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First Base

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First Base
I work for the Mets and I need info on a good hitting first baseman, someone who has power in his bat and would translate that to success in the bigs. Any info, please let me know ASAP.

Thank You.
Re: First Base
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: Jan 26, 2005 1:29 PM | YAK Fan ]

Your best bet would be to look to the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks, who have two good power hitters at catcher Kenji Johjima, and current first baseman/DH Nobuhiko Matsunaka. Both players have considerable pop in their bats, and Matsunaka won the Pacific League Triple Crown last year.

The only catches are, 1) Johjima is a catcher, so he would have to convert, but he is available after the 2005 season without having to go through the posting system, and 2) Matsunaka isn't a free agent yet, so he would have to be posted, and I'm pretty sure the club won't give up a Triple Crown winner. Matsunaka also had some issues with knee injuries, I believe last year, but I doubt that would stop any club from signing such a powerful hitter.

Johjima played in the Japan-MLB series in November of last year, and had success against Roger Clemens and other MLB pitchers.

Most other clubs use players from MLB or the North American minor leagues to fill the first base spot. The Tokyo Giants have Kazuhiro Kiyohara, but in my opinion he's overrated, and he strikes out too much.
Re: First Base
[ Author: Guest: from japan | Posted: Jan 27, 2005 12:04 PM ]

Johjima will probably not play first basebase unless something happens to him such as a big injury.

Dragons' catcher Tanishige tried out to play in the MLB a few years ago when he became free agent. As you probably know, Tanishige is one of the best cathers in Japan. However he failed to get scouts' attention. Johjima was closely watching Tanishige during his try out in Arizona and he had already shown an interest for MLB at that time as a catcher. But if you want him, he will be free agent a the end of this year.

Matsunaka injured his leg (I forgot specifically) a few years ago. Eversince, he can't run.

MLB scouts will probably not even care about Kiyohara. I know he is a good hitter, but his body is already worn out. He is so prone to injuries and can't run. Clock is ticking for his retirement.

I would recommend Iwamura of Yakult Swallows. He has shown an interest to play in MLB. He has told the club about it as well. He has power and speed. He has left excellent numbers in recent years, except in 2003 when was injured. His position is really third base, but plays first base occasionally. He is also young, 26. But you would probably have to get him via the posting system because I believe he still has few more years to become eligible for free agency.
Re: First Base
[ Author: Guest: jballfan | Posted: Jan 28, 2005 9:57 AM ]

- His position is really third base, but plays first base occasionally.

I may be wrong, but I don't think that he has ever played first base. He has played center field at times, and he has also played at second base, usually during all star games.
Re: First Base
[ Author: Guest: Martin | Posted: Jan 28, 2005 1:41 AM ]

Roberto Petagine would be a very good choice. He has lots of power, and as far as I know, he is available. But I do not think you can afford him.
Re: First Base
[ Author: Guest: Omar Minaya | Posted: Jan 31, 2005 1:11 PM ]

You work for the Mets? Hombre, we just signed Doug Mientkiewicz for first. Don't bother these people with your little game.

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