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Bad Influence on Godzilla

Discussion in the Nichi-Bei forum
Bad Influence on Godzilla
Dear Westbay-san,

I'm a huge fan of Japanese players in MLB. Hideki Matsui looks like a very promising star in MLB, but I have one concern. For instance, when Hideki Irabu joined the Yankees, he looked like he will have a very solid major league career until he became good friends with David Wells. Wells taught Irabu to drink beer excessively and eat tons of 700-calorie burgers. This is how Irabu became fat and lazy.

Same sort of thing will happen to Matsui when he becomes good friends with Jason Giambi. Giambi is a real party-animal. He will probably keep Matsui awake late at night partying with all the strippers in New York and on the road. He will also influence Matsui to take steroids if he starts to struggle.

The "wild" American lifestyle does not suit the "conservative" Japanese lifestyle. What's your take on this and how well do you predict Hideki Matsui will do in his first year playing for the N.Y. Yankees?

Thanks for your time.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Feb 15, 2003 2:28 PM ]

Matsui will be fine. He will have a fine year and is the odds on favorite for Rookie of the Year.

As for influences, well, the man played with Kazuhiro Kiyohara for six years. I don't think Giambi will be much of a problem.

And Irabu was fat and lazy before he went to MLB. MLB just provided him with the environment that brought out his worst habits. Matsui is not Irabu.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: seiyu | Posted: Feb 16, 2003 12:53 AM ]

I don't think that is going to happen.
Matsui is a very mature young man. He is not one of those people who is easily influenced by people like Well and Giambi. That is so simplistic.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: sonoda7 | Posted: Feb 16, 2003 11:22 AM ]

This is the last thing you should be worried about. Irabu already had the reputation. The Yankees did not do their homework on him. Giambi has actually settled down since he got married last year. His brother is the one that continues to get into trouble.

If anybody, Matsui will be influenced by Jeter who is a solid citizen despite the jabs that Steinbrenner took at him recently.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: Guest: TheBoss | Posted: Feb 22, 2003 12:34 PM ]

WHY do you guys HATE the Yankees. I am not trying to start anything, but jeez, stop with the Yankee bashing.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: sonoda7 | Posted: Feb 22, 2003 9:54 PM ]

There seems to be anti-Yankee/Kyojin sentiments, but we are all entitled to our opinions. Hey, I'm a big Yankee fan. My suggestion to you is that you can post your support for the Yankees here.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: Kiyoshi | Posted: Feb 23, 2003 1:42 AM | HAN Fan ]

I don't hate the Yankees or Kyojin, but want Yankee and Yomiuri fans to realize there are other worthy teams. I have respected Yankee and Kyojin players and teams of the past.
Re: Bad Influence on Godzilla
[ Author: Guest: Matthew Mougalian | Posted: Feb 28, 2003 7:09 PM ]

Not knowing Hedeki Matsui personally, I cannot speak to his personal behavior, but I'm guessing if his last season in Japan was any indication, he's the consummate professional. One doesn't have that sort of season without being focused and very, very good. Wells, Giambi, or that party animal Derek Jeter simply won't be able to influence him unduly.

As for the Yankee bashing, George brings enough of it upon him self (taking a born leader type like Jeter to task for acting his age and indulging in the city's offerings occasionally) as well as the payroll. I mean Mr. Steinbrenner has painted himself into the proverbial corner with his spending. If they win, well, the $164 million payroll team should win, and it will lack the satisfaction of a team like the Angels (or Cubs or Sox, but for different reasons) winning. And if they don't, well, it will be the sorest of disappointments. Not a great place to put your ballclub. Clearly, George knows what he's doing given all the rings lately, so I give him all the credit in the world, but he supplies more than his share of fodder for criticism.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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