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May 2007 - Tickets Advice

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May 2007 - Tickets Advice
Note: I've gone thoroughly through the FAQ Ticket sections, every link from it, and every link from that, so I've done as much research as I could before asking.

In May 2007, I've managed to secure a cheaper flight when I fly from Brisbane, Australia to Los Angeles. In each direction, I stop in Tokyo, but it's only on the return leg where I can go into town for a few days. Having checked the 2007 schedule on the NPB official website, I have found 2 matches of interest to me - Lions vs. Baystars or Marines vs. Dragons on Thursday May 24, I'm leaning towards the Seibu match. Now, I've done the train research (timetables, fares, etc.) from where I shall be staying in Asakusa OR Jim-bocho to get to the train stations near the respective grounds, so I know how to get to the Seibu Dome or Chiba Marine Stadium.

My question, however is:
  • When I arrive in Tokyo on May 22, how difficult will it be to roll up on the midweek night of May 24 to see one of these games? Given the teams’ traditional standings, it's midweek, and not a derby match, my hunch is it should be possible to do so.
  • What would the readers suggest?
I will also do research to find out ticket outlets for e+ around Asakusa (though I don't know kanji when accessing websites), in case I need to buy my ticket upon arrival on May 22. I'm even thinking of going to a ticket outlet the day I'm in Tokyo (April 22 for a 16 hour stopover) on the way over to the U.S., and buying my tickets then and there in advance. But, that will be a Sunday, and I'm not holding my breath the necessary places would be open on that Sunday in April. Not after my adventures in trying to find an automatic teller machine in Tokyo one frantic Saturday with just 1,000 yen in my wallet until I found an ATM the next morning.

(Please note that I have read about the service Bob Bavasi provides at his Japan Ball site, and as great as it is, paying a US$50 charge for each stadium (not the tickets, just a stadium charge of some sort) for game(s) one wishes to attend (whilst a service with a required demand) is a bit expensive.

Just as an idea, if I stayed at a nicer hotel on the way over, could I get the concierge to buy my tickets? Might be a better investment perhaps? (I'm seriously looking at all ideas).

Also, to Mr. Westbay, I offer the invitation for you and your family to attend the Lions - Baystars’ game with me whilst I'm there (an away match for you), should that be the game. This site has helped me so much, as well as the links from it. It's amazing how little people outside of Japan (and especially outside of the U.S.) know about Japanese baseball.

Please note I've read all the other ticket links (some of which may need to be updated), and checked all the possibilities, including the e+ site. I've googled so many times that it's making my head spin.

Hope someone can help.

Brisbane, Australia

EXTRA - a quick backstory as to how this site helped me in 2004.

Thanks to the information here, and through other sites, I ended up catching a Giants-Tigers showdown on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at the Tokyo Dome. That night, the Tigers won 7-6, but my interest in NPB began.

A quick story to aid/entertain others - I bought my ticket about 3 days before the game (at the Ticket Booth at the Tokyo Dome itself), the cheapest seat (and pretty much the only section left), 1,000 yen. Little did I know that the "seat" was in fact a standing area (and after a day of sightseeing, my ankles were killing me in no time at all).

Thankfully, there I was, the only anglo-saxon in the stadium - and wearing a replica jersey (the 3,700 Yen reps, compared to the 10,000 Yen originals) of my new chosen favorite player (outfielder and National Team player #24 Yoshinobu Takahashi). In the 2nd inning, a gentleman came up to me and (in broken English), asked if I'd like to sit next to him, which I was graciously accepted (in broken Japanese). From what I could gather, he was possibly a season ticket holder, and/or friend of #29 Maeda, a relief pitcher for the Giants. Needless to say, I had an awesome night. The baseball was great, the rival chanting from Tigers' fans was brilliant, the Dome is a fantastic venue, and the Giants became my favorite team.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: Guest: Adam Coleman (Australia) | Posted: Jan 19, 2007 2:13 PM ]

To answer my own question, I've done some further research (includes whatever box scores I could find on Boris' site), and it appears teams don't usually reach a full house in their attendance (except for play-offs and derby games), so I think my chances of simply rocking up the to stadium on match night and getting a ticket, especially at either Seibu or Chiba on May 24, look to be very good.

