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Cuban Players Stats

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Cuban Players Stats
Hello people:
Do you guys know where I could find the stats of the Cuban players (Kindelan, Pacheco, Ulacia, German Mesa) who played in the Industrial League years ago (around 2002)?

Thanks very much in advance.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 2, 2006 2:10 PM | YBS Fan ]

I'm sorry, but Industrial League stats are very difficult to come by. If you know what teams they were on, there's a small chance the teams may keep such records. Although, I don't know for how long back they would still have them.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: Robert | Posted: Dec 3, 2006 7:54 AM ]

Thank you very much for replying.

It was on 2002 and the team was Shidax. Do you think they'd have them still?
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Dec 3, 2006 5:52 PM | SFT Fan ]

Shidax dissolved the baseball team officially at the end of the year. So any stats may be hard to find. Plus by looking at the Shidax Baseball [in Japanese] website, I see no stats whatsoever.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: Robert | Posted: Dec 3, 2006 11:47 PM ]

Wow, I didn't know it got dissolved.

Looking at their web page was my first resource, I went to the site, but I can't read Japanese so I tried to translate it, but the same thing that happened to you occurred to me, I saw no stats. I e-mailed them but I don't even know whether I did it correctly or not because everything was in Japanese and apparently I got to send the e-mail. Now, I am not 100% sure because I couldn't translate that page.

Is there another way of getting these stats that you know of?

I really greatly appreciate your help.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 4, 2006 8:19 AM | YBS Fan ]

I've sent them your question in Japanese. If I get a reply, I'll translate it and pass it on. That's about all I can do.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: Robert | Posted: Dec 4, 2006 11:05 AM ]

I really appreciate it sir.

Thanks very much.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: Nothing yet? | Posted: Dec 16, 2006 8:21 AM ]

I just wanted to know whether they had e-mailed you with the info or not sir.

Thanks very much for everything.
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: T Moore | Posted: Dec 18, 2006 3:16 AM ]

Here's one. The translator does not seem to work for the stats page. Too many abbreviations?

This just got back on the web: XLV Serie Nacional de Béisbol (2005-2006) [in Spanish].
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: T Moore | Posted: Dec 18, 2006 2:30 AM ]

They were available for the top players in BB America's Minor League Stats book the last couple years. Haven't found it on the shelves this year though.

Until the current Admin is out of power in the USA they are of little value to MLB fantasy players, IMO. Really, can't understand why NPB teams are not clawing all over Cuba in search of ready talent.

There used to be a great site in Spanish on the La Liga de Cuba. But, it got white washed off the WWW. Surprise!
Re: Cuban Players Stats
[ Author: Guest: Robert | Posted: Jan 20, 2007 1:03 AM ]

Thanks very much, it's been a long time since I last accessed the site.

Yeah, I can read Spanish, but really I couldn't get the info I wanted. I guess it is not relevant to them, like you said.

I totally agree, the are crazy for not going to Cuba and getting all the cheap and good talent we have over there.

Thanks very much.

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