this file (standard text CSV file) for said researcher and asked for a heads up if he/she caught any annomolies. I hadn't heard anything since, so the data can't be too bad. Just open it up in a spreadsheet of your choice or load it into a database (that's the nice thing about using standard formats rather than priprietary ones like XLS), sort it how ever you like, and you'll have your high, low, and averages per year. (Easier to do with a database than a spreadsheet, but...)

All salary figures are in units of man yen. 1-man is 10,000. English has a new word for every three digits, Japanese every four digits. It's a cultural thing.

Keep in mind. The data is not complete (many players missing), and most likely has errors (wrong salary figures). Use these for ballpark figures only. Don't quote them as being facts. If you absolutely must have facts, get in touch with the Commissioners' Office, NPB-BIS, or the Players' Association. (Only the Players' Association can be contacted on-line so far as I know. Search this site a bit, you'll find it.)

Hope this helps.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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