But again, any feedback would still help.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: nanbanjin | Posted: Jan 19, 2007 3:34 PM | HAN Fan ]

Regarding the tickets, I'm not 100% about the Seibu Dome, but I think you can buy tickets for almost any stadium from convenience stores such as 7-Eleven. You usually order the seats from a self-service computer they have and then pay at the counter. Even if you don't know Japanese, I don't think it'd be too difficult to get a shop assistant to guide you through the ticket ordering screens.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jan 19, 2007 8:16 PM | YBS Fan ]

You had the same idea I had, to look up attendances at that time range and for that match up.
  • The maximum attendance at Seibu Invoice Dome last season was on May 5 (Children's Day) at 38,480.
  • The maximum attendance at Seibu Invoice Dome between May 21 -29 was on May 28 against the Hanshin Tigers at 36,324.
  • The maximum attendance at Seibu Invoice Dome against the BayStars was on June 18 at 20,271.
So I'd say that it's a safe bet that one can buy tickets at the stadium on game day.

For Chiba Marine Stadium I get:
  • Max 2006 attendance: May 25 vs. Hanshin at 28,597.
  • Max vs. Chunichi: May 21 at 28,107.
28,354 was the max at Chiba Marine Stadium during the 2005 Nippon Series against Hanshin, and I didn't think they could fit many more in than that. Both of the above dates are within the range of the game you're looking into, so it will probably depend greatly on how well the Marines are doing at the time. (In May of last season, Marines fans still had high hopes for the team as they continued to do well against the Central League teams and were toward the top of the Pacific League.)

As for the invitation, I've marked my calendar and will only cancel if something very important comes up before then (I don't mind going to Chiba, either). The family, though, will probably pass as either way we'll get home close to midnight from that far away (assuming a fairly quick game). But thank you for the offer.

I've only reserved tickets one time, and that was for a Giants game at Tokyo Dome. (I'd gotten standing area tickets a number of times before going after work and didn't want my visiting uncle to go through that.) I did it through e+ and didn't like their system at all (although the tickets did come just fine). I'd probably try the convenience store route next time.

You've really done your homework. There isn't much more I can add.

Hope to see you in May.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: Deanna | Posted: Jan 20, 2007 3:28 AM | NIP Fan ]

I would be really surprised if you had trouble getting a ticket on game day at either of those stadiums for either of those match ups, unless both teams involved are doing really well at the time. Just make sure you show up early if you're worried about it. In Chiba, they have the new Marines Museum right by the stadium, so you could ostensibly show up a few hours early, buy tickets, wander through the Marines Museum for a bit (though, come to think of it, everything that isn't a photo op is only in Japanese from what I remember), then go watch batting practice in the stadium. If you can get to the Marines fan side of the infield, they might even still have their "signing zone" thing going on where a player comes out and sits at a table and autographs stuff on top of the dugout for a while during pre-game.

At Seibu, I wouldn't be worried about a ticket so much as I'd be worried about reserving your favorite patch of turf seating, if you end up sitting in the outfield area. If not, no big deal. I was there on a Sunday for a Lions-Fighters game this past September - they were #1 and #2 in the PL at the time in a really close pennant race - and the stadium still had plenty of empty seats (though an hour before the game the outfield cheering sections were already over capacity).

I too have a Yoshinobu Takahashi replica jersey that I got a few years ago (I picked him mostly because he went to Keio and I thought he was really cute). When wearing it around in the USA, I've seriously gotten comments of "I didn't know the Giants had a Takahashi," rather than "Isn't #24 retired for Willie Mays?"

Anyway, I had to get tickets in advance to a Giants game back then, but I've never had that happen at any other stadium in Japan I've gone to. Good luck!
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Jan 19, 2007 9:16 PM | HT Fan ]

- That night, the Tigers won 7-6, but my interest in NPB began.

Them's fightin' words.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: Kiyoshi | Posted: Jan 19, 2007 11:56 PM | HAN Fan ]

Gambatte Hanshin!
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: Guest: zman | Posted: Jan 21, 2007 12:28 AM ]

What a nice post from the Ozzy until he mentioned becoming a Giants fan after they lost again to the Tigers. Guess he was happy to find a seat at the Dome as that would not have happened at the always completely full Koshien.
Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: AdamColeman | Posted: Jan 29, 2007 12:15 PM | YG Fan ]

Thanks for all the information everyone. I decided to join up this time (rather than the guest option again), makes it easier in future.

Michael, if you can send me an e-mail, we'll keep in the loop as the Lions-BayStars game draws near.

Re: May 2007 - Tickets Advice
[ Author: Guest: Jonny | Posted: Feb 1, 2007 1:33 PM ]

Adam. You will have no problem buying tickets if you go to a Lions game. I went to at least 15 games last year and I always bought my tickets at the stadium. Good Luck. Hope you enjoy Japan and GO LIONS!

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Michael Westbay
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