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CPBL Box Scores in English??

Discussion in the CPBL News forum
CPBL Box Scores in English??

I am looking for a web site with box scores in English from the CPBL, particularly the China Trust Whales. My brother-in-law was recently signed with them as a pitcher and I would like to follow his progress. Can anyone tell me where I can find a site like this? I went to the Whales' homepage, but I only speak English and can't read it.

Thanks for your help!
Re: CPBL Box Scores in English?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Apr 23, 2004 7:59 AM | YBS Fan ]

Well, considering that the official CPBL web site (in Chinese) doesn't appear to have box scores, I have my doubts about their availability.

What I would suggest is that you have your brother-in-law teach you the Kanji (Japanese word for Chinese characters - I don't know the Chinese word for it) for his name, then look here periodically. This is the China Trust Whales' pitchers' page, with up to date stats on how their pitchers are throwing. If you're willing to learn, then I'll see what I can do about figuring out what all the categories mean (as some of the Kanji are different than in Japanese).
Re: CPBL Box Scores in English?
[ Author: Guest: Scott | Posted: Apr 24, 2004 2:34 AM ]

Ok, I have managed to find which one of the players he is by using a web site that is supposed to translate Traditional Chinese to English. Here is his page: [James Arnold #22 -]

Now, I see what you are saying about not recognizing the stats. Does Chinese and Japanese baseball have different stats than American baseball? If I am guessing, it looks like his ERA is 5.40 and he has made 2 appearances with no wins, losses, ties, or saves. Of course, I have no idea if I am right or not. Can you tell me if you know what all these catagories are and what they mean? I am definately willing to learn. Thank you so much for helping me.
Re: CPBL Box Scores in English?
[ Author: Guest: Huang | Posted: Apr 24, 2004 9:29 AM ]

The CPBL boxscores are accessed when one clicks on the scores. For example, on the site today, clicking on 9:15 would give you the boxscore for the Whales/Bulls game.

James Arnold (
Re: CPBL Box Scores in English?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Apr 24, 2004 10:26 AM | YBS Fan ]

Glad to hear you're interested in learning. And you did a great job in figuring out what everything means.

Here is a translation of his stats line:

Year Team ERA Results G K CG SO H HR
2004 CT Whales 5.40 0W 0L 0H 0S 2 2 0 0 5 0

I'd appriciate any corrections from those of you who can read Chinese. Holds for 和 is a guess. As is home runs given up.

Do they use the year of the Emperor in Taiwan, too? This is year Heisei 16 in Japan. Apparently year 15 of "Duty Rod" in Taiwan?

Also, I believe that they use traditional Chinese in Taiwan, simplified in mainland China. Again, I'd appriciate more knowledgable people to correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: CPBL Box Scores in English?
[ Author: Guest: Scott | Posted: Apr 27, 2004 5:39 AM ]

Yes, I have been told they use traditional chinese in Taiwan.

Thanks to all that have been posting answers to my questions. I have been told by my family that James' shoulder was hurting him that game on April 23rd and they had to pull him from the game. I am trying to get more info, but hopefully it is not bad. He had that shoulder repaired two years ago and sat out last season to rehab it.

I will keep checking in. I love all of the info you are giving me.

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Michael Westbay
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