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Baseball on the Radio

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Baseball on the Radio
I know that the Chunichi Dragons air their games on the radio on Tokai Radio, what about the 11 other teams? What stations do the other teams broadcast on?
Re: Baseball on the Radio
[ Author: mrgarfield | Posted: Oct 15, 2003 2:24 PM ]

And I also know that Yomiuri has a virtual monopoly on TV aired games, and Chunichi probably airs their games on CBC Nagoya - what about the other 10 teams? What TV stations do they air games on?
Re: Baseball on the Radio
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 15, 2003 2:53 PM | YBS Fan ]

It really depends on the area. In the Kanto Area (Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama), only the Lions have a real channel to themselves - NACK 5, I think. TBS Radio, Nippon Hoso, etc. all tend to focus on the Giants, but do change their scheduling during the year depending on who's leading the Central League. Pacific League games on those other stations are few and far between, even with "Monday Night Pa."

Hiroshima used to have Internet radio games at RCC (I think it was), and I assume that they broadcast Carp games on the radio in the Hiroshima area, but not living there, I have no confirmation of that.

On TV, NTV (Yomiuri Group) covers Giants' home games along with their CS sister station G+.

On UHF you have TV Kanagawa covering most BayStars' home games, TV Saitama covering the Lions, Chiba TV with many Lotte games.

Then on cable/CS there are G+ (mentioned above) with the Giants, and SkySports 1, 2, and 3 which have a variety of teams.

Interestingly enough, the Sankei Group, of which Fuji TV is a member, owns a large portion of the Swallows but only broadcasts Swallows' games when the Giants come to Jingu. TBS, new owners of the BayStars, similarly only broadcast the 'Stars when the Giants travel down to Yokohama. Both media groups show support for their teams on their home pages, but appear to support only the Giants with their actions.
Re: Baseball on the Radio
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 16, 2003 3:11 PM | HT Fan ]

And of course the Hanshin Tigers have good coverage in the Kansai region. Local station Sun TV shows almost all of the Tigers' home games, and you can grab most of their away games on cable.
Re: Baseball on the Radio
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 19, 2003 2:39 PM ]

The Hawks also broadcast their games online with KBC radio, the exceptions are usually some Kansai games. Twice or three times a year they'll broadcast the TV over the net, too, but the quality isn't as nice as the Lion's internet video broadcast (all their home games).
Re: Baseball on the Radio
[ Author: Guest: Russell | Posted: Oct 27, 2003 5:52 AM ]

Is there anywhere on the Net that broadcasts the games in English?



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