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Players By Nationality

Discussion in the Administrative forum
Players By Nationality
Does anyone know the entire list of name for players from Taiwan and South Korea that has appeared in NPB? I know Taiwan had couple pitchers like Kaku, Kakuri, Hsu, Chang, and the hitter Taihoh, but that's it because it's tough to follow them from across the ocean.

Anyone who can find a list and reply with newer players everytime would be great, has feature of let you find players by countries. Mr. Westbay, could you make do the same?

[Moved from "Ask the Commish" and title renamed to be more descriptive on May 22, 2005 11:39 PM JST]
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 19, 2005 10:11 PM | YBS Fan ]

Hmm. Considering the number of questions I get from people wanting to know about players from various countries, this is a very good idea. I take it you're looking for a "Nationality" field for each player?

If so, I'll add it this weekend and make it so that you (and anyone else who requests it) can update the nationality on the fly (while logged in). I'll also setup a page to sort players by nationality. That should be a good first step.

I've got birth locations, but the place of birth is often not the same as nationality. Petagine is a good example. He was born in New York, yet he is generally regarded as Venezualan. This little project should help sort people out a little better in that regard.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 22, 2005 11:54 PM | YBS Fan ]

Sorry, but I didn't have time this weekend to finish this. I have everything setup except updating. The site was unreachable from my ISP for the three hours I had slated to do this. I'll work on it Monday evening, and should have it finished then.

Please note that this thread was moved from "Ask the Commish" as it's more appropriate as an administrative task.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 23, 2005 10:07 PM | YBS Fan ]

Sorry, no time tonight. Had a PTA meeting at Kamioooka. Need sleep. Good night.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 25, 2005 10:27 PM | YBS Fan ]

OK. I've finished setting up a Players by Nationality page. This works for all players or by specifying "?Year=2005" (without the quotes) at the end of the URL, where 2005 can be any year between 1936 and the present year. I fear you won't find many people listed before 1995, though. That's still a work in progress.

I've primed all of the players' data based on the country that the players were born in. I've fixed Petagine to be from Venezuela rather than the U.S. I'm sure there are more that need special attention, like I think Browers is American despite being born in Germany.

FrankIsTheMan, when you are logged in and pull up a player profile page, you'll see a pull down list of countries. You can change players to the appropriate country by selecting the country in the list and clicking "Submit" to commit the change. Please let me know if you have any problems.

This is another great idea. I'll now be better able to process information by nationality, which a lot of requests come in for. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: Basebill | Posted: May 27, 2005 10:22 AM ]

Pending player: Brian Shouse. P B:L THR:L 9/26/68. Effinham, Illinios, USA. (source:

[Thank you. Profile updated.]
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Sep 25, 2005 12:45 PM ]

- ... like I think Blowers is American despite being born in Germany.

Blowers is American. Wurzburg, Germany is the home to the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division. So I almost postive Blowers is American, as he went to the University of Washington, too.

Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Heian-794 | Posted: Jan 11, 2006 4:27 AM | HT Fan ]

瀬間中ノルベルト (Norberto Semanaka), #65 on the Chunichi Dragons, is going by his native (?) surname ホッシャ these days, and if I recall correctly, the spelling isn't "Hossha" but rather "Rocha." It caught my eye when looking at one of the Dragons' publications, since I hadn't heard of a Portuguese "r" sounding like a Japanese "h" before.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: star25 | Posted: Mar 5, 2006 8:07 PM ]

Hi, I would like to point out that Sadaharu Oh [王 貞治], the home run record holder, actually has never had Japanese citizenship. Till now he still holds a Taiwanese passport. So his nationality should be Taiwan, not Japan.

By the way thanks for creating a very informative website about Japanese league baseball. =)
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: Tyler | Posted: Mar 21, 2006 1:26 PM ]

I won't be surprised if he doesn't have Japanese citizenship. Earning a citizenship in Japan is not like in the U.S. where anyone can apply and get it after a certain amount of time. I have a cousin who was BORN in Japan and still hasn't been granted a citizenship.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: star25 | Posted: Mar 5, 2006 8:23 PM ]

Forgot to add support to my post above. Do a search on "Sadaharu Oh passport" on Google and you'll find numerous sources about Sadaharu Oh holding a Taiwan passport.

For example here are some of them:

Wiki Gonzalez
The Free Dictionary
Correction: Colombia
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 6:14 AM ]

A tiny detail about Jolbert Cabrera and Colombia. Colombia, the country in South America, is spelled with an O as in Col'O'mbia, not Columbia.
Re: Correction: Colombia
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Apr 12, 2006 9:47 PM | YBS Fan ]

Thank you. It's now been corrected.
Re: Players By Nationality
[ Author: Guest: sang | Posted: Dec 22, 2006 6:53 AM ]

Apparently you cannot track down all Korean players from Nippon Professional Baseball league, as the majority of those players hide their nationality since many Koreans are getting harsh treatment in Japan. Isao Harimoto, only player to hit over 3,000 hits in Japan, is pretty much the only one who actually spoke out about his nationality as Korean. I heard that 80% to 90% of players from the Osaka region have Korean background. Even now, there are rumors saying over 60% to 70% of the players in the Nippon league are somehow related to a Korean background, whether they are first, second, or even third generation.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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