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Batting Statistics

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Batting Statistics
Following on from my last post, I wanted to check the Japanese to English translation of batting stats. If you're wondering, I'm getting all my stats from the Hanshin website. The ones that confuse me have ?? next to them.
    試合数 - Games Played

    打率 - Hit Rate, i.e. Batting Average

    本塁打 - Home Runs

    打点 - Strike Mark??

    打席 - Strike Degree??

    打数 - Strike Number??

    得点 - Gain Strikes??

    安打 - Cheap Hits??

    二塁打 - Two Base Hits

    三塁打 - Three Base Hits

    塁打数 - Home Run Hits (inc. in-field)

    盗塁 - Stolen Bases

    犠打 - Sacrifice Hits

    犠飛 - Sacrifice Shogi Rooks?? lol

    四球 - Four Balls

    死球 - Dead Balls

    三振 - Strike Outs

    長打率 - Chief Hit Ratio??

    出塁率 - Outflow Base Ratio??
As always any help appreciated.
Re: Batting Statistics
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Feb 6, 2009 11:07 AM | YBS Fan ]

He, he. I like some of the literal translations. Very interesting.

Most of the terms in English can be found on the Baseball Statistics Wikipedia Page. That will give you a good idea of what they are and how they're calculated.

Let's hit this list.
    試合数 - G: Games Played
    打率 - BA: Batting Average
    本塁打 - HR: Home Runs
    打点 - RBI: Runs Batted In
    打席 - PA: Plate Appearances
    打数 - AB: At Bats
    得点 - R: Runs Scored (aka RS)
    安打 - H: Hits (includes singles, doubles, triples, and home runs)
    二塁打 - 2B: Doubles
    三塁打 - 3B: Triples
    塁打数 - HR: Home Runs
    盗塁 - SB: Stolen Bases
    犠打 - SH: Sacrifice Hits/Sacrifice Bunts (but SB is already taken for Stolen Bases)
    犠飛 - SF: Sacrifice Flies
    四球 - BB: Bases on Balls/Walks (also denoted as W on Project Scoresheet)
    死球 - HBP: Hit By Pitches (sometimes HP - but gets confused with pitchers' Hold Points)
    三振 - K: Strike Outs
    長打率 - SLG: Slugging Average
    出塁率 - OBP: On Base Percentage
While being hit by a pitch results in the ball being declared "dead," and the Japanese announcers will call it a "デッドボール," "dead ball" has a different meaning in English. For example, if there is a play where interference is called (against a fielder or base runner), then the ball is declared "dead" and the penalty of the interference is carried out. Hitting a batter is but one way that a ball may die.

打 would be better pronounced "hit" in 英読み. 打率 as "Hit Rate" is actually a very good description of Batting Average. 打点 is runs (点) hit (打) in. 打席 is the hitting seat (each time one has a chance to hit). 安打 would use the "safe" meaning for 安, resulting in "hit safely."

Using the word "strike" for 打つ sounds more like the use in football (soccer), resulting in a completely different mental picture. It would work for kick-ball (a popular game when I was in elementary school where we played baseball on the baseball diamond with a soccer-like ball).
Re: Batting Statistics
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Feb 6, 2009 5:36 PM ]

- For example, if there is a play where interference is called (against a fielder or base runner), then the ball is declared "dead" and the penalty of the interference is carried out. Hitting a batter is but one way that a ball may die.

For this, ボールデッド(になる) is often used in Japanese. If a ball park has a unique shape, there is usually a notice in the dugout that tells how to call a play when a ball goes into nooks and crannies. The word ボールデッド is used nine of ten times in the notice.
Re: Batting Statistics
[ Author: stevesayskanpai | Posted: Feb 6, 2009 10:03 PM | HAN Fan ]

Thanks guys, so helpful!

Michael, the literal translations are a result of me not knowing the correct terminology in English! Like I said, I'm British. That's probably why I used "strike" as a translation of 打つ. :P

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Michael Westbay
